Thursday, March 11, 2021

Colossians 4

 Good morning!!  I have dentist appointment at 8AM and then some quick grocery shopping before Morgan and Bobbi-Jo come for the weekend. I will respond to your chapter 3 comments later today, along with posting introduction to Acts! He are my comments for Colossians 4 though:

This was a quick letter! And I think it was one of the easier ones for us to understand too!

Paul begins this chapter with a statement that reflects back to the end of the last chapter. Paul was talking about family dynamics and slaves honoring their masters and masters treating the slaves well. Paul reminds us that we have God who is our Master! The master/slave comparison is often made in the Bible- that was the culture of the time.

Paul is big on prayer- conversations with God (vv 2). He tells the Colossians o maintain their prayer life. Some translations say "earnestly" and "be vigilant" string and take the time and spend the energy that you need for prayer.  Prayer shouldn't be treated with an "end of the day, I'm tired" attitude; we need to be string and give it the energy that it requires. Do you? I know we have talked about prayer before; it is important to Paul. He goes on to say (vv 3-4), essentially, as long as your'r praying, would you mind adding in some prayers for me so I can go teach! He didn't ask for personal prayers (for his health and well being) instead, he asks that the message of the Gospel gets out. Sometimes I think we are too concerned about us that we forget our mission- not Paul!

I have said a few times in my messages, "Live your life so that people stop and ask why you do what you do." I think this is what Paul is telling the Colossians (vv 5-6). People should think about what you do and why you are doing it. The Christian life isn’t only lived in the prayer closet. There also must be practical, lived-out Christianity. Be willing to show your belief and be willing to sit and talk with people that may have questions! Do you live your life that way?

Paul ends this short letter with some personal notes. Apparently, the Colossians didn’t know who Tychicus was (vv 7-8). He would carry this letter to them and tell them about Paul in prison. Epaphras, who brought the news from Colosse to Paul in Rome (Colossians 1:7) must not have been returning to Colosse any time soon, so Paul needed another messenger. Onesimus was a slave owned by a believer in Colosse, but he ran away and came into contact with Paul in Rome. There, Onesimus became a Christian and a dedicated helper to Paul. We will read more about him in Paul’s letter to Philemon. Aristarchus was a Macedonian from Thessalonica and always seems to be in trouble with Paul. Paul and Mark had a falling out (Acts 13:5-13 and Acts 15:36- 40) but they seem to be getting along now (the grace of God is active). We really don't know anything about "Jesus who is also called Justus" At this point (v 11b), Paul had just these people helping him spread the Gospel...and look at their accomplishments! What does that mean for us?

Paul continues list people that are around him. Interesting that Luke is there (v 14); it is here that we find out Luke is a physician! We don't know why Luke is in Rome, but maybe it was to deliver a document he recently finished – the Gospel of Luke and the Book of Acts! Also note that Nympha (v 15) had a church in her home! The beginnings of the church were often in houses since there were no other buildings available. There were no real' "church" building until maybe the 3rd Century. Up until that time, the congregation met in homes. What does this listing of names say to you?

Paul closes with the comment- when you're done with this- make sure you share it it with the Laodicean church (Laodicea was about 11 miles away from Colossa). The epistles that Paul wrote were commonly circulated between neighboring churches. Paul references the letter in Loadicea, however there is no epistle in our Bible to the Laodicean church. Either the letter currently there was from another church being circulated around, or the epistles to the Laodicean church is lost. There is a Latin letter of Paul to the Laodiceans and it was mentioned as early as the fifth century by Jerome. But Jerome himself called it a forgery and that most people in his day agreed that it was not authentic.

In conclusion, Paul writes that he alone wrote this letter. Often times Paul would dictate the letter and a scribe would write it. Paul would then sign his name to it- but not this epistle to the church of Colossa. Then the closing words. "Remember me in prison" Some translations say, "Remember me in my chains" There is much emotion, sorrow, and strength in this simple phrase. Paul not only knew the confinement and loneliness of the prisoner; he also had the uncertainty of not knowing if his case before Caesar’s court would end with his execution.Our life is so easy compared to Paul's (and many others!)

Great letter! On to Acts for tomorrow. I will post an introduction to Acts by the afternoon (I hope!)

Pastor Pal


  1. This was a great letter! As with all our readings, by reading each chapter alone, a following chapter will explain more the chapter previous. When this starts out with how a Master is to act to their servant (which is what it is called in my translation), it explains more how Paul might be trying to completely get rid of the institution of slavery. Plus, by mentioning that God is our Master then we are his servants (or slaves in some translations). It is interesting that Onesimus (a runaway slave) is being sent back to the place where he was a slave and ran away. Does that mean he is no longer a slave to his master in Colosse? I like that Paul is naming so many people in this letter - what a network he had. It goes to show that we can do nothing alone - or maybe we can do more with others!!! The other night, I don't know why, but it popped into my head that Paul never refers to Jesus as Jesus (at least in my translation) but as Christ. I think vs. 11 explains it. After reading that and doing a little research, Jesus was a popular Jewish name - but Jesus Christ was not and was and Jesus, our saviour, was the only person named so. My research says that the person Paul is referring to went as Jesus Justin. Luke, as a Physician - did he come to see Paul? To see if he was ok? My Bible says - in vs. 10 - Aristarchus, my fellowprisoner saluteth you, and Marcus, sister's son to Barnabas....." So Marcus is Mark and is the one credited to writing the gospel Mark - yes? And is Barnabas the one that was of the 12 disciples? This say sister's son - so Barnabas would be Mark's Uncles - but my Good News Bible says Barnabas' cousin. ?????? I really enjoyed this letter! I wish we did treat everyone as Paul would like us to - Paul, whose life was so difficult and yet who loved so much - both God and people. Hope the dentist went well! Can't wait to get into Acts!

