Thursday, February 4, 2021

Ephesians 2

 Paul begins with a quick reminder to the people to remember from where they came (vv 1-3)! Remember your past, remember what you used to be, remember who you were before your faith and belief in God and Jesus. And also remember that that spirit that was once in you is in those that don't believe! I think Paul wants the people to reflect on their life and see the progression that they have made (from bad to good) and that there are still people on that journey. I look back at my life and see some quite amazing changes that have happened as a result of my trust in God. I still have more to do- sometimes the desires of the flesh are greater than the fruits of the Spirit. Do you ever compare your old self to your new self? What do you think about the differences? Are there differences?

We have all that we have, the changes that have occurred in us, the lives that we live- are because of God's infinite grace (vv 4- 10). In our "old life" we were dead, but now in our "new life" we are alive and can sense the reality of God through Jesus. We are given a place in heaven- as we are Godly beings, not earthly beings. Paul continues over and over again to remind the Ephesians that it was God's grace that saved us, nothing that we did. The gift of grace is freely given, but we have to accept it. Once that grace is given- it will not be retracted- by God. We may give it back, we may decide later that we don't need/want it, but the offer is always there. Do people sometimes try to give the gift of grace back or refuse it at certain times of their life? Why?

In the next series of verses (vv 11- 22), Paul is focusing on their heritage. Remember, many of the people Paul is writing to were once Gentiles.  Again, Paul has them go back in their heritage and remember that at one time- they had nothing- no hope- no grace- no "life". For us, I don't think this is too big of an issue (at least for us that have been raised in a Christian home). Morgan received a Bible for one of her birthdays (like maybe age 7 or 8 or 9). The front cover page had the typical questions to respond to: name, date, address, etc...but then it also had the question- "When did you become Christian?" Morgan struggled with this and asked me. I struggled with this- she had always been one. For Morgan, it was difficult to remember when she didn't have Christ in her life. How about you== do you remember a time, like the Gentiles, when you didn't have God? But, Paul continues, Christ brought together Jews and Gentiles, united as one body. My translation says (v 14) that here was a wall of hate between them, but Christ broke down that wall. There are walls of hate all over in our world. How can we help Christ break down those walls? It is the goal of Christ to have people live together in peace. Where is that peace today? 

We are all citizens of God's kingdom, united as one people, gathered together in peace and love. What a great image! We do not have to have hate, fear, evil, pain, mistrust, anger in our world. We can have just the opposites. That is what God intended through Jesus Christ. How can we make this come to a realization?

May the peace of Christ be with you today.

Pastor Paul


  1. I hope this works better today than yesterday I typed in my comments 4 times before it finally worked and I think by the last typing I had completely lost focus.
    Paul says we were all born into sin but for God's grace we were saved through Jesus giving life on the cross. Our salvation was a gift from God and we need to thank him for that We do need to be believers though otherwise we will not have eternal life. Faith is the answer. By Jesus death we all Jews and Gentiles alike became one unity through Christ He brought peace to us all Jesus is our cornerstone.
    However we need to remember that by nature we are sinners and will still sin so we need to remember that we are not perfect Only God is perfect.
    I needed that chapter to remember to thank God for saving my soul I think that is something i have done in the past but neglect to do now probably is should be a daily thing I do. We get negligent in our thanks and prayers I think.

  2. The key words possible as i think about it, are but "For God" this would not be. For God so loved the world, for God sent his son,
    For God forgave us etc.
    I should have included that also.

    1. Thanks fro your thoughts Clara!We do need occasional reminders of God's grace for us! We do get complacent in our life and we do tend to forget things- like daily personal conversations with God!
      Good thoughts!

  3. Clara, I have also had trouble getting my posts to publish. Don't give up- we wouldn't want to lose you from our group.

    There are walls of hate all over the world for sure. And what about the wall that was being built to keep out illegal immigrants- people who are living such unbearable lives that they are trying to get to this country. If half the people in our country supported building the wall how can we ever think that reconciliation is possible with those who do not think the wall is right?

    1. Sorry about the issues you are having! Not sure why...if there us a better format- someone please let me know!
      We are surrounded by mistrust, hate, fear...but there is also good, love, peace-- unfortunately that isn't what gets reported in usually!
      Reconciliation is possible if we all work together!
      Good comments and thank for your honesty!

