Thursday, February 11, 2021

Philippians 1

A typical greeting from Paul, addressing all people in the greeting (the church was founded about 10 years earlier during Paul's second mission trip, so there were plenty of followers). Imagine if we greeted everyone with the words  "grace and peace to you!"

You can see that Paul really loves this church and the people (vv 3-8); he is just exuding love and peace to these people-- for what they have done in the past and what they are continuing to do now. And he knows that there good works will continue; he has confidence and faith in the church to do God's work in Philippi. Do people think that about your church? Paul carries the people in his heart-- the beating life force that he associates these people with (very appropriate as we near Valentine's Day!)- and desires for them success.

Paul knows the Philippians have lots of love for God and each other (and him) and his desire is for them to have and show even more! Adam Clarke (British Methodist theologian) once said that love is "like a river, perpetually fed with rain and fresh streams so that it continues to swell and increase until it fills all its banks, and floods the adjacent plains.” That is Paul's hope. But Paul doesn't want blind faith and blind love- he encourages them to gain wisdom and be discernible in their love. Are Christians sometimes seen as being without wisdom or non-discerning in their actions?

Paul says that you will have trails and you will/may face persecution (vv 12- 17), but, he say, look at me...I am in prison and have converted some of the guards and some of the people here are being more bold on account of my teachings! Do you find others are more likely to talk Christianity with you when they know you are "one of them" Why is that so? The message that Paul says here is to use the circumstances you have been given to continue to do the work of God. COVID-19 has been a big stumbling block for the church- but if we follow Paul's advice, we are to continue to find the best way to do mission and ministry. How have you adopted your message to this situation we are in? Do you find that some people are using this time as an excuse to not be doing God's work?

I like Paul's philosophy in v 16-18...doesn't matter how you do it- get God's words out there! Do you/we have that philosophy? Motive does matter some-- some people want the acknowledgment that comes with spreading the Gospel, others are in it for the good of it...Where are you?

Paul acknowledges he is in prison and that he made be executed soon (v 19-20)- he talks about his death and the profit he would gain because he would be with Christ! Several times, in a few different letters, Paul mentions his desire for death- as that would bring him closer to God. Do you have that same idea? He also does know that while alive he can do the work of spreading God's word. He is caught in  a "catch-22" wanting to be with God but wanting to continue his mission! Could you/ do you live your life such that death would be ok because you would be closer to Christ? I know for me...I have to much yet to do here on earth!

Paul is being like a parent (vv 27- 30) basically never know when I am coming home for a visit- so always be doing good! How many times does the adage "the cat's away- the mice will play" come up in Christianity? As long as I go to church, as long as I put in a few hours for food pantry, as long as I show up to this ice cream social- people will know that I am good and the rest of my life I can do whatever! Do you know people like that? Are you like that?! That is the struggle Paul is talking about at the end of this chapter- the struggle of walking right in the presence of bad and evil around us, the struggle of walking with God when people are persecuting you. Does that struggle resonate with you?

Great first chapter! Enjoy the day and I look forward to discovering more with you.

