Wednesday, July 14, 2021

Matthew 16

 Surprise! I am early!!

Thursday's task is "process" chickens! Yahoo!! I have such an exciting life! That's going to take several hours, so I am posting Wednesday night.

If you are free Thursday night 6:30 until 89PM- stop by the  Little Meadows church for our first summer ice cream social!

Red sky at night- sailors delight; red sky in morning- sailors take warning! (vv 1-3). The fact that the Sadducees and Pharisees were working together was a bad sign, as they almost never got along! So when they both try to "trick" Jesus, you know something is going on. Jesus was a serious threat that needed to be taken care of. The positive point is that Jesus brought these two groups together- even if they were together against Jesus. What can Jesus do to bring us closer to our "enemy"? When they ask for a sign, Jesus calls them hypocrites; they can interpret the meteorological signs, but that can't see what's in front of them! For years there were "signs" from the prophets, but they didn't catch the messiahship of Jesus. Do we always catch the signs?

We come back to a previous statement from Jesus- beware of the yeast (leaven), in this case of the Pharisees and Sadducees (v 6). Remember from that- leaven/yeast is associated with evil. So watch out for those guys! The irony is in the statement from the disciples (v 7), "It is because we forgot the bread!" Didn't they remember the feeding of the 5000 and the feeding of the 4000?! Jesus responds (v 8) "What are you guys talking about!?" Then he blatantly says- the Pharisees and Sadducees are bad guys! I think I asked before- but who is the "yeast" around us?

Jesus and the disciples "retreat" to Caesarea Philippi, a mostly gentile region. Away from the masses of Jewish people, Jesus would have some quiet time with his disciples. Do you take quiet time with your "disciples"? Jesus then asks the question (v 15)! "Who do people say that I am?" We know the answers: John, Elijah, Jeremiah. Obviously couldn't be John since they were in ministry at the same time! Elijah and Jeremiah were compliments- they stood up against the opposing powers, so the people wanted a messiah that would do something like that. The tables turn when Jesus asks- who do you say that I am? Peter, speaking for the group, responds, as we know. Jesus then heaps compliments on Peter, acknowledging that this revelation was God- delivered (v 17). Recognizing the  connection Peter has, Jesus says that the church will be built on Peter's faith. Some controversy exists though. When Jesus says, "this rock", was he pointing to Peter or to himself?! Also, this is the first time in the New Testament the word church has been used! The comfort comes when Jesus says that the powers of Hell and evil have no power over the church. Do we believe that? Peter is given the keys to heaven, St. Peter at the pearly gates! So does Peter allow us entry through the pearly gates or does God? Some people also believe that this indicates that Peter was the first Pope and that all of his successors have those same keys handed down to them. In fact, the insignia of the pope includes two  prominent keys. Jesus was pleased that his disciples were beginning to understand, but now wasn't the time to let others know (v 20).

Jesus then tells the disciples about the end of Jesus' life- something that must happen. Imagine the shock and disbelief of the men. As Jesus is talking, what must have been going through their heads? We know some, because Peter chimes in with  God will save you (v 22)! Peter rebukes Jesus?! Harsh words from Jesus follow, "Get behind me Satan! (v 23). Just a few verses before, Jesus was full of positives for Peter, now he is calling him Satan? Anything that was intended to prevent Jesus form doing his ministry was considered from Satan, so Jesus is saying that these words that Peter said were from Satan, so that they would try to convince Jesus to not "go through with the plan". I am sure Peter didn't know he was using words from Satan!

Jesus then declares his expectations of his disciples- if they continue to follow Jesus (vv 24- 26). Reading the list of expectations- would you willingly follow Jesus? Remember that 2000 years ago the cross is an instrument of execution- not life! So to take up your cross was a death sentence. Taking up your cross was a one-way street with a dead end. The paradox of the cross comes out in Vv 25-27- giving up your life meant living and saving your life meant dying. Do you think the disciples understood? Do we?

The last sentence (v 28)  is something I haven't really noticed before. "Some people standing here will see the Son of Man coming with his kingdom before they die." Jesus promised a glimpse of power and glory in God's kingdom. Did they see it? What did they see?

This chapter was very prophetic and theologically dense. We could probably spend hours talking about it! I hope you like these words from Jesus.

Enjoy the day! And don't forget...ICE CREAM!!

