Friday, October 8, 2021

1 Peter 3

 What another beautiful day yesterday eventually turned out to be! I spent most of the afternoon outside helping a neighbor and then doing some work around here. Gotta get ready for snow- it is coming sometime!

I have course of study today and tomorrow and then the first weekend in November. The class is on Contemporary Theology. Still unsure of what it is about and I already write a 10-page paper- well 13 pages!

Today is our last day in 2 Peter. Monday we begin the Gospel of John. Only a few more months and we will have completed the entire New Testament! We should celebrate!!

Peter begins with another reminder (see 2 Peter 1:12-13) of the sureness of the coming days and a reminder to be ready! He seems to focus on "the words" (v 2) rather than the thoughts of the Scriptures. It is more difficult for us today since there are so many translations and versions- the words sometimes get tweaked and we may lose meaning or the meaning may change some. 

Christians should not be surprised that there will be people that will make fur at the idea of Jesus returning. (Remember the story of Noah- similar situation!). The scoffers not only have an intellectual issue with Jesus' return, they also have a moral issue (v 3, indulging in their own lusts). The big question "they" have is "Where is He?" (v 4). We have waited over 2000 years- do we ask that same thing at times? I offer worship at Good Shepherd in Endwell once a month. I have built a great relationship with one of the guys there. John has been questioning the hope that we offer- hope of a coming Christ. He questions the return of Christ and I understand where he is coming from. He is still a Christian and believes. 

In the final days, there will be widespread judgment. The scoffers, since they have never seen anything even remotely similar, add that to their questionings. They seemed to have forgotten the story of Noah (v 6). What seems like a long time to us is but a brief moment for God (v 8). Think of how you felt in Christmas Eve as a child waiting for Santa to arrive- seemed like it took forever. But now, as adults, it is here before we know it! The line Peter uses is form Psalm 90:4, "For a thousand years in Your sight Are like yesterday when it passes by, Or like a watch in the night." What God promises, God will make happen. 

In light of the coming destruction of the world, we should continue living our lives seeking God and God's kingdom (vv 11-12). Peter calls us to continue living holy and good lives. Peter makes an interesting claim- that we can hasten the coming by prayer (v 12)? Not sure if I believe that- but that is Peter's opinion!

Therefore- keep living a good life, find peace, live in love, help each other worship God (vv 14). Essentially- live as the good people we have been living! We have commented on this before- but what a great place this could be if everyone just got along!! Peter turns to add some praise for Paul...there is some thoughts that they two didn't get along- so this may be slightly sarcastic in nature, but I don't know more about that!

Peter concludes with- since you know what's going to happen (v 17) and it will happen, we must remain steadfast and good. Let's all do that!

Have a good weekend and enjoy the beauty of fall!

I will post an introduction to John Sunday night and we will begin with chapter 1 on Monday.

Pastor Paul


  1. Peter tells of the second coming of Christ and that we must remain faithful and do as Jesus has told us. Even though we have waited over 2000 years Peter says a 1000 years is like a day to God so it hasn't been that long to God. God doesn't want to destroy us, he is wanting for all to repent. Wouldn't it be great if we all got along and believed as Jesus taught, but Peter says there will be scoffers as there were when Noah built the ark and the world was flooded and all was destroyed except for Noah's family and the things in the ark.. so will the earth be destroyed by fire and judgement will occur.. A lot to think about and try to get out lives right with God so we are not left behind but are able to live in the new world God will create for the believers.

    1. Good point Clara...if 1000 years is like a day to God, then just over 2000 years isn't that long to wait is it??
      Continue to strive for goodness!
      Good thoughts

  2. Looking forward to reading the Gospel of John Can't believe we have read and discussed so much of the New Testament so far this year I have a better understanding from what I had before we started this reading of the New Testament. Thank you Pastor Paul for starting this blog so we have a chance to discuss and ponder what we have read. You are always so busy with all that you are doing, so many many thanks again for taking time to do this with us.