Pstor Paul


  1. Another great beginning by Paul - and I think Timotheus had something to do with the letter because Paul mentions him. Either they are talking as Paul is writing, or Paul is dictating and Timotheus is writing. Whatever it is, I think Timotheus had something to do with this letter. There are a couple of things I like about this chapter. I like vs. 9 when Paul says "And this I pray, that your love may abound yet more and more in knowledge and in all judgment." I think Paul is telling them and us that we will never know everything and as Christians we should prove our love for Christ by continuing to learn, and, of course, the more knowledge we have, the better our judgment. I know that I continue to learn! I found it interesting that Paul was ok with why a person spreads the Gospel because the important part was that the person did it and others heard! Sometimes you meet a person and after listening to them awhile you begin to think that the person is "showing off" their knowledge of the Bible and may even be judgmental because of it and get a little turned off by that person and stop listening. But Paul is telling us to continue to listen and bless that person - because it doesn't matter WHY they are telling what they know, but that they ARE telling it. Something I should do more often! I think it is very cool that Paul takes advantage of his situation to tell so many of the soldiers that come in contact with him about the gospel and that he is seeing his situation as "the glass half full". But I have a question. In Rome, people were jailed according to their status and I have read a couple of books on Paul and they say he was under "house arrest" meaning he was always under guard - even chained to a guard all the time in a home BUT they could invite people in to visit. However they had to supply their own food and clothing so Paul was grateful for the financial support the Philippians gave him. But I also read that as a Roman citizen he could not be tortured in any way - in fact, Paul states such in Acts. Paul????? I take vs. 20 as a very good instruction as to how I should be living my life. "According to my earnest expectation and my hope, that in nothing I shall be ashamed, but that with all boldness, as always, so now also Christ shall be magnified in my body, whether it be by life, or by death." Sadly, there are already things I have done in my life that I am ashamed of and I do not live with boldness in proclaiming Christ (which I take to mean in action and in word)! Do I look forward to death? No. I love God, but leaving those I love here on earth also saddens me. When I speak about my church and the things they are doing, people are amazed at how much we do. I think people think our church is very mission oriented. I don't feel that as long as I go to church or a church function I am ok with whatever else I may do. BUT I do feel a lot better after going to church or helping with a church function!! LOL I agree that it isn't always easy to walk the "straight and narrow". I have an opinion on the division that the Methodists are now facing. Is it the right one? I don't know. Is my opinion being formed by opinions around me that are "evil"? I don't know that either. But I feel I am right (because it reflects Paul's two previous letters we have read) and will continue to talk to God about it! Have a good day everyone!

    1. Paul usually dictated and others wrote; some of the "others" got to be so good that they penned letters in Paul's name; this lends to some confusion as to who actually wrote the letters to some of the churches. We call them the "Pauline Epistles" in that they are definitely words Paul may have written but probably were written by others!
      I like the rationalization Paul gives too- at least people are spreading the Gospel!
      Paul was on "house arrest" but remember- even though he was Roman- he was a follower of Christ- and Rome didn't like that- so his treatment was probably less that what it should have been but better than what it could have been. Make sense?
      Thanks for the comments about church- and the eventual division that will happen. We all should have some sit down and chat about that.
      Great comments Donna- thanks!

  2. Lots of questions in this chapter. Some are preaching about Christ because they are jealous and envious of us. Others are preaching because they want to help. I certainly have been with those who seem to be showing off their knowledge and it is hard to listen as this say we should. I don’t think am afraid to speak up about my beliefs. I try to be sensitive to those who believe differently. I do feel good after going to church or helping those in need but I can’t say I have thought I can go about and do what you want. As for covid stopping people from doing gods work it seems to me it has done the opposite. I have seen so many wonderful acts of kindness. I have two friends who run two different food pantries who really stepped it up during this time. My husband and I have worked at a soup kitchen for years. We now do bag lunches but still making it work. I could go on .... I would like to think I am an optimist. I as you pastor Reed am hoping to stick around for awhile and do some work on earth. I think we are all enjoying Paul because he speaks of peace and harmony.
    Let There Be Peace On Earth and Let It Begin With Me...
    I love this song so much and it always brings tears to my eyes.

    1. Great comments Cindy- thanks for sharing!
      I try to be sensitive to others when it comes to religion (and politics). Most people know my stance on things, but I am not too afraid of "engaging" when needed!
      I like Paul's letters for the reason you mentioned- he is trying to promote the whole Christina theme of peace!
      Thanks Cindy!

