Wednesday, June 9, 2021

Titus 2

 Good morning! Hope you all had a good day yesterday. Our big task for the day was to move feed back to the barn! The rain in the afternoon was quite wicked, but it hopefully will cool things down some!

The chapter for today is short and says much of what we have talked about in other letters from to live together and be good people. Maybe more people should be reading these letters and getting advice?!

Adam Clarke (1762-1832), British Methodist Theologian says this about Titus 2, “Few portions of the New Testament excel this chapter. It may well form the creed, system of ethics, and text book of every Christian preacher. Does any man inquire what is the duty of a Gospel minister? Send him to the second chapter of the Epistle to Titus for a complete answer.” 

Paul begins this chapter, as he did a few times with Timothy and to some of the churches, "But you..." separating and contrasting Titus to the words he previously used. You are different, you are selected, you are better than that.

Looking at the list of teachings for older men, I am surprised that these things are not what we learn from experience. But, I guess people do need o be taught about self-control, seriousness, strength in faith, love and patience. I guess as we age, we are hardened, and patience definitely becomes less! I wonder how Titus felt trying to teach the old men how to do these things?

In similar respect, he is to teach the older women more "maternal" qualities. The life of a woman was very different from the life of a man 2000 years ago. They had different expectations and so the teachings were somewhat different. I wonder why women are not to be "enslaved to too much wine..." (v 3) and it wasn't mentioned for the men?! I like the next comment about the older women teaching the younger women (v 5). The comment Paul is using is about love, but it is important for young people to have older mentors. It is interesting that there was no comment about men teaching the younger men. It seems like too many of our young people don't have these good adult role models.  What is the church's responsibility in this? Do we have one?

Paul begins v 6 with , "In the same way..." meaning that young men are to know the same thing as young women, plus the additional aspects he outlines in vv 7-8. Titus is to not only be a good teacher, but a role model (v 7) or an example of good living. When thinking of people in your life (pastors and others), do they "talk the talk and walk the walk"? That's essentially what Paul is saying here....if you're going to preach it you need to live it! I have said a few times that the church is fill of hypocrites as we say one thing and do the opposite! Thoughts?

Paul gets into some tricky thoughts next. The Christian world threw the ancient world when slaves converted to Christianity and were worshiping and studying along side their masters and the masters of other slaves. Paul says that even though they are equals in the eyes of the Lord, they should still obey their masters (but not necessarily other people). In the same respect- they are to be good and faithful- as were all people expected. I don't think Paul necessarily agreed with slavery, he  was just commenting about how this whole arrangement can work for the benefit of all. 

Grace brings salvation (v 11). For everyone. That's the whole sum of the Gospel story! The grace that we are given is an underlying theme to our entire life and that grace helps us/ makes us/ guides us to do the right things for all people. The grace that we are offered changes us to be holy people with a good and wholesome inner core. Thoughts?

Christ willing paid the ransom (v 14); we were bought and brought out of slavery with the fee of the life of Christ.Because of that- we are and should be doing good. Do we? Always?

Paul closes this chapter with words of encouragement. You can see some connection with Titus, but I feel there is less that with Timothy. The words seem more generic and less "forceful" but still he has some good words.

We finish tomorrow with a continuation of living right and good. 

Have a great rest of the day!

Pastor Paul


  1. Love the pic of Joseph. Maybe you should make a collage of all the pics you are taking so Joseph can hang them on the wall of his "new" room when they move so he can remember!

    I am not surprised that Paul is listing the qualities for men, women, and the young people of Crete after reading how they behaved. When you "hang around" a certain group of people, their behavior becomes the norm and accepted. Kind of like mob mentality. And although Paul does not say "not given to much wine" to the men as he did to the women, he does say they are to be "sober" in vs. 2 and in vs. 6 to the young men. Clergy people and I think teachers are judged 24/7 - no one thinks about an accountant coming out of a liquor store or a construction worker talking in the parking lot to someone not their spouse or related. But I do think that all people should try to walk the walk - I try - I don't always succeed.

