Friday, June 4, 2021

2 Timothy 3

 I think by next week I will have a new schedule and can be more timely with replies and posts! That kid sure has energy! And he doesn't nap for very long! It has been a fun few days and we are beginning to get into a routine...I think! Thank you for the grace you have extended!

This chapter is a very perilous and fateful chapter- talking about end times.  From the theologian John Stott (1921-2011) regarding this chapter: “As he lies in his cell, a prisoner of the Lord, Paul is still preoccupied with the future of the gospel. His mind dwells now on the evil of the times, now on the diffidence of Timothy. Timothy is so weak, and the opposition so strong.” 

Paul begins with, "Remember this!" in a very commanding voice. Then a series of "signs" or indications of the end times with respect to the way people treat each other. When I read through this list- I see much of what Paul cautions Timothy about happening now! Some translations include the word "perilous" meaning fierce and mighty, used in Greek literature to talk about wild animals or the raging seas! As I look through the list- extreme love of self, love of money, proudness, no respect.... I wonder how did we get here? What can the church do to help or change the current times we are in? Do we know people that are fitting into the categories that Paul talks about? Are we in those categories?  In vv 6-7, Paul singles out women- only because they spent more time in the home and they were seen as more likely to be swayed because of their fragility!

The two people mentioned in vv 8-9 (Jannes and Jambres) are the two magicians that opposed Moses during the pre-Passover plagues. If you have seen the movie "Prince of Egypt" you may remember them. They are not named in the Exodus texts. They could do real magic, but their power was a dark power- not a God power as Moses had. They could match Moses "trick for trick" but at the end eventually their power (Satan's power) ran out and they did give recognition to God. 

Paul hen contrasts Timothy and says, "But you..." (v 10). So, Timothy is the opposite of all the things Paul listed. Timothy follows Paul's teachings and is living a good and upstanding life. Timothy has "caught" Paul's purpose/goal/faith/doctrine/ manner of life.  Timothy is well "developed" and has matured into a great and faithful disciple of Paul and of Jesus. Paul recognizes that in Timothy. Paul reminds Timothy of a few specific examples that Timothy witnessed: Paul was kicked out of Antioch for preaching the Gospel, almost executed by stoning in Iconium, and again at Lystra. The reminder also that God delivered Paul into safety (v 12)! When we look back at our lives, do we recognize the times when God brought us out of those troubles?

Paul gets to the key point of this chapter in v 14- continue to follow the teachings he has learned! With a reminder of who (Paul and God) who taught Timothy these things. Paul brings up an important and valuable lesson- Timothy was raised in the faith (v 15). Does being raised in the church have value? What can we do to get kids (families) back to church? Timothy's mother (Eunice) and grandmother (Lois) were his primary faith instructors. What if a child doesn't have those teachers in their life? Just a quick FYI- when Paul references the Holy Scriptures here he is talking about the Hebrew texts as there was no New Testament at the time!

In closing- Paul tells/reminds Timothy that all Scripture is from God- not from humans. A God-breathed, God-inspired text that tells us how to live in peace and harmony. Thoughts? How do translations and paraphrases fit into this thought?!

I love the last verse in this chapter, "Using Scriptures, the person who serves God will be capable, having all that is needed to do every good work." Wow! A very fundamental and inspiring thought. All we need to do is use the Scriptures. How do we, as an individual and as a church, promote that idea?

This is a good point to think about over the weekend! The last chapter- we will get to on Monday- is very sad and thought provoking. I love it and have used it many times in may different situations.

Liam leaves today; Morgan and Bobbi-Jo come tonight through Sunday; wedding rehearsal tonight; wedding continues to be busy! Enjoy your time with family and friends. Be good and be safe!

Pastor Paul


  1. Thank you for taking the time out of your very busy schedule to respond to our comments!!

    And also thank you for clearing it up about the "adoption" of Timothy. Now I need to clear up a few words - when I said it was sad we are not tortured I really meant that it was sad that even though we are NOT tortured we still don't go out and spread the Good News while others do it with the threat of torture - even in today's world.

    I find it interesting that the quote you used says "a prisoner of the Lord" (and I have read Paul say it in some of his letters) instead of saying prisoner FOR the Lord. I wonder if they use OF the Lord because of the thought that you must suffer to truly show your faith?? The list of signs that Paul says are, unfortunately, signs that have been repeated and repeated - as history shows. And were we "traitors" during the Revolutionary War? Paul does mention women in vs. 6 and 7 - but mostly in criticizing the men - my translation says "For of THIS SORT (of the men he previously listed) are they which creep into houses, and lead captive silly women " So I guess it's a "hit" on both sexes. ???? Again in vs. 12 Paul again says "Yea, and all that will live godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution." Is that in Paul's time.....or in any "time"?

