Monday, February 22, 2021

Hebrews 4 (to v 13)

 Good morning and welcome back. I hope you all had a god weekend and had some time to refocus and rejuvenate!

Today, these comments will be chapter 4 to verse 13. Verse 14 seems to flow better with chapter 5, so I will pick those up tomorrow.

The first three chapters have discussed and "proven" the complete superiority and divinity of Jesus and yet also Jesus' humanity. The end of chapter 3 was about Israel's lack of faith and trust in God, which resulted in the loss of inheritance (not a loss in salvation).

The author picks that up in the beginning of chapter 4 by saying, "Now...." (or "Therefore..." in some translations, v 1). The promise of God's rest/ inheritance is still available to those that believe and have faith; unbelief makes us fall short. "Rest" is described, by the Puritan commentator John Owen, as peace with God, freedom from a bondage-like spirit in the worship and service of God, deliverance from the burden of Mosaic observance, freedom of worship according to the gospel. It is the rest that God enjoys on that last day of creation (V 4). God rested when the "task" of Creation was completed; Israel cold have rested when the "task" of getting to the "Promised Land" was completed, but they lost faith! The author mentions that Israel heard the teachings (v 2), but they did not listen or believe the words. Those teachings were the same that were given to others (gentiles, v 2), so there was no difference there- it was a lack of faith and belief. Why do some people believe and have faith while others do not (possibly even in the same family)? What makes the difference? How strong should we attempt at convincing "them" to believe in God?

That offer of rest is still out there for those who believe (v 6). Many people (David, et al.) worked hard at convincing people of God's offer of rest, but people just didn't believe. The reference to Joshua is interesting (v 8). Although Joshua gets Israel to Canaan, they eventually lose faith in God (and I think that is what "Joshua did not lead the people into that rest... (v 8). Also, Joshua is a translation of what the first Joshua couldn't complete- the second Joshua (Jesus) could do.Confusing?! The point is, as it has been for the entire chapter, obedience (by anyone) brings inheritance of God's rest (v 10) and we are to strive for obedience through faith to ensure that gift of grace and rest and we are to be an example for those that follow (v 11). Do you look at yourself as an example of faith? Who is your example of faith?

The ending verses (vv 12-13) refer to God's word as a double- edged sword. I see it as a surgeon's scalpel, cutting out the weakness and evil and sin, and suturing up the Spirit of good and faith. God's word exposes our weaknesses and unbelief and enriches us with the Spirit of love and peace. We can hide nothing from God (v 13), God sees all and we will have to explain what God sees some day! Some translations have v 13 as "All things are naked and open to the eyes of God to whom we must give account." referring back to Adam and Eve in the Garden (keeping the Creation theme going) trying to hide their nakedness from God. Is that a comfortable feeling, that God sees and knows EVERYTHING you do?

As I said earlier, I am going to end here as the next few verses seem to actually fit better with chapter 5- Jesus as our High Priest. 

Enjoy the snow (again) and warmer days coming later this week!!

Pastor Paul


  1. When I read this verse I thought uh-oh. I worked all day (after their service) at the library because I could be there all day by myself and not Em wear a mask. I think that God wants us to rest in Him, trust Him and take rest time to talk to Him and listen to Him.
    When making decisions it’s important to think that God knows what is in our hearts. It f we ask for help in making choices God guides us toward better ways. If we do the wrong thing sometimes you get that feeling that you should rethink or apologize. I think that is God.

    1. Hahahaha!! I get that and totally understand! I come home from worship on Sunday and almost immediately start working on next Sunday! I feel guilty taking a break and resting! But, we need that and God needs us to do that so we can communicate more effectively with God!
      We should keep God in our hearts at all times, but God sometimes gets lost I think?
      Nice comments and thanks for sharing Cathy!

  2. I was a bit confused by the term "rest" in this chapter. My study Bible says that it is the rest of salvation - spiritual and eternal. Which is how I understood it when I read it. But your quote from John Owen seems to point to an earthly rest. But going with the "rest" being spiritual and eternal, I am left with the thought - if reference was made how God rested on the 7th day after creating the world, does that mean our rest - if we believe and hold onto our faith - comes after our "work" here on earth is completed? Praying that we live long enough? And then - according to vs. 5 - we are invited into HIS rest? I have to admit I do raise exception to Joshua being called the first and Jesus the second. Joshua did mean savior (in Hebrew)- and he was to the Israelites when he lead them to Canaan - and Jesus also means savior (in Greek) - I am not sure they are meant to be the same? I am taking it that the author meant that Moses and Joshua could not lead the Israelites to earthly "rest" or spiritual rest because they lost their belief in God but we are given a chance for eternal rest through our belief in Jesus and the Word which will lead us all into the "rest" of salvation and eternity. I think there are people (even in the same family) who have different experiences, "hear" different things, read different things - and all of this results in our belief or, sadly, our nonbelief. I have to admit - sometimes it does make me uncomfortable knowing that God knows all my thoughts, my intentions, my actions - kindof scary.

