Wednesday, March 10, 2021

Colossians 3

 Most of this chapter is highlighted in my either I preached on it at one time or I found it interesting!

Paul begins with a connection to the last chapter and baptism. He essentially says (vv 1-4), if you are baptized- act like it! Keep focused on Christ, keep living a good life, keep the goal of heaven and salvation in mind as you go thorough the day. In v 4, Paul says "Christ is our life..." Sometimes we say, “Music is his life” or “Sports is her life” or “He lives for his work.” For Christian it should be said, “Jesus Christ is his life.” Is Christ your life?

Some translations begin v 5 with "Put to death..." It gives that set of verses a different view than mine, that says, "So, put evil things out of your life..." If you are putting to death- they are gone, forever. Putting them out of your life means they may come back (for me anyway). The importance in naming or identifying the "evil" things makes it more concrete. If we don't name something that is evil, and then we do it, we can always say, "Well, I didn't know..." The list in my translation (NCV) says "sexual sinning, doing evil, letting evil thoughts control you, wanting things that are evil, and greed." Other translations say "fornication, cleanliness, adultery, passion, evil desire and covertness." Depending on your translation, I think you get a different impression of what Paul is asking us to not do! Paul then bluntly says (v 6) , "These things make God angry." When we do bad things, do we think about making God angry?

The next list (v 8-9) seems to list "lesser" evils: anger, bad temper, doing or saying things that hurt others, using evil words when you talk, do not lie. We may overlook these "lesser sins" and think they aren't that bad when you compare hem to the sexual stuff from earlier! Are there differing degrees of "bad" that we can do?

We have a new life and we should cherish that new life that we have by doing good, by being nice to others, by living a wholesome life (v 9b-10). Our goal is to become more Christ-like, to strive for perfection while still here on earth! I have heard many times, and even said it myself, the church is full of hypocrites. We say one thing and we show up to church, but we aren't really good people. I think that fits in here. If you're going to talk the talk, then walk the walk. What do you think about the hypocrites in the church?

I am reminded of the hymn, "One Bread, One Body" when I read v 11. Paul says we are all equal in the sight of God. It doesn't matter who we are, we are united in Christ. Even the Scythians who were regarded as savage barbarians! If we are in Christ, then we are all the same. Do you agree with this? Does your church agree with this?

Now, Paul lists (vv 12- 17) all the positive things we should be doing if we are members of the body of Christ. It reads almost like the list of the fruits of the spirit, and several other lists we have read before. As you go through the list- do you do all the things Paul suggests? Why not? In some translations, v14 says, "Above all these things, put on love, which is the bond of perfection." My translation says, "Love is what holds you all together in perfect unity." (see 1 Corinthians 13:13...Faith hope and love...). Paul continues with peace, thankfulness, wisdom and instruction with psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs (i.e. in many different a free ways of teaching). Variety in teaching and instruction is key for Paul. Do we instruct others?

The next set of verses (vv 18- 22) relate to family dynamics (including slaves in the family team) and I am sure some will read these words and get their feathers all ruffled! I would never want to preach using v 18 as a text! But, remember the times and the culture when these were written. I think what Paul is trying to say is that we are all part of a team, Paul thinks the husband is the captain (and in the culture of the time- he was) and everyone else are players on the same team. The goal is for the unit to work together. Are families missing these "rules for team playing" today? Paul stresses (vv 23- 25) that we are all on the same team, the team of Christ! We should work hard for that team and life each other up and continue to move the ball forward (like my team analogies!!) Do you feel that we are all on the same team when it comes to Christ? Church?

Chapter 4 is short for tomorrow. Then on Friday, we have decided to move to Acts (and skip Luke- if you'd like to review Luke- look back at the comments from December). I will post an introduction to Luke by tomorrow afternoon.

Have a great day and enjoy the beautiful weather we are being blessed with!

