Tuesday, February 16, 2021

Philippians 4

 Today is our last day in Philippians. Tomorrow we begin Paul's letter to the Hebrews; I will post an introduction to Hebrews later today.

Paul begins with love. How often do we address people as Paul addressed the Philippians? Euodia and Syntnche (two women) must have had some argument in the church and Paul, rather than take sides, basically says- get over it- you have Christ in common! We aren't sure who the "true companion" or "faithful friend" is (v 3), but they are to be a mediator. Do we have people in our church that are good at mediation?  We are not sure who Clement is either; there was a church leader from Rome named Clement that wrote two letters to the Corinthians, but Clement was a common name! The one thing to notice is that Paul had lots of help spreading the Gospel News! Does your church have lots of people that are out spreading the Gospel? 

"Rejoice in the Lord, always. Again I say, rejoice!" (v 4) is probably the most quoted piece of scripture from Philippians. I love these words, but struggle to rejoice always! It is hard to find joy in the situations we are in, the climate we are surrounded by, the troubles we are all facing- yet Paul says we are to rejoice in the Lord! God is the focus here, not the worldly things. Why is it difficult to find joy?

Probably the second most quoted line is the next one (v 5) "Let everyone see you are gentle and kind." Imagine if all people could show a bit more gentleness and kindness! And we are to show it to all people...not just those we like. It is a struggle to be gentle and kind to everyone- but Jesus could do it! Paul's anticipation (and all people's anticipation) was that Christ's return was soon-- like next week...so one should be able to be gentle and kind for that long! When Christ returns- all will be set and Christ will settle the wrongs. We are still waiting Christ's return- but can we be gentle and kind to all? With that exercise of gentleness and kindness, we can then experience the full peace of Christ (v 7).  We get so caught up in life and what's right and what's wrong that we lose track of Christ's peace. 

If we forget how to find joy, Paul reminds us (vv 8-9) to think about the good things in life, the things that are worthy, the truths that we know. As I was driving home from State College this past Sunday, I could feel myself getting into a sad and upset mood, but then I thought of what fun I had the weekend and I began to smile. I have a photo of Joseph on my desk and every time I see that I smile. That's what Paul is saying- remember the good and it will help you get over the ugh. How do you remember the good times? Does it help in  getting through the rough times?

Paul thanks the church again (v 10) for the financial help and the care that the church has offered to Paul/ It is evident how much Paul cares for this church and these people. Paul didn't need the money- but he was thankful for it; he could have gone without, but he is pleased with the love the church provided. All that Paul has comes from Christ. The next most quoted verses in Philippians is "I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength." (v 13) Do you feel the same way? Are you happy with less? All Paul needs is the love of Christ and he is happy! Are you the same way?

Paul ends with a typical ending for him. Notice that the last verse "The peace and grace of Jesus Christ be with you" is the same as the opening line (v 2). For Paul, the Christian life begins and ends with peace and grace from Christ, so it was appropriate for him to begin and end the letter this way! Do you feel the same way?

Remember- tomorrow we start Hebrews. I will post an introduction to Hebrews later today. Enjoy the nice spring day we are being blessed with...and hunker down for the next round of snow coming Thursday!!

Pastor Paul


  1. What a strange day - ice and yet heating up - LOL. Here is something strange, Pastor, my computer shows that you commented on everyone's comments on the 15th but there was nothing on mine (I always read everyone's comments and your replies). So when I made that comment about your not commenting on mine it was because everyone else's had one but mine. I even checked it last night and it was the same. This am yours popped up on mine saying the 16th but everyone else's says the 15th so sorry about the confusion. Believe me, I totally understand how visits out-of-town to grandbabies ALWAYS fill our moments! Another great ending by Paul. I had heard both of those statements from scripture that you mentioned but honestly was not sure where they came from. It was actually great to read them and think - OHHHHHH, that's where that is! Over the weekend I was talking to my son-in-law and he told me that during his clinical research he has learned that we, as humans, are "hard wired" to look at the negative instead of the positive. When we were "cave men", humans learned from the bad - if your neighbor was eaten by a saber toothed tiger, you knew not to get near one. In today's world, if you drank too much, your judgment was impaired so you shouldn't be driving. But the lesson was learned by lots of accidents and finding out that people were driving - the negative. Does that make sense? HA - when he explained it to me, it actually did. So I am thinking, that's why it's hard for us to find the joy. I like that Paul mentions the two women - it makes his letter so personal. I also like how Paul asks others to help them! It made me realize how important the church was to everyone in their day to day lives back then - not just a "Sunday thing" as it is more today. My favorite is vs. 8 and 9 - if we think good things we are more apt to do good things! My Bible says that vs. 21-23 was written by Epaphroditus. ??? I can relate to Paul - I have struggled and I have had it good - I can do both - but only with God - who has strengthened me.

    1. Don't you just love technology!!
      We are hard wired to see the negative?! Hmmm...I guess I get the correlation you talk about- never thought of it that way!
      I like that Paul includes people by name and that there is a request by the church to help...like you say...church isn't just a Sunday thing!
      Good comments Donna= thanks!

  2. Paul asks for two women to settle their disagreement and he asks his true partner to help them to do this as they worked hard to spread the Good news. Is the true partner he asks for help Jesus , the holy Spirit? I am a little confused about that?
    He says that prayer will help to settle our worries etc. We should have good thoughts in all things.
    Oh how hard that is to do all the time we can have good thought one minute and switch to unpleasant thoughts the next. Keeping happy and rejoice is not always easy as you mentioned Pastor Paul that you felt bad on your way home after visiting your family, I can relate to that missing our loved ones and not being with them is something that can bring our spirits down so fast. But i am so thankful for what we have in these times tat we can call text and facetime with loved ones it certainly helps with that sadness so we can smile again.

