Wednesday, August 18, 2021

1 Corinthians 10

 Good morning! Hoping that you all had a good day yesterday! Today looks like some rain from Fred!

We had another great night at VBS! I really enjoy seeing the kid's energy and appreciate the dedication of my team!

This morning's chapter from Paul brings some stern warnings about the lives that the Corinthians are leading. There are many references to Israel's past and how they treated God! It is an interesting and sobering chapter!

Paul introduced two related concepts in the last two chapters and brings them together in this one. Remember, chapter 8 was about eating the meat offered at temples to gods--  since Christians know there is only one True God, these sacrifices are just "regular" meat and can be eaten by Christians- unless they cause a Brother or Sister to stumble in their faith. Love for others is more important than knowledge. In chapter 9, Paul says that the Christians should give up their "right" to eat the sacrificed meat (as Paul gave up his "right" to be supported by the church in his ministry), especially when it causes someone to question the existence of God. Paul brings these two together in this chapter.

Think of the blessings that the Hebrew people received: they were all protected and guided by the cloud as they left Egypt (v 1, the cloud of Shekinah protected them from the sun during the day and burned like a fiery pillar during the night so they could see their way), they safely passed through the Red Sea as they fled from Egypt (v 2, and also seen as a baptism as they "passed through the waters"), they survived on manna and water that God provided (v 3), Christ (through God) was with the Hebrew people the entire time of their exodus (v 4). Even with all these blessings and provisions, the Hebrew people ignored God- most of them died in the desert (v 5). Only Caleb and Joshua were "allowed" to enter the Promised Land! The point Paul was making was that the Corinthians were becoming like the Hebrew people (vv 7-8). The Corinthians had so many blessings, yet they continue to be promiscuous, eat meat from the temples, carouse the night away, etc! This is a warning from Paul- like the Hebrew people, the Corinthians could be in for a bad future! Paul mentions that in one day, 23,000 people "fell" (v 8); there is no text that says that, but there is text that says 3000 men perished for sexual impurity and 20,000 women perished at the golden calf incident. Maybe he was combining the two? Paul continues giving examples of how the Hebrew people perished as a result of their sins. The message: "Shape up!"

We are to live and learn based on past examples. These stories were written so that we cold see the mistakes from prior people and learn a better way (vv 11- 13). Everyone is vulnerable to temptations; the Corinthians thought they were above that. Temptation is like a rock in a harbor. At low tide, it is easy to see and avoid. But, Satan rises the water and makes the tide come in and covers the rock so we don't see it. Then we crash! Paul is saying that we are all susceptible to temptation and we need to be active against it. 

Now, with all this information, Paul turns back to the meat offered as sacrifices to gods. "Run away" (v 14) is Paul's advice! The idea is that a little meat here and there is ok, but eventually, we would slip into the worship of that idol! If we believe that our communion celebration unites us with other Christians and with Christ (vv 16-17) then eating the meat at the altars unites us with the gods of the temple (vv 18- 20). Some of the gods were good, but some were bad and had ties to demons. Paul says we can't unite the table of God with the table of idols (v 21). The Corinthian Christians thought that as long as they ate at the Lord's table, they were safe, but Paul says this isn't so! So choose wisely!

Even if something is legal- it doesn't mean it is right or good to do (vv 23-24) especially if is causes a brother or sister to stumble! How much can we get away with and still be Christians! The biggest harm is when our actions cause others to stumble. An example for the UMC. At communion, we use grape juice. The idea is that if we are truly open to all we should be open to all. If we use wine at communion, then we are excluding alcoholics. Even though alcohol is legal for adults, it would cause a brother or sister to stumble, We may have to give up some of our rights for the benefit of others.

Paul seems to backtrack in the next few verses (vv 25-26), but what he is saying is that if "sacrificed meat" is sold in the marketplace or the butcher shop- it is ok to eat since there is no remnant of the idol on the meat. If you don't know where the meat came from, you're good too. I don't necessarily agree with this, but this isn't my letter! If you have knowledge that the meat was sacrificed to an idol, you shouldn't eat it; but no knowledge exempts you from the "sin" (vv 27- 28). 

