Monday, May 17, 2021

1 Thessalonians 3

 What a great weekend! Saturday was busy with helping a friend shear sheep (my back is killing me!). My niece came down for a visit with two of her friends and she spent the night (the other two went home). Of course, Sunday was church day and then our annual road clean up!

Road Clean up Crew!!

We are starting with 2:17 this morning, as this seemed to fit better with chapter 3 than with chapter 2. I'm not sure who or how these chapter divisions are made?!

Paul expresses his desire to meet with the Thessalonians again (2: 17) but mentions how tough it has been, even blaming the hindrance on Satan (2:18). Remember, most the of the Thessalonians were Gentile converts, and Paul says nothing more about Satan; he must have taught them about Satan and spiritual warfare at his initial visit. Even in the infancy of the church movement, Satan was actively trying to shut it down. How active is Satan in the church movement today?

We can see the real love and joy Paul has from this church (2:19-20). Paul has many "crowns of victory" with all the church starts he produced!

Paul realized he couldn't visit Thessalonica himself, so he did the next best thing- send Timothy (3:1)! Timothy was probably as instrumental in church growth as was Paul. He was a long time companion of Paul and was often sent on side mission trips to visit places that Paul couldn't get to. An important message here is that church work can't (and shouldn't) be done by one person...there needs t be a team of committed and similar minded people working together. How does that stand in your church?

In verse 2b, some translations (not the NCV, the one I use) say "Timothy, our brother and minister of God"..." Note that there was no official title of "minster" in the church; the word minister means someone who offers a service to another; our title "Minister" does come from this word.  Paul sent Timothy to encourage and strengthen the church (v 2c), not to inspect it for problems! That's why Paul says "none of you should be upset..." in the next verse. Paul knows that the church is experiencing problems, both on a spiritual level and a physical level, and Timothy is being sent to help them through these problems and assures them that God is in control (v 3c). It is expected that Christians wold face difficulties at the hands of others (v 4) and that there would be persecution and troubles. How do we handle those troubles? Do we remember God is present with us? Paul seems really upset that he couldn't be with the Thessalonians (v 5). Recognizing the troubles that the Thessalonians were facing, and knowing that the troubles were from Satan, Paul didn't want their faith to waver and fall apart. Remember Job and his trials! Paul send Timothy as a confidence builder. Do churches do that today? When they see someone (or the entire congregation) struggling, do they send someone to encourage?

Timothy had visited and has returned and Paul writes of the positives that he heard from Timothy (v 6): faith and love. Two definite Godly traits! These positive reports of the Thessalonian church are enough to loft up Paul in his troubles that he is facing in Corinth (v 7). The reports gave Paul a renewed strength and freshness. A real boost to a pastor's emotions is to see their people doing well. When they do well- the pastor does well; when they struggle, the pastor struggles. Think of that!

Even though Paul heard good news from the Thessalonians, he still has a desire and passion to meet wit them (v 10) and prays continually to God that they visit can happen.  However, Paul does add in at the end, with all the joy and happiness, that they are still lacking in faith in some aspects (v 10b). We aren't quite sure of what is missing at this point, but it seems like a face to face preaching engagement would be appropriate!

Pal ends this chapter with a "prayer" for the visit to happen. Paul addresses "God- Father and Jesus, our Lord" (v 11)- unification of the Godhead, two deities united as one. The church was not a loveless church (v 12), but it seems as though they need to work on it. Love is an essential and critical mark of a Christian.  How does your church do with love of others? There seems to be an emphasis on love of all people; it is easy to love those that are like you, but the love of God transcends all that we know. A real expression of true love is loving those that are not like us. Can you do that? Does your church do that?

Great words from Paul! Things that we can all learn from!

Enjoy the day! Going to be a beautiful one!

Pastor Paul


  1. Good Morning all - what a beautiful day!! Cindy, I hope you enjoyed your visit to Philly and your daughter this past weekend as much as I enjoyed my visit there with my daughter and family! it was a beautiful weekend.

    I wonder how much Pagans had to be taught about Satan since they had evil spirits in their rituals. I am thinking that part would have been easier for them to grasp then one God and His son Jesus. Sad to say I believe Satan to be alive and well in the 21st. century. The two things that Paul does make clear is how much God loves us and forgives us and that we will definitely have trials and tribulations! The commentary in my Bible for vs. 6 where Paul writes "But now when Timotheus came from you unto us, and brought us good tidings" - It's the only place where Paul uses the phrase good tidings for anything other than the gospel. The commentary also says in referring to vs. 6 - Three things caused Paul joy when Timotheus came back from Thessalonica - 1) "your faith" - a right attitude toward God 2) "charity" - a right attitude toward man and 3) "desiring greatly to see us" a good attitude toward Paul and his companions. So instead of the the cruel words used about Paul in Philippi that hurt Paul, here Paul is receiving the opposite. It does show how very human Paul was and how affected he must have been when it seemed like his efforts were not good enough. But for Paul to face controversy and yet continue is heart warming. I know sometimes when I want to start something and I face controversy I feel like just giving up.

    I like that Paul gives a little prayer - vs. 11, 12 and 13 - in the middle of his letters for the people he is writing to!

    I can love anyone not like me, however, it is much harder for me to love someone who continually hurts me and/or talks about me. I have a really hard time with that!!

