Wednesday, May 19, 2021

1 Thessalonians 5

 What a beautiful day yesterday! Summer is here- for now! We have really enjoyed the last few days of outside time!

I am heading to the Catskills this morning, so will respond to yesterday's comments later this afternoon when I get home. My goal is a 7 mile out and back covering three peaks over 3500 feet! Haven't been to the Catskills since last summer and I am missing them!

This is our last chapter in Paul's first letter to the Thessalonians. We will continue with Paul's second letter tomorrow; common thought is that he wrote it a few months after the first letter to respond to some questions they may have had.

This final chapter is about being ready for Christ's return- a follow-up from the last chapter with those that are "sleeping" (the dead) rising when Christ returns and being reunited with Christ prior to the living.

In the first verse, he reinforces the idea that the Thessalonians know about seasons and dates and how to tell time by various signs. But even with that knowledge, nobody knows when Christ will return (v 2). People of the  time were thinking that the return of Christ would be within days. We are now 20 years or so post-resurrection, and the idea of Christ's return is still a topic of conversation. 2000 plus years later we are still asking and wondering when this will be! The unexpected date will surprise the unbelievers when it does happen (v 3) and they cannot then rely on their comfortable living. The phrase "labor pains" (v 3) reminds us that Christ's return is inevitable and unpredictable. It will happen when Christ is ready for it to happen. The concept of labor pains brings the idea of a new birth, a new creation being born. 

Paul expresses his desire for the Thessalonians to continue doing what they are doing and continue being the good Christians he knows they are (vv 4-5). The opposition of light and dark come back into our theology: light equals good and Christians, dark equals bad and nonbelievers. That is a common theme throughout the Bible. Paul cautions us to not be spiritually sleepy (v 6-7); we need to be active, aware, and ready at all times. There is no time for frivolity (both physically and spiritually, v 7). Paul uses symbols of a soldier being ready for battle (v 8) as he did in Ephesians. As a soldier, we need to be sober and watchful- ready to go at any time. Faith and love are equated with the breastplate; the breastplate covers and protects the vital organs just as faith and love are vital for Christians. The helmet of hope symbolizes the thought and mindfulness we should have for God.  A quick reminder from Paul that our salvation comes from trust and belief in Jesus as the resurrected one (vv 9-10). Again, Paul reminds the people to comfort and encourage others with these words (v 11)!

In closing, Paul urges the people to recognize their leaders and give them proper acknowledgment (vv 12- 13). We tend to forget the people that lead us, both spiritually and physically. We are to live together in peace (v 13b). Imagine that world! Keep working so as not to be a burden (v 14) and edify the people with love and grace about Christ and the Gospel message (v 14). Minister to all people, be a model, build up the community. A strong community of faith is difficult to break down. 

The next few verses relate to personal faith and worship; the words sound similar to what we heard in Philippians. Always have joy (v 16); our joy is based in God, not on circumstances. Pray continuously (v 17); pray- communicate with God- all the time, not just when we need something. Always give thanks (v 18); always!

On to communal worship: don't quench the Holy Spirit (v 19). How many times have we had the flames of the Holy Spirit blown out by the naysayers?! Listen to the prophecies (v 20) but test what is being said (v 21). Don't believe everything is true! Just because its on the Internet doesn't make it real! Evil and deception can come up in spiritual situations- so be aware (v 22)!

We belong to God and God alone (v 23); we are set apart, sanctified, as children of God. Paul still needs prayers for himself and his group (v 24). All pastors and teachers need that!

What a great ending and a great reminder for us all that we are God's! 

I will post an introduction to 2 Thessalonians later today after I respond to comments. 

Enjoy the day before us!

