Monday, February 1, 2021

Galatians 5

 Paul starts off with a challenge- Stand strong! Stay with me, remember my words, remember the ideas of Jesus and love. You don't need to go back to the way we were! People like the comfort of the way things used to be. There is safety and understanding of the old. New is too uncertain, too unpredictable.

Paul basically "warns" them (vv 2-4) and says, you are welcome to be circumcised, you are welcome to go back to the Laws, you are welcome to return to the old ways, but there is no way you can meet the standards that God has set- that is what Jesus was for. You can'y have a duel relationship with Jesus and the Laws- you have to pick one! Do we know people like that- want to keep the past going but also have new and different? It is hard to do!

Paul sums up much of his dialogue in Vv 5-6 when he discusses hope and grace and faith and how they work through love. 

Paul uses a race analogy in v 7. You started off strong, but then something happened? Faith is a marathon- not a sprint. I think people sometimes treat it as a sprint and then get tired and fall off the race track! When I am hiking in the Catskills- I will often say in my head- "Slow and steady wins the race." That's what faith is like! Do we know people that start off strong and full of energy, then get tired and fall away from the church? How can we help them? Paul asks what happened? Who pulled you away from Jesus? A small amount of yeast/leaven will contaminate the entire dough. In Hebrew scriptures, yeast/leaven was equated with negative values; someone in the community was spreading bad "yeast" and contaminating the whole batch. Ever have that happen in church? In life?

The Galatians are reminded (again) that being a Christians is a life of liberty and freedom (v 13) but not a free pass to do whatever. Just because we have God's grace- we don't have a free ticket to do whatever. Our actions should be of love and peace out of a desire to do good because of our faith. We still have the command- love your neighbor. That didn't go away- that was a Jesus command- that one stays! If we have faith in Jesus, then that should be our motto and our statement to judge our actions by. Paul is warming up to talk about the desires of the flesh v the fruits of the Spirit!

You have two choices- live by the Spirit or live by the desires of the flesh- you can't do both (v 16- 18). The two contradict each other. But its your choice! Then we get "the list" (vv 19- 21). As you read through "the list" keep track of the desires of the flesh that are in your life (To be honest- I can check off a few!). The desires of the flesh seem to me "me focused" centered in the individual, causes for division, fear, anger, mistrust, hate. They are used to build up walls and knock people down. Paul contrasts the desires of the flesh with the fruits of the Spirit. As you read through these,  keep track of the fruits of the Spirit  that are in your life. These seem to be other focused, centered on doing good for people, tearing down walls that divide, supporting others through compassion and love. If you have time, yesterday's (1/31/2021) message was about these fruits of the Spirit!

Paul closes this chapter saying- nail those desires of the flesh to the cross! Can you??

Have a good day. Enjoy the (more) snow! 

Pastor Paul


  1. First all Pastor Paul, for yesterdays message,, I understand the parable of the fig tree so much better now.
    In this chapter Paul tells of the Christians that have backslidden and that they were doing so well but the doubt has slipped in when someone else leads them astray and here comes the thought that h
    they have to follow the laws again.( someone put in too much yeast in the dough).
    If we live by the laws how can we be saved as they are too much for us to follow and do as they say but by faith in Jesus Christ we can be saved without having to follow all those laws.
    We are sinful by nature and Paul states a list of many sinful things which is hard because even as Christians that is a list that seeps into our lives daily.
    Temptations are there and that old devil sits right on our shoulder and seeks to pull us his way Hopefully the Holy Spirit(Jesus) sits on our other shoulder and wins out over the devil. Then the list of good fruit comes to bear in our lives.

    1. Thanks! I think I did an OK job this past Sunday!
      I hate it when I add too much yeast to my bread dough!!!
      Thanks for the comments and thoughts Clara!

