Thursday, June 10, 2021

Titus 3

 Good morning. I had good intentions of doing this early, but someone decided to get up at 6AM! Yesterday's excitement was walking the dogs! That kid!! My plan is to respond to your comments today from the last two days! I hope you all had a good day yesterday and are planning on having a good one today!

This final chapter of Titus is directed at all the citizens of Crete and how they should be living in community and doing good.

The first comment that Paul makes is for the people to yield to government and authority. Given the unruly behavior of the Cretans, this wasn't an easy job or task! If you remember- when Paul said something similar to Timothy (in Ephesus), he used the words pray for the leaders; in contrast to the advice for the Cretans to obey the rulers! Big difference in word usage! Paul continues this and extends the ideas of doing and being good to all people. We have said this before- we (the whole country) needs to hear these words! Were the Cretans really unlike the people of today?

Paul then contrasts their (our) former life with the life they (we) now have in Christ (vv 4-5). I have said this before...I look back at my previous life and see some things I am ashamed of. God has made some changes in me (and still has more to do!) We should all be reminded that the life we have now is richer sand fuller because of God's grace. Paul emphasizes (v 5) that it wasn't because of the goodness we did that God looked at when God offered grace- it is the thing that God does. If God offered grace and mercy only to those that did good or based on their work I am afraid many of us would fall short! Paul uses the words "through the washing" (v 6) which is likely a reference to baptism and the regeneration that baptism gives us- a regeneration to new life. Baptism was both a Judaic and Christian sacrament (and many of the pagan religions had some sort of ritual cleansing). Through that baptism and the idea of God's mercy- we are made right with God and then w are able to have hope that there is life after we die here in earth (v 7).

Paul then emphasizes the truth of this message (v 8) and Titus (and we) are to make sure people know the truth behind the message of grace and mercy and hope. Can we do that? Do we do that?

As we have heard Paul several times remind us- stay away from gossip, busybodies, "foolish" people, and those that like to argue for the sake of arguing (v 9). We have enough to keep us busy if we focus on the important things in life rather than the idle chatter and "busy-ness" that we can get side-tracked by! 

As Paul closes this letter (as he did for Timothy), he begins to list names of people. One of the important things for us in these lists is not necessarily what these people did, but that Paul was a "regular" person with friends and people in his life that were important to him. It is believed that Artemus or Tychius would take Titus'place in Crete and that Titus would go some other place. Paul mentions the city of Nicopolis ("city of victory"). There are several cities named Nicopolis, but it is believed to be the city of Epirus. This city was built by Augustus in memory the battle of Actium. It was on a peninsula, to the west of the bay of Actium. It is probably Paul's last winter alive and this city is like a nice warm winter retreat to Florida. The additional names of Apollos and Zenas show that the gospel is moving rapidly and may people are getting involved in the spread of the good news! Are people as excited to spread the Gospel message in contemporary times?

As I said before, these instructions are not new to us. We have heard them before, but they were new to Titus and the people of Crete. To them, this was the first time hearing Paul's words of advice and godly living. This is a very short piece of text and it would be good if more people read it...maybe a brief sermon series is in order!!

Tomorrow we read Paul's letter to Philemon regarding his slave Onesimus. One brief letter packed with grace and acceptance of second class citizens!

Have a great day!

Pastor Paul


  1. I do notice that Paul sometimes sees the glass as "half full". Obey magistrates and principalities, servants obey your masters. wives obey your husbands Its almost like Paul "assumes" that those in power - masters or political leaders or husbands (in that time) - are all good and should be obeyed. History sadly proves otherwise. But I do like his previous advice to pray for them. That's the word that all need to hear!

    Oh my gosh - vs. 3-5 describes my life perfectly - and, unfortunately, at times, still does! For all that I have done, I am saved purely by my belief and His love for me.

    I like vs. 12 - where Paul asks Titus to come to him quickly in Nicopolis - for "I have determined there to winter." That is a statement that we can all relate to and does make him more "human" to us! Plus shows to us that this was written before Paul's last and final imprisonment in Rome!

    In vs. 8 Paul says "....they which have believed in God might be careful to maintain good works..." sort of goes to my statement a few days ago that this is what makes me try to live the best that I can and not the grace given to me by God, which I am forever grateful.

