Wednesday, September 29, 2021

1 Peter 1

Good afternoon! Late start today! Blood work then errands then lectionary group then officiated a graveside memorial service for a neighbor. Now it is time to get to work!!

Peter begins by introducing himself as "an apostle of Jesus Christ..." He was more than that! He is the apostle mentioned most in all the Gospels, he is the one Jesus talks to most, he speaks the most of all the followers of Christ, Peter was the only disciple to talk back ("rebuke") Jesus-- Peter was probably the most influential disciple of Christ.

Peter pours out his heart to God (v 3) in adoring love and thanksgiving. We are born again to a living hope! Wow! Great words! Do we feel that love for God? He describes not what our inheritance is, but what it isn't (v 4). All of this is protected by the power of God (v 5). Can anyone top that? The love, the passion for God, the dedication Peter has?

Peter talks about us being tested by the trails that we go through. That test is to show us the faith that we have. God doesn't doubt our faith- we do. These trials help us know how string we are. Do we feel stringer after these trials that we go through?

Peter has seen Jesus- both before and after the crucifixion, but many he writes to have not seen Jesus (v 8).  Jesus is no less real because we haven't seen. Jesus is real for them and for us...even if we don't see. And we will have such a profound joy from that knowledge of Jesus!

It was important for Peter, and all the new Testament authors, to remind the readers that salvation had been prophesied and talked about for years and years (v 10). Salvation wasn't a new idea and Peter needed to remind people of that!

To prepare for our coming salvation, Peter says we need to be ready for action (v 13, some translations say "gird up tour loins..."). We rest all that we have in the hope of salvation  and that Christ will come to us and call us to him. Like a child obeys their parent (v 14) we need to obey God and the commands from God.  Our ways need to change (vv 14-15), we need to turn around and become true followers of Christ. God wants us to be holy just as Christ was holy, and the only way we can do that is by changing our ways and becoming better people. How can we become more holy? Knowing the price that Jesus paid for our forgiveness (v 18), how could we not turn around and become better people. We weren't and can't be saved by anything that our ancestors did- it is up to us to change who we are so that the shedding of Christ's blood wasn't lost. Live holy!

And holy living isn't complete unless there is genuine love for others (v 22). How can we be holy and worthy, yet treat others poorly!? How many people do you know fit this idea of holy living- i.e. loving others in a holy way? The word of God continues to live (for thousands of years) and the message hasn't changed- love each other! Things will come and go, but love should be steadfast and continuous. 

A tough to understand first chapter- but I hope you get the point.

Pastor Paul


  1. I enjoyed this chapter because it is about hope. Right from the beginning it says...God is good and by raising Jesus from the dead he has given us new life and a god that lives on. Last night my husband spoke to a college friend that was told by his doctor he has 6 months to live. I know many think this is okay but I feel there is a better way to go say your time may be nearer than you think. We are not God how can we say and I think there is always hope.
    We have talked before about having our faith tested. We all go through stuff but certainly some are tested way more than others.
    I again feel very fortunate that I know quite a few people who love others in a holy way.
    The end of this chapter the message that we must keep on loving with all our heart because God has given us new birth with this message is one of hope.

    1. Cindy,

      Please give you husband my condolences for his college friend. I recently lost my best friend in high school to a rare disease called IBM (Inclusion Body Myositis) which attacks the skeletal muscles. This left Bert totally disabled. I miss him greatly.

    2. Hope is something we all need! And more of it. You're right- the doctor and medical staff don't know, and it is in control of a greater being. Hope.
      It is good to stay focused on that idea of hope that there is something greater.
      Peace to you and your husaband.

  2. I agree with you, Cindy. This first part is about hope. Peter gas so much faith that he makes you feel more secure. Peter describes your faith as “of greater worth than gold”. It does seem like sometimes our trials make us stronger in our faith.
    Vs 20 says “He was chosen before the creation of the world, but was revealed in these times for your sake.” I hadn’t realized that Jesus coming to earth was a plan that was in place before the world was created. He came to save us - but what about all those who lived before he came? I wonder what they thought happened to them after they died? God couldn’t have said - I sent my son to save you.
    Peter says that we should sincerely love others. We should be selfless in our care of others. Pete seems like a passionate person who really talks the talk and walks the walk.

    1. Trials do make us stronger- although we may not see it when we are going through it do we!?
      You raise an interesting question (v 20). If God's plan all along was Jesus- then why the discussion with the Jews in early history- why not Jesus on day 1? It is all confusing!
      Peter does seem a lot like James in walking the walk and talking the talk!
      Thanks Cathy!

  3. Peter sounds like Paul in is opening." Grace and peace be yours in abundance." It appears form the map in our Bible that Peter covered most, if not all, of which is modern day Turkey and part of Syria.

    This chapter makes a lot of points. In verses 10 and 11, he speaks of the prophets who predicted the suffering of the Messiah. This is borne out in our knowledge of the life of Christ. In verse 16, he says that Christ states "..."Be Holy, because I am Holy." And in verse 20, Peter says that Christ's journey on earth was decided on by God before the earth was formed. If this is the case, then why did Christ walk the earth 2100 years ago? It seems like His presence is needed now. Although, who knows? Maybe He will return in the next few years.

  4. Good point Jack- when we read the Hebrew prophets, we read it through the lens of Christ. It is difficult for us to not see Christ in the writings- but we need to remember that they didn't know Christ.
    You bring the same question Cathy does re: Christ and God knowing what God was going to do! I agree- we could use a Christ visit now!
    Good points Jack


A Final Post

 Good morning. We did it! The entire New Testament in a year. that is quite a feat! Thank you all for your dedication and work. It wasn'...