Friday, July 16, 2021

Matthew 17

 Good morning. What a nice day yesterday- I don't think we had any rain and the sun was out for most of the day! Great ice cream social at the church to end the day!!

I think you all commented about the weather forecasting red skies from Jesus in the last chapter. There are a few other "proverbs" (I think literally from Proverbs) about the weather- I will have to look them up!

Today we begin with  the transfiguration of Jesus. Peter, James, and John were invited to spend the day with Jesus. Not everyone will see all things! We don't know the exact mountain that they went to; there are some ideas: Mount Tabor (1900 feet), Mount Hermon (9300 feet), Mount Miron (3900 feet)- it is OK not to know! Jesus was "transfigured" and his shone brightly. One way to see this is a "new" miracle. Another way is to the the interruption of a constant miracle (Jesus always withholding his glory and majesty)! Moses (representing the Law) and Elijah (representing the prophets) appear. We often times pick on Peter for his statement, "We should build a tent!" (v 4), but what else would we have said? We then hear words from God (that we hear at Jesus' baptism in other Gospels), "This is my Son. Listen to Him!" Do we? Listen to Him? Did they-  the disciples- listen to Him? Some say this was God's way of rebuking Peter for putting Jesus on an equal level with Elijah and Moses (building them all the same tents). These words are what frightened them (v 6), not Jesus' transfiguration, not seeing Moses and Elijah- it was God's voice! It was the touch of Jesus that calmed them (v 8). Can you feel the calming touch of Jesus? Notice that when Jesus said this, they only saw Jesus- their entire focus was on him as opposed to Elijah and Moses. What happens to us as we focus on Jesus? The disciples are told not to say anything- to keep Jesus' messiahship and glory hidden until the resurrection. Jesus already had a crowd following- something like this may have had more people following- so as to interrupt the events coming.

Coming down from the mountain (v 14), Jesus is immediately swarmed by crowds again! A man brings his son, stating that the disciples couldn't heal him. We aren't always successful in our ministries! Failure is an important lesson for all of us! There is a sense that Jesus is frustrated with the lack of faith from his disciples (v 17) and those around. I wonder if Jesus says similar things today! Jesus instantly exorcises the demon- What is too difficult for us is easy for Jesus! He then turns to the disciples and comments on their disbelief- your faith is too small! What does Jesus say about our faith? Even a tiny bit of faith can do great things when God is involved (v 20). Do we believe that? We certainly cannot move mountains- even with complete trust in God, but this isn't exactly what Jesus was saying! We can do great things with trust and faith in God though.

Jesus then comments to his followers about his upcoming betrayal and death and resurrection. I wonder what Peter, James, and John are thinking when they hear this after experiencing the transfiguration?

The next story seems oddly placed. The temple tax was a tax levied on every Jewish male for maintenance and upkeep of the temple. Most men paid the taxes willingly; several tried to get away from those taxes. These yearly taxes were usually collected at the Passover (foreshadowing?!) Peter responds (v 25), "Of course He does!" Jesus then tells a short parable, essentially saying that the children of the king are not responsible for taxes, so therefore Jesus isn't obligated to pay taxes to the Kingdom. Big "twist" (in a positive sense) in words! Rabbis and priests were exempted from these taxes- would Jesus be claiming that exemption? 

Jesus, then to prevent more controversy over him and set a good example, essentially decides to pay the taxes. He and Peter go fishing with a hook (rather than a net) something very different to Peter! The fish they catch has a coin in its mouth! God provides! That's a crazy story and I don't ever remember hearing it before- or if I did I certainly don't remember it. Time to take up fishing!!

Some good words for us to think about form this chapter! I hope you have a great weekend. Morgan and Bobbi-Jo are coming home so the family will be together once again!

Pastor Paul


  1. I have read and heard the transfiguration story several times, but, in my version vs. 12 says "But I say unto you, That Elias is come already and they knew him not, but have done unto him whatsoever they listed. Likewise shall also the Son of man suffer of them." Now in my translation it says that Jesus was speaking of John the Baptist - so is Jesus saying that John the Baptist is Elias? So they did not recognize John the Baptist as Elias and had them killed so will they kill the Son of God????

    I agree, the money found in the fish's mouth is a bit strange? I heard someone say it in a conversation but I didn't realize it was part of a story in the Bible. Does this mean that Jesus NEVER paid the tax? Or is this the first time to make a point?

    Have fun with the whole family being around!!!