    Enjoy the day everyone

  2. Paul tells Titus that the people should obey the civic law and be gppd people They should not be quarrelsome but to be humble. Paul brings up the Trinity in this chapter also saying how God loved us and sent Jesus to wash away our sin sand pored out His Spirit upon us. We should not waste our time with foolish talks and useless things but devote our time to doing good and teaching what will be beneficial to all. Paul ends this chapter with his plans and greetings to all and wishing God's grace to all. Paul's advice to Titus is very similar to his advice to Timothy I think. paul seems to be preparing Titus and Timothy to take over and become leaders and eventually elders it seems to me.

  3. I’m catching up today. I’m constantly amazed at how much there is to do in a day.
    I know that it was so very long ago, but the advice about slavery is so hard to hear.
    How could a person who is hailed as such a good Christian give this advice?
    I was once lamenting something that I felt bad about. Something that I was unhappy with myself about. A friend said to me - don’t look back, just keep looking ahead. That’s over and now is your chance to do better. We could all do better. Pastor we have all done things that we wish we could change but look at the good that you do now. I would have never taken on reading the New Testament if you hadn’t started this group and it’s helped me immensely. Don’t look back. The good you’re doing is ahead.

    1. Great comments, Cathy. When I was working at IBM, the best advice I ever got was "Don't look back."

  4. I’m catching up today. I’m constantly amazed at how much there is to do in a day.
    I know that it was so very long ago, but the advice about slavery is so hard to hear.
    How could a person who is hailed as such a good Christian give this advice?
    I was once lamenting something that I felt bad about. Something that I was unhappy with myself about. A friend said to me - don’t look back, just keep looking ahead. That’s over and now is your chance to do better. We could all do better. Pastor we have all done things that we wish we could change but look at the good that you do now. I would have never taken on reading the New Testament if you hadn’t started this group and it’s helped me immensely. Don’t look back. The good you’re doing is ahead.

  5. I have to keep reminding myself as I read these chapters. They were written a long time ago and these words are being heard by many for the first time. How wonderful would it be to be able to hear how these words were spoken. I know myself when I hear someone speak. Sometimes we are so moved not only by the words but how they were spoken. We may have talked about her before...Amanda Gorman who spoke at Joe Biden's inauguration. I was so moved by her. I journal and I will often write down words that have an impact on me. Yesterday I heard these words from a young woman who is probably dieing from can't wait until life isn't hard to be happy.
    Cathy I love your friends advice. That's over and now is your chance to do better.
    What a responsibility Paul put on Timothy and Titus but they must have been up to the task.
    I hope everyone is enjoying the weather now that it's not so humid!☺

    1. Cindy, about my comment yesterday. I admit that it was a little confusing. I had to vent as I am completely fed up with what is going on today in our wonderful country. People of color and people who are different are human beings just like the rest of us and should be treated fairly. I had the pleasure of repairing TVs of 2 black families, one in Wilkes- Barre and the other in Elmira. I felt very comfortable in my working there and I hope the feeling was mutual. These folks are no different from anybody else and they should be treated as such.

  6. Gosh, everybody has made such great comments that I fail to see how I can expand and contribute.

    I didn't watch the inauguration, so I didn't see Amanda Gorman. I would like to read some of her writings. I think that we all can stand to hear comforting and inspiring words right now. I know that I can.

    I was confused by the idea of Paul wintering at Nicopolis, I originally thought that Paul was in prison while writing these letters and awaiting his execution, but it appears that he was free at this point in his life.

    A couple of answers: "Were the Cretans really unlike the people of today?" I think that they were very similar to today's population. "Are people as excited to spread the Gospel message in contemporary times?" No. I am reluctant to spread my religion to strangers. Also, church attendance is down all over, including here in Great Falls. The age of the congregation is older as well. There are a lot of folks in the First UMC of Great Falls that are much older than us including several in their 90s. There are a few young families, but, in my opinion, not nearly enough. I will never be annoyed or bothered by the sounds of youngsters in church.


A Final Post

 Good morning. We did it! The entire New Testament in a year. that is quite a feat! Thank you all for your dedication and work. It wasn'...