Wednesday, October 27, 2021

John 13

 Yikes! That was lots of rain! Can you imagine if that was snow?! It is coming soon!! I hope you all made it through the rain ok. We had water in the basement, but it wasn't a major issue. We have been having problems the last few years with water coming up through the floor drain especially when the ground is wet and there is heavy rain. 

Today is my busy "errand" day...and we have to prep for Trunk or Treats! Sherri and I are helping out at Park Terrace UMC for Achieve's Trunk or Treats on Thursday and then participating at Little Meadows on Sunday for our Trunk or Treats! Busy time!!

We being this reading with a (major?) source of controversy. Jesus is having a meal with his disciples- before the Passover. Compare to Matthew, Mark, and Luke that put Jesus having a meal on the Passover. Let the discussion begin! Regardless, Jesus knew now was the time. His entire life, especially the last three years, has been focused on and dedicated to this time. In 24 hours, he would be dead. Jesus uses the last few precious hours to minister to his faithful disciples. What strength Jesus has. There has been no mention of the cross, yet we, as Christians, know that the cross shadows all of what Jesus is saying, Something important for us to remember, even though Satan had entered Judas (v 2), he was present at the meal and Jesus treated him the same as the others. 

Probably one of the most humble things in Jesus' ministry happens next. He stoops down to wash the feet of the disciples. Remembering the comment from yesterday with Mary, foot washing was the most humiliating and lowest thing a slave would do for their master. Jesus even did all the preparatory work that would have been assigned to another slave- obtaining the towels, the water, the basin. This final act was an extreme act of servanthood. 

Peter, likely the last to be washed, says the infamous words, "Not only my feet, but my hands and head too". And Jesus returns with the comment, "Not all of you are clean" probably referencing Judas' betrayal. The commentary continues with Jesus saying you all should be doing the same thing to others. Do we "wash" others? Do we help them clean away the dirt and grime and crud of the day? Jesus presents a model of care for us that we are to imitate (v 15). Can we do that? Do we do that- care for others? Blessings to those that can and do care (v 17). 

Jesus' mood changes as he addresses the group saying that one who has eaten with us will betray Jesus (vv 18-19). Did Judas know? Did the others know?  Simon Peter ("the one Jesus loved" v 23), asked who Jesus was talking about. That must have been a hard thing for the disciples to hear, that one of the intimate group would betray Jesus. Jesus dips bread and gives it to Judas (v 26). The giving of dipped bread is a special honor- almost like being given a toast in your honor. Jesus showed love and grace to Judas, allowing him to repent if he wanted. Imagine Judas. What was he feeling right now? Jesus says to "do it quickly" (v 27). Judas flees into the night. I really feel for Judas. The anguish he must be going through. What was his life like before Jesus? With Jesus? After Jesus (for the short time he was alive). 

Jesus establishes a new commandment (vv 31- 35). Something I preach about or comment on almost every Sunday. "Just love each other!" (my words, not Jesus') People will know who we are by the love we express. Do they know who you are? How is your loving going? Even of "those people"? Jesus did it, can you? Do you?

Even now, the disciples seem confused. Peter often gets the bad press for asking "those questions" but we know they are all thinking it! Where are you going (v 36)? They all thought Jesus might be going to Rome to battle Caesar or at least have words with Pontius Pilate! They all wanted to go and help Jesus fight! They were ready for battle, for victory! Peter even commits his life to Jesus (v 37). And then those stinging words from Jesus, "Peter, even you will say you don't know me" (v 38). How must Peter have felt. He was Jesus' right hand man, the "one Jesus loved", the rock on which the church will be built. However, he will deny knowing Christ. Do we? Have we? 

Pastor Paul


  1. Thanks for asking about my vision, Donna I saw the eye doctor today and he has changed my prescription so hopefully when i get the new lenses the vision will be better. I'm Praying.

    Jesus washes the feet of his disciples acting the servant. Slaves are not greater than their master or is the messenger more important than the one who sends the message Jesus says. Peter says to Jesus are you going to wash my feet/ Peter doesn't understand why jesus is washing their feet. Peter says no Lord you will not wash my feet. Jesus tells Peter If you have washed your body the feet need to bewashed to be entirely clean. Jesus says all of the disciples are clean except not all are entirely clean Jesus knew that Judas was going to betraay him so they were not all clean. Jesus tells the disciples to wash each others feet.. I think this is one way of Jesus telling us to be humble In John the meal they share is not mentioned as the Passover but the Last Supper Jesus tells of his betrayal When the disciples ask who will betray him. Jesus says who I give the bread i have dipped in the bowl will betray me. As we know it it Judas I wonder what Judas was thinking at this time as jesus told him to go quickly and do what he must? after judas leaves Jesus tells that his time is near and he will be leaving and the disciples can't go with him now but you will follow me later. Jesus gives a new commandment Love One another as i have loved you. Peter wants to go with jeasus saying he is willing to did for him Jesus tells peter before the cock crows in the morning Peter will deny him three times. Fear causes us to do many things we do not think we will.. I'm sure peter thought that Jesus didn't know what he was saying when he told him of his denial, but peter didn't know what was ahead. How would I have felt if i was Judas or even Peter at this time John makes it sound as if Judas didn't even know he was going to betray Jesus as when he was told to go and do what he must Satan reared his ugly head!

