Tuesday, October 5, 2021

1 Peter 5

 Good morning...looking like another gray one right now!

Last night was an interesting and loud night. We were sitting in the family room doing some reading. Windows were slightly open and then we heard this awful cry/scream coming from the woods across the road from us. The dog freaked and began howling and growling, pacing back and forth wanting to go out. Ended up being a fisher! If you have never heard the sound, try this YouTube video Fisher Cat Scream. Finn was on edge all night long! Life in the country!

We come to the end of this first letter from Peter. Peter addresses this closing to the elders of the churches. The "office" of elder was in Jewish culture, so not new to the Christian faith. Elders were appointed based on wisdom and knowledge, not necessarily age. Paul and Barnabas were actively appointing elders in the churches they started; some of the elders were appointed to a "special" office or pastor (teacher). Even with all his qualifications, Peter calls himself elder- just like the others he is addressing (v 1). 

The first point Peter brings up is to shepherd the flock. Remember the questions and responses that Jesus and Peter had about caring for the lambs and tending the flock! When I am gathered with a group of people I don't know and we do introductions, I comment that I "shepherd the flock at Little Meadows." Many of you know that I have sheep at home; shepherding is caring, feeding, tending, loving the "animals" God has provided for me. Peter comments, and I agree, that the position is one of compassion and willingness rather than obligation and compulsion (v 2). You have to want to shepherd, you can't be forced into it and do a good job of it. Peter comments that the shepherd should lead by example ( I fall short here at times- well, maybe more than "at times"!). Keeping in mind that the flock is only temporarily yours, we wait for the head shepherd to arrive (Christ).

Turning to the others that are not elders, Peter suggests that they pay attention to the wisdom of the elders. Become humble and put away your agenda and focus on the agenda of God (v 5). Peter then uses words (v 6) that remind me of the hymn Humble Thyself in the Sight of the Lord. True humility is shown by resting completely and wholly in God (vv 7-9). We should worry about God-things, not our things. Anxiety is a hard feeling/emotion to cast away though! I struggle with that- lots- I mean- LOTS! I understand that God cares and I understand what I need to do, it is hard to do it! Cast away anxiety?! Peter calls each of us to be watchful, Satan is out there waiting to pounce when the opportunity presents itself (v 8), but if we are string in our faith and know God, we can prevail over Satan (v 9). There is comfort that we are all going through the same "trials". Often times, I think we think that we are alone and that nobody will understand. But, we are all in the same storm (maybe in different boats- but the storm is the same). We all need the companionship of others to help us see God and help us get through the storms that we are in. 

Peter concludes by saying that Silvanus wrote the letter while Peter dictated (v 12); this was very common in the day. Silvanus is probably Silas that Paul mentioned several times in his letters. Peter concludes that we should know and understand God's grace is our present understanding of God. Peter is writing from Babylon (v 13)- either the literal Babylon which was still present in Peter's time or symbolically Rome (probably the likely place of authorship rather than the actual city Babylon). Peter also mentions "my son, Mark" (v 13). Theologians had looked at the style and perspective of the Gospel of Mark and see many similarities. There are some indications that Peter is a primary source for Mark's Gospel. Peter ends with the "request" of a holy kiss- something that was around for many many years as a way to express God's love to all.

I really enjoyed this last chapter! Some of 1 Peter was tough to understand, but there were also some really good words and thoughts. Tomorrow we begin the short (3 chapters) letter of 2 Peter. Some controversy exists- it may not actually be written by Peter but by one of his disciples that borrowed his name!

Have a good day and talk more tomorrow!

Pastor Paul


  1. You know, I would have thought that Peter's letters would have had a lot more insight seeing as he lived with Jesus for so long, was a part of his "inner circle" and witnessed Jesus' sufferings and death first hand. Peter's letters sound a lot like Paul's. With all of Jesus' teachings that Peter heard first hand, it seems a bit vague. The gospels have comments quoting or paraphrasing Jesus' words, Paul's didn't. Where James' letter had a specific theme to address - how much damage words can do. I, however, loved vs. 8 which in my translation says "Be sober, be vigilant, because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whome he may devour." It reminds me that the "devil" is there, always watching, always waiting for me to be tempted to go in the wrong direction and being ready to "devour" me - which I have done, I am sad to say.

    Could Silas and Silvanus be the same? Wouldn't that mean that Peter and Paul would have had to be in the same place at the same time at some point? Which, I don't THINK they were - except when they were in Jerusalem. Or did this person travel among the apostles?

    I am looking forward to reading Peter's second letter.

  2. P.S. - I grew up in the "boonies" and heard that sound but never really knew what it was. Thanks for the utube rendition - then I looked up what they look like. Interesting!

  3. We just returned from another visit to see our children in Philadelphia and more kitchen work. On Thursday we will have our granddaughter for a few days which we of course are really looking forward to!
    I have seen pictures of a Fisher cat but never heard one.
    Vs 2 says to watch over everyone God has placed in your care. Not simply because you think you must. I have always actually enjoyed taking care of people and volunteering. I didn't have a job that required shepherding so I think it was easier to do. Now in addition to my family I have Divya and Jessica who are part of my care but as I have said before I receive more than I give.
    This chapter also speaks of being humble...love that Tim McGraw song Humble and Kind!
    This chapter also says not to be bossy. I think if you asked my family they would say I am bossy. Hopefully in a kind way!

  4. I think Peter is telling us to be our brothers keeper in vs 2. “Be shepherds of Gods flock that is under your care.”
    He also says that “God opposes the proud but gives grace to the humble.”
    I also am VERY anxious”. I try so hard to pray about things and let them go but that is just not me.
    Cindy I read chapter 5 twice but my book doesn’t say “don’t be bossy” lol. I fight being bossy with my kids. It’s tough. Like you, my kids are all adults but I’m often sure that they probably will want my opinion. So far, they don’t. Emily recently got vaccinated. She actually commented that I didn’t make remarks about her unvaccinated status. I tried really hard to mind my own business and in this one instance did pretty well. My own anxiety was through the roof but that’s nothing new.
    Btw, you don’t seem too bossy to me.

  5. I nave never heard a fisher cat but remember as a child and teen hearing bob cats or wild cats as we called them and screech owls at nite which were rather scary too.

    Peter tells that he is and elder just as the leaders of the church were He claims that because he was with j
    Jesus and served Jesus he could be called elder Elders were to be leaders and set good examples for all. The younger or non elders were to respect the leaders the old adage "Respect your elders" comes to mind.
    Peter says to be humble like Jesus was and to stay alert that the devil doesn't lead us astray
    He closes his letter such as Paul does. I have enjoyed reading Peters first letter and looking forward to his second.

  6. I don't know how you can call the weather gray!! It is still sunny and warm here - it was in the 80's here again. I got a lot done outside and I hope to do so again tomorrow. Temp is forecast to be in the upper 70's - last day of warm weather then the bottom falls out.

    This chapter asks "Do you do things for Christ because you have to or because you want to?" It is OK to want to do something as long as you are not pursuing dishonest gain, but you are eager to serve. This chapter is likely where the adage "respect your elders" comes from. Peter talks about the elders in the church since most are older and (supposedly) wiser and are more ready to talk about the problems of the time and "Jesus, himself. They are also willing to talk about Satan and the influence he may have and the younger mind.


A Final Post

 Good morning. We did it! The entire New Testament in a year. that is quite a feat! Thank you all for your dedication and work. It wasn'...