In Paul's closing statement- he has us focus on glory to God. Whatever we do, however we act, we should do it for the glory of God. Our goal is to be good people and to do as best as we can to help others and make sure our actions don't make them stumble. Do good for people. Be good for people. A theme that Jesus taught us!

The basic premise of the chapter- don't do something that will cause a brother or sister to stumble. Love for others is greater than anything!

Have a great day. Stay dry!

Pastor Paul


  1. I am confused again should we or shouldn't we eat the meat? First i thought Paul said if we believe there is on God(our God) and the meat was sacrificed to an idol since we don't believe in idols the meat is okay to eat. Now it seems he is saying something else?? We are not being true to Jesus when we partake of communion with blood of Christ and body of Christ if we partake of "meat" sacrificed to idols. a
    Are trying to serve God and the devil at the same time??
    He is warning us the remember what happened to the Israelites when they fled Egypt and what they did by not remembering what God did for them and how they questioned God. They also tried to make God jealous We are not to try to tempt God. He reminds us to what happened. He wants us to do good for others and for the glory to God.
    He does acknowledge that we are tempted to sin but and that we probably will sin but to try to be more Godlike in our lives. Sometimes paul sounds as if he thinks he is almost perfect when he writes forgetting what his past was, other times he sounds very humble. We are born in sin and do continue the be sinners even if we are Christians we continue to sin even when we try not to We are not perfect. s
    Sometimes I find what Paul writes so easy to understand and other times I am completely confused. I pray for understanding before I read but doesn't always happen.

    1. How can you be confused?! Paul is as clear as mud!!
      My understand of what Paul said. It is OK for Christians to eat meat sacrificed to other gods if they are in their home alone and know the gods don't really exist. If you invite someone over for dinner and they are weak in their faith- it may be better to eat some other meat that you freshly killed or obtained.
      Paul does want us to see the temptations that are around us and warns us that it is easy to be distracted! The story from the Hebrew people would have been easy for the group he was talking to as they were mainly Jews, so they knew the stories. It is hard for us at times since we don't really know all the things Paul is talking about.
      Paul is tough to understand at times. He can be sarcastic, but we don't always see that because we are unsure of the stories and the questions that arise.
      Keep going- you're doing a good job!

  2. It seems like this chapter is all leading up to the last verses. “so whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all to the glory of God.” Paul us very sure that if we don’t follow the rules to the letter we’re in big trouble with God. He also wants us to think about the good of others. (Hmmm, is he saying that we are our brothers keepers??) He says that if we think about the good of others, this will be pleasing to God.

    1. True- the last several words are the important part! Do it for God!
      Are we our brother's keeper?! Paul is a huge proponent of helping others! Do we do that?
      Good points Cathy!

  3. I agree, Clara, it seems like Paul is going back and forth a bit about eating meat. But I still feel that Paul means it to be ok since we do not believe in idols or multi gods so as a Christian it is NOT a sacrifice. But if it offends other or makes them weak - then no. I actually liked Paul's recap on the history of Moses leading the Israelites out of Egypt. But I loved vs. 13 - in my translation part of it says"....But God is faithful, who will not suffer you to be tempted above that you are able; but will with the temptation also make a way to escape, that ye may be able to bear it...." that actually makes me feel better - knowing that God will not tempt me with more then I can handle and will give me an escape plan. And I think you are right, Cathy - Do all in the glory of God. I try!!

  4. Paul (both the apostle and me) are quite confusing at times!
    And you are right- if we don't believe in the gods or the idols, then the sacrifices are just meat cooked on a grill. It is not a sacrifice.
    God is there to support us, if we let God! Do we let God?
    Good points Donna!


A Final Post

 Good morning. We did it! The entire New Testament in a year. that is quite a feat! Thank you all for your dedication and work. It wasn'...