Pastor Paul

Always give thanks (v 17).  P


  1. Hope you had a great Hike and enjoyed the outdoors today, Pastor Paul. It sure is beautiful out today.
    Paul again tells of the second coming of Jesus but we do not know when it will bee . It is over 2000 years and we are still waiting. We as Christians must be vigilant and ready for Him. Paul lists several we should be cognizant of, honor and respppect our leaders, work with those that are lazy,, encourage those that are timid, take care of the weak, be patient, stay away from all evil, be good to all people, always be joyful, never stop praying, be thankful, do not ignore the Holy Spirit and do not make fun of those who do not believe what we do but test what they say against the Bible.
    Now that is quite a list of what we should be doing. I know that is something that I need help with at times .
    We do have a wonderful pastor in our Church who leads us well. I certainly look to him for help when needed often his message lets me know answers to many questions and i am finding this reading of NT and this comments by all to be a great learning and understanding of what we are reading.
    So thank you all for your comments.

    1. I agree, Clara, we do have a great pastor!!!

    2. It has been over 2000 years and we are "still waiting"; has the anticipation worn off do you think? Are people still looking for this day as they did 1500 years ago? Is tat maybe one of the issues we are struggling with? How do we get people to understand?
      It is hard! But we just keep trying as best as we can.
      Ehh...pastor of LM is ok I guess!
      Thanks for the comments Clara!

  2. I spent Easter Sunday at my son's Catholic church. The priest reminded us that we are Easter people. It had been awhile since I had heard that phrase. In returning to my own church, my Pastor has said it many times after Easter. I have to admit - I like being an "Easter Person". In reading this Chapter I also like being called "The children of light and the children of the day." (vs. 5). Reminding us that our actions will NOT be hidden from the light of day by the shadow of night because we are Christians and if others do not see our actions, God always will. I also like vs. 9 "For God has not appointed us to wrath but to obtain salvation by our Lord Jesus Christ." It's almost like Jeremiah 29:11 "For I know the plans I have for you declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and future...." God wants us to be happy.

    I do have a question - vs. 15 says "....none render evil for evil unto any man; but ever follow that which is good." - how does that fit in with Leviticus 24: vs 19-21 that says "And if a man cause a blemish in his neighbor; as he hath done, so shall it be done to him; breach for breach, eye for eye, tooth for tooth, as he hath caused a blemish on a man, so shall it be done to him again. And he that killeth a beast, he shall restore it: and he that killeth a man, he shall be put to death."????

    I think vs. 14-22 is the clearest that I have read of Paul's writings so far. There should be no question by the Thessalonians how they are to live - or by us.

    We all said that the greetings at the end of the letter Paul wrote the Colossians was strange at the end - isn't that what Paul is doing here? Vs. "Greet all the brethren with a holy kiss." - but just not naming them?

    Hope your hike was wonderful!! Such a beautiful day.

    1. The fact that we are Easter people keeps us reminded of the promise God gave to us through the resurrection of Jesus and the hope that Jesus will return as He said he would. We are Easter people and we need to try to keep that hope alive!
      When we look at God in a human sense, we do get the feeling that Gd is a parent and wants good for God's children. Like any parent, God wants God's children to be successful, to be happy, to be productive.
      Hmmm....good question about the Leviticus passage! I am going out on a limb here and doing some investigation on Hammurabi's code. Hammurabi's empire was mid 1750BC and th legalcode existed until the late 1500sBC to early 1400s BC; Leviticus was written early 1400s. There are lots of similarities between the two. Did the author of Leviticus "borrow" some material from Hammurabi? Thoughts??
      The holy kiss was a signal/symbol of Christian love between people. The sexes were often separated during worship so men would kiss men; women would kiss women- but there could be no man-woman kiss!?
      Thanks for the comments Donna

  3. First of all Cathy I hope you had a better day today and I am so sorry yesterday was so challenging. It is a beautiful day and I had the pleasure of having lunch on a dear friends deck that over looks our beautiful valley. We talked about a lot of things one of them being what it means to be a Christian and how there are so many different thoughts on this. If you are consider yourself a Christian then you have often heard of the second coming of Christ. I did the reading this morning and have been thinking about that ever since. Maybe Christ is not coming as one man or one woman but as many different people of all races and religions and doing God's work. Something to think about.
    I agree Clara you do have a wonderful Pastor. I haven't met him yet but I can tell by his words that he is. This morning the founder of the mega church Hillsong was on the Today Show speaking about the church's (scandal) I was shocked by how he answered the questions. I was pretty sure Pastor Paul would have answered differently.

