Tuesday, February 23, 2021

Hebrews 4:14 through Chapter 5

 The author ends Chapter 4 with some very powerful and comforting words, explaining that Christ's full humanity allowed Jesus to empathize with us, know our temptations realize what human life was like. This full humanity and yet full divinity allowed Christ to be the perfect priest for all (vv 14- 15). Knowing that Jesus is with God in heaven, and knowing that Jesus spent time as one of us, makes it easier for us to approach God and God "realizing" what humanity is like (v 16). Some pretty deep words in these first few lines, but the idea is that Christ bridges that "gap" between humanity and God. Originally, the high priest in the temple were the ones to do that, but now that wall is broken down and we have that ability to contact God on our own- with no human intermediate-- when we need it (v 16 again). How does it feel that we can contact God whenever, wherever we want?

Although there were "priests" prior to Moses, the order of the high priest was initiated during the time of Moses (v 1a), beginning with Aaron(see Exodus 28:1+, all high priests are to be from the lineage of Aaron). The job of the high priest was to officiate the offerings and sacrifices of the lower priests. The gifts and sacrifices were both for thanksgiving and atonement of wrongs. The priest often did these on behalf of the people (v 1b). The high priest was also used a "confessor" and confidant and was to minister to the people (vv 2-3). In Jerusalem, the High Priest was the only one that could enter the inner area where the Ark of the Covenant was kept, and this was only once a year. How wold you feel having to go to the priest and have them offer your sacrifice, taking  the role as intermediate between you and God? I am not Catholic and do not know all the theology- but it seems to me that confession is similar to that? I like the ability to talk with God one-to-one, when I need it!

Being a high priest is an honorable and glorious position and we are reminded that Jesus was chosen by God (vv 4-5; Jesus didn't just assume the role). A big issue with this (for Jews) is that Jesus was not of the lineage of Aaron (and all priests were to be from Aaron's family!) In addition, Jesus was against the political and religious structures of the "church"he didn't join into it- but remember that the religious structure of the church had become corrupt and Jesus was there to help change it; priests were to be part of the organization- not against it. Imagine being Jewish, knowing the rituals and the theology of the priesthood- and having Jesus be part of it!

We will discuss the order of Melchizedek more in Hebrews 7.

People may sometimes ask or question, how does God understand what my life is like? They should read v 7! God knows about humanity because God's son, Jesus was one of us and experienced probably more than many of us go through! And even with all of that agony, Jesus obeyed God- Jesus trusted God that God would do what God said (vv 7b-8). Can we ever hope to be that obedient to God?

The next few verses sound like the author may be talking to us...all the talk about high priests and Jesus and Aaron and Melchizedek may be making us weary or difficult to understand! Is it? The author needs to explain some other things to us first. At this point in their life, they should be the ones teaching (v 12), but they are still in the beginning stages- primarily because they are turning back to Judaism and not progressing in Christianity. How are you progressing? Are you still in the infancy stages or are you progressing to "teacher" status? The author likens it to giving solid food to a baby- you have to wait until they are able to eat and digest before we can feed them the tough stuff. Lauren is/was into this thing called "Baby Led Weaning" where Joseph was given solid food (still nursing too) beginning at 6 months...no cereal, no "baby food"-- real adult food cut up into long skinny pieces so he could swallow it without choking. The first time Sheri and I saw this, and he "gagged" (he didn't choke), we about freaked! Lauren was like-- "It's OK, he's ready for adult food." Now, he eats almost everything in sight and has no real issue with anything. That's what the author is trying to say here I think! We need to be able to develop and really digest things before we are given the tough stuff! There needs to be some more learning before we can get to the really meaty issues of theology and Jesus and priesthood! The basic concepts need to be developed and understood before you can get to the tougher concepts. Where are you in this progression...are you still in the milk phase or are you in the "adult food" phase?

We are in for a treat- the first verse in Chapter 6 says..."So let us go on to grown-up teaching" I hope you're ready!!

