Tuesday, May 18, 2021

1 Thessalonians 4

 Good morning! Beautiful day yesterday! I hope you all had a chance to get out and enjoy the warmth of the sun...and the pollen!

Below are two links to timelines of Paul's journeys. 

Chronology of Paul- this is a link to "Understand Christianity.com" and is a reliable source. It has links to Paul's missionary journeys so you can investigate them in more detail. It list the chronology of his epistles- note that this source has Galatians as his first letter. About half the sources have Galatians as the first, and the other half say 1 Thessalonians is the first!

PDF text- J Paul Tanner- this link goes to an extensive PDF article by J Paul Tanner- theologian, Bible study author, and well known professor of Hebrew studies. 

I hope these help to organize Paul's journeys some!

On to today's reading!!

Paul begins with adding more praise and thanksgiving to the Thessalonica church. Many of you brought that up in your comments from yesterday. There seems to be a very special bond between Paul and this church- possibly because it was one of his first church starts? He urges the people to continue living a godly and righteous life. He reminds them that their walk of faith is not for them but to please God (v 1). Something that we may forget at times! Paul also reminds the Thessalonians that what they were taught came directly from Jesus (v 2) and were not man-made rules- giving those instructions more authority and power. 

Then Paul hits them with the first negative comment- be sexually pure (v 3). The culture of the world at the time was marked with sexual impurity and immorality. I am sure we have all heard stories of ancient Rome and their sexuality. I took a class in college called "The Roman Experience" (long story about why I took it!); yikes! were my eyes opened about Rome!! Paul emphasizes that Christians are to raise their sexual purity and chastity to a higher level and be a model for others. The ancient author Demosthenes said, "We keep prostitutes for pleasure; we keep mistresses for the day to day needs of the body; we keep wives for the faithful guardianship of our homes" Part of the sanctification that Paul teaches is the sanctity of our bodies and sexuality. We are to be set aside from others and this includes the aspect of sexuality. 

God called us to be pure and holy (v 7), and we will be punished rightly (v 6b) if we disobey those commands from God. Refusing to be sexually pure not only hurts the humans involved, but also hurts and rejects God (v 8). Paul talks much about sexuality and the sanctity of our bodies in many chapters of his letters. Is the world any different today?

Paul gives positive accolades with the love for family that the Thessalonians have (v 9). These principles are so basic that Paul thinks they are obvious to the Thessalonians. They seem to love all people, but Paul encourages them to love more (v 10)! How can we increase our love for others?

The next point Paul brigs up is something we should all strive for- a more quiet and peaceful life (v 11)! A quiet life allows us to focus on God. When we are bombarded by TV, radio, social media, etc... our minds get clouded and we loose sight of God and the importance of God in our lives. Take time for ourselves to reflect and think. One of the reasons I so love hiking is that I am alone for several hours with my own thoughts and the quietness of the forest (and the extreme pounding of my heart!). On the downside- sometimes that quietness can be dangerous too as our mind think about us!

Mind your own business (v 11b)! It is in the Bible!! We have too much going on in our lives that we don't need to be meddling in the lives of others! There is certainly a difference between the Christian duty of putting others first and showing compassion and love for others and the meddling and interfering in the lives of others! Keep busy and don't expect life to be easy (v 11c). What's the adage..."Idle hands are he devil's workshop!" It is easy to fall into the trap of not doing anything and being lazy- Paul's caution here is to keep busy and keep working. The combination of love for neighbor and good work ethics will be a model for others (v 12).

Paul finally addresses one of the big questions that the Thessalonians had- what about the people who have died? It has been several weeks since Paul visited Thessalonica the first time; he taught them about the return of Christ. Like Paul and many others- they thought the return of Christ would be...tomorrow, or at least maybe next week. The Thessalonians were troubled about the people that have died that would miss Christ's return (v 13).  Many translations use the word "sleep" for death of believers; sleep was equated with rest, waiting  and resting for Christ's return. The word cemetery comes from the Greek koimeterion and the Latin coemeterium meaning "sleeping place" or "dormitory." If we believe in the resurrection of Christ through God, then we can believe in the awakening of the dead when Christ returns (v 14).  The living have no advantage over the dead when it comes to Christ's return (v 15). Paul believes that God/Jesus will come, in person, with shouts and trumpet calls to announce the coming (v 16). Paul assures the Thessalonians (and us) that the dead are merely "sleeping" and resting until Christ comes when they will be awakened- before the living are called to Christ (v 16). Once the dead have been raised up, the living will follow (v 17). Paul is very honest and very straightforward with his words here!

I love the closing verse (v 18) of this chapter, "Encourage each other with these words" (NCV). I know Paul is talking about the raising of the dead at Christ's coming, but I'd like to expand it to all of our Holy texts- encourage people. Don't beat them down, don't ridicule, don't humiliate-- encourage!

We will finish 1 Thessalonians tomorrow with "instructions" on how to be ready for Christ's coming! We will then move on to 2 Thessalonians. 

