Tuesday, March 9, 2021

Colossians 2

 Paul starts with an interesting statement; he sounds like he wants to stress the work that he is doing and sounds like he is trying to make himself sound great. However, the idea is that he has internal struggle with himself about the Colossians, the Laodiceans, and others. He is really struggling with their conflicts and decisions to stray away from Christianity. He also mentions (and this relates back to a comment from someone yesterday)  that even though he hasn't met them face to face, Paul really cares...so by extension, even though Paul has never met us, his care is illustrated in these letters and we can learn form them just as the churches they were addressed to an learn from them. Can you feel that these letters may be partially directed and addressed to you?

The specific concern Paul has for the Colossians (vv 2-3)  is their enthusiasm for unity and God. Once they become unified again, they can then begin developing a stronger relationship with God. Paul knows that the Colossians are being pulled in many different directions by many different polytheistic religions that all look good. They are becoming separated and division is forming. Paul urges them to correct that separation and then they will be able to better focused on God. Is that relatable to us in these times? Is our separation making it tougher to focus on God? Paul continues that thought (vv 4-5); when we are disorganized and in difficult times, we may begin to listen to unwise teachings, we may fall away from God, we may start to believe untruths.It might sound simple, but deceivers are deceivers. They won’t announce their false doctrine as false doctrine, and it will often be similar enough to the truth to be dangerous.  How does that relate to our current culture?

The Colossians were given a gift (v 6)- Christ! Keep that gift and keep it alive. It isn't something they earned, it was given, by tradition, from their ancestor and neighbors. Have strong roots (v 7)- a great metaphor for Christian life...we need to be grounded deeply so that when storms come, we will not be blown away or moved. How string are your roots? The deeper our roots are, the stronger we will be...as a tree grows, it sends down roots deeply so that it can reach tall heights. 

Paul begins to address the Colossian heresy (v 8). The Colossians have been listening to false teachings from Gnostics and mystics and other religions about their gods. They have listened intently and some have begun to leave the Christian faith. Paul's caution is that these teachings are false and not from God, they are from humans. Can we be pulled away from God by human words? Paul composes an airtight declaration of the deity of Jesus in vv 9: Jesus is fully God, not a partial god, not a junior god, FULLY GOD! And to top it off (v 1)...our life becomes complete when we build a relationship with Jesus. If the fullness of God dwells in Jesus and we have an intimate relationship with Jesus than we also can have the fullness of God in us! Can you understand why people may believe in other gods though?

We come back to the topic of circumcision again. Most of the Colossian Christians were Gentiles, so were never circumcised. Paul says that doesn't need to happen, that Christ has spiritually circumcised our hearts. Remember- circumcision was a sign of one of the covenants God made with the Jews. That spiritual circumcision they gained was even more important than physical circumcision. For Paul, and Christians, the sacrament of baptism is more important than circumcision. Most of the Colossian Christians had been baptized, and Paul reminds them of the "vows" that they took; the fact that we are dead to sin, and reborn as complete and whole people in the body of Christ. For Christians, baptism is the symbol for the covenant- being raised up through the water as new and clean people in Christ's family. Look back at the baptismal covenant of your church (denomination). How does that illustrate the death to sin and rebirth as new creations? Before we have new life in Jesus, we are dead in our trespasses (v 13). A trespass is a specific kind of sin: overstepping a boundary. We are dead because we overstep God’s boundaries in our sin and rebellion.God brought us back and made us alive again in and through Christ. 