Have a great day and enjoy the snow- again...but warmth (day time temps in the low 40s) and maybe some rain for a few days!

Pastor Paul


  1. This chapter lays out how Jesus became our high priest; Not of his own doing but because God ordained him. When I first read verse 7 I read that Jesus offered up prayers with loud cries and tears to the one who could save him from death, and he was heard because of his "reverent submission". I had to stop and think about those words "reverent submission". At first I wondered if reverent submission meant that he "submitted his prayer in a particularly godly way or respectful way". Thinking about it more I think it means that Jesus was willing to submit to God's will. "Not my will, but thine" comes to mind, from Luke 22. I know I wouldn't have the courage to be that faithful.
    I also was taken with the words in my Bible "You have become dull in understanding". Isn't it the truth that we all need reminding of how we should be. When I'm hurrying through my busy days I often feel the need to stop and center myself, "get my bearings". Prayer does that- if we take that quiet moment.
    The snow is so beautiful. It's so peaceful. I think that because usually I don't have to shovel it, I know. Many years I see robins in February. I hope they stay south a bit longer this year. Worms would be hard to come by right now. Have a peaceful day, everyone.

    1. Cathy- great analysis of Jesus' words in v 7...I also reference the Garden of Gethsemane for his loud cries and tears...his honest and willing submission and obedience to God.
      "Dull in understanding"-- that definitely describes me like, when you said, we get caught up running around and being busy!
      Great thoughts- and spring will be here soon! We are all looking forward to it. I know my sheep are anxiously awaiting fresh grass rather than old dry hay for food!!
      Nice job Cathy!

  2. Very comforting to know he is with us always. These studies make me feel like a child. God the father, teaches obedience,when I Don't listen an disobey I suffer. But with his Grace and mercy he forgives. With more understanding now will have more trust and beliefs. Have a ways to go. God knows us from beginning to end.

    1. We are like children...listening and obeying most (?) of the time...but we do get off track at times! It is satisfying when we get back and right!
      Nice words RoseMarie!

  3. Those of us who have faith I believe are very lucky because we do have god with us all the time. I try to remember not to just pray to god but to give thanks as well. I know I am not strong enough to be the kind of servant that Jesus was. When there is someone we would like to share our faith with we do have to be careful how we present it. Pastor Paul I love your reference to baby led weaning. My granddaughter was introduced to food the same way. She is 2 and a half and she eats everything. I was also very nervous about it at first. Cathy I also thought it was interesting to learn about the high priests. I am going to go back and read it again.
    I also think the snow is beautiful and calming. If we are going to live here we should embrace it. I don’t like driving in it.

    1. I know that God is with me at all times- but sometimes I don't feel God with me! That's the dull of understanding part Cathy mentioned (from v 11- my translation says "slow to understand"). I am a strong person- but faith is sometimes shaky! Need to work on that.
      BLW is tough on the grandparents isn't it!
      Thanks for the comments Cindy!

  4. Jack, I am really enjoying your take on the Bible readings. Thank you for being so open and honest!. My Bible states that The office of high priest, first conferred on Aaron by his brother Moses, was normally hereditary and for life But by the 2nd century BC, however, bribery led to several reappointments, and the last of the high priests were appointed by government officials or chosen by lot. According to tradition, 18 high priests served in Solomon’s Temple (c. 960–586 BC) and 60 in the Second Temple (516 BC–AD 70). So I am thinking there were many high priests in Jesus' time and few of them in Aaron's line. Does that seem correct? I do like the idea that Jesus was made human and can relate to our temptations and sins and I also like the idea that we can go directly to God. However, I did take a Bible class that had people of many different denominations. Someone who was catholic made this point about doing confession. When we, as protestants, sin, we go directly to God to talk about it and ask for forgiveness. But lets say that we are busy or even traveling and we think we will do it later. But we don't. It completely slips our mind. Now, let's say that we knew at the end of the month we were going to go to confession through a priest. Because of that, we would think back on our actions during the times since our last confession. We would remember the sins that we were going to talk to God about and ask forgiveness for - it would not slip our mind and be completely forgotten. I hope I am saying this clearly. It actually made sense to me. I am a bit confused about Jesus being a High Priest. Since the High Priest had certain duties in the temple and Jesus did none of those. And vs. 5 says "that Christ glorified NOT himself to be made a high priest; but he that said unto him, Thou art my Son to day have I begotten him" So was Jesus a High Priest - or is this put in such a way that the
    audience" that the author is speaking to would understand. I have to say - I am both - one that drinks milk and one that eats tough meat. All depends on the time and situation. Reading Hebrews - I am thinking I am drinking milk - LOL - but the other books we read - I am thinking I am on to the meat! I am looking forward to reading about Melchisedec - I do not know much about them and can't wait to learn about it!! We are definitely experiencing a REAL winter !! Enjoy a good evening everyone!!

