Friday, May 21, 2021

2 Thessalonians 2

 Good morning. Peace and Grace to you this day and all days.

What a great day yesterday...well, almost. Two hour pre-conference meeting was a drag, but the rest of the day was great. Lots of outside time! Another beauty today- no snow like Jack though!

Today's chapter starts our quite rough- but ends with a positive!

Paul addresses the people with the idea that some people are teaching that Christ has returned already (v 2). Either people misinterpreted Paul's first letter or there were people teaching that the rapture had already happened. Can you imagine how they felt as if they were left here on earth after Christ's return?!  How might you feel if people were preaching that the rapture had happened and you didn't make it!? "Obviously (?), the day of Christ's return hasn't happened and Paul will spend some time discussing this.

Paul points to one key piece of evidence that they day of the Lord is here...the turning away from God (v 3). Theologians debate what Paul means exactly- is it that the church and the believers turn away from God or is it a more general worldwide rebellion? I don't think the church would turn away from God, but I could see some movement away from teaching solid Christian principles in some cases. A second point is...the Man of Evil (or some translations say Man of Sin) will be revealed. Theologians again debate exactly what Paul means by this. Some Protestant reformation leaders said that Paul was referencing the corrupt line of popes in Rome! John Calvin (one of the leading reformers) said, "Paul, however, is not speaking of one individual, but of a kingdom that is to be seized by Satan for the purpose of setting up a seat of abomination in the midst of God's temple. This we see in the popery." In contrast, the early church "fathers" see the Antichrist as one individual with great public prominence and charisma that will lead people away from Christ. 

Some scary and harsh thoughts! Can one person or one group have that much power?! Whoever this "Mon of Evil" is, they will demand worship (as God does) and stand against all Christianity and Divine power (v 4)! This individual will even take over the Temple in Jerusalem and reside in the most holy place (where the ark of the covenant is housed- the dwelling place of God). People of the time were somewhat familiar with this concept as the emperor Caligula (late 30 early 40s AD) wanted to erect a statue of himself in the Temple. This person, this "Man of Evil", is truly an evil and wicked person. 

Paul was only with the Thessalonians a short time (v 5), but he taught them the importance of understanding and listening to prophecy. For the current time, Satan and the Man of Evil are being restrained (v 6). However, when the day of the Lord is here, the Holy Spirit will release the Man of Evil (v 6). The Holy Spirit will not leave us, but will allow the evil to be unleashed. When the Man of Evil is allowed to "escape", there won't be new wickedness, as there is already evil here now, but it will intensify (v 7).  The Man of Sin will be revealed; those alive will know who that "man" is. Good news- that man will be destroyed at just the brightness of light coming from Jesus (v 8). 

Satan will control this Man of Evil (v 9) and will be able to do miracles, signs, and wonders- just like Jesus has done, just like some of the disciples have done. Just because someone can do "signs, miracles, or wonders" doesn't mean they are from God- Satan can do them too! However, this deception will take root only in those who do not have faith and are not firm believers in God (v 10). They, the non-believers, are ready for the Antichrist as they seek out deception and evil. They seek out lies and untruths. They embody blasphemy and sin and are looking for their leader. God and Satan will send that leader in the form of the Man of Evil (vv 11-12).

Now a quick change in words and emotions from Paul as he repeats (almost) the words of the greeting- giving thanks to the Thessalonians for their faith and hope (v 13). Paul reminds the Thessalonians that they were chosen by God (v 13) and so they need not worry about the Man of Evil; they were chosen for salvation and sanctification (v 14). Therefore...stand fast (v 15)! Hold on to those virtues of Christianity; don't be moved in this time of persecution; don't be worried about the coming of the Day of the Lord (be ready though); continue to believe in God's glory and promise to believers (v 15). Keep the faith and continue to lead good lives. 

Remember- God is with us always and for ever (vv 16-17). 

What a roller coaster of emotions and feelings today with these words from Paul! Lots of thoughts about the end times. Will we know if it happens in our life time? Are we ready?

One more chapter in this letter and then we read a more personal set of thoughts as we start 1 Timothy- Paul's first letter of encouragement and instruction to his younger colleague. 

Enjoy the weekend and be at peace.

