Tuesday, July 20, 2021

Matthew 19

Good morning! What a great day yesterday! Sherri and I took the day off (after a morning of work). I finally had a chance to buy a riding mower. I have been push mowing our lawn (about 3 acres) for the last few months! And Sherri got a new dishwasher! After 17 years, ours decided to quit on us! Happy day in the Reed home!! Today looks like a great day! Enjoy!!

Today's reading begins with Jesus teaching about divorce. These are always tough passages to talk about!

Although the gospels tend to focus on Jesus' Galilean ministry- we see here (and should assume) that Jesus would often travel out of the area and go to Judea and Jerusalem for things other than the crucifixion and resurrection. Great crowds follow- an indication of Jesus' success and popularity. He healed- but did they believe? Why did they follow? Why do we follow? Conflict with the Pharisees continues as they try to trick him! Divorce was a hotly contested debate (as it still is at times!).  Tradition says that if a man was unmarried at the age of 20 (unless he was dedicated to studying the  scriptures) he was in violation of the command- be fruitful and multiply and that by not having children- he killed his descendants! Even though they had a high view of marriage- they had a low view of women (as we have discussed in the  past). Is that much different today? How do women view women? Divorce is granted (Deuteronomy 24:1: "Suppose a man enters into marriage with a woman, but she does not please him because he finds something objectionable about her, and so he writes her a certificate of divorce, puts it in her hand, and sends her out of his house; she then leaves his house." (NRSV)). But what constitutes "something objectional"? Was Jesus going to take the conservative approach or the liberal approach to divorce? Rather than talk about divorce, Jesus talks about marriage (vv 5-6)! Bringing the covenant of marriage back to scripture- Jesus promotes the idea that when couples marry (in my eyes- any couples, but I know some would disagree with me- and that is ok to disagree), they forsake their individuality and become one unit.

There comes a touché from the Pharisees (v 7), "Yah, but, what about Moses' decree for divorce?" One rabbinic statement was that it was a man's religious duty to divorce a "bad" wife based on this decree from Moses! Jesus comes back with God would rather not have divorce happen, but there may be some circumstances where divorce would be better (v 9): sexual inappropriateness (and some translations include "hardness of heart" which could translate to abuse). Later (or prior since the epistles were written before the gospels) Paul added "an unbelieving spouse" is also grounds for divorce! The idea of adultery (v 9) comes from the idea of an "illegal in the eyes of God" divorce (i.e. other than the reasons listed). I am not sure of all your ideas of divorce- but I agree that in some cases, divorce is better than staying together. A huge issue I struggle with is when there are children involved. Divorce has a huge impact on the children. I can remember Morgan asking me many years ago (she was probably 14 or 15), "Dad, why are you and mom still married?" I didn't really understand the questions, so she went on to explain that most of her friends had parents that were divorced!

The disciples then say (v 10), "Maybe it is better not to marry." Jesus agrees that in some cases, not being married is an OK thing: infertility and devoted to the scriptures (celibacy for God).

Jesus then turns to the little children (vv 13- 15), as he did a few verses ago. This emphasizes the importance and focus of children!

The next story is found in all three synoptic Gospels. There aren't too many stories that are in all three- so it must be important! Like many, the young man wants to inherit the kingdom of God. Jesus responds (v 17), "Obviously (my words), follow the commandments!" All of them?! Do we struggle with following all of God's commands? Jesus then emphasizes the human- human commandments. If you can be good to people, then you can probably do ok with the God commandments! "Yah, but, I have done them forever. What else do I have to do?" Don't you love those "Yah, but..." responses! Jesus responds (v 21) with a total commitment to Jesus and God. "Hmmm....um....ahhh.....yah, but..." is the response of the young man (v 22). How do we respond when God calls us to follow? Riches do become an obstacle for entering the kingdom of God (vv 23- 24). When we are rich in earthly things we tend to be satisfied with this life and don't think about what is next. True or not?

Then Peter- the rock- asks the question (v 27), "We have given up everything- what do we get?" The twelve will be judges of the twelve tribes (v 28). What about God? I have to do more work on this part! In fact, all people that follow will be rewarded a "hundred fold" (v 29)-- not in a literal sense, but in a kingdom sense. God gives us back more than we can ever give to God- if we allow that to happen! Following Jesus will be tough though (v 30). We will loose family, friends, social status; we will be humbled and turned into servant; we will be lower than the lowest in this life- but our rewards will be great in the kingdom. When put this way- is following Jesus an "exciting" offer? Do people think of the future?

Some great words in these stories! I like the divorce discussion, as it opens the door to further discussion!

Have a great day. Stay out of the smoke from the wildfires!