    You know, I looked up the work hypocrite and it says - in several different sources - that it's a person who PRETENDS to have virtues, moral or religious beliefs, principals, etc. that they do not have. I don't think I know any people that fall into that category. I do know people - myself included - who may talk the talk but fail to ALWAYS walk the walk - not because they don't want to, but because they just slip from time to time. I hope that makes sense.

    Slavery is strange when it comes to comments in the Bible. And even though Paul does only speak of the slaves and how they are to behave in this chapter, he has, in other letters, spoke to the masters and how they are to behave to the slaves - so Paul does want everyone to be treated kindly, with love, as God wants them to. But never speaks against it.

    Just a comment about telling other people about the Good News. I, personally, think it's ok to tell people about God and Jesus in an open conversation. I agree that we should NOT FORCE anyone to accept what we believe in. I feel we are only to give the knowledge - the information - then it is up to the other person to accept or reject. Only the Holy Spirit can enter a person and create change!

    I never thought about grace helping us/making us/guiding us to do the right thing. I always thought that it was my love for God and Jesus and my being grateful for their love and grace that caused me to want to do the right thing!

    Paul does seem to be closer to Timothy - maybe because of Titus' earlier actions? I try to do good - especially to think good thoughts - I am not always successful!!

    Enjoy the day

    1. Great idea about the collage! Thanks!
      I agree- clergy and teachers are judged much more extensively that "regular" people! One reason I chose to live 25 miles away from my teaching job at CV! It is frustrating!
      Good clarification of hypocrite! Guess I need to find a different word to use!
      The Bible was used extensively during the movement to abolish slavery and during the civil rights era- by both sides! Paul wanted all people treated fairly!
      Good point about forcing people to believe!
      Great comments Donna. Thanks!

  2. As Paul tells Titus that the younger people should learn fron their elders how true that is The eldes have been perhaps Christians a lot longer than the younger ones but the elders can also become more cranky and set in their ways so they need to remember that they are teaching and be godly in their actions. Why Paul mentioned that the women shouldn't be heavy drinkers and not saying the same for the men I don't quite understand alto I seem to remember a previous chapter where Paul did say that men should not be heavy drinkers also. We can all learn from our elders in most cases especially if the elders are godly people. Slaves are told to obey their masters and masters are told to treat their slaves with respect. This applies to whoever , we should treat all others with respect.

    1. Lots of what Paul says boils down to respect for all people- elders especially!
      Good thoughts Clara

  3. It seems that these readings are repititious. As for the roles for men and women i think we all pretty much have the same opinion on that. I look at my parents relationship over the years or my grandparents. They definitely had roles that were male and female but they were kind to each other. I struggle with the way slaves are refered to do casually to obey their masters.
    Agree Clara we need to treat all with respect.

    1. These readings are repetitive to us- but not to the first time reader or the occasional reader! We have read so much of Peul that it is hard to say something different!
      Thanks Cindy

  4. It seems as if Paul is just as fond of Titus as he is of Timothy.

    My comment on this chapter is political in nature and if I offend anybody, I apologize in advance. I was a little surprised to see the mention of slavery. If slavery was around in the time of this chapter (50 AD), then it is hard to see how it was abolished by Lincoln, et. al., in the 1860s. We fought a war over slavery in the 1860s. I think that the people now who are screaming "racism" and "wokeism" (whatever that is) should spend some time with the Bible. They may be surprised.

    This is all I have to say tonight.

    1. Jack I am confused by your comment. In my bible in this chapter it says...Tell slaves to always please their owners by obeying them in everything. This is not okay. People of color and who are different continue to be treated poorly by some.

  5. On a happier note, I am so happy, pastor, that you are getting to spend quality time with your grandson. You will always look back on these days with a smile and gladness in your heart.

  6. The Bible was used by both side during the civil war and the 1960s civil rights era. Slavery is certainly not new, but we need to do what we can to end the idea of people being lesser than others because of skin color. We all try to reach equality
    Thanks for your honest thoughts Jack.


A Final Post

 Good morning. We did it! The entire New Testament in a year. that is quite a feat! Thank you all for your dedication and work. It wasn'...