Tuesday, June 29, 2021

Matthew 7

 Good morning...Yikes! Yesterday was kinda' warm! I guess it is summer in upstate New York! I hope you all had a good day and stayed as cool as possible. I did some errands yesterday morning and then stayed in most of the day getting some cleaning and reading done!

Matthew 7 is a continuation of Matthew's interpretation of the Sermon on the Mount. I think we forget that the sermon on the mount was a long discourse for Jesus...it wasn't just the beatitudes! I know I tend to forget that! In the previous chapter, Jesus dealt primarily with internal spirituality and how we are to act for ourselves. In this chapter, Jesus branches out and reminds us show we are to treat others. We have heard some of these statements before in Mark and Luke and many times in Paul's epistles.

"Judge not, lest ye be judged!" are common words that we have all heard (v 1). We have talked lots about judging others...it seems to be a common theme! This is probably one of the most quoted verses in the Bible- by those that know the Bible and those that don't. So, if it is so common- why do we do it?! We are, as Christians, to show unconditional love- but not unconditional approval. We can examine the loves of others- but we cannot pass judgement of others. One example- the woman that came to anoint Jesus' feet. The Disciples (especially Judas) were quite upset at the "waste of money", but she was doing it for an intended purpose that they didn't know about. We often like to think the worst of people, to find their faults, to look at what they do wrong, to call them out. We often don't see the positives of people. I would often talk about our administration at school, they would compliment the faculty, but quickly follow it up with a "But..." Just see the positive and don't always call out the negative. We tend to be more tolerant of our sins (the plank in our eye) than the sins of our brother (the speck in their eye) (v 3). Amusing to think of, but true. In John 8:7 we hear, "He who is without sin, cast the first stone." We all have faults, we are all in this crazy world together...let's try to get along and work together the best we can.

The dog and swine reference (v 6) is thought to be people that are hostile to the Gospel message (the Kingdom of God). The dogs/ swine were the judgmental, hypocritical people- they will just trample all over what you offer them. True- some instances "dogs" refers to the Gentile people- but not in this case. in the text "the Teaching of the Twelve Apostles",written about 100 AD, one of the first services is the Eucharist and the first line is "Let no one eat or drink of your Eucharist except those baptized in to the name of Lord, for the Lord said, "Do not give what is holy to the dogs." Not sure how I feel about that! The pearls are a reference to the precious kingdom of God- the swine will just trample all over that!

My swine (last year's crop) trampling over the pearls!

Of course we are to share the Gospel (remember- Jesus just said in chapter 6- let your light shine) but be able to discern and look for hearts open and ready to receive. 

Jesus tells us to have intensity and passion with our prayer "Ask...seek...knock" (v 7). Jesus already spoke of prayer- but came back to it here. Think it is an important topic?? I struggle with the concept of asking for God and expecting answers. I think God God answers in ways we don't seek! I think God always answers prayer (that is honest and passionate), but God isn't a genie that grants wishes. I think we treat God that way (or we expect God to be that way!). If we are persistent and passionate, I think we build a relationship with God- and that is what God is looking for. 

Jesus summarizes everything with the Golden Rule (v 12) "Do unto others..." If we could simply follow this law, all that the prophets and Moses talked about would be clear as day! Charles Spurgeon (Baptist minister, early 1800s) said "Oh, that all men acted on it, and there would be no slavery, no war, no swearing, no striking, no lying, no robbing; but all would be justice and love! What a kingdom is this which has such a law!” Is there any more to say?!

The next set of verses (vv 13-14) are something that I refer to often. It isn't easy being Christian. If it is easy for you- you 're probably doing it wrong! If your road is well traveled and has a wide gate- watch out! I have, several times, held up my Bible (in a sermon) and said "No where in here does it say life is going to be easy or being a Christian is going to be easy!" It isn't- it is hard! We have been warned about the easy pathway, now Jesus warns us about the ones that lead us to those pathways (vv 15-20). We need to be wary and cautious- if a deal seems too good to be true- its probably isn't true! The false can be twisted, turned, contorted into something that sounds true and thus lead people down the easy pathway! Pay attention to not only what they are saying, but how they are living and how they are acting. It is easy to fool people using words, but it is tougher to fool people through lifestyle. The way you act and live is as much an indication of who you are as the words you say. There are people that can walk the walk or talk the talk- but can they do both (vv 21-23)? Not everyone that says good things is a good person, and not everyone that acts in a  good way is a good person. It takes more than words or actions!