I am planning on hitting a few Catskill high peaks tomorrow, but I hope to get my comments for chapter 5 out in the morning like I usually do. Looks like a great day for a 9 mile mountain hike!

Enjoy the day today and soak in the sunshine and heat!

Pastor paul


  1. Sorry I missed yesterday. We had a good work weekend! Cathy I really liked your take on Satin. Gives us food for thought.
    We have discussed during several chapters about sexuality in regards to lgbtq. As this chapter is mentioning sexual immorality and purity I cannot help but think of sex trafficking and how frequently we are hearing about it. That those who are so vulnerable are taken advantage of by people of power is so very sad. God must be so ashamed of us.
    I'm sure all of us agree that we should encourage instead of bringing someone down.
    Enjoy this beautiful weather!

    1. The way we treat LGBTQ+ brothers and sisters is sad; the amount of sex trafficking is unreal- I guess I have always been "sheltered" from this, but it is becoming more in the news now. What can the church do to help this?
      Thanks Cindy

  2. Paul encourages the people to live a Godly or Holy life by abstaining from sexual sin. The Gentiles before they were brought to
    Jesus were Pagans and practiced many forms of misdeeds and sins of all kinds and Paul didn't want then to return to their former ways
    Paul does say we shoud Love one another regardless of who that person is Sometimes it is hard to love all people we have prejudices and we judge people which sometimes prevents us for caring for them We are all human beings after all. Paul wants for the people to mind their own business and love a quiet life. In this day and age living a quit life is not easy what with the internet, cell phones social media, news media, tv etc, we all get very involved in what is happening in the world years ago the world was not so global as it is today . Even in my lifetime the difference from when I was young til now is a vast difference WE didn't even have a tv at my home til I was 17 or 18 I did read the newspaper and listen to the radio but even the newspaper and news on the radio was not global news or only rarely. I can understand what Pastor Paul says about getting out into the woods and hiking. If I were able that is something I would love to do. When I was younger i loved walking in the woods and listening to the birds and sound of nature You do feel closer to God in the quiet.
    Paul does tell of the second coming and how it will happen , that the dead in Christ will raise up first and then the alive believers will meet Jesus in the sky .
    Since we a talking about the Good News etc what about the people before Jesus was born and died to save us there were people that didn't even know about Jesus or even God for that matter will those people raise from the dead to meet Jesus in the air? Also with all the noise in the world now especially in the big cities will we be able to hear commanding Shout and the Trumpet call. Just wondering and thinking.
    Enjoy the beautiful day everyone. Loving all the sunshine. Makes one feel so good.

    1. We are all that way- our life pre-Jesus and post-Jesus are different! We always want to return to the former life, and need to be encouraged to stay with God.
      You're right it is hard to love some people- but we can try and learn to be better at it!
      Our world is so bombarded with images and noise and stuff all the time! I have taken a new appreciation for reading too. I have borrowed many books from the library and find comfort in that quiet time! The noise that surrounds us does deafen us to God's call...but I am sure that we will hear the shouts and trumpet calls of God on the day of tribulation!
      Good question about the people that loved pre-Jesus...but wasn't Jesus here all the time (in God- the Trinity)?! My idea would be that those that had a string faith in God would be called up as would Christians. I imagine Abraham, Sarah, Noah, Moses, Rebecca, etc...all our Hebrew ancestors- to be there with us!

  3. Since the devil/satan/lucifer tempted Jesus in Matthew and Jesus said to Peter "Get behind me Satan." I think that I do believe that "he" is an entity - perhaps a non physical one.

    Is Chapter 4 the beginning of an explanation from Paul for his comment in Chapter 3 vs. 10 when Paul says, ".....and might perfect that which is lacking in your faith?"? In Paul asking them to refrain from fornication I think he is referring to adultery, premarital sex, casual sex, etc. Have our morals changed? I am thinking probably not - even though things seem worse then in our parents or grandparents time, maybe it was just hidden better then. And, as Cindy mentions, we hear all about sex trafficking. Is it new? Absolutely not - but new to our country. And because of this openness, we have child labor laws, child sex laws, womens' rights. Back in Paul's day -both in Greece and Rome (and I am sure in more places) children of slaves or servants had no rights and I am thinking women who were abused or even raped had very little. So there are great improvements.

    Mind your own business? A rather fine line between that and when Paul says to help our neighbor's faith. Or is Paul referring more to gossip?

    How great you love - but you could do better! Couldn't we all. It would be nice if we all were reminded of that every day!!! We all love - but we could do better!!!!

    I like that Paul explains that both dead and alive will be called up when Jesus comes again. And that Paul even gives the order. Has it been said before that those alive will be meet Jesus in the sky? I don't recall that it was.

    I would like to "turn off the noise in my world" just to look around and become more aware of those in my life and even those I pass in my life. As a quote attributed to John Muir said, "Into the forest I go to lose my mind and find my soul." I would love that.