    1. Hmmm....first great that you could have lunch with friends. We all have missed that and now that life is seemingly getting back to a little bot of normalcy it is good! Second- great that you could have meaningful and honest discussions!
      I like the concept that Christ's return will be through a variety of people and ethnicity! Jesus was probably not the person we imagine wit the long flowing light brown hair and definite Caucasian color with higher cheekbones. He was of middle eastern descent- so much darker color- but some people have a hard tie understanding that. When I show images of Christ in worship, I try to get different pictures representing different cultures and ethnicities.
      Ehh...hold out on judgment of me until you meet me!! JK
      What scandal? I will have to look that one up!
      Great thoughts Cindy!

  4. Paul certainly has many ways of saying pretty much the same thing. He says that kindness, respect, purity, faithfulness, thankfulness, and on and in are the way to be.
    Right now we’re all in a situation where honor, respect and truthfulness are needed. I’m writing about the new mask laws. I’m having a real difficult time with all the new thinking since children under age 12 can’t be vaccinated.
    Last evening at our board meeting, I asked the board to decide that people still need to wear masks indoors so that children are able to come in without parents fearing for them. One board member got very angry. He told me that it’s not up to me to be concerned for the children, it’s their parents decision. Unfortunately I don’t trust that adults will be honest and protect others. They finally agreed that we will require masks until the next board meeting. The vote was 6 yes, 1 no.
    I will continue to pray that younger children will be able to be vaccinated in the near future.

    1. Cathy thank you for all you do!

    2. FYI, Cathy, our library here in Great Falls still requires masks. I have been told that after all the library staff has been vaccinated and the 2 weeks have passed, that masks will be made optional. It appears that the end is in sight for the masks as several stores no longer require them. I sure hope this is the case.

    3. Hmmm...we are all responsible for protecting the children! We had a similar discussion at our family zoom chat last night. My thought is that I will wear masks in more risky situations (Walmart, Price Chopper, etc) but probably not in less risky situations (feed store) unless the company or service requires it. I am still aware of my chance of spreading the virus to younger people and immune- compromised people.
      There is a certain level of respect and compassion that is evident in the mask wearing.
      Thanks for your compassion and care!

  5. Oh MY! Not your job to worry about the children? Thank heavens you do!!!!

  6. Summer is over here in the Wild West. It was in the eighties on Sunday and yesterday was beautiful, but a little cooler. Today, however, it is back to reality. It is now in the low 40s and pouring rain. We have a winter weather advisory for tonight for several inches of snow. It will be in the 30s for the next few days. After that, I am afraid to look. I hope you had a good hike today, Pastor, as I don't think you would have enjoyed it here, especially with woods full of grizzlies.

    Once again, the Second Coming is mentioned in this chapter as well as the comments. We have waited well over 2000 years, and God alone knows how much longer it will be. From what I have learned about it, it sounds to me that it will be quite painful (emotionally) when it does happen. Will there be fire and brimstone? Will He be born as a child to a virgin as before? Nobody knows and we are not supposed to know. All we can do is lead good Christian lives as we (hopefully) look forward to the day. This is something that we can and must do in preparation. Faith and prayer will lead us in the right direction. I do not mean to preach as I need help in this regard as, I believe, we all do.

  7. Yah...I am not a fan of grizzlies!
    I never though of the difficult emotional pain that you bring up! I can see that as I now consider who will and won't be saved!
    The key point that you bring out is to continue being as good and as wholesome as we cab with a string faith and trust in God.
    Preaching to the choir Jack! I agree- we all need work!
    Thanks for the honest comments!


A Final Post

 Good morning. We did it! The entire New Testament in a year. that is quite a feat! Thank you all for your dedication and work. It wasn'...