    1. Good point, Donna...I really didn't think of the evil spirits of the pagans. I'd rather forget about them! Monotheism would have been tough, like you say.
      It is interesting how Paul is treated differently by different populations. I where/ why the biases happened? Did word of Paul get to the towns before and who spread the potentially negative news?
      When I am up against opposition, I sometimes want to give up- but that depends on what I am "fighting" for. Some things I will not drop, other things I will let someone else "win" for lack of better words. Paul does seem to get down at times- but doesn't seem to ever give up- passion!
      Good thoughts Donna- thanks

  2. Satan somehow prevented Paul from returning to the young Thessalonian church group. so he sent Timothy to help strengthen the group as they were facing many trials. Timothy returned to Paul saying the group They had faith and love. Paul tells them that the trials will continue but to be strong in their belief and God will prevail and someday Christ will return . He ends the chapter with a prayer.
    We continue to have trials etc as we still wait for Jesus's return. When will it happen we don't know but we need to be ready, the Bible says he may come like a thief in the night. What a glorius day that will be.

    1. We do continue to face trials and tribulations. I have said many times- both in church and outside of church- nobody ever said life was easy. Nobody ever said following Christ was an easy walk! Continue to struggle and continue to gain strength!
      Good thoughts Clara- thanks

  3. Have you ever had the feeling that you needed to see a particular person at a particular time? Maybe just the thought of that person comforts you? You know that you'll get the understanding and support that you are in need of for whatever reason. I think this is how Paul felt. He seemed to need to know that the Thessalonians were still being the Christians that he hoped they were. Timothy says that the Thessalonians speak often of Paul and want him to visit. I wonder why Paul needed that reassurance. He really felt better when he realized that all was well.
    I know that I have some different ideas. One is that I really can't seem to believe in "satan". Never have. Oh I believe there is evil in the world but why is there? And, to me, there are different kinds of evil. I've known people who are mentally ill and have done evil things. I don't think that satan made them do anything. The brain misfunction did. Maybe being human is about choices and the free will that we have to decide for ourselves. At some point all drug addicts made the choice to "try it". Was it loneliness and the need for friends, acceptance, despair? I guess I could go on and on but I will spare you. Everyone deals with situations, trials and tribulations. Did you ever hear the saying "a mother is only as happy as her most unhappy child?" I still worry about my children every day but there has to be a balance. My daughter just took a new job. Will she like it and be happy or did she rush into something? Only God knows and he will help her if she has made a mistake. I know this for sure.
    I wouldn't be nearly as worried about the Thessalonians as Paul was. I think be cares deeply and I hope he knows that God is with them.
    Today has been a good day. It sure has been a good year for rhubarb. I've made a strawberry rhubarb pie, rhubarb scones, and have rhubarb pie filling ready to freeze. Our strawberries are covered with flowers and I hope it's a good year for strawberries too!

    1. This has nothing to do with anything, but when I was a young child in Middletown, CT, we had a rhubarb patch in the back yard. One day, I got sick eating the stuff and the thought of anything with rhubarb in it repulses me. The only rhubarb that I like is the one on the baseball field involving arguments with the umpires. (LOL)

    2. Paul must have had a special bond with the Thessalonians (more than other churches) Maybe because it was one of his first church starts- but he does seemed focused on seeing them again- regardless of what Timothy has to say about them!
      Interesting commentary on Satan. Thanks for sharing. I have a hard enough time wrapping my head around God- to try to do the same with an evil presence is hard too! Like you- I know there is bad and wicked in the world- but why? That could be a whole different discussion!
      Love your comment about happy moms; I think the same is about dads! I always think and worry about my kids (both school kids and physical kids)!
      One of my people just blessed me with strawberry-rhubarb pie- my favorite! Our strawberries are covered too! And the one rhubarb plant we have is crazy big! Good gardening year!!
      Thanks fro your thoughts Cathy!

  4. I wish I could have been there to help with the road clean up. I always enjoyed doing it. I am surprised that there isn't more garbage there since you couldn't do the clean up last year, but, then again, there probably weren't as many folks on the road throwing garbage out of their cars.

    I like to think that I do well with people who are not like me. By this, I mean people of color, Asians, Native Americans (of which there are a lot in Montana) and so on. I am afraid that sometimes I come up short. I had 2 TV repairs, one on Wilkes Barre and the other in Elmira, that involved black families. In both cases, I felt very welcomed and I hope that I gave them the same feeling. I felt that both calls were positive even though the repair I did in Wilkes Barre did not fix the problem. I hope in that case that they felt that I cared and that I did my best to make the situation right.

    I can't find any of the maps you provided, Pastor, but I thought that Paul got to Thessalonica on one of his later trips. I certainly hope so as he has much love for the Thessalonians.

    This is the first time in a long time that we have heard from our old pal, Satan. I was really surprised to see his name in this chapter. He tried to shut the church down and it appears that he nearly succeeded. I believe that he is still trying today. There is so much evil in the world from biblical times (i.e., the Old Testament) through and including today. One only has to look to the Middle East to find a lot of it. (I sure hope and pray that what is going on there now doesn't erupt into an all out war. That would be very, very bad for all of us.

  5. We missed you at road clean up- and the lawn is getting long Jack- when are you coming to mow it! We were surprised at the lack of garbage too! We didn't really think of the decreased traffic over the last year! Good point!
    You are right- and I didn't really think of it- this is the first time we have heard the name Satan in a long time! The growth of the church shows that the spread and influence of God is greater! There is evil and bad in the world; we need to keep trying to promote joy and faith in our small communities and hopefully that will spread out!
    Good points Jack and great stories! Thanks!


A Final Post

 Good morning. We did it! The entire New Testament in a year. that is quite a feat! Thank you all for your dedication and work. It wasn'...