Friday, February 19, 2021

Hebrews 3

 Chapter 1- "proof" of Jesus' divinity; chapter 2- "proof" of Jesus' humanity; chapter 3- "proof" that Jesus is superior even to Moses. Moses was important to Judaism as he was the receiver of the ten commandments and all the other Mosaic Laws. Jews elevated him to greatness and high faith because of these actions (even though he was sometimes disobeyed and mocked). Moses' works were great, but there is no comparison to what Jesus can do. Imagine being a Jew hearing these words? How would you respond, after all, Moses was a founding father of the Jewish faith! We all have homes, and they are nice, but it the person that created them and built them that should get the credit (v v 3-4). I have been doing some simple woodworking and creating with all my "free time" and I am quite happy and pleased (?) when I create something and look back at it and say- " I did that!" Moses was the house that Jesus/God created! Jews thought Moses was great, but it is the Creator that gets the credit. Moses said what God would do, Jesus did it (v 5)! Moses was a great and powerful servant in God's house, but Jesus is the Son (v 6)! To us, these verses may seem unnecessary, but our faith isn't resting on the laws from God that Moses handed out to us.

We finally get to meet the Holy Spirit (v 7)! The Holy Spirit reminds us that "Today" (v 7b) we need to listen to Jesus (him). Hear the urgency from the Holy Spirit- TODAY we need to listen to Jesus, just like we listened to Moses many years ago. Moses was in exile with his people travelling to the Promised Land; Moses kept saying God is promising us a great future and they kept walking, but they became discouraged, and began to turn away from God (v 8). God became angry (I don't like this image of God) and the Jewish people continued to wander (for 40 years), never reaching the Promised Land under Moses (Joshua led them). The Hebrew texts are full of God's anger and wrath; we see God punishing often. How does that make you feel?

The warning we get in v 12..."Do not ever turn away from God." We have been in "exile" for a year, minimal contact with family and others, working from home, sickness abounds, fear of the now, unrest in the country, snow, snow, snow. Do you feel like our Jewish brothers and sisters at time? Can you understand why they may have turned away? Have you turned away? The author continues beckoning us to encourage others to stay faithful and stay in contact with God (v 13). Doubt is ok, unbelief is not-- unbelief is equated with evil (v 12) and we are to lift up the spirits and remove the doubts of our brothers and sisters that re struggling. Who do you know that is struggling with faith? Are you encouraging them? How are you doing that? Are you struggling in faith? How can I help you?

Israel had great faith in the beginning...they survived the plagues in Egypt (with God's help), they escaped from Egypt (with God's help), they crossed the Red Sea (with God's help) they had food- manna- (with God's help). Even after all that, some people lost their faith and trust in God! God is offering us our "Promised Land", our Canaan, our "land of milk and honey" if we continue to believe and have faith in God (vv 16- 19). Can we do it? And encourage your brothers and sisters to maintain faith!

Have a great weekend....enjoy the day.

FYI- new sermon series begins Sunday: "On the Road with Jesus" will cover many stories of Jesus as he was walking on a road to someplace. 

Feb 21: Luke 2:41-52 "Seeking Jesus"

Feb 28: Luke 10:25- 37 (The Good Samaritan)

March 7: Luke 18:35-43 (the blind beggar)

March 14: Luke 19:1-10 (Zacchaeus)

March 21:Acts 9:1-9 (Paul on the Damascus Road)