  3. I am back and I am writing this in Word, so that if I cannot publish it for whatever reason, I will have the original, so I won’t lose anything. I apologize for losing my comments that I was not going to type it again, along with no comments last night. I was extremely tired both nights, but I am rested now, so we should not have a repeat of the last couple of days.

    I wonder that when the end of the world comes, how the other religions of the world will be affected. What about Zen, and believers of Allah to name a couple. I realize that there are many people in the world that are religious, but they believe in something other than Christ. Do these religions preach the end of the world as Christianity does?

    It seems that we must lead a sinless life to be included in the new world that God and Jesus create for us. If this is true, none of us sinners will be included. Am I missing the point here?

    Also, if the end is caused by a cosmic event (as suggested by one of my sidebars), it seems like there should be mass annihilation of the species. Will we be resurrected like Jesus was?

    I only have questions about this last chapter instead of concrete comments.

    1. Hmmm...not sure about the answer to your other faiths have an end times prophecy? Eschatology is the study of end times...I will look into that.
      The point about sinless/sinful lives is the grace offered. Peter didn't really mention that too well did he! We do lead a sinful life- but there is God's grace that frees us from that sin- if we accept it.
      My understanding of "the end"- the good will be taken up by the rapture and the "not so good" will be left here. Then the end of the brief, but that is my understanding. We will talk lost about this in Revelation!!
      Questions are good- the texts are meant to challenge our faith and make us dig deeper!
      Thanks Jack

  4. I agree with Clara that I am looking forward to reading the Gospel According to John.

  5. Like Jack, I just read 2 Peter. It was quite interesting to read it in a single sitting. Again, I am a bit disappointed that Peter does not give us more insight into his life with Jesus. My chapter 3 starts out with "this second epistle" Is he referring to this, 2 Peter, being the second epistle to 1 Peter or could it be that 2 Peter is composed of 2 letters? One thing that I do like about both 1 Peter and 2 Peter is that it draws the Old Testament (or the Hebrew Bible at the time) and the Gospels together. Peter very much shows how what was said long ago has come true and relates to Jesus and his life and teaching. I had to smile when Peter says that people will say "Where is He?" I wonder what they would think if they were alive today? Some 2,000+ years later. My Bible commentary says that Peter did mean what he said about Paul - wanting to reaffirm what Paul wrote in his letters as true - I guess no matter what their personal feelings were to each other. It also says that the second coming might be hastened by prayer BUT also by people's living and when ALL people turn to God and accept Him. So is he waiting for all people alive at the time to repent? Wanting to save us all? And I guess if we all were of one according - believing in God and living good lives - we would be praying for God's second coming.

    I can't believe we are so close to the end. I have so enjoyed this Bible Study and the people of this group. Learned so much.

    Cathy, I hope the wedding was wonderful! You certainly had the very best weather for it!

    Have a great evening everyone!

    1. Good point- if the Petrine letters were written by Peter (1 Peter probably yes, 2 Peter likely not) then why not more Jesus stuff?!
      It kind of makes sense to draw on the Hebrew Scriptures- they were Jews following Christ- so very well versed in the Hebrew scriptures!
      2000 years is a long time to wait- have we lost the urgency?
      We have talked about prayer before-- will prayer help the secood coming come faster?? Good question!
      Good thoughts Donna

  6. The wedding was wonderful! I have a wonderful new “son”, named Paul. I liked his family very much, some of whom I have known for a while. People were respectful of Covid restrictions and the reception was outside. (Yes it was cold and windy, but if you dance enough you stayed quite warm lol).
    I’m kind of glad that this chapter is over. I found it kind of difficult to understand.

  7. Glad wedding went well! It wasn't too bad of a weekend for a wedding! Could have snowed!
    This was a tough chapter! I agree


A Final Post

 Good morning. We did it! The entire New Testament in a year. that is quite a feat! Thank you all for your dedication and work. It wasn'...