    1. I look at spiritual rest and just being done for the day and clearing our thoughts from all the stuff we went through and having time with God...different than eternal rest? Good question about resting after our earthly work is done...but I see us completing "earthly" work on a regular basis...I don't think we will ever be done with that- so daily rest in God is good.
      I understand your comment about Joshua. One thing to keep in mind: we are reading these words through the eyes of a New Testament view on things. The Jewish people thought many of their people were to be the one: Moses, Joshua, David, Solomon, Daniel...they all were, at one time, assumed to be the next savior. We know that Jesus is the "real" One! You are correct in that Moses and Joshua couldn't lead their people since the people lost faith in God.
      It is scary knowing that God knows all about me...ugh!!
      Thanks for the comments and discussion Donna!

  3. First of all Cathy your dinner sounds wonderful and one of my favorites I hope you had a wonderful time! Donna I cannot tell you how many times I have thought god knows what I am thinking and have tried to turn my thoughts around.
    In reading this chapter I couldn’t help but think back on fond memories of when businesses were closed on Sundays. It was for my family anyway a day to go to church and dinner at my grandparents aunts or our home. I think it is a struggle to get families together today because someone has to work.
    My sister and I grew up in the same home. I have a very strong faith and continued attending church with my children while my sister did not. My mother has always given her a really hard time about it. I try to share with her Christian songs I enjoy or readings. I actually have talked to her a few times about our Bible study and she said that really sounds interesting. So who know🙏

    1. I agree that the need for spiritual rest and family days are critical. There is too much going on and people do not get a chance to bond as a family. I cxan rememebr one time our daughter was to have swinm practice on a Sunday. She mentioned to the coach that it was church day and that she wouldn't be able to make it. He ripped into her so bad (about being part of the team, letting the team down, etc) she come home in tears (and she was in high school).I called the coach (and I didn't do that often) and we had a "discussion" about he importance of family and church and Sunday time together. He wouldn't back down and neither would I...suffice it to say- we didn't get along well!
      The study is always open to anyone!! Maybe some day! We have a year!
      Thanks for sharing Cindy!

  4. my understanding of this chapter is that God wants us to believe and have faith and obey the commandments. The rest I am seeing many ways we rest at nite after being up all day, we rest after wirking all week on weekend, we rest when we work for our vacations, and we rest when we retire from work. However the rest i am really seeing is resting in God's arms when we reach heaven's shores and are with God, I think God wants us to rest our bodies but I think most He wants us to rest with Him. I continue to see a lot of OT in this book of Hebrews but it is mixed with the Good News of NT.

    1. I totally agree Clara - I see OT in Hebrews as well!!

    2. Great rest commentary Clara!!
      And yes, there is lots of the Hebrew scriptures in this book. Remember- we think it may have been written to Jewish Christians that were losing faith and beginning to turn back to Judaism. There are lots of references to the Hebrew prophets and liturgies and theology in this letter!
      Good comments Clara- thanks!

  5. You asked: "Why do some people believe and have faith while others do not?" My reason is that for many years, I lived in the throes of major depression. It turned my stomach and I felt physically awful as well as mentally awful. I was not a believer during this time. (I did make attempts to go to church, but I never found God as I have today.) I went through several doctors and had several hospital stays during this time and I was also drinking a lot of beer. This illness nearly wrecked my marriage and my family suffered. Finally, God led me to a doctor who knew what medicines would work for me, and, while it took several months, I finally pulled out of it. I have been free of depression ever since. I still have bad days, but, like everybody else, they are few and far between. I thank God and Jesus for this and I have faith that as long as I take my medicine faithfully and avoid alcohol, I will be free of this curse. This is where I get my faith, and, as I said, it comes with "ifs" which, so far, have been easy to comply with. COVID-19 is testing my faith. However, I believe that Goad will lead me through this.

    While this doesn't deal with the concept of God resting on the seventh day, I thought that this would be a good place to tell my story.

    Gosh, Cindy. you are going waaaay back to talk about the good old days of the Blue Laws. I think we were a lot better off back then since we couldn't shop on Sunday, so we "had" to spend time with our families. I seemed nice to be able to shop at any time, but I think we have lost something in the process.

    1. Good for you Jack to be strong enough to get help. What a wonderful gift to you and your family.

  6. Jack, thank you for sharing and what a great witness to the power of faith in God! It is always good to tell your story- everybody can do that when they feel the time is right! I am so happy that things are more positive for you and I am glad that you are part of this group!
    Great sharing Jack- thanks!

  7. Don't know why but have always known of God. Always had a good feeling helping others. Also know that some times you can't help those that don't want to help themselves. Yes God knows all, how scary and humbling that can be. So put on some music, keep the spirits up spring is all most here, God be with us.

  8. It is good that you have always known God! And it is both scary and humbling that God knows all- like you said!
    Good thoughts RoseMarie!


A Final Post

 Good morning. We did it! The entire New Testament in a year. that is quite a feat! Thank you all for your dedication and work. It wasn'...