    "Wherefore comfort one another with these words." I agree, Pastor, he is referring to rising to Jesus - but wouldn't it be nice if we did it in other ways - random acts of kindness, helping those who need it, spreading the Good News, being nice. Wouldn't it be nice if I did that in those ways! I need to try to do better!!!

    1. Donna, you bring up many good and interesting things about morals and ethics. RE: your comment about sexuality- I do think our morals have changed some, although I think we are "getting back" to better morals. Infidelity and adultery seems rampant and teenage sex seems to be out of control- but it is getting better. Sherri and I were just talking the other day- the teen pregnancy rate has decreased the last few years (are kinds being more careful or are they not "doing it"?). In the US, we have come a long way with slavery and child rights- but it still exists across the world. How can the church help this?
      And the "mind your own business" idea is the gossip part, I think. Paul does want us to teach and edify about Christ, but no need to meddle in other people's lives.
      I do like that idea of the dead going first and then the living. I do look to be reunited with many people. The idea of the sky is new to me- but that's where Jesus ascended to- so that is probably Paul's theology of the rapture. Heaven and God's kingdom is up in the sky- right?
      I love John Muir!
      We could all try harder!
      Good points Donna!

  4. I am only going to comment on "mind your own business". This is something that I think about a lot. What is our own business, exactly?
    Today was a very hard day at work. You always have that one person on the staff that is "a problem". Today that person was a particularly difficult problem. Well meaning co-workers come to me with their concerns. Is it their business? Actually they think that it's my business but they need to "help" me with their opinions. It's human nature. Can they sway me by giving me their take on things?

    Last week my 87 yr old mother told me how she went into McDonalds (before Covid). A young girl was working at the counter and the girl had gauged ears, very large holes. My mother said that she asked the girl how she was going to feel when she wanted to wear a beautiful wedding dress but had huge holes in her ears. My mother said that she told the girl that her grandmother (the girl's grandmother) would not be happy with her. I thought I would faint. I asked why that girl's appearance was any of her business. She said that because she was right, she felt that she could say what she wanted. OMGosh!!!
    My wonderful daughter is not vaccinated. I doubt she will be. She is being influenced by friends that do not trust the vaccine or it's effectiveness. I worry about her being out in the world. She has a new job and will be spending a few days in another city soon for training. I guess this is none of my business.
    I wonder if it is your business if you just care and don't want see harm come to someone. Or is this judging? I'm also judging that she is making a bad decision.
    Wow! It's been a long day.

    1. Cathy, it sounds like you have been through the wringer today. I agree with you about minding your own business. I do not believe your mother should have questioned that girl's motives at McDonald's, but she did and I will leave it there. We all have our days when we feel that everything is wrong, but, hopefully, things will be different tomorrow. I hope this helps.

    2. People like to be involved in other people's business- I guess it is more interesting!
      Your mom is at the age where they don't have a filter! I am getting there I think!!
      Sounds like you had a rough day! Yikes! I think there is a difference between caring about others and meddling in other's lives. A fine line, but its there. Hard to figure out what to do at times isn't it!

  5. Sexual purity - I am guilty. I have never thought of cheating on my wife and I trust that she feels the same toward me. I think that the world is a little purer sexually that it was in Paul's time, but there is so much pre-marital sex going on that that seems to be the norm amongst couples of our time. I can honestly say that I do not know of anybody who has a mistress or engages with prostitutes. I do not wish to have my eyes opened to it either.

    I hear about the shenanigans going on at the border with Mexico and it makes me very disturbed to think about women and children being sexually abused by the very people that they trusted to get them to the US to try to find a better life. That and the fact that if they don't pay these demons for the trip, their families that they left behind will be in peril. The whole thing makes me sick.

    As far as peace and quiet goes, I like classic rock music. I can't say that I listen to it constantly, nut it is usually on when I am on the road. I also watch the political shows on Fox News at night, so my life is full of incoming noise and garbage. I don't use Facebook, except when we watch the Little Meadows church service.

    Even though, there I times when I shut it all off and enjoy the peace and quiet. I don't usually think negative thoughts about myself when it is quiet, but in days gone by, when I was still an IBM, this was not the case. Enough said.

    One of my thoughts all along is that I need to keep busy and keep my mind active. I am afraid that if I don't, I will go down hill pretty quickly. This is why I am still working some at my age, although I have really slowed down since we moved west. There is a lot to do around the house, however, but I have been ignoring it and this has to change.

    If Paul only knew that, after over 2100 years, we are still awaiting Christ's return. I believe that He will return, but I have no idea when.

  6. Sexuality is such a raw human emotion and we are most vulnerable at that time. I think it is a power trip when there is sexual abuse, etc...
    There is noise in our life. I am reminded of the Grinch complaining about the nose of Christmas day...but it was from the excitement!
    Keeping our minds busy is a good thing, Jack. On many different levels we need to stay busy and occupy ourselves with good things.
    Great comments and thoughts Jack. Thanks for sharing


A Final Post

 Good morning. We did it! The entire New Testament in a year. that is quite a feat! Thank you all for your dedication and work. It wasn'...