Thursday, October 7, 2021

2 Peter 2

 Good morning! Yesterday turned out to be not too bad of a day. By afternoon the sun was bright and warm! What a great day to get out and do some yard work!! Today looks to be the same so get outside and, like my mom used to say, "Get the stink blown off you!"

Peter begins this chapter talking about false prophets and false teachers. This was a big issue in the beginnings of Christianity- and is still evident in the church today (and in the world for that matter!). Peter states this as a fact, not as a possibility. It is happening- and some of you may be the guilty party! Some of these false teachers (then and now) are quite popular (v 2), but they are sure to bring division and destruction. Why do people follow false teachers- do we not notice they are false?

Peter goes on to express his ideas on God's judgement of these false teachers. God cast wicked angels to hell (v 4), destroyed  the world (Noah, v 5), and condemned Sodom and Gomorrah (v 6). These are just there examples Peter uses to show God's judgement. In the same respect, God will save those that are righteous: Noah and Lots as examples. God knows how to save the good and condemn the wicked; God will be gracious to the righteous, but not so much to the unrighteous. Makes you think some doesn't it?!

These ungodly ones are proud, follow the ways f the world, despise authority, walk against the teachings of Jesus (vv 10- 11). Since these false prophets function in the carnal world, they are no better than the animals. They let their animalistic instincts take control and are doomed for death. These false teachers are dangers to the kingdom, deceiving people while corrupting the body of Christ. Their heart is set on the carnal world (v 14) as they prey on the unstable and equip themselves for selfish greed! "The unstable" seem to be most vulnerable to the false teachers. What can the church do for these "unstable" people? The reference to Balaam would have been familiar to the people of the day. Balaam was guilty of a great sin-- leading others to sin for his benefit; he was a wicked prophet- but not a false prophet; he did hear God's words, however he betrayed Israel and led them astray. Balak, king of Moab, "hired" Balaam to curse the children of Israel as they were beginning to come into Moab. THe morning Balaam left, he saddled his donkey and they began their journey. God sent an angel to stop this, the donkey cold see the angel, Balaam could not. As the donkey balked several times, Balaam gets off and starts beating the donkey. God then gives the donkey the ability to speak and the donkey says that God doesn't want Balaam to stop the Israelites. It is a fun story (Numbers 22-24). 

Anyway- I digress! 

The false prophets offer nothing essential for life (v 17). They talk nonsense (v 18). But people are attracted to them! What is the church's role in calling out these false prophets? Peter comments that it is better for people to have never heard of Christ than to know Christ and turn to the false prophets (v 21). Agree or disagree?

Some very relevant words for us in today's culture about false prophets! 

Have a great day!

Pastor Paul


  1. Peter tells of three occasions where God condemned the people because of false prophets, the biggest, of course, was the flood that destroyed all except for Noah's family. Imagine being the people that laughed at Noah as he built the ark but then imagine the floods coming and being left behind. This always mays me think of the child's song by the Irish rovers, "The Unicorn Song" poor unicorns were playing and missed the boat so now there are no unicorns to this very day. The other example were the angels being thrown in Hell and Lot in Sodom. Peter says that false prophets preach of Immorality ,they are greedy and they lie about the scriptures leading believers astray
    I don't know exactly how i feel that Christians who revert back to their former ways are better off that if they had never know Christ. he speaks of a dog returning to his vomit and a washed pig returning to the mud. However there is always to chance the a person could then see the error of his ways and return to Christ?/ Right??

    1. There is always a chance of turning back- right. And we need to have hope that people (or us) will see the errors of our ways and turn back! Sometimes that is the hard thing- to see our errors!

  2. Wow this is a rough one!
    As I was reading this I was thinking about Noah and how I loved this part in bible school with all the animals. I don't think there was much teaching when I was Young as to why Noah was building the Arch. Maybe just that people were bad.
    We hear of unspeakable actions still today. Those against children are so very hard to listen to and make you think how can I make a difference. Those who are unstable are more vulnerable to false teachers for sure. I think that we are paying more attention to mental health is a good thing.
    There are wonderful people like Noah out there as well.
    Clara I like to believe a person can see the error of their ways and return to christ.
    Jack I have had my comments disappear as well and given up.

    1. These were some tough readings!
      God destroyed the earth during Noah because of the wicked and evil ways of people. Genesis 6:5-6 "Then the Lord saw that the wickedness of mankind was great on the earth, and that every intent of the thoughts of their hearts was only evil continually. So the Lord was sorry that the Lord had made mankind on the earth, and was grieved in the Lord's heart. "
      I just preached on this two weeks ago!
      Thanks for the comments Cindy

  3. Peter (or whoever wrote this chapter), uses very graphic language. “False prophet” is an insidious term to me. Think about the elections in our country. There are two very different people with two very different points of view. Both are very persuasive, truly believing what they preach. Supporters of each side can become militant. The two points of view that can never converge can tear people apart. Which candidate is the false prophet?
    Even families can be split apart by strong opinions. Brothers and sisters who can’t agree on how to care for elderly parent, for example.
    How we figure out the true prophet can be tricky.
    I hope that those who know Christ but turn to false prophets can mend their ways, be forgiven, and saved.

  4. Some powerful words Cathy! We are bombarded daily with false prophets telling us the future. It is hard to understand and distinguish who is correct!
    Everybody has to be right all the time!
    Good comments!


A Final Post

 Good morning. We did it! The entire New Testament in a year. that is quite a feat! Thank you all for your dedication and work. It wasn'...