Pastor Paul


  1. Is it because of reading Hebrews that I find Paul so much easier to understand? LOL When I read vs. 4 I took it a little differently then your comments. My translation says "When Christ, who is our life, shall appear......" I took it as meaning - with Christ we have life, without Him we do not. Especially since it seems to be talking about when Christ comes again. But I agree - Christ should be my life! My vs. 5 says "Mortify therefore your members which......" So after reading your two different translations I looked up mortify - which had several meanings but one was "subdue by self-denial or discipline". I like that as well - because, unfortunately, I can see that would be an action that would need to happen again and again! I more think of the actions of my youth that I am sure made God angry! I think people do think there are varying degrees of sin - I often think that myself. After all, we have the phrase "little white lie". But in truth, I am sure God feels they are all sin and, therefore, all wrong. I do not think there are more hypocrites at church then any other "walk of life." However, I do think that most people who attend church want and try to live the right way. I am sure someone who didn't know me well could observe me on a given day and think to themselves = and she calls herself a Christian? I hope not, but I am sure it happens, I do find it interesting that Paul takes the time to tell us how we are all the same - even listing different types of people - and then goes on to say how each separate person in a family is to behave; separating us! Everything Paul goes on to mention could apply to all members of the family - do not provoke each other, love each other, etc. My study bible says that Paul, in mentioning servants and masters and how they should act toward each other, is trying to change the institution from within. But I agree, Paul is writing according to the times! We might not be on the same team when it comes to Christ - but we are definitely playing the same game. P.S., Pastor, in regards to our most recent conversation (and many others) I do point out vs. 6 "For which things' sake the WRATH of God cometh on the children of disobedience:" (smile) Enjoy this beautiful day!

  2. Well I will say this did ruffle my feathers when I read ...slaves you must always obey your masters. I know it was a different time but what time would this be okay? I then went in search of my mothers devotional Bible to see how this was worded. After tearing apart my closet I gave up but found The Message a contemporary Bible I used in another Bible study. This one said...servants do what you’re told by your earthly masters. Only slightly better.
    I agree with Donna that there are varying degrees of sin.
    When I think about hypocrites in church. I think of these long time friends of ours that are always preaching god but definitely not living it. I struggle spending time with them.
    I am going to go outside and enjoy this day and will continue to look for that mother’s devotional Bible another day!

  3. What a great chapter!
    Paul tells us to don new clothes(Love, patience, kindness, Humility etc)and get rid of the old(lust , sexual immorality, and "lesser" sins like anger, dirty language, impure thoughts, etc).Put away the sins of the world ,don't live your life for the world but for Jesus Don't let the world rule your life but let Jesus lead your life so you ca lead others. This includes all the Christians whether they be Jew, Gentile , etc. Live your lives to show the world your new life in Jesus Try to do good each day. Live your life to honor God. a
    All this reminds me of the Hymn "Just a closer walk with Thee"
    If only life was that easy for me lots of distractions get in the way at times.. I must strive to do better for I do love the lord.

  4. This is a tall order for an ordinary person like me. I try to forgive but I don’t forget. Often I’m not meek or patient. I was thinking the other day, what exactly are we calling sins? Are we going by the Ten Commandments? I think a lot of what people say or do is only a sin if someone thinks it is. Does that make sense? As I’ve said before, my parents were very strict and fundamental so just about everything was a sin to them.
    “Children, obey your parents in everything “????
    “Slaves, obey your earthly masters in everything “??? Hmmm. I hope the last chapter is different.

  5. I got more our of this chapter than any of those in Hebrews. Rhea and I talked at length about the commandments discussed here. One conclusion that we came to is that different people have different thresholds for badness. In other words, what one person thinks is OK, another may think that the same behavior is a mortal sin. I think that this is a little extreme, but I hope you can see the point.

    I know that the life I lead is sometimes far from being a good Christian. If God is mad at me for this, He has been very angry on several occasions. All I can do is try to lead a more perfect life, but perfection will always evade me as it evades us all. I am sure that there are others who have done worse than me, but that is not an excuse for my own actions.

    There are times that I have gone to church not wanting to be there. Those times are the most hypocritical times of my life. One thing we were talking about tonight is how we sometimes recite things in church, just saying the words and not thinking about what we are saying. I remember my youth (and, yes, I can remember back that far) in the episcopal church were we read the same service out of the Book of Common Prayer week in and week out. I know that I was just saying the words and I would wager that very few in the congregation were thinking about what they were saying.

    It has been relatively mild here in the Wild West following our week of negative temperatures. After having days when the high was -12, we are going to see 60 this weekend, but next week it is back to reality. It is March now, and can spring be too far away???

  6. Why most people go to church, I think is for comfort and understanding Gods word. He planted a seed in us and it needs tending, weather we know this or not. Being around Christian, and helping others, helps us to be a where of Christ's love for us. Life is hard,but we have Jesus in our lives,we also sin less. We can have comfort and love in heaven.


A Final Post

 Good morning. We did it! The entire New Testament in a year. that is quite a feat! Thank you all for your dedication and work. It wasn'...