Wednesday, October 6, 2021

2 Peter 1

 Good morning! Well, yesterday wasn't too bad- except for the gray and drizzle almost all day! Oh well, gave me time to get some inside work done and sit at the doctor for a while (regular appointment). 

This morning we begin 2 Peter. This is probably one of the least read pieces of scripture. It is difficult to understand and is very abrasive. It has a primary theme of God's providence (then why is there evil in the world) and the fate/destiny of the world. Although there is lots of biographical information (probably too much) and there are several references to the letter from Jude, many commentaries doubt that Peter wrote this letter. It was likely one of his disciples writing late in the first or beginning of the second century. We will go with calling the author "Peter" regardless of who wrote this.

"Simon" was his given name at birth; "Peter" was the name given by Jesus-- Petros is a Greek name meaning "rock" and comes from Jesus in John 1:40-42 ("One of the two who heard John speak, and followed Him, was Andrew, Simon Peter’s brother. He first found his own brother Simon and *said to him, “We have found the Messiah” (which translated means Christ). He brought him to Jesus. Jesus looked at him and said, “You are Simon the son of John; you shall be called Cephas” (which is translated Peter)" (NASB).

Peter reminds us that peace and grace are given to us, and multiplied to abundance! Imagine that! and not only peace and grace, but everything by God's divine power! We are even privy to God's knowledge if we would get our heads out of the sand and look to God rather than the world.  The promises that God makes to us allow us to leave this "worldly" view on things and look at life through the lens of God. 

But, we must live a life of faith and goodness. If we are living a "corporal" life, we cannot even begin to understand the world of God. Know that faith progresses to goodness, goodness progresses to knowledge, knowledge progresses to self control to endurance to godliness and finally to mutual affection- the love of God (sounds lots like Romans 5:4). If we have all of these things, then we are fruitful in Christ. If we lack these, we see more of the worldly view of things, we are unable to comprehend the God' aspect of our world (vv 8-9). We forget who we were before Christ and we forget what we went through. We are called by God (elected, v 10) to carry on the good news and promote the kingdom. If we see "these things" (faith, virtue, knowledge, self-control, perseverance, godliness, kindness and love) in our life, we know we are becoming more Christ-like. Like a sports team or ballet troupe, we need to continue practicing "these things" (v 12). We probably need constant reminders of "these things" so that we can focus on them  (v 13). Peter then adds a comment about the end of his life (v 14). Unsure if it was old age or the flames of persecution, but Peter feels his life is in jeopardy.

Peter then switches and solemnly swears and declares the testimony of the apostles was true (v 16). IN essence, Peter is saying that the life and times of Christ was not a fairy tale or fable! People did doubt the life if Christ though! Many people still look at the Bible as an accumulation of myths and fables. Really? But, I guess I can somewhat understand. 

It sounds like the author was a witness to the transfiguration  or the baptism of Jesus (vv 17- 18)! Reference to the holy mountain looks more like the transfiguration (Matthew 17:1-8, Mark9: 1-9, and Luke 9:28-36). Why not John?!

Having heard this through the voice of God makes Peter's message more prophetic (v 19). There are at least 322 Hebrew prophecies about the coming of Jesus. Peter Stoner (1888-1980;  Chairman of the Departments of Mathematics and Astronomy at Pasadena City College until 1953; Chairman of the science division, Westmont College, 1953–57; Professor Emeritus of Science, Westmont College; Professor Emeritus of Mathematics and Astronomy, Pasadena City College) calculated the probability of any one man of fulfilling only eight of these prophesies was 1 in 10 to the 17th power! Peter confirms that Jesus is the Light! I guess this points to Jesus as the one!!

Wow! Tough beginning! Chapters 2 and 3 are just as hard!!

Have fun reading!

Pastor Paul


  1. I like the part about needing to “practice” our beliefs. This group has been exactly that for me.
    The next few days are going to be very difficult for me. My daughter is getting married on Saturday. Since I have a gold medal in extreme worrying, I’m am very worried about Covid. I haven’t been with 100 people, some of whom I don’t know, in a long time. I have rather bad asthma. It’s never really entirely under control among other maladies. AND my granddaughters aren’t vaccinated.
    Also some relatives of my husband are coming and that’s stressful.
    The good news is this group. I have been praying to get through this time. Reading about people in the Bible who believed so much that they gave up their lives helps. Feeling closer to God through the readings and everyone’s comments helps. Being in this community of believers every day helps.
    Thank you all for being part of this group and sharing your honest thoughts.

    1. Cathy, it is easy to say we should practice our beliefs- but do we? That's the hard part and I frequently stumble with that! This group has really helped me build a routine that I hope will continue after we finish the NT. I really do enjoy this small but faithful group!
      I hear your stress and anxiety about this weekend! Enjoy the day for what it is and have fun knowing the presence and peace of God. We will be thinking about you!
      Thanks for your comments Cathy

  2. In my text vs5 says...improve your faith by adding goodness, understanding, self-control, patience, devotion to god, concern for others and love. What a wonderful way to live your life. If we all lived by these rules what a wonderful world we would live in.
    Cathy I will pray that this weekend is everything Emily dreamed it would be and that you are able to enjoy the moment.
    It ended up being a beautiful fall day. I picked some pretty fall leaves from our yard. I ironed them with wax paper to put in the upstate box I am sending our tomorrow to my son in Florida.

    1. Louis Armstrong- "What a Wonderful World" I agree if there was more goodness, patience, etc the world would be better!
      Love the idea of sending leaves to Florida! What a great idea!
      Thanks Cindy

  3. Cathy saying prayers for you and your daughter that all goes well with the wedding and that there are no covid infections. It is a time that is hard for us all not really knowing what will happen with this virus
    Cindy what a wonder way to bring the wonders of our fall to your son in Florida.
    Faith will improve with moral excellence , knowledge, self control, patient endurance, godliness, brotherly affection and love for everyone. Not one thing at a time but everything all together Wouldn't this make for a more perfect world if we all practiced this.
    Peter wants people to understand this and practice this at all times as he says he will be leaving this earthly abode and won't be here to remind the church

    1. How can we get people to try and practice these thoughts of Peter? How can we encourage people to have patience, love, goodness?? Frustrating when we know what we should do- its just doing it!
      Thanks CLara!

  4. I typed in a bunch of comments and the system lost then when I trid to publish them. I am not going to type all that in again. Sorry.


A Final Post

 Good morning. We did it! The entire New Testament in a year. that is quite a feat! Thank you all for your dedication and work. It wasn'...