    So were different books of the Bible written and published at different times? Before they were all put together in one book called the Bible? And when they were all put together in the Bible, that is why I am wondering why so many books (letters) written by Paul were included - since they are very similar. (Of course then that leads us back to the question of why others were excluded - but I guess that's for another time/study)

    vs. 16 - "All scripture is given by inspiration of God" - so Paul says all scripture - OT and NT - so how do the "laws" change? Following Jewish laws to not having to follow Jewish laws if the laws are part of the scripture and all scripture is given by inspiration of God?

    If what we are doing in and through the church is not working, then it's not that we are doing anything wrong, we just aren't doing it right. Fish from the other side of the boat - smile.

    Enjoy this weekend - so wonderful to have lots of company. Wish I were not missing the wedding and reception - but my nephew is getting married that same day!


    1. The beauty of electronic communication- no idea what the other person is saying sometimes! Loss of personal interaction is hard!
      Good catch- comment re: prisoner "of" the Lord v "for" the Lord! I never really thought of that! I guess I need to do some thinking!
      Good point- the signs are always out there! What's the quote "history repeats itself." So, do we learn from history? Can we learn from history?
      Oh girlfriend- don't blame it on the men- you know it is always the woman's fault! It started with Eve a billion years ago! (JK!)
      Your comment in v 12 was probably just for Paul's time (they were thinking Christ's return would be soon anyway) but it still holds true today- doesn't it?
      Great question about the Bible. The different books were written at different times by various authors. The Hebrew Bible was canonized (approved as holy) probably 2nd century (but that is up for debate) and the NT was canonized during the council of Nicea (325AD). There are specific "rules" That the texts had to follow to be included, so that is why some texts made it and some didn't (Gospel of Mary, Gospel of Thomas and many others). It would make for a good discussion/ study sometime as to why some made it and some didn't!
      Tough question re: v 16- my quick response is that God said we no longer need to pay attention to the laws if we pay attention to Jesus' model of love and grace. Another way to think about it- laws can change in the US- we didn't have to wear seat belts and now we do; marijuana was illegal in many sates- now it is legal. Can God change God's laws?
      Fish from the other side! That line will preach so many times!
      Thanks for your thoughts and tough questions Donna!

  2. I am still feeling Paul's stress about his upcoming death not the he is afraid of dying as he knows he will be with God but perhaps fear of how he will die. Paul continues to encourage Timothy to live a Godly life and not let anything detract him from it. There are so many ways we can be detracted from our belief in Christ, money, entertainments, other people etc. Paul wanted Timothy to remain strong in his faith and possibly because of Timothy's age he felt it was necessary to continue to encourage him.
    We all need encouragement. Perhaps Paul felt also that since he was in prison and about to die Timothy would become less faithful because of his love for Paul and not wanting to lose him??
    I feel the letters becoming more tense with each chapter and even soulful.

    1. Good catch Clara- you can feel Paul's anxiety. He knows he will be with God- we all do- but when the time comes, we will all be somewhat anxious!
      It is easy to get distracted- isn't it!
      Good thought- I wonder if Paul did worry about Timothy losing faith? It might make sense that he would think that- his mentor is gone because of his belief and teachings- when am I next?
      Great comments and thoughts!

  3. I think what “the churches” are doing is not working. Trying to do things in the same way and expecting different results, well, you know how this goes. Lol. We are still in danger of falling into the same bad behaviors that Paul warned about so long ago. We still need to improve so much just like people did in biblical days.
    One of my worries is that we are “getting back to normal”. I was going to be very careful about what I took on, get more down time, choose my schedule carefully. It seems like I’m super busy again. I’m working on it!

  4. But we've always done it that way Cathy!! Yah, let's do the same thing and expect different results!
    Has time really changed anything? We still have the same issues and "bad behaviors" that Paul warned about!
    Hmmm...I guess the follow up question is- what is normal? I too am cautious about getting back to normal- as you- my normal was too busy- yet here I too find more "things" to keep me busy!
    Good ideas and thoughts Cathy- thanks!


A Final Post

 Good morning. We did it! The entire New Testament in a year. that is quite a feat! Thank you all for your dedication and work. It wasn'...