Tuesday, June 8, 2021

Titus 1, and a brief introduction

 Good morning. I hope all is well with you and you are all enjoying the beautiful- yet hot- days that we are having. Summer is here! Our excitement yesterday was Joseph riding in grandpa's "tractor"; he loves it!

Let's see what today brings!

This morning we start a brief letter (likely) written by Paul to Titus. There is much controversy to the authorship of this letter, but many agree that it is at least written during the time of Paul and if not by him, then by one of his disciples. The date is approximately the same as 1 Timothy (early 50s AD). Titus was a Gentile Christian, possibly from Antioch, brought to Jerusalem by Paul and Barnabas. Titus is currently in Crete when he receives this letter, carried to him by Zenas and Apollos (we will see them in chapter 3). In the early to mid 50s, Paul sent him to Corinth, taking the Corinthians letter with him. Titus was instrumental in the reconciliation between Paul and the Corinthian church. Not much else is known about Titus or his life! I only have a few lines highlighted in my Bible in this letter- so it is mostly new material for me!

Paul opens the  letter in typical style: author's name first, some brief greetings, and then to whom the letter is addressed. The first title Paul mentions about himself is "servant"; the original Greek, he uses the word doulos meaning the lowest of lowest class slaves- but then adds in it is for God. Interesting way to describe yourself! Would you describe yourself as that? Paul tells that he is here to help understand both faith and truth. Faith alone isn't good enough for Paul- he desires people to know truth. Is there a difference between truth and faith?

We don't know too much about Titus. He is mentioned very briefly in Acts and a few times in 2 Corinthians. Based on this introduction (v 4), we get a sense that Titus, like Timothy, was well known and loved by Paul. Titus' mission was to select elders in Crete. After a successful evangelic mission there, Paul had many young Christians that needed guidance and mentors. Paul selected Titus to stay there and search for those elders. He was to help build churches and establish Christianity. The job was tough because the people of Crete were well known throughout the word as a wild and crazy bunch of people that lied as often as possible and were very lazy. Titus was the man to do that. This shows us a look inside Titus and his strength and faith- to be able to control these people  was a great task, so he must have had strength (more than Timothy since Timothy wasn't selected!). The primary tasks was assigning an elder (bishop, authoritative church leader) in every city. There were many cities in Crete- so a big task! Paul gives Titus lots of authority in doing this (rather than assigning a committee).

Paul then goes through a list of qualifications (vv 6-8) for these elders. We have seen something similar in a few other letters from Paul. Titus is looking for good, wholesome, upstanding, faithful men to serve the church. Do we have similar qualifications for church leaders? Are those qualifications being met in the leaders you know? These elder have the awesome task of guiding the faith of their fellow Cretans. I don't know if I fit all the qualifications for being a church leader, but I do feel the awesomeness of leading a group of people in faith (at least I hope I am doing that). It is such a privilege to guide and mold and develop people as they walk closer to Christ. 

Surprise! We come back to Paul's feelings and thoughts about circumcision (vv 10-11)! Paul warns of the people (like we have seen in other letters) that spread false rumors, that are the gossip mongers, of the cities. They have nothing to do but stir up trouble. He is especially concerned about the Jewish Christians that continue to "require" circumcision and obedience to Mosaic laws. For these Jews, the cross of Jesus wasn't enough; the knowledge and acceptance of Hebrew laws and ancestry must also happen. It seems, in several of the things we have read, that the pagan Christians were very willing and able to "forget" their gods and rules of living when they converted to Christianity, but the Jewish Christians struggled with giving up their prior laws. Are there things from our "prior life" That we desire to hang on to?

Paul comments that one of their own (v 12) describes the Cretans people in non-flattering terms! When Paul says that the person is a prophet, I don't think he means a prophet selected by God. Based in this writing, it seems as though there are some character flaws in the Cretans! Even with these issues and flaws, Paul pushes Titus to work in Crete. He could have very easily said "Let's forget about these people." but Paul didn't. What lesson is there for us in this? Are any people too unworthy of hearing of God's love and grace? Paul's order to Titus- tell them when they are wrong and guide them to the stories of faith (kind of what we heard Paul say to Timothy in 2 Timothy 4). Is it easy to guide people in stories of the faith?

Paul ends this chapter with the comment that one reason the Jewish Christians struggle with non-Jewish Christians is that nothing can be pure because of the laws that were set up by Moses, ET AL. The legalism of the Judaic person makes it difficult to find purity in the "new" Christian philosophy. V 16 really hit me hard, "They say they are Christians, but they don't act like one." (my translation, not Biblical). Know any people like that? He ends with some very harsh words against these people- harsh but he means it. They are not doing any good trying to promote Christianity by what they are doing! What does that say about us? Are we in there anyplace? Tough words to end on, but hear them!

I hope you were impacted by these first words from Paul. Some were tough to hear, and some we have read many times!

Enjoy the day!