Pastor Paul


  1. Well, I can imagine you are having a fun day with those chickens! I didn't realize that the saying about red in the sky came from the Bible! I thought it came from sailors! LOL

    I had always read that Peter comes from the Greek word Petros (which means Rock) so when Jesus said You are my rock he was talking to Peter - that's when Jesus started referring to Simon as Peter. ????? I found the entire reference to Leaven interesting - since it is required to make bread/biscuits, etc. today - and even then since they did not add it during the Exodus. Is it because once you add it it affects the entire "dough" and changes it? Like evil does in our lives?

    I read once that taking up the cross is a reference to our will (the part of the cross that is horizontal) to God's will (the part that is perpendicular) - and that is why it's our cross to bear. Of course not the meaning Jesus had in mind - but a good reminder for us I think. Like the disciples who wondered about Jesus' statement and the bread - I still wonder sometimes and a few times have asked for a sign. Not that He exists - but that He is listening and that I am on the right track! I always wonder why Jesus kept telling people not to tell others about Him and who He really was. So they could see Him and find out for themselves? I totally understand Peter's concern - who would want to see a person they loved suffer the death Jesus did? The commentary in my KJV says that vs. 28 MIGHT be a prediction of the transfiguration. ?????

    Enjoy the day everyone

    1. I think the red sky is found in Proverbs...I will have to look that up. There is another meteorological proverb about cloud formations a determining weather too!
      Yes- petros is rock...and this was the name change from Simon to Peter. Good point!
      You bring up a good point about the yeast- it is needed for bread that was a daily staple. But, like you say, it is that a small portion would "contaminate" the entire product. Like evil- it just takes a small amount to "contaminate" the entire product.
      Ahhh...good reference to the cross! That will preach some day!
      WE all wonder if God listens! And I am always wondering if I am on the right track- I know that there are times I am not!!
      Transfiguration comes up ion chapter 17- so it could!
      Great points Donna! Thanks!

  2. Half of my family has headed off to Yellowstone, so I have had some time to catch up.

    Like, Donna, I never knew that the "Red skies in morning..." came directly from Jesus. I always assumed that it was a nautical expression. Well, we all know what "assume" means - nuff said.

    I find it interesting that Jesus regards yeast as a product of the devil. Without yeast, bakery products would have little taste (perhaps that is the point). Growing up in the Episcopal church, our Holy Communion consisted of unleavened wafers (little or no taste), and red (Port) wine. Now I know why the wafers were so thin. In my acolyte training, our rector taught us that the wafers had no yeast, but I don't remember him telling us why. He may have and it didn't sink in at the time.

    I don't understand Jesus's reaction to Peter's comment "Never Lord, this shall never happen to you," (NIV translation) when Jesus told the disciples about his coming death and resurrection. To me, it was a rebuke as well as a put down. This came just after Jesus heaped praise on Peter for his faith. Could it be that this may be to show that Jesus, although He was the Son of God, was also a man and had many of man's shortcomings?

    These past few chapters are very familiar regarding Jesus's ministry. I don't pretend to be smart enough to understand the parables that Jesus speaks in - it is one of the drawbacks of a scientific mind. I cannot figure out the themes of stories or anything to do with literature. I just read to enjoy it. Likewise, I don't understand the parables. After He explains them, it makes sense. But I cannot figure them out on my own.

    1. Yellowstone! Nice!
      The yeast point is interesting. Like you say, the yeast adds flavor and you can't make bread without it. I think the idea is that it takes a small amount to "contaminate" the entire thing. Like evil- just a small amount "contaminates" the entire product.
      When Peter says that Jesus would never die, he was concerned. Jesus' point was that He had to die for the kingdom and his ministry to come to fruition. Anything that attempted to prevent Jesus' mission was from Satan. So, when Peter said, You will never die...Jesus "interpreted" it as preventing him from completing his ministry. Does that help?
      I agree Jack- a science mind sometimes does not understand the parables! I struggle lots!
      Good points Jack! Enjoy family!

  3. I didn't realize the red sky phrase came from the Bible.
    Jesus told Peter that Peter's faith came to him directly from Jesus' father in heaven. That Peter was the rock upon which he would build his church. Jesus said that he would give Peter the keys of the kingdom of heaven. And then he turns around and gets angry with Peter. It must have been difficult for Peter and for Jesus to work through this discussion.
    Another familiar passage: Whoever wants to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses His life for me will find it. Jesus seems to be stressing the importance of that faith that come from God.

  4. I think there are a few proverbs related to weather too. Some about cloud formations!
    I appreciate Peter's concern and actions- and it had to be tough for him to hear the words form Jesus!
    Jesus was all about faith and the life we have because of our faith.
    Good points Cathy! Thanks!


A Final Post

 Good morning. We did it! The entire New Testament in a year. that is quite a feat! Thank you all for your dedication and work. It wasn'...