March 28: Palm Sunday

April 4- Easter

April 11- Luke 24:13-35 Emmaus Road

Pastor Paul


  1. Pastor, I appreciate your comments on the steps that a "book" had to go through to be approved. But, I am curious, since those that did this accepting did not take the Gospel according to Mary or the Gospel according to Thomas (or others) - would these same people have looked at the book if they did not originally think it was written by Paul? Or did the credit go to Paul in a later century? But the steps did give me comfort. I can totally understand how difficult this concept must have been for those of the Jewish faith to grasp - that Jesus was superior to Moses. And yet so easy for us as Christians. I'm not sure how I would react if someone were to come to me and say "Oh, no, Jesus is not the messiah - it is so and so! Jesus was only a prophet sent by God to start the process." I would find it difficult to believe and can understand the cries of blasphemy claimed by the Jews! And since I do already believe that Jesus was superior to Moses my "takeaway" was vs. 3-4 - and how it applies to today! Those who have churches, who love them, who are loyal to them, who "brag" about them - in a good way (which, believe me, I do my church) need to remember it is not those that have the church but He who built the church - created the church - who deserves the love, loyalty and praise. Sortof like when, Pastor, you say church is a verb! Or when we are told to take the church beyond the four walls. I think this is the first time I paid attention to the fact that the Holy Spirit actually instructs us. Sometimes I feel we have become too complacent in our faith. Everything is fine no matter what we do or believe. Maybe we should go back to the ot and remember that God does get angry at us!!! Maybe we should go back to fearing God - just a little - but not forgetting the love and grace He gives us. I have heard so many wonderful "stories" about great things that have happened in this pandemic, professions that we have appreciated even more then before (teachers, nurses, etc.) and ways that we have actually become closer to our friends and families because we work harder to make the connection - even among us here we have shared our stories - ways that our churches and/or other organizations are reaching out more to help people, it seems like we are learning! Now, if I were to be wandering in the wilderness for 40 years - wondering where our next meal will come from, wondering where we were going, wondering when we will stop and make our home - that would be very different and I can understand their unrest and questioning. I have mentioned several times how uncomfortable I feel about bringing up the Good News to people - but in this book, I am finding a lot of rational reasoning - something that I can apply in my own conversations. I am really enjoying this book! Have a good weekend everyone.

    1. It is interesting why certain books/letters were cannoized and why some weren't. There are some interesting "other" Gospel stories. Maybe we can do a Bible study on them some time! Good thought about credit to Paul- possibly at a later date? No idea there!
      I was thinking similar thoughts- What if people tried to convince us that Jesus was just a prophet! For the Jews, that's all he was- a great prophet! Blows my mind- but that's the culture I have been brought up in! So we can imagine their thoughts!
      Church is a verb! Ahh...someone does listen to me on Sundays! We do have to remember to give credit to the builder!
      You make some good points about the positives in this past year! It has been tough, but he Holy Spirit is active in many lives and we will see much positive come out of this-- and its only a year or so- not 40 like our Jewish brothers and sisters!!
      Great thoughts Donna- thanks!

  2. The author again is stressing that Jesus is over all as God's Son. Moses was great but Jesus more than Moses Jesus was over God's house (God's house to me was the whole universe as well as the people) It is confusing to me as Moses is referred to as a servant but wasn't jesus also a servant when he was made truly human as he came to serve and give his life so that we may have eternal life?
    I still find it hard to believe that in the OT that God seems so vengeful and in the NT He is so different. The people of today are not any different than the people of old. We still sin and turn away from God. Is He angry with us now? is tht why we are still waiting for Jesus return? Will we be faced without knowing God's place of rest? Just thinking and wondering!
    What beautiful landscape God gave us the morning with the snow covered ground and trees. Have a wonderful weekend all.

    1. Clara, I had that very same thought - first the author tells us how human Jesus was and a servant and now says he is over Moses who was a servant.

    2. bring up a good point about the servant hood of Moses and Jesus. I think the point I take is that even though Jesus was sent as human, and even though Jesus was a servant- we are to remember that Jesus is divine in his humanity...does that make sense?
      I agree with your comment about the Hebrew God and the NT God. I had some great discussions with an old friend of mine and I would argue that the God of the Hebrew Bible seemed so vengeful compared to the God of the New Testament. His response was something like- our interpretation and what the authors told us was that difference! God tried a different way to show God's love. Kind of like a parent-try one thing, if that doesn't work, try something else. Maybe that is why we are still awaiting Christ's return! We aren't ready for it!
      Good points Clara! Thanks!

  3. Everyone goes through tough times but some seem to get more than others and yet keep their faith. You cannot get through this thing called life without stuff and I have always been so very grateful for my faith during those times. But I am always in awe of those who keep their faith when they have faced terrible circumstances. My husband and I watched a show on PBS the other night on the black church and how they kept their faith even though slavery.
    Let’s all keep the faith and have a good weekend.

    1. Life isn't fair Cindy- and some people do seem to get more than others-- some positive, some negative. It seems like the more faithful a person is the more bad stuff seems to happen?! I am "jealous" of those that have strong faith even in the face of bad. There are some great people!
      Great thoughts Cindy!