Jesus  closes his Sermon on the Mount with words we know. The storms that we face in life and the way we respond will show us what kind of people we are- rock builder or sand builders. There have been many people that have passed through the doors of churches that are all about God and the Gospel, but their foundations are built on sand an when tough times come, they crumble and fall away from the church. Others tough it out and turn to God and have the strength that is needed. The storms in our life prove the strength in our foundation. As an aside- remember Simon- renamed Peter ("petros") for rock as Jesus said, Peter you are the rock on which I will build my church (Matthew 16:18).

The people are amazed at Jesus' teachings (v 28) and his ability to teach! They really felt the presence of God when Jesus taught. 

I hope you have a good day and stay cool!! Only a few more days of summer and we will be back to cooler temperatures!

Pastor Paul


  1. Just a comment about vs. 25 (on your comment), I am not sure that Jesus was just saying - don't dress to impress. His first words are "Take no thought for your life, what ye shall eat, or what ye shall drink"- more then just what you wear. And the rest of the versus say birds don't worry, lilies don't worry - why should we? That's the part I am not sure about. We do have to worry - and, having been a single parent (their father passed when they were very young) and working two jobs a lot of the time, I did have to - maybe not worry - but definitely think about where things were coming from.

    I also have a difficult time with vs. 7 - sometimes we ask but we are not given - at least not what we specifically asked for. We do walk in storms, our boat does sink. However, I loved vs. 13 - I think I have walked a very crooked path hoping to get through the strait gate. A vs. I probably should have read earlier in my life - but, then, maybe it would not have had the same meaning for me that it does now! The wise and foolish builders? I hope that now, and that I have been, a wise builder.

    Enjoy the very very hot day! Stay hydrated everyone.

    1. I see your point on worry- I guess I didn't think of it in the terms of food and children and working extra jobs. Thanks for the clarification. One thing with worry is that it gets in the way and takes some joy away from life though. I know the times I spend worrying make me miss the good parts.
      God does answer prayer- but God isn't a genie. God doesn't always answer in ways we want! I think people sometimes get angry when they don't get an answer that they expect. Prayer shouldn't always be about asking for things either- there should be some thanks in there and I think people miss that part.
      I like your point about the crooked path...it does give life a different perspective when we take those side trips! I think we all learn how to build stringer foundations as we age and mature.
      Thanks for sharing Donna

  2. While doing these readings I kept thinking about my mother always saying... Do unto others as you would have done to you. I believe this is such an important message. We talk a lot about how we pray. Obviously what works for one doesn't work for another. It is rare that I don't say prayers at night. I will admit sometimes I rush through them. Sometimes when I have some quiet time I will pray and reflect which seems like a better time. I often think about when I was young and was watching Little House on the Praire...loved that show! Pa was praying with the children. One of them asked for a red wagon. He went on to explain that is not how prayed works. I wish I could remember his explanation.
    About worrying, I don't know how it is possible to never worry. Especially as a single parent, I can only imagine.

    1. Ahhh...the golden rule. We all need to remember that don't we!
      To be honest- I don't really take time out of the day to stop and pray, but there seems to be a continual connection and conversation going with God all day! I will have to look up the Little House episode. When I was younger I read all the Little House books, and my wife loves the show. My neighbor friend calls it "Little Shack on the Flat"!
      Single parenting has to be tough and I see the "need" for worry!
      Thanks for your thoughts Cindy.

  3. Another warm day today but remember this when we are freezing in January etc.
    We have discussed this before but we do judge others without thinking of what we are doing ourselves . We need to remember that we are all sinners! Asking for God to give us what we want may be answered not according to what we think it will be answered but by how God wants it answered. I know this from what i have asked for but was answered but not how i thought it would be but answer He did. My former motherinlaw was a firm believer in the Golden rule. doing unto others will not alone get us to heaven but i know that is what she believed first we must believe in Jesus then follow the golden rule. I often remember her when I hear someone quote it. Building the house upon the sand brings to mind the recent tragedy in Florida with the collapse of the hi-rise condo. Much of what is under the ground in Florida is water and sand Do we think that we are smarter than God that we can build these buildings where we do? Just thinking and wondering However the lives lost from this tragedy cannot be replaced for their loved ones. May God bless them all.

    Stay cool and enjoy!