  2. I also understood the sermon better having studied the parable of the fig tree so recently.
    As we read about how frustrated Paul seems to be with the people of Galacia, he seems to be trying to persuade people back to his way. I love vs. 6- "the only thing that counts is faith working through love". He just hits the nail on the head, doesn't he? He seems to tell that they were going along fine and he wonders what happened. In any organization you can have people who seem to want to and be able to derail what is happening. I've seen this so much in the church and am always surprised. We who are supposed to be trying to follow Jesus!
    Paul likens being a follower of Jesus as being called to freedom. He tells us that using our freedom as we know we should will be part of our faith journey. He asks us to be "slaves to one another"; encouraging us to help and support one another.
    We're all guilty of doing things that we know are wrong. I certainly am. Another wonderful quote vs 25 "if we live by the Spirit, let us also be guided by the Spirit". I pray that will be guided by the Spirit.

    1. Thanks Cathy!
      Right- Paul is trying to convince the Galatians love is better than Laws!
      I like the freedom statement. It is good to be free to Love rather than slave to the Laws.
      May the Spirit guide all of us!
      Great comments Cathy- thanks!

  3. First of all thank you for yesterday’s message. I also have a better understanding of the fig tree parable. I have heard references to it several times in the last few weeks. Amanda Gorman has certainly made us stop and think. The part of this reading that really made me stop and think was...don’t use your freedom to do anything you want, use it as an opportunity to serve each other with love. Also to live your life by the spirits or the desires makes you stop and think. Me are all so busy living our lives even in this unprecedented time. We think we are doing the right thing but are we. Let’s hope the spirit wins out more often than not.

    1. Thanks Cindy!
      Amanda Gorman was great and her words are very "preachable"! Plus, I felt like I was in church while listening to her!
      We can use our freedom to do good or to do bad...choose good!
      Great thought Cindy! Thanks!

  4. Paul's letter to the church was about Christian freedom, freedom from sin. The right way that God expects those of us who believe in him and his laws by faith and grace. The dove represent the Holy spirit, active in our lives, produces the fruit of the spirit. Paul lists 9 Love, joy,peace,etc. As the person allow the spirit to work, the fruit of the spirit ripen. The fruit of the sinfully nature produces spoilt fruit. I pray that I would produce good fruits,keep on the pathway faith and grace.

    1. I like your comment- the fruits of sin spoil fruits!
      Great thoughts Rose Marie!

  5. Rhea and I are trying something new. We are reading the Bible aloud to each other, taking turns as we go. This is good as long as my mind doesn't start to wander. When we finished tonight's reading, Galatians Chapter 5, she told me that her opinion was that the Jerusalem Bible, which I have been using, is not the best translation for me to use. I have been using it out of respect to my late father since we were never really close until later in life, but I am willing to look at something different. Any suggestions?

    In reading through the above comments, I agree that the fig tree parable is much clearer after yesterday's' message. I understand the concept of the Law and it's meaning to Christianity much better now, too. I am a creature who is easily led by the sins of the flesh. Just about everything in Paul's letter is something I have been guilty of at some time or another. Let me be clear - I have never cheated on my wife, nor would I even consider doing so. However, I am guilty of impure thoughts toward other women. If there is an example of spoiled fruit or too much leaven/yeast, I am it. It would do my soul good to think of thoughts from the "good" list.

    1. That's a great idea- to share the readings- and I hope commentary!!
      Bible translations to use? Hmmm....I like the New Century Version- that;s the one is usually have with me at church. The New International Version is good (NIV). The Common English Bible (CEB) is quite easily written and therefore easy to understand but there is some loss of meaning. I would suggest going to the website and use their many versions to see which one you like!
      Looks like I did an OK job with the fig tree parable!
      Jack, I think we are all (or almost all of us) are guilty of the desires of the flesh. Thanks for your honesty and comments. We are as confidential as we can be in this semi-public forum.
      Make a list of the fruits of the Spirit and keep them with you all the a gentle reminde.
      Thanks for your thoughts Jack

  6. I wish we could edit these comments after we publish them.


A Final Post

 Good morning. We did it! The entire New Testament in a year. that is quite a feat! Thank you all for your dedication and work. It wasn'...