  4. I try to picture God among us, hearing our problems and our gratitude. I know that God hears all. I know of so many people including me who are not doing really well through this whole pandemic. Tomorrow night my daughter and her fiancé are coming for dinner. Before the pandemic I would be bustling around, shopping, cooking and so happy to have them. Today I'm worried about the shopping and I'm mad at myself for leaving the shopping for tomorrow when the stores will be busier. I know they are careful but I worry about chance that they could have been exposed. My husband will get his second shot this coming week, thankfully, and I have an appointment to get my first shot in March. The only time I've been grateful for "co-morbidity issues" lol. It seems like the burdens are much heavier than they ever were. Will the shot help the anxiety? Why do I have so much anxiety when I pray so much? Like Cindy says everyone goes through tough time. I'm grateful for this study that helps me think about my faith more and lets me read the reassuring words.
    Have a good weekend everyone.

    1. I hope you have a wonderful dinner with you daughter and her fiancé!

    2. It was a great time. Pork chops with sauerkraut, mashed potatoes, salad, corn and chocolate peanut butter ice cream. Lots of good conversation and some hugs. Thank you for your comment

    3. Sounds like a great dinner!! I love mashed potatoes! Sherri and I Mix in some horseradish to give them some tang! MMM....and we made homemade sauerkraut this fall! It is great!
      Anyway...I get your anxiousness. We went to State College to see our grandson and daughter (and son-in-law). Sherri and I both tested negative prior to the trip, but I was anxious the whole time as the other set of parents were there and they are less careful than we are...I worried the whole time! We were retested recently-- still negative! Phew!
      Prayer is definitely a way to get the anxiety out. Just talk with God and things seem to look better- don't they?
      Thanks for all the sharing Cathy!

  5. Cindy's comments were just the message I needed to hear. Very uplifting. Thank you.

    We are indeed in exile. I have thought very often that I do not want to live like this. However, this. too, shall pass (although not soon enough). If you listen to fools like Dr. Fauci, this will last forever. I think he is wrong. Anyhow, I have not lost my faith in God and Jesus. I may be very angry that we have to put up with this cr@p, but I never thought that it was OK to be mad at God until I came to Little Meadows and heard you preach, Paul. I certainly am mad now, but I truly believe that this will soon be history, the masks will disappear and life will go on as before. I have faith that this will happen.

    I am having problems with my balance. I feel that this is age related and although I am taking physical therapy, I do not have the faith that this will go away. I have to ask for God's help to endure it.

    This whole section (I.e., Hebrews) is a real eye opener for me. I would never imagine that it would be written that Jesus is above the angels. I would never imagine that Moses would be spoken about as a servant in the house, whereas Jesus is the builder. To me, Moses and Jesus are disconnected, being from different times in Biblical history. How wrong I have been. This is very interesting to me.

    Rhea is feeling better today, although she is still not 100%. I have my second shot on March 8, then it will be my turn in the barrel.

    I tried calling Jeff this afternoon and left him a message. The last time I spoke with him, the power was on and, although he didn't mention water he did say that his plumbing had been repaired.

    I know two people who are in the hospital with COVID-19. I haven't heard about their condition, and I feel that no news is good news.

    1. I think, like the flu and other communicable diseases, we will have COVID for a while, but I also imagine life returning o normal. With yearly boosters and vaccines- like the flu. I am hopeful!
      Wrong? Not wrong, just not knowing! Part of Bible study is having doors opened and shining the light on things in a different way! The Trinity has been present forever- God, Son, Spirit...we just hear about the "characters" at different times in the story!
      I know some people that have no affect with the vaccines- and others that had an awful time! Good luck!
      Many people have been fighting many things this past several weeks-
      Thanks for sharing your thoughts Jack!

  6. During these hard times it is difficult, we lose faith. Why is God angry with us? Rest and believe in him and the Holy Spirit will help us,to all be servants to God. We will enter his rest. Yes thank you all for your comments, I find it hard to put my thoughts down, I can get off track sometimes.

  7. It is tough and faith does weaken- but then it will strengthen if we work at it! I don't think God is angry...I don't think COVID or weather or things like that are a result of an angry God- things happen! But God is using it to bring us closer to God.
    Thanks fro your words RoseMarie- we all get off track sometimes!!


A Final Post

 Good morning. We did it! The entire New Testament in a year. that is quite a feat! Thank you all for your dedication and work. It wasn'...