Pastor Paul


  1. Pauls tells of certain things that must happen before the second coming "The Antichrist" whoever it may be is it a one person or a movement perhaps that people rise up and follow whatever it is certainly lead by Satan.

    I don't think God punishes us for our sins but I think that we sometimes think that way when we go through trials That we lose some faith at those times and need to be reawakened to God being there for us. Thus our thinking sometimes as to where is God and why is He punishing me.. Kinda of OT thinking I guess as far as God goes( avengeful God) Most of this thinking is not lead by God but by Satan as that is what he wants us to think. Just thinking and wondering???

    1. How do you feel about the Antichrist= is it possible?
      Very good point- when we are struggling, we think God is punishing! And, like you said, an OT rendition of God! (in my opinion too).
      Satan, evil, is a powerful force. I know there is bad in the world, and I know this bad has the power to influence people and attempt to destroy faith and trust.
      Good points Clara

  2. Lost people will be fooled by his evil deeds. I'm my opinion this is happening today. I am saddened and shocked at the number of people who will support someone who is unkind and promotes division but claims it is the Christian way. I am so disappointed in how some promote Christianity in a way that does not reflect the all inclusive and giving way I believe it to be. When I had lunch with my friend yesterday we were talking about how some of these mega church's flawnt celebrities when Christ spent his time with the lepars and less fortunate.
    Will we recognize the second coming? That is a worry.
    Enjoy your weekend!
    My husband and I will be celebrating our 40th wedding anniversary!

    1. Why do you think lost people will be fooled by evil rather than drawn in my good? Is evil that much more powerful? There does seem to be large movements of hate and injustice- where are the big movements of peace and justice. I think they are there- but tend to get less press?
      Jesus was all about the lower classes and the outcasts. We do need to focus on them!
      The second coming is a scary thought! Will I recognize it? Will I be here for it? Always be ready!
      Happy anniversary! Sherri and I are up to 33 this past April!
      Good thoughts Cindy!

  3. This discussion has left me very upset. It seems like there is evil all around us, and even in our own government. I do not want to talk about political events and I will not. Am I concerned about the Rapture being here and me being left behind? Of course I am. I fear for our country. I fear for all of the scams and the way people want to separate the elderly from their money. From the evil that Paul describes, it appears that nothing has changed in the 2000 plus years since Jesus died for us and was resurrected. Evil is different now than it was then, but it is only because the world is different. It is different, but it is more sinister than what Paul warns the Thessalonians about. It has gone high tech.

    I don't think that we will see the Rapture in our life times. This is my personal belief. However, when it happens, and it will happen, it will not be pleasant.

    Congratulations on 40 years, Cindy. That is something to be proud of.

    1. Thanks for your honesty Jack. I appreciate your thoughts and concerns! I will agree- the evil 2000 years ago that Paul talks about isn't too different than now; like you say- new world, new evil- but it is still there! Have we learned nothing in over 2000 years? Why not? What can we do?
      I too am hopeful that I make it to the rapture! Who knows when it will be- just always be ready for it!
      Thanks Jack

  4. This certainly is an upsetting passage. I have never heard of the Man of Evil before. Maybe there have been Men of Evil through the ages and Paul is warning us to be aware and take heed. We know there has always been evil in the world.
    It certainly has been a beautiful weekend . I’ve spent a lot of it with granddaughters. I wish I had the energy that I had when my own children were little.

    1. It was unsettling to hear these words from Paul! Like you say- we know there is evil, but do we always take heed- like you ask? Why don't we? Why are people drawn to evil rather than good? Are they?
      Thanks Cathy

  5. This certainly is an upsetting passage. I have never heard of the Man of Evil before. Maybe there have been Men of Evil through the ages and Paul is warning us to be aware and take heed. We know there has always been evil in the world.
    It certainly has been a beautiful weekend . I’ve spent a lot of it with granddaughters. I wish I had the energy that I had when my own children were little.

  6. This certainly is an upsetting passage. I have never heard of the Man of Evil before. Maybe there have been Men of Evil through the ages and Paul is warning us to be aware and take heed. We know there has always been evil in the world.
    It certainly has been a beautiful weekend . I’ve spent a lot of it with granddaughters. I wish I had the energy that I had when my own children were little.


A Final Post

 Good morning. We did it! The entire New Testament in a year. that is quite a feat! Thank you all for your dedication and work. It wasn'...