Paul begins this last section  with "so...(v 16) meaning that it is connected to the last passage...the idea that Christ gives us life and freedom from death through sin. The idea Paul brings out here is that the laws and legalism are moot points when it comes to Christianity, as ling as we are living and working in Christ. A life that is centered on Jesus and what He did on the cross has no place for legalism. Theologian and New Testament scholar Frederick Bruce said,  “It would be preposterous indeed for those who had reaped the benefit of Christ’s victory to put themselves voluntarily under the control of the powers which he had conquered.” As we have read in a few other epistles, the original Jews of the area were chastising the new Christians for not following the Levitical and Mosaic laws. Paul says, as we know, these laws doe't mean anything when we are living in Christ. Christians are free to keep a kosher diet or to observe the sabbath if they please. There is nothing wrong with those things. However, they cannot think that eating kosher or sabbath observance makes them any closer to God and they shouldn't judge others because they don't keep the laws. Hmm...judging others! Comments?

Another part of the Colossian Heresy comes out in v 18- the worship of angels. Christ is above the angels, and Paul has stated this a few times! Angels may be the messengers of God, but they are not God and they don't "deserve" worship. Similar with god worship- God worship yes, god worship- no.

Paul ends this chapter (vv 20- 23) rebuking legalism- again! This must be a huge point that Paul was trying to make!

Enjoy the beautiful day that we are going to have...and even better the next few days.

Pastor Paul


  1. Paul and David are my favorite people in the Bible (besides Jesus, of course). So I like the idea that Paul is speaking to and about me! He is so "out there" with his emotions - in his love for the people he is writing to and for his faith in God/Jesus but also in his sadness - maybe anger? - in people who have heard the Good News but seem to be straying to other things. I love Paul's message in all his letters that we are all equal, we are all loved, we are all forgiven, we are all offered the promise of ever lasting life. Nothing matters but our faith and love for God and belief in Jesus. Can we be pulled away by human words? Aren't they all human words? Even the gospels are repeating Jesus' words when He was "human". The Affirmations of Faith we speak, the words we say during a baptism, the hymns we sing - all human words. I guess the trick is to know that the words in the Bible, the words in the Gospels that are attributed to Jesus, are the words we are to believe and follow. I think that's why, for me, Bible Studies, like this one, are so important. The more knowledge I have, the more I have the
    "weapons" to "fight" the words of those that would like to "turn my head" so to speak! As those in Colosse. My roots with God/Jesus are deep and strong - at least I think so. What separates me is my own doing - getting too busy to pray or read, making other things in my life a priority. My own doing. Paul is such a champion for - Let's NOT judge others!! A good motto to live by. Not that I can always do it - but I do try to be aware when I am!! In my Bible, Paul says in vs. 11 "In whom, also ye are circumcised with the circumcision made without hands, in putting off the body of the sins of the flesh, by the circumcision of Christ." It is an action that includes all - men and women - and I like the imagery of casting off a body of flesh that is full of sin and having a new body made in Christ. I LOVE the quote by Frederick Bruce!!

    1. Paul does really wear his heart on his sleeve doesn't he. He is honest and does have a genuine concern. What if all people were like that??
      I also like Paul's stance on equality (although he wasn't too keen on women, he was better than the culture of the time!)
      Great thoughts and ideas Donna! Thanks!

  2. God,s concern for us is to know him, love and believe. People in today's world or back them, try to deceive you with persuasive words and lies. God says, I am absent in the flesh, but with you in the spirit. I really love those words. His spirit breaths new life in us and we become alive in him. If we sin, we are ignoring God, we become dead. Cut off from God. Christ has made a full payment for our sins, if we only love and believe, by his life and his blood on the Cross.

    1. Know, love, and believe...three easy things to do-- right??!!
      I like the idea of the Spirit breathing new life into us!
      Good thoughts Rose Marie! Thanks!

  3. Paul is telling the3 Colossians and neighboring cities that he Loves them and wanting them to grow strong in their belief of Jesus They should grow deep roots in their belief and follow Jesus not Humanity It is okay to follow the laws, diets etc but not the let them be the end all that Jesus in the END ALL.
    Once they became Christians the were cut away(circumcised) from sin thru Jesus's blood being shed for them on the cross. So stay strong and do not follow the pagan gods, and spiritual powers of the world but follow only the Lord Jesus Christ as he is the only God.