Pastor Paul


  1. We continue to see that the Pharisees want to trick Jesus with their questions, but Jesus answers with what God wants. I continue to be amazed how the Bible uses the woman to be the one at fault for the ability to be divorced. Apparently the men thought that they could do no wrong as far as the marriage went. Was it okay for the man to be unfaithful in the marriage? I can't believe that the man never strayed in biblical times. I do think that in modern times that it is too easy for divorce as far as reasons to allow divorce to happen . When we marry it should be with the plan that it is for life as was God's plan. but there are reasons such as adultery and abuse that makes marriage a hard row to hoe. Children are another reason but children being raised in and abusive etc home is not healthy for family's either. enough on that subject.
    It is hard to think that the rich man cannot be in God's kingdom altho many rich people worship their money and possessions more than they worship God but the are those that use their dollars for the good of mankind. I do think that God expects us to care for our family and loved ones and doesn't want us to give all to him without caring for our families.

    1. The Pharisees and Sadducees are always at odds with each other and with Jesus! If they were as religious as they said- they might listen to Jesus!
      Women were just slightly above slaves in the Judaic world! They were the blame for so much- maybe it relates back to the story of Adam and Eve?
      In contemporary times- it is easy for divorce. But think of it- it is too easy to marry also. People do not have to do marriage counseling or anything like that, so there doesn't really have to be a thought process to get married. Like I said- I am ok with divorce- as long as children aren't involved- then it becomes more difficult.
      Re: the young rich man- that is what Jesus was saying- money isn't all bad if it is used for the kingdom and helping in ministry and mission. But often people worship their money more than God.
      Good thoughts Clara

  2. It always seems good for us to remember the times in which these things are written. Times have changed but human nature hasn't changed much. Probably most people try to do the best they can when they go into a marriage. Sometimes we make the right choices and sometimes not. I have never been divorced but, as is the same for my husband, it hasn't always been a "bed of roses". Our daughter has been divorced. Even though it was the right thing, it was very painful for her and her ex-husband. I think God knows our hearts. He, after all, is who we prayed to when our daughter was going through her divorce. I asked God to comfort her and give her the fortitude to go through with it- and he did.
    I think that any couple, yes any couple, who are trying to be a loving respectful relationship need out love and support. Life is hard enough.
    I agree with you, Clara. It seems that those who worship their money instead of God are the ones in trouble.
    It's amazing that we can actually see the haze from the fires out west. It must be so much worse for the people there. I'm going to try to remember to pray for them tonight.

    1. Good point- times are different, but human nature remains the same! Marriage is hard. I know! I think people expect it to be easy, and when something happens, rather than figure it out- they leave.
      There needs to be love in any relationship- I agree- life is hard enough without that!
      The skies are so muted and cloudy! I can't imagine what it must be out west!
      Good points Cathy!

  3. Everyone has gone home and we have an empty house, now. We loved every minute of their visit and we pray they all have a safe trip home. Chris just landed in Columbus, OH, but Jeff and his family are driving, but should arrive in Ft Worth, TX later tonight. Trish (Jeff's wife) has an appointment with a orthopedic Dr. tomorrow and my guess is that she will probably need surgery. We we pray for her.

    I consider us blessed to have survived for 52 years without separating or divorcing, although the journey has been anything but smooth. We are blessed with 3 wonderful children and 5 grandchildren. I am including our step-grandchildren in our total because of the love that was apparent from Cynthia (aka Thia) for us and her step-father (our son) whom she has nicknamed "Jefferson". She also showed a lot of love for our dog, Daisy. She was wonderful to have here and I can honestly say that I love her as a child, although, regrettably, I haven't told her that.

    I would be very surprised if the woman was the "wanderer" in all the adulterous situations in Biblical times. I'm sure that the man had to be the adulterer at least 50% of the instances. It is just that the PC cops were not around in Biblical times and the relationships between men and women were related differently. In fact, in many areas of the Middle East today, the PC cops have yet to make an appearance.

    The past several chapters have dealt with 2 issues: Faith (or lack thereof); and sin (with references to the 10 Commandments).

  4. Cherish the family- but also cherish the silence! Safe travels for all!
    52 years! Wow! Almost as long as I have been alive! I really enjoy having the whole family together and I feel blessed as you do Jack!
    Hahaaha! Thee PC Cops! Even then I am sure they were active!
    Great thoughts Jack- thanks for sharing!

  5. Divorce is always a painful subject for me. And, I do agree, Cindy, we need to look at the times and, in today's world, look at the circumstances. Jesus did say adultery - of course mostly the male - but then says that if a man marries a divorced woman, HE is committing adultery - which seems odd since the man divorced the woman. I wish I did have the faith of a child, but, unfortunately, life give us knowledge and not all of it good. I also agree that it is the LOVE of money, not having money, that makes one evil. All charities and nonprofits mostly run by money donated by the rich. Even the poor can commit many crimes over the love of money.


A Final Post

 Good morning. We did it! The entire New Testament in a year. that is quite a feat! Thank you all for your dedication and work. It wasn'...