Wednesday, July 14, 2021

Matthew 15

 Rain, rain, go away...

We did have some fun at Hickories Park yesterday. It was good to get out and see something different!

Up until this point, most of Jesus' ministry has been unchallenged by the religious authority. I'm sure they know what is going on and I am sure they are aware of his teachings through the grape-vine. In the beginning of this chapter we read about an official delegation coming from Jerusalem to investigate and assess the "validity" of Jesus (v 1). They begin to ask Jesus questions, but their questions are more about man's traditions rather than God's commands and scriptural traditions (v 2). Jesus fires back with a comment about the religious leaders being too tied up with man-laws that they don't even pay attention to God-laws. How does that speak to us in the the church-are we too caught up in man-laws that we forget about God-laws? Can there be a peaceful co-existence between the two? Much of the religious authority was caught up in ceremony and regalia rather than scripture!

Jesus brings up two points- honor your parents and resources from God. The point about resources- many of the church elders commented that they have dedicated their loves and resources to God, therefore they cannot use it to help their parents. The point that Jesus is making is that they could by-pass the "honor parents" command by dedicating everything to God. So, they could be "religious" by giving to God and then not be condemned for not honoring parents. Confusing, but I kind of see what Jesus is talking about.

I think the really important words for us to hear are in the next verses (vv 8-9)- which are addressed to the crowd rather than the religious authority. Showing honor yet hearts are not in it! God is interested in the internal, the real, the feelings, the emotions. What we do doesn't always match those internal feelings. How many people do we know say one thing but do another? How many times have we seen something that goes against what the person says? Are we included? Our actions are what people notice- do our actions match our words and internal feelings (our heart)?

The disciples then come running saying, "Do you know you offended those guys?!" (v 12). Jesus definitely knew he offended them! That was the purpose of this short discourse! Jesus comments that God will take care of it (v 13). If they (or we) are not rooted deeply in God, then we will not make it through the judgement. Jesus essentially says ignore them, they are of no concern to us. With sadness, he says they are like the blind leading the blind (v 14). They will eventually fall into the "ditch" (Jesus' analogy for the after-life).

Peter asks for clarification of the parable (which it really isn't). Jesus then basically says what we have said before...our hearts are what God is looking at. How we act and how we respond and how we relate to others- our actions- are really a true indicator of our feelings and our heart. Our words are powerful, but our actions are more powerful. Anyone can say what hey want- but d they believe it? I am sure we know people "like that"!

The next scene (vv 21- 28) will be my focus text this coming Sunday! Tyre and Sidon were gentile cities about 50 miles away. Jesus went all this way to meet the needs of this one person! She address Jesus as, "Lord, Son of David" so she has an idea of who Jesus is. No response form Jesus and the response from the disciples is to send her away (v 23). Then Jesus makes the comment- "I have come to save the lost sheep." (v 24). The woman is persistent and Jesus replies back that food should not be wasted on the dogs. Dogs was a derogatory name for gentiles. I love the woman's perseverance- Yah, but even dogs get the scraps and crumbs! She is not looking for the full portion that is devoted to the Jews- she is just looking for a small piece of grace. Aren't we all! The faith that the woman has is encouraging for us; the ability to face Jesus and discuss grace with him! Jesus comments on her faith and her daughter is healed. A question I asked last week in the message- How great is your faith- could be asked again!

We come to another feeding story (vv 32- 39) that is very similar to the feeding of the 5000 with the big exception that this crowd was mostly gentiles not Jewish (as the 5000 were). Would Jesus use his divine powers for the gentiles? This story, combined with the woman in the prior story, show us that Jesus does have a heart for the Gentiles as well as the Jews. Jesus is open and accepting to all. Are we? Can we?

I hope the day goes is going to be a good day!

Pastor Paul


  1. I was walking at Hickories yesterday...It would have been so great if we had met!
    People saying one thing and doing another. I see it all the time and it does make me stop and think I am I that person.
    The phrase honor your parents. I do believe this is important and I just was talking about this with a friend. I grew up with very kind parents. Everyone isn't so lucky so sometimes this is difficult.
    After yesterday's readings and today's I was thinking about helping others. We have discussed this before and I believe all agree that helping others feeds our soul. It can also be totally overwhelming. I am on several committees. Last night I went to a meeting for GiGis Playhouse. It's a wonderful place for individuals with challenges to take classes and gather. We were planning a fund raiser. I signed up to help with several things. Part of me thought I should do more because there is so much to do but I also knew this is what I can do at this time.
    Enjoy the day!

  2. In reading vs. 4-6, I have to say that I don't think Jesus is saying that if you donate everything to God you can ignore the commandment (which is one of the 10 commandments given to Moses and by Jesus). I THINK that what Jesus is doing is REPEATING what the Pharisees are saying and that it is wrong. for instance vs. 4 says the commandment and the penalty for not doing it. vs. 5 begins with BUT YOU SAY so the rest is what the Pharisees are saying - not Jesus. And vs. 6 says in the second sentence BUT YOU MADE. Jesus was reiterating what the Pharisees did and said, not what Jesus wants us to do because in vs. 7 Jesus calls them hypocrites. So my thought is that Jesus is saying - wait, you tell people that they can negate the commandment to Honor thy Father and thy Mother if they give everything to them (for God) but yet you criticize us for not washing our hands before eating? Not honoring our father and mother hurts them, not washing your hands hurts no one - my version of the conversation. And also says that what we put into our stomachs is of no consequence but what comes out of our mouths is. ????? I have read vs. 22-28 many times and each time it has bothered me. But then I learned that Greek version says "little dogs" - meaning pets. As you say, the woman totally understands that Jesus' message is for Israel, but her faith is so strong that if Jesus just gave her a crumb, her daughter would be healed. I would like my faith to be that strong. Sometimes it is, but sometimes.....

    Day has been so beautiful so far!!

  3. A woman has a daughter that demon-possessed. She begs Jesus to heal her daughter. Jesus came to minister to the Jews. The woman has enough faith in Jesus that she will accept anything he will offer. She is so sure that Jesus will and can heal her daughter.
    Jesus must realize that this woman is really desperate- but she is not a Jew. Does he hold that against her? He doesn't. The woman says that her daughter is demon-possessed. I wonder what that is like for the woman and her daughter to live with. Probably pretty bad. Imagine having so many of the afflictions that these ancient people had? No understanding of what has happened to them. No medicine. Many people are probably pretty afraid of them, afraid they will catch whatever it is. The woman may be called a bad mother. She may be very alone and sad for her daughter.
    I was remembering what happened with Legion in Mark 5. He was chained in a cave and was also demon-possessed. I bet a lot of people were chained in caves in those days. No one knew what to do with these people.
    By faith the woman, her daughter and Legion are "healed". How could these people have SO much faith? Even Peter, while walking on water, asked Jesus if he was sure this was going to work. He was afraid.
    I am afraid a lot. I imagine that the worst will happen before I even know the situation. I'm working on this- trying to have more faith and less fear but it's hard. I'm not sure this post makes perfect sense.
    I'm glad that Jesus healed then and heals now- if we have faith.


A Final Post

 Good morning. We did it! The entire New Testament in a year. that is quite a feat! Thank you all for your dedication and work. It wasn'...