Pastor Paul


  1. paul opens his letter to Titus with his usual salutation saying that he is a servant of God and a missinay of Christ. He was chosen to spread the word of the Good news by Jesus. Paul left Titus on Crete to set up the churches and select elders for the church,, Paul tell Titus that the elders should be of good character and believers in Christ Elders should live a blameless life something we should all strive for and our elders in our church should be the same.
    I found it very interesting that Paul stresses that circumcision is not needed for the Gentiles to be necessary for them to be Christians like the Jews felt they needed circumcision to be Jewish first before being Christian.. This had already been decided at the Jerusalem council, I thought. Apparently therer were many people in the churches in Crete that were false in their beliefs so paul warned Titus to watch for these people He should reprimand them sternly so they may become strong in faith.
    Those pure of heart are strong in God but those not pure of heart are corrupt in their faith How can we tell those people who are pure in heart for those who are not as it isn't always apparent.?

    1. You are correct Clara- the Jerusalem council said no need for circumcision- but- the Jews kept insisting! It is like us saying "back in the old days..." and trying to bring those old days back!
      Good question- how do we tell those that are "pure in heart" form those that aren't. There are no real "signs" but for the most part we can generally see goodness in people if we hang out with them enough!
      Good thoughts Clara!

  2. Loving the photo of Joseph on the tractor Reminds me of my children on tractor with my father. w
    What a wonderful memory that brings to my mind.

    1. It is going to be a busy and fun filled summer with many memories- I hope he does remember these times!

  3. What an adorable picture. I think he will miss his Grandpa VERY much!!
    And I am sure you will miss your little guy!!

    It is strange that there is question about who wrote this because it does start with Paul - or at least dictated by him?? I am not really sure I am a servant in the sense of doing what God tells me to do. Paul was sent by God. I am not exactly sure what my direction from God is - except to make disciples and spread the Word. Not a direct direction as Paul received from Jesus. I believe there is a difference between Truth and Faith - Truth is something that you can prove - it is not disputable. But Faith is something you believe in, feel that it is true, but can't prove it. At least that's my thinking! (smile)

    My translation says that Paul and Titus was in Crete briefly and Paul left Titus there to finish up some work. But then Titus went to Dalmatia as stated in 2 Timothy 4:10 because a replacement came. ?? I am thinking Dalmatia was somewhere else? And maybe Timothy was already doing work someplace else as well? It does seem like Titus might be stronger (maybe not in faith but in ability to withstand temptations or being swayed)??? And as close to Paul as Timothy. Is Paul's remark in vs. 10 "....specially they of the circumcision" a slam on the Jews? And it's strange that Paul had Timothy circumcised but not Titus. I think this also shows the strength Titus had in himself that Timothy might not have - thinking that Paul could get Timothy to be circumcised but not Titus? Titus was very brave to stay alone in a place that was in such a deplorable state!

    I do not blame Jews for not wanting to let go of past laws. They followed them for thousands of years and were the "chosen". It would be like someone coming along today and telling us that we do not need to pray and shouldn't pray to be a Christian, or take communion, or go to church. It would be hard to let those things go or to think they are wrong.

    There are days I am sure that people could look at me and say "She says she is a Christian, but she doesn't act like one!" Everyone is worthy to hear of God's love and grace and to receive it - everyone!

    1. Several of Paul's letters authenticity are disputed. He did dictate many of them and some were written by his disciples using his style.
      Good "argument" for faith and truth!
      Are you making disciples? Then God maybe suggested it to you somehow!
      Yes, Dalmatia is in the Roman province of Illyricum; the replacements for Titus come at the end of chapter 3.
      I give Titus credit to stay in the place that was so bad. I would be out of there shortly!
      Like you, I do feel for the Jews holding onto the laws. I know it bothers some people that honest and sincere "deathbed" confessions will "allow" people into Paradise- but that is our God!
      Well done good and faithful servant!
      Nice thoughts DOnna!

  4. It sounds like if you are a co-worker Paul, you can get some really hard assignments. Imagine how difficult it is for these younger men to be sent to areas where their ideas may not necessarily be popular with everyone and try to carry on. Paul has very definite ideas of they need to do. Sounds tough to me. Titus has to find elders for every area. Have you ever tried to find just the right person for a job. It's pretty hard! I feel kind of sorry for them. I wonder if Titus and Timothy had a lot of worry about letting Paul down. They must have known that Paul was in prison and might not live very long. I wonder if they wondered what would happen when their support system left them. Would they be able to carry on alone?
    How do we really know if what we are doing is really pleasing to God? If we are doing what God wants us to do or what we think we need to do- even if it is a good thing. I guess we will really not know while we still live here on earth.

    1. These guys that followed Paul did have some tough jobs! I think we may take for granted the work they and Paul (and others) did to spread the Gospel.
      Good point- trying to find the right person for the job- It is hard enough to get people to volunteer to do simple jobs let alone lead a church!
      Good though- wondering if Titus and Timothy felt they let Paul down.
      Great ideas Cathy!

  5. As I read this chapter it seems to me Paul is preparing those he wants to continue his work. How sad it would have been if all his sacrifices were for nothing... if his message was lost.
    I agree Donna I cannot have such harsh words for Jews or other religions. Can you imagine us just abandoning what we believe and turning to a different belief?
    Your Joseph is adorable! You are making great memories for him.

  6. Paul does seem to be lining up people to carry on when he dies. I know I have had some projects fall apart when I leave something and I bet Paul is thinking the same thing. He has to get good leaders to continue the important job of church plants and Gospel teaching!
    Good thoughts Cindy!


A Final Post

 Good morning. We did it! The entire New Testament in a year. that is quite a feat! Thank you all for your dedication and work. It wasn'...