    1. Paul actually is asking the church to guide the two women to a peaceful agreement...I am surprised the Paul doesn't include Jesus or the Holy Spirit- but I guess that's a lesson for us- we do need to rely on people sometimes!
      Rejoice always is hard, isn't it! But we do have technology like you mention! Imagine if we didn't!
      Good thoughts Clara!

  3. It would be interesting to know what the two women were disagreeing about, but why put in bible? Clement was a worker,with others who helped Paul. Yes it is hard to find joy in the world today, especially this time of year. Tied of weather, tax time,etc These studies take lots of time and the time flies by, which I really enjoy studying the word of God. Paul accepts gifts from the church, for there concerns for him and his love for God. What an example Paul was for God. The returns on gifts were spiritual blessings and love, and not about material gain.

    1. Right! I guess the argument wasn't the point Paul was making- he was using it as an example of people helping others!
      Paul was a good example for all of us! Especially in finding the joy!
      Good comments Rose Marie!

  4. I like Donna's son in laws explanation about how we are more apt to see the negative side of things first. It makes me feel better about being so anxious about most things.
    I also like Pastor Paul's story about how thinking of his grandson can bring him out of a bad mood. We all have so many blessings. I read a suggestion at the end of the year that we should write blessings every day of little pieces of paper and put them in a big jar. At the end of the year, dump out all the pieces of paper and read about all the good things that happened all year. Many we probably forget over the course of a year. I wish I had started this.
    On being gentle and kind. I know that you don't know Cindy or me but I have to tell you what a gentle and kind person Cindy is. Since Cindy retired from her job she has been doing respite work with special needs adults. She takes individuals out of their homes for a few hours a week so that their caregivers can have a break. Before the pandemic Cindy was working with a very affected young woman. This young woman is nonverbal, just communicating with sounds and pointing. Cindy brings this girl to the library sometimes because we have a place for them to be. Cindy does crafts and puzzles and plays games with the girl. She takes the young lady on walks and to walk the mall. When Cindy and her client are together you can see how much Cindy cares for this girl and I can tell that the girl feels it. And think about the girl's mother. She gets time to herself. The mother cares for the girl 24/7.
    I think this kind of work is what Paul was talking about.

    1. We did the "Blessing Jar" one year at church- at least I started my people off doing it...it was great to sit at the end of he year and see all the good things that happened!
      Great example of being gentle and kind- thank you for sharing and thank you for all the work you do at the library too!
      All it takes is a little kindness to brighten someone's day!

  5. Oh my goodness I am crying because I just read Cathy’s comment. I actually took Divya out today for a walk and a ride. I also told someone I ran into about Cathy and how I miss going to the library. As you can tell Cathy and I really like each other. ☺️
    I will tell you I get just as much out of being with Divya as I give. Pastor Paul my three children live away and it always takes me a day to not be sad after we have been together. Then I try to plan the next visit so I have something to look forward to. I recently did a photo wall that brings me such joy as I look at the pictures of my family. Some are still here and some have gone to their heavenly home. I think one thing that covid has shown us is that simple is pretty wonderful. In the spring when we went to a friends backyard for a bonfire after not being together for months...it was as good if not better than a fancy dinner in a restaurant. Some of the beautiful simple weddings that couples celebrated were wonderful. I hope we remember this.

    1. Thank you for all your work with Divya- and we do get as much- or possibly more- out of helping others! Photos are great. My mom had a wall in her apartment living room tat was covered, literally about a hundred photos of all sizes, of the family. When she died, we had to take those down- it was a good memory of all the times we had together. The photos are slowly going up on a wall in our family room space.
      Great sharing. Thanks Cindy.
      Maybe we can all get together for a spring time bon-fire when the weather breaks!

  6. Per Donna's comments. if we are hard wired for the negative, how come so many people are always cheerful and optimistic. I know that I tend to be negative, but I don't think everybody is. There are days that I struggle to fiend the joy. Thankfully, these days are getting to be fewer and further between since I found a doctor who finally got me out of my funk with medicine that worked for me. I am forever thankful and grateful for this.

    Cathy and Cindy sure have the right message from Paul. It is wonderful what Cindy does. I can think of all the times that I know of that wonderful people have done similar things. I can understand your feelings after leaving your grandson, Paul. We felt the same way after our anniversary party when everyone went back home. It is such an empty feeling. I feel joy whenever I think of my granddaughters. We are so happy to be 1 mile from them even though we had to leave many good friends to be here. I have mixed feelings about this, but the grandchildren win out. I am so sorry when I hear of all the pandemic misery back in NY, but there is also plenty here as well. Paul's message is one of joy. As I have said before, I don't know how he did it while being in prison. He faith must have been so strong. I only know that I could never have done what he did. Don't get me wrong, my faith in God and Jesus is stronger than it has ever been in my life.

    1. Don't you just hate it when people are happy and cheerful?! (Just kidding, but sometimes I do get angry when I see people happy and I am miserable!) Depression is tough- and I am glad that you are finally getting some joy in your life with corrected medications!
      I have said a few times- and personally to Lauren this weekend- I love being a grandfather!
      Paul must have had great faith- like you say Jack- being in prison and not knowing what will happen. I have string faith (usually) but not sure if I could do what he did!
      Thanks for sharing Jack!

  7. It is still Feb 16 here in Montana.

    Please forgive the typos. I thought I re-read that first paragraph, but obviously, I did not.


A Final Post

 Good morning. We did it! The entire New Testament in a year. that is quite a feat! Thank you all for your dedication and work. It wasn'...