    1. I was thinking about that today Clara- for all the people complaining about the heat- remember the snow and cold of winter!
      I agree with what you say about prayer- but people expect God to answer the way they want!
      Why is it so tough to live by the golden rule? Most every faith system has this "rule" contained in their holy books! It is not unique to Christianity!
      Hmmm...good contemporary reference for the builders! Such a sad and terrible accident.
      Thanks for your thoughts Clara!

  4. This chapter is so very familiar. It seems like Jesus touches on a lot of what we call "just being human".
    The part about false prophets is interesting. People who present themselves as friends when they are really not. Maybe they are using you for something or for their own ambition. False people are sometimes very hard to distinguish. Jesus says that by their fruit you will recognize them. Hmmm. It seems like in our world today it's easier than ever to be false. Social media gives us opportunities to misrepresent ourselves. If you are on Facebook do you believe everything that people say about themselves? They put pictures of perfect children, beautiful homes, and tell you what they want you to know. Maybe things were better years ago when we were better at minding out own business. Isn't it tempting to look at someone's wall just to see what they show you? (Not that I do that, lol).
    Then Jesus talks about how everyone will not enter the kingdom of heaven. The end of verse 23 says "Away from me, evildoers!" Yikes! this is a scary thought. What happens to these people? I guess we will not know until we die.
    So much to think about. I hope everyone is staying cool. We have a stock tank pool and it's great. It's 8' across and about 2.5' deep. Our little granddaughters love getting in and cooling off. My son devised a water heating system using coils of black hose and a recirculating pump. Our pool has a filter pump and a chlorine thing so it's pretty clean. I like being in it myself. Yesterday was so hot that I actually got in with my clothes on! My granddaughters were delighted! Lots of summer fun.

    1. This chapter was a lot about "being human"-- good point!
      It is hard to tell the false prophets from the true ones isn't it! I like the comment from Jesus that you bring up about the fruit of the prophets. We had some "volunteer" squash plants in the garden last year. They were left overs from the squash the year before that had seeded themselves. We let them grow; they were huge great plants with lots of fruits - but the squash tasted terrible and the pigs ended up getting them all. False prophets produce bad fruit!
      Social media has good points and many bad points. And just because it is on the internet doesn't mean it is true!
      Those words from Jesus in v 23 end with "I never knew you" in my translation. That alone is a scary thought!
      Kids love water. Our Joseph was at he beach for the last week or so visiting his other grandparents. He loved the beach (a new sign for him too)! The stock tank is a great idea!
      Thanks for the thoughts Cathy

  5. If you want hot, come to Montana. It is now 93 (at 5 PM) and they are predicting upper 90s for a few days, then 90s continuing thru next at least next Thursday. It's like a blast furnace outside. At least it cools off at night. We do not have AC, but we have a split level house and the lower level stays cool.

    Our Bible has Jesus speaking in red. I thought the whole thing was Matthew lecturing us, but I finally caught on that this was actually Jesus speaking. It is all (the last few chapters) very familiar. Jesus speaking about building houses on sand is very familiar to me because I have heard several sermons about it. With that building collapse in Florida, I am worried that there are several high rises built on sand. I am afraid that there are no more survivors and that the operation is now a recovery operation and no longer a rescue operation. My heart goes out to all the families who have lost loved ones in this tragedy. I keep hoping that some of the missing are snow birds who have somehow not heard of this collapse are are OK.

    I try not to judge others, but I usually fail. If anybody has a plank in his eye, it is me. I try to remove it, but it pops right back in.

    Going back to Chapter 6, I learned long ago during the lowest part of my life, that we cannot carry the weight for someone else.
    I worry over things that I cannot control. I worry about the future of our country, but I am powerless to do anything about it. This is self destructive and I need to stop worrying about it it NOW. It is easier said than done.

    The last few chapters have told us how we should live. I hope that I have "lived up" to Jesus's expectations, but it is difficult and not human nature to do all the things He has asked of us. I am sure that there are many area where I have failed.

  6. These last few chapters have been part of Jesus' sermon on the mount...but it does sound lots like an adult lecturing their children!
    Good use of current situations to apply to bible texts. The Florida tragedy is terrible.
    I know the feeling of having a plank in your eye Jack- I often notice mine too!
    It is easy to say "stop worrying" and much more difficult to do it! I wish there was an easy way to stop the worry!
    We can all try to live up to the expectations Jesus has for us. It is hard, but we can do our best to try. You're a good man, Jack.
    Thanks for sharing.


A Final Post

 Good morning. We did it! The entire New Testament in a year. that is quite a feat! Thank you all for your dedication and work. It wasn'...