  3. Again I feel sort of like a rebel. I think it's a lofty and probably unattainable goal to expect a person to be "pure and blameless". I think God understands this. He wants to forgive us when we mess up. Should we be trying to do the best we can? Of course.
    I also don't agree that COVID-19 has been a stumbling block for the church. I see a lot of good things happening. Many churches have started streaming their services that never did before. Talk about bringing the message to the people! I found your church on Facebook and am learning everyday from this study because of that. Churches and other organizations are aware of food insecurity and helping with it. And it's not just churches. Many organizations are helping people. As I've said, I run a library. We now have a food cupboard on our front porch. We have hats, gloves and scarves on the porch free for the taking. We provide 24 hour Wifi access from our building. We connect people to vital social services. When our building is open (which it is not now) we frequently have people in just to get warm or because they want someone to talk to. I spend plenty of time sitting with people and just listening and being company for them.
    I could go on and on but I'll spare you. I think there is a kindness movement. Even Nora O'Donnell on the CBS news encourages people to spread kindness.

    1. Cathy, I was wondering. Does the library accept any type of monetary or food donations to help with the food pantry? Or gifts of hats, gloves and scarves?

    2. You know, we do. Lots of people knit hats and gloves for us. Our food cupboard is fairly new. We have more givers than takers right now. I’m hoping to expand it to people donating surplus veggie from gardens in the summer.

    3. I agree somewhat= the pandemic has encouraged some growth for some churches- especially in the on-line world. I know our virtual attendance has increased quite a bit!
      Great work at the library!
      Thanks Cathy!

  4. In this chapter Paul starts out as usual wishing God's peace and grace to the church and it's leaders
    Paul is joyful that the Philippians as supporting him and the church and continuing to spread the Good News. Paul being in prison himself is happy that he is able to continue to teach of Jesus to his jailers. He says that some of the teaching by others is coming from jealousy and rivalry but is still content that the Good News is still being taught and spread. He seems to be a little stressed by the fact that he could die but that he wants to die and is not afraid as he would be with Jesus, but also that he feels he is needed here to continue telling of God's love and the gift that God gave to us. He says we must all live as God's children and do and live as God has deemed we should.
    Again paul is such a strong Christian not afraid of dying ,if i were that strong i think of my family and wish to stay here even though i know that being with Christ would be so much better. I want to see my grandkids grow up and have their families although I know that probably won't happen what with my age.(My youngest grandchild is 12 and I'm 81) I wonder if Paul had had a family if any of his thoughts would have been different?

    1. I wish I had some of Paul's strength! He seems like a very dedicated and string individual! He continues his mission- even when his life is potentially ending! Could we do that? Probably not!
      Hmmm....good question about how Paul would have been if he had a family? He is definitely not a family guy and has quite a bit to say about women in some of the other letters!
      Thanks Clara!

  5. Cathy and Cindy, I am so glad that you both mentioned all the wonderful things that are happening BECAUSE of the pandemic! I agree! I see so many great things going on - not only for the community but also for families. Pastor Paul was mentioning that his family gets together via ZOOM every week and I join my daughter and her family via FaceTime to watch a movie and eat dinner every Friday!

  6. I didn’t know about the food cupboard I would be happy to donate. My family lives out of town and zoom has been a life saver. I believe it is something we will continue to use. Donna I love that you do movies and dinner with your daughter. We have had several cooking classes with my three children myself and husband.

    1. Oh cooking classes - I love that idea!! Something that I can always use - LOL

    2. I love that you both get together with families for zoom fun. I love zoom. I sit in my kitchen drinking tea in meetings with the 32 other libraries in our system sometimes. I used to drive to Ithaca for all these meetings!

    3. Another plus, Cathy! BTW we were wondering if you take monetary or food donations for your pantry at the library???

    4. Oh, sorry Cathy - I just noticed your response to the question on the food kitchen. Can you let me know what address someone can send money to? And what type of food items you accept!

  7. I don't think about our church doing good, I know we do. When I go to church we are always greeted with kindness and smiles.I think that would be grace and kindness. Being Christians, we sometimes trip along the way. Paul even in prison, rejoiced, keeping people in Christ. Sometimes people with common interests attract, others just the opposite we are all different. During these difficult times in our world today, I do think of being with God. But not ready to leave loved one's. But I have no choise in that matter do I?

  8. Great thoughts and thanks for the nice words Rose Marie!


A Final Post

 Good morning. We did it! The entire New Testament in a year. that is quite a feat! Thank you all for your dedication and work. It wasn'...