    1. Donna- good point. The thought is that the spirit of Elijah was present in John the Baptist. There were many many similarities in their ministries, their theology and their actions. My guess is that the Pharisees and Sadducees were against John as much as they were against Jesus. The murder of John was at the request of Herodias' daughter. Common thought is that Herod actually understood the holiness of John and was tying to protect him, but he had to save face in front of the public too. Peer pressure is a tough thing!
      I think Jesus did pay the taxes- as was the commands. This story was to make a point too- God provides. I will ask more about he coin in the fish's mouth at lectionary group this week.
      Thanks Donna

  2. When the disciples were enveloped in a cloud, a voice from the cloud said "This is my Son, whom I love; and with whom I am well pleased. Listen to him!". The disciples fell facedown on the ground, terrified. I'm wondering, was Jesus also in the cloud. If not what did he see? Did he see God speaking? He must have heard the same thing the others did because he knew what was happening. Did he just see a cloud around his friends? Jesus know immediately that God is speaking to the disciples. He comforts them and "when they looked up, they saw no one except Jesus."
    It seems like the disciples are shaken up but Jesus isn't. In fact, he talks to them about what is coming for him.
    The next part talks about another demon-possessed boy. This time the demon is seizures. It must have been dispiriting for the disciples to hear that they simply didn't have enough faith to heal this boy. I could hear myself saying that I am doing the best I can, trying hard to be as faithful as I think I can be. To hear that my faith is still not good enough, UGH.
    The fish story is kind of different. I guess you could say that the fish actually paid the tax for Peter and Jesus. Maybe this is just a story to show that sometimes it's just better to go along with some things than to cause a lot of contention. Especially since the money goes to a good cause.
    Have a good weekend everyone!

    1. Good question- what did Jesus see/hear at this moment? Did he see the face of God? How must that have felt to hear your father's voice saying those words! Jesus is always offering comfort to the disciples= and to us if we let Jesus!
      Right!? How did the disciples feel when Jesus was disappointed in their faith! I wonder how God interprets my faith- we have talked about it a few times this last two weeks in worship. Are we string enough in our faith for God to be impressed?
      The fish story is an interesting one! I really struggle with the meaning. I will have to do some more work on it!
      Thanks Cathy!

  3. Donna, my translation, the NIV, agrees with yours about the transfiguration, even the reference to John the Baptist.

    I will echo Cathy's comment, "... was Jesus also in the cloud? If not what did he see?" My guess is that Jesus was in the cloud as the Son of God speaking with his Father. I wonder if this is where the expression about "having your head in the clouds" comes from.

    About the boy who was having seizures, and the failure of the disciples to cure him, the issue of faith or lack thereof comes into play once again. Jesus contends that with enough faith, a man can move a mountain. Why would Jesus make such a statement? It is preposterous to think that a man can mover a mountain. Even with today's heavy equipment, one man cannot move a mountain. I guess this comment went over my head (again).

    Are the taxes collected by the Romans or the Jews? If it is by the Romans, I can see Jesus's reluctance to pay it. I agree that it was a good idea to pay it regardless of who it goes to. Jesus is already in enough trouble with the elders. I agree, pastor! It is time to go fishing!

    Enjoy you family while they are there. I am surely enjoying having mine here. It will by an awfully quiet house when they leave.

    1. Good idea- "having your head in the clouds!"
      I think the point Jesus is making about the faith of a mustard seed is that we all lack the faith that Jesus wants us to have. The idea is that if we did have that faith- we could do great things- but we are limited by our faith.
      The temple tax was a Jewish tax; other taxes were primarily Roman. Therefore- Jesus was ok with the temple tax- but not so much the other taxes.
      Good thoughts Jack!

  4. Finally back. My daughter has been here visiting with me this last week. I hadn't seen her since Christmas 2019 other that zoom and facetime. I did get the readings done though.
    I didn't realize either that the red sun in the morning was from the Bible. I thought it and old wives tale. I have learned a lot since we started reading the NT . Even able to answer some questions on Jeopardy that I would not have known the answers to.
    I can't imagine going up the mountain and see the transformation of j
    Jesus. That would be amazing but what would have even been more amazing and frightening would have been hearing God's voice saing j
    Jesus was His Son. Jesus again askes for the disciples not to tell what they have seen as he told the people he did miracles for not the tell what he had done. He certainly didn't want the people to dwell on his miracles but on the reason he came to earth.
    Jesus tells the disciples if we could all have the faith of a mustard seed. It seems so small that it would seem easy to have just that amount of faith but it is not that easy after all. Oh ye of little faith.

  5. Yahoo for Jeopardy! Sherri and I loved that show, and when Lauren was young she would hear the introductory music and run downstairs in her pajamas yelling "Jeopardy!" and was so excited to watch that show!
    The transfiguration would have been an awesome sight to see- could I handle it? Not sure- I'd probably be just as afraid as the disciples!
    Right- the point that Jesus was making about not telling- I don't want people to know me for miracles- I want them to know me for the messiah!
    Having faith is hard- and growing and developing faith takes a long time! We could do great things- but we are limited by our faith.
    Good points Clara! Welcome back!


A Final Post

 Good morning. We did it! The entire New Testament in a year. that is quite a feat! Thank you all for your dedication and work. It wasn'...