    1. Deep roots is something Paul says quite frequently in his words. He is all about establishing deep faith.
      Nice look at us being cut away (circumcised) from sin!
      Good thoughts Clara! Thanks!

  4. For me Baptism is such an important and moving sacrament (can you tell I have attended the Catholic Church) I grew up attending the episcopal church. It makes me sad that my granddaughter is not baptized. I have had several discussions with my daughter while trying not to preach because I know that will not work. She has told me it doesn’t mean they won’t do it in the future so I am hopeful.
    As far as the special diets I think of when I was growing up we would never eat meet on Fridays. Not only during lent but every Friday. A priest once said to a group I was in. I can’t believe god wants me to eat lobster on Friday instead of steak....
    It seems simple to us to follow Jesus and not a pagan god but look at some of these what my text refers to as fancy talkers. It is unsettling how people are persuaded into alternative thinking that you would never think would be.

    1. While the Catholic Church has 7 sacraments, the United Methodist (and many Protestant denominations) have 2. Both Baptism and the Lord's Supper are the sacraments we celebrate. I love officiating s baptism. I cry every time I have the opportunity to do one. My grandson is a year old- and not yet baptized- but that has lots to do with this COVID thing more than anything else. I hear your desire for baptism!
      No meat on Fridays?! Not sure if I could do that!!
      The "fancy talkers" do tend to pull us away- can't they!
      Stay string!
      Thanks for the great thoughts Cindy!

  5. My granddaughters are not baptized either and it also makes me sad. One day we watched a tv show and a child was baptized. My 6 yr old granddaughter asked me what was going on so I told her. She asked me if she did that when she was a baby. I felt bad to tell her no but she really doesn’t get it anyway, I guess.
    I thought of the recent election when I read about watching out what you are told to believe. I know it’s just my belief but I feel that the election went the right way. We need to be vigilant about what we listen to because it’s easy to be confused about ideology.

    1. It must be tough trying to explain baptism- or any sacrament- to a child that just doesn't get it! I hear your words Cathy.
      I listen to several news sources, and they sometimes say opposite things. It is to the point sometimes where I don't know what or who to believe! That is the goal of those "fancy talkers" Cindy commented on!
      Good points Cathy! Thanks!

  6. I had my second COVID-19 shot yesterday and reading the Bible got lost in the shuffle. I feel good today except for slight fatigue and a mild headache. I have no pain ins my arm and things are going well. In 2 weeks, I will be "fully immunized", whatever that means. Rhea has had both of her shots.

    This chapter is familiar to me. I remember verses 18 and 19. I think that I must have read them as Liturgist.

    Why do they make such a big deal about circumcision in the Bible. I do not see the connection. Is it cleanliness? I just do not see how the clipping of a small amount of skin is so important. Was this done on adults or on babies as we do now? I agree that Baptism is a much more important rite in the Church.

    Cathy, I do not agree that the election went the right way. Biden has put so many people out of work and my son is soon going to be one of them. I am furious about this. (This tirade has no bearing on Chapter 2 and I apologize for it. I had to get it off my chest.)

    When I read the verses about watching what you are told to believe, I thought about scammers and Internet criminals that lure folks to fake websites where they can bleed you dry.

    I have read everybody's comments and I do not believe I can add to them.

  7. Yahoo for the vaccine!! Life seems to be getting somewhat back to normal-ish!
    In the Jewish faith, circumcision was a sign of the covenant with Abraham. I am not sure why God required it, but some theologians and Hebrew Bible scholars say that it shows the intimacy of our relationship with God- we are uncovering a very private and personal part of our body. There was no symbolic cutting for women. Typically the circumcision was done when the boy was 8 days old...although in the first generations (i.e Abraham) there was adult circumcision too.
    Thanks for sharing thoughts and questions Jack! Be safe and rest!


A Final Post

 Good morning. We did it! The entire New Testament in a year. that is quite a feat! Thank you all for your dedication and work. It wasn'...