  4. God was merciful! We were dead because of our sins, but god loved us so much that he made us alive with Christ and god’s wonderful kindness saves us. This is given to all of us no matter what you believe. I find comfort in this and pray to be worthy. I cannot remember a time when I didn’t have god. I really try to be thankful. The walls of hate is something I have a hard time wrapping my head around. As long as I can remember I have prayed for peace on earth having grown up during Vietnam war. United as one, gathered together in peace and love. That is something to strive for. ❤️

    1. Many strive for unity and will happen. We have lots of work to do and there are many sides to the issues tat we are all facing! Continue your work for good.
      Thanks Cindy!

  5. I loved this chapter! Paul again tells us it’s all about faith - only faith and acceptance of God’s grace will save us. But my takeaway from this chapter is this. If this letter was meant to be a circular letter, then it went to Jews and Gentiles alike. And when Paul continually says “us” - vs. 4 for “he loved us.” Vs. 5 “quickened us together with Christ, vs. 6 - Raised us together and made us sit together”, vs. 7 “exceeding riches of his grace in his kindness towards us” - and continues to vs l4 “For he is our peace, who hath made both one, and hath broken down the middle wall of partition between us.” Paul means both Jews and Gentile, both circumcised and uncircumcised, both those who always believed in God and to those who were just learning Paul stresses how we are all one through our faith in God and His grace given to us. And no matter what our life was before (walking with satan), though our faith we are made one - the wall between has been broken down. Can this be applied to our world today? To our situation today? Not just the visible walls that we can see, but the walls we ourselves built within us when we think of “those” people? A very good lesson - one that should be remembered today! There is a sign that is put on fb sometimes that says “Love everyone! I will sort it out later! So very true. I will definitely work on my walls!!!

    1. Right- Paul is writing to both Gentiles and Jews...he has hope that some of the Jews- after hearing more- will convert to following Christ. Paul tries hard!
      We can work on breaking down the walls...I remember when the Berlin Wall came down- people thought that was impossible- it happened! The walls of hate and fear can come down!
      Thanks Donna!

  6. This chapter is definitely about God's grace. It is ours for the taking and it will never be revoked or recalled. Never. That's a long, long time. During the darkest times of my life, when I felt hopeless suffering from depression, I didn't believe in God. I remember telling a man of the cloth that I thought the story of Jesus and Jesus himself was BS. I don't feel that way anymore. I am fortunate that a doctor I was seeing finally found medicine that worked. It is through his skill as a physician and the grace of God that I am where I am today. And I aim to keep it that way, with God's help and the grace of Jesus Christ. Every time I think of this, I say a silent prayer of thanks. I should do it every day and I think I shall make it a goal to do just that. I think that this is what Paul was getting at in this chapter.

    Today is my wonderful wife's xx (big number, but not as big as mine, LOL) birthday. It is wonderful to share God's love with her and I am thankful that she is spending her life with me. Tomorrow, she is making dinner for a woman who has breast cancer. The people of the First United Methodist Church of Great Falls are taking turns sharing the grace of God with this unfortunate woman and this is who Rhea is. She did things like this in Apalachin, and she is now doing it in Great Falls, Montana. I know in my heart that this is what Paul is getting at in this chapter. And I also know that this is what God's and Jesus's love is all about.

    It is late even here in the wild west when it is 11:40, so I'll wrap it up at this point.

    1. Great sharing Jack...thank you for opening up and witnessing about God's grace and love! I enjoy hearing about your lives in the Wild West and how God is important to both you and Rhea! It is through God's grace that we are who we are!
      Thanks for your thoughts!

  7. As God has a plan, in me since birth, together by faith and grace. Always have known him through prayers in school,bible school in summer and sunday school in church, grace before dinner many family gatherings. Maybe I didn't understand but I knew. Jesus died for us, to save us and bring good news. Our bodies are temples all joined together in him through the Holy Spirit.


A Final Post

 Good morning. We did it! The entire New Testament in a year. that is quite a feat! Thank you all for your dedication and work. It wasn'...