    1. Good catch Donna- it is easier sometimes to sit and read an entire set of chapters to get the idea of what's going on. Imagine just reading a chapter a day from a novel- we'd lose flow.
      Interesting thought about Paul and slavery! Also interesting is that the Bible was used to keep slavery going in the United State pre-Civil War!
      I am going to hold off on commenting on Onesimus until we read Philemon (he shows up there as Philemon was the owner- its a good story!)
      I too like all the names- we can't do it all alone! Good comment!
      Re: Barnabas- he wasn't in the original group of 12; he comes up in Acts I think- as an apostle.
      Not sire if Marcus/Mark was the author of the Gospel- Marcus was a common name. I will have to find that one out!
      Great thoughts Donna!

  2. What a beautiful day!
    The first verse of this chapter looks like it should have been included with the last chapter. However Paul says that Jesus is Master over all
    Paul says we need to pray and have conversations with He also askes for prayers for himself that tho he is in prison that he he getting the word of the Good News out as he should. He then tells of all his helpers that are helping him spread the gospel, and where and who they are. Verse 11 speaks of a man named Jesus who is called Justus that confused me at first and I read it over several times just to get it clear and I guess that there was a man by that name that was helping Paul with his ministry. He askes that we be cognizant of others that are non believers and be courteous and kind so that our voices reach them also of the gospel He wants his letters passed onto other churches so that all can read them He closes this letter with his signature so it is know to be from him. This Book was so much easier to understand that Hebrews.
    I am looking forward to reading Acts next. Hope your dental appt went well, Pastor Paul. Something I need to do soon now that I have had my 2 Covid vaccines. Enjoy your visit with Morgan and Bobbi Jo

    1. Key point- Jesus is Master over all!
      Jesus/Justus was actually quite a common Jesus wasn't an original thought!
      I too like the simplicity of Colossians compared to Hebrews! Nice to have a break! You will love Acts!!
      Great thoughts Clara!

  3. Quite a few years ago I had to deal with a person at a job who I had a very hard time with. She was very aggressive and condescending and unfortunately I had a position over hers. Dealing with her on a regular basis was intimidating and I was constantly upset. I told a friend about it and he suggested that I pretend to meet with her beforehand and come up with answers that I could use so that I wasn’t caught trying to scramble for answers. Things like “I’ll have to think about that and get back to you.”
    After a while my preparation turned into prayer and after all this time I have learned to try to remember to pray for guidance or wisdom or help throughout the day. If I have to deal with a difficult employee or anyone else I can say a prayer and ask for help with the confrontation.
    It’s wonderful to read that Paul wants us to pray so much. I like how Clara says that we should be courteous and kind to non believers so that our voices reach them.
    All in all a positive book.

    1. Thanks for sharing Cathy! It is amazing how God can use what we are going through for our benefit. Prayers for wisdom and guidance are something I need to do more of!!
      We could probably all use more prayer/ quiet time!
      Thanks Cathy!

  4. With these studies, I do find that I pray more, I am also very thankful. I wish I could be a good servant to God like Paul was. Don't worry,if I die I'll be with God, if not will continue to serve him. How faithful Paul was.

    1. Paul was a great testimony to faith!
      Thanks RoseMarie!

  5. Rhea and I were also confused by "Jesus, who is called Justus" in our NIV translation, or "Jesus Justice" in the Jerusalem Bible. My first thought is that it was another man by the name of Jesus, but then Rhea found some footnotes that tied the Jesus Justus back to Joseph. This is very strange. It makes sense if Jesus Justus and Jesus Christ are two different people.

    Paul must have been a very strong and driven man do do what he did while incarcerated. Life in a prison cell could not have been pleasant in those days. He asked for prayers, not for himself but for his teachings. I doubt if I could have mustered that kind of strength.

    Enjoy your time with Morgan and Bobbie Jo.

    1. The name Jesus was quite common back in the day! Still common in some ethnicities (Jesús in Spanish is very common!) Paul was not talking of Jesus Christ in this instance, it was a different Jesus!
      Paul was a great man of strength and faith. To do all he did from prison, and then when he was out to do it all knowing that he risked imprisonment again!
      Great comments Jack- thanks!

  6. Our life is so easy compared to Paul and many others is so true. So much of how we are is about the family we are born into and the people who surround us. I am so in awe of those who rise above adversity and difficult situations to become amazing individuals and make a difference in this world. We can see an example of that in Paul. I think we have all said how we couldn’t imagine doing what he did. I feel the same way Rose I am definitely praying more while doing this study and I feel a lot of reflecting. I also believe we need to be courteous and kind to non believers. I know in the past I have said this is what I believe and how it brings me comfort.

  7. Easy- but we like to complain don't we! And yes, a huge impact is the people around us. All people have the ability to make a change in this world and it is good to see people making positive impacts in our society!
    If nothing, this time of reading has made us slow down and listen!
    Great thought Cindy.


A Final Post

 Good morning. We did it! The entire New Testament in a year. that is quite a feat! Thank you all for your dedication and work. It wasn'...