    1. Yes Donna...what you say about the high priests is correct...thanks for that addition! The "corruption" with the high priests eventually turned in to "corruption" in the Catholic church with nepotism and selecting family members to be bishops, cardinals, etc...thus the beginning of the Reformation!
      Good commentary about confession and talking to a priest...thanks for that too!
      Jesus was a High Pries- chosen by God- in that Jesus was the intercessory between humanity and God. Correct- he didn't do any of the "duties" of a priest (he wasn't even from Aaron's lineage), but Jesus did the sacrifice that we all needed for salvation. And Jesus did not select himself- God did the selection.
      Thanks for the comments and extra learning Donna!

  5. Because Jesus is High Priest appointed by God for His Sacrifice we should come boldly to God to receive His mercy. The author explains why God appointed Jesus High priest. Jesus chose to come to earth in human form to serve and save us.
    Verse 11 says we ,I am guessing from that that there was more than one author of Hebrews. Reading on the rest of the chapter it's like the people had become complacent with their beliefs and praying etc and are being scolded and encouraged to shape up .Reading these verses makes me feel as if i am an infant with my beliefs etc a lot of the time. I do think that this reading and discussing with others is helping me to understand God's word better and hopefully to become a better Christian.

    1. Ahhh...good pick up in v 11 Clara! "We" might mean there may be more than one author!
      The people have become complacent= and even have begun going back to Judaism- the author is trying to prevent that with this letter.
      We are all in the infancy or childhood stages I think Clara, and reading and discussing is a way to mature and develop!
      Good points Clara! Thanks!

  6. About last night: I didn't start out with the intention of "spilling my guts". It just progressed that way. My journey was not easy, but I believe I am better off for it. I want to thank everyone for their kind comments.

    It gives great comfort to know that Jesus was put in a position of man, where He was tempted, but He remained sinless. That is an example of His strength and the strength of God.

    I believe that I am still in the milk phase as I feel that, although I have done all the reading and Rhea and I have read it aloud and discussed it, I don't feel that I am retaining much of it. There is soooo much to learn and understand. It almost is a superhuman effort. I fully intend to keep on keeping on and to conquer this material, however. Sometimes I think that writing comments is more difficult than reading the Bible verses.

    I have never heard of Baby Led Weaning before. I doubt if Kristin is doing it with my newest granddaughter (who will be 1 on April 1). We stay out of their affairs and I don't intend to suggest it to her.

  7. Peace be with you Jack and thanks for sharing your journey. Many people here on the east coast are praying for you and Rhea.
    There is so much to learn and remember and keep straight! It does sometimes feel like a Herculean effort! Retain what you can, discuss, talk, ask questions, keep learning! To be honest- anyone can read the Bible, but to discuss and write adds an extra level of intensity! You have to synthesize your reading and digest it (like milk or meat!) and then get it back out! Keep going- you got this!
    A one year old! We just celebrated Joseph's first birthday- my how time flies. It is good that you are able to be near them!
    Thanks for sharing Jack!


A Final Post

 Good morning. We did it! The entire New Testament in a year. that is quite a feat! Thank you all for your dedication and work. It wasn'...