Thursday, September 16, 2021

2 Corinthians 10

 Good morning= later than usual. 8AM dentist appointment! What a great way to start the day!

Gentle reminder- lunch with the pastor at noon (until 1:30PM) and then ice cream tonight (6:30 until 8) are all invited!!

Paul begins this chapter with a different tone than most of the letter we have read. Some theologians suggest that chapters 10 through 13 are from a different letter and just added to this one. Regardless, he is changing his attitude as he draws this letter to a close. He dose say some rough and seemingly negative words to the Corinthians in the next few chapters- but he is doing it in meekness and with the love of God (v 1). Paul brings up a common thought among the Corinthians- he is mean in his letters, but nice to us in person (vv 1-2). Aren't we like that at times- more aggressive about something when nobody is around, but we lighten up when we are gathered together? Paul seems to set up a challenge in v 3, "I hope I don't have to be angry when we are together..." (my words, not his). 

One big part of their mistrust was that Paul was "walking by the flesh" rather than walking by God (v 3), and Paul doesn't want this argument to rear its head during his visit. Paul admits that he (like us) is human and in that respect- does "walk according to the flesh", but that his war is against "carnal" or human things (the things of this world, sin, etc). He is using his God-power (v 4) to help in his mission. Divine weapons include: breastplate of righteousness, belt of truth, shoes of the gospel... Paul is using these divine weapons to fight against the things that go against God and the gospel (v 5). Carnal and worldly ways go against God; Paul is trying to fight these things.  Paul is ready to confront those that practice the ways of the world until they walk by the way of the spirit (v 6). 

Paul is described as a short man, bald head, crooked legs, large (portly), thick bushy eyebrows and a large crooked nose. People would look at the surface and think negatively of him. Do we do that? He continues with, don't loot at the outside- look at the inside (v 7). We tend to lose sight of the inner being don't we? Most of us do not want to be judged by our outer appearances, but by our inner beings...that's what Paul is saying here.

Paul seems uncomfortable writing about his authority (which was questioned by the Corinthians). He was humble and godly, and continues to remind the Corinthians that his authority is from God (v 8). Do we question authority- either Biblical, political, or social? The people that were against Paul used his letters as an example (vv 10-11). They seemed harsh and too powerful and too aggressive. Paul rebuts with- We are doing God's work trying to keep you on track! I can be tough in person if you want me to be (v 11)!

Paul's critics in the Corinthian church must have felt very highly of themselves and Paul says that he will not stoop so low as to compare himself with them (v 12). They are carnal, worldly people- Paul isn't anything like that. Paul will continue to boast about himself and the work he does though. He will boast about it because he is doing the work God wants him to do (vv 13-18). Paul reminds them he came to them when they were a fledgling church, was there through their growth, and is there now for them as they falter. He does love the Corinthian church and he does want it to be successful and regain their faith-- hoping that as their faith increases they will influence their neighboring communities. It is hard for a church leader to watch their faith community lose hope, lose faith, begin to fall apart. A good church leader really does love their church and will do what they can to help the church regain what they had. Paul is that model and illustration for someone who really loves their church. 

The next several chapters are like this- Paul on the defensive. It is obvious he cares about the Corinthians. If he didn't care, he wouldn't be so passionate in his writings. 

Have a good day...stop by for lunch or ice cream!!

Pastor Paul


  1. Nice lunch with the Pastor today.
    Wonderful to meet Kathy and Cindy in person and get a chance to visit with them. Hope to see them again.

    Apparently Paul was being criticized for his letters being bold, forceful and strong and when he was in person he was more humble. so who was he to tell tell what was right or wrong.
    Paul states that he was teaching God's way of faith .love hope, prayer, God's word of the good news and the Holy Spirit not the worldly(Satan) way of money ,greed, fortune, fame etc.
    Paul says he is not as great with his words as the great orators etc but what he was saying was the truth of God and he was doing it for God so that was what was important and what really mattered. That was what he could boast about. It's ok for us to be prideful if someone says what a great job we have done but we should not boast ourselves to others that we have done a terrific job.

    1. Aren't we like that at times- more bold and vocal when we are distant from people we are criticizing, but more gentle and less rude when we are with them?!
      Paul was not the best public speaker- but he was doing God's work!
      Good points Clara!

  2. It was a very nice lunch with the pastor today! I was so glad to meet Clara and Donna. I had met Pastor Paul already but it was good to see you again.
    I have to admit that I don't really understand some of what is going on here. I do agree that we should judge people by their inner beings. Did you ever stop to think that there are billions of people on this planet and every single person is unique! It's kind of amazing that we can all live on this earth together and even sort of get along. Probably a lot of people have different ideas about doing what is really important and being what God wants us to be.
    It is easier to be more aggressive in what we write or when no one is around. Social media is a great example of that. But when we are with people we try to temper our talk.

    1. Paul was trying to point out that even though he may not look like a great leader and a great speaker- people should listen to him. He was suggesting that people look at the inside and see how he cares and has compassion. We do judge people by their exterior appearances. I remember my fist meeting with the admin team at Little Meadows. I walked in with shorts, sandals, a pastel (probably pink) shirt, my hair spiked and my earrings. As I walked in I heard some gasps of "Oh man, we're going down fast!" I am unique!
      Social media is a great (?) example of that aggression we can have- it is soo much easier to critique others when we are distant!
      Good points Cathy!

  3. What a lovely lunch and discussion today! It was so nice to meet pastor Paul Clara and Donna. You all made us feel so welcome.
    Today we spoke about doing for others. If you go on to boast or brag about it then it takes away from the good deed.
    Cathy you are so right all the people in this world and yet we are all unique. I saw an astronaut speak this week about his experience in space. He was asked by the reporter what it was like. I wish I could quote it because it was so beautifully said. He said it was so humbling to look back at the earth. That it looks so small but beautiful and why can't we all get along.

  4. Good point- our boasting and bragging takes away from the act. Just leave it and let it go!
    Great comment about the astronaut- why can't we just get along?!
    Thanks Cindy!


A Final Post

 Good morning. We did it! The entire New Testament in a year. that is quite a feat! Thank you all for your dedication and work. It wasn'...