    1. Right- Jesus is definitely teaching about humbleness in this story!
      And also right- this is Jesus' last meal, but it is not the Passover meal! Very different from the other gospels!
      I am sure part of Peter's denial is fear- he could have been trying to protect his life.
      Thanks CLara

  2. At a church we use to attend my husband and I were asked to wash parishioners feet during lent. I have to say I wanted to say no but didn't. It was actually very humbling. It was a beautiful service and I didn't mind at all. When I think about this I would probably hesitate to tell some people about this because they might think it is strange. I know why should I care.
    Just love each other...It seems so simple.

    1. We have done hand washing a few times, but never foot washing. I'd like tp try it sometime, but its a tough call!
      Just love each other! Oh how many times have I said this in sermons lately!

  3. If this is NOT the Passover feast, then that means that Jesus never ate the Passover feast because - as you say in your comments - in 24 hours he will be dead. Not time enough to have a Passover feast, yes? I did some quick research - very quick - and lots say that Jesus used the Last Supper as a Passover meal. Others, of course, say that it was Passover. Could Jesus actually been "tried" on the first day of Passover? But it does seem like Jesus and the disciples were in Jerusalem to celebrate Passover - but that it lasts 14 or 15 days?

    It seems odd that all of the disciples are very concerned with which one of them will betray Jesus and yet when Jesus tells them it will be the one he gives the "bread" to, after dipping it into wine, and then when Jesus does this and gives it to Judas they do not seemed concerned at all. Not at all. They don't question Judas, they don't ask where Judas was going, they don't ask how Judas is going to betray Jesus - nothing. It's weird. And when Judas does leave, according to John, they think that maybe Judas leaves to buy those things needed for the feast (another clue that perhaps this was not the Passover). Odd. I wish John went into more detail about he felt at this time - personally.! But John is VERY explicit that the devil entered Judas AFTER the supper was done. Did Jesus know that that would happen? Does God know who the devil will take over and what will happen? Or just at this time?

    Could I do as Jesus did? Ate supper with someone who was going to betray me to my death? AND wash his feet? Honestly, I am not sure at all. But if I knew what Jesus did - if I knew I was to die in 24 hours - I think I might - because I would want my last actions, my last words, to be remembered as good - to be a true example of what I was saying!!

    Poor Peter.

    1. If we use the timeline from John, this is not the Passover meal but the day before, which means in John, Jesus was killed on Passover. The sacrificial lamb. They were in Jerusalem to celebrate Passover, but John's story and the synoptic stories vary by a day!
      Good catch- I didn't even really think of that. When Judas was given the bread, the others were like hmmm ok.
      We all want our final actions to be love and grace- but we never know when the time will we always act that way?!
      Good points!

  4. All this is taking place at Passover- the most important Jewish holiday. It commentates the exodus of of the Israelites from slavery in Egypt. Isn’t it interesting that at this important time for everyone in Jerusalem, that this whole other scenario would be going on. I wonder if the disciples were Jews and if they wondered why, instead of their usual seders, Jesus was talking to them about leaving them, about his death.
    I can’t believe that anyone reading verse 34 “Love One another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another.” could not accept people with different Lifestyles into their congregations- If they are truly Christian.

    1. There is much symbolize in this Passion week. Passover is the celebration of the Exodus- freedom from slavery. Jesus' death is like a "Passover" celebration- freedom from slavery to sin and death.
      You ask the all important question Cathy- looking at v 34, how can people not love others!
      Good thoughts!

  5. I first must state that I have never washed anyone’s feet. That Jesus did it speaks of who He is and what He stands for. For the life of me, I cannot figure out why Simon-Peter said what he did, asking Jesus to wash his hands and head as well. He obviously doesn’t know who Jesus is, but he also doesn’t have the luxury of 2000 years like we do.

    I know that Jesus indicates to Judas that He knows Judas will betray Him but do the rest of the disciples know it was Judas. I imagine that they are too much in shock to be able to think straight. They might have thought that Judas was leaving to do something else, but I doubt if they thought that he will betray Jesus.

    After Peter asked who the betrayer was, the disciples may have thought it was him, especially since Jesus told him that he would betray Jesus three times before the cock crows. It appears that none of them suspected that Judas would betray Jesus like He said, especially since Judas held all the money.

    When Jesus tells them that where He is going, they cannot come, I am sure that last thing on their minds was a crucifixion. Maybe it was the last thing on Judas’s mind as well if he doesn’t know that the devil is in him, and he is the one who will betray Jesus. Judas may not even know that he is suspect, and he may not know why he left the supper in haste.

    I have to say that a lot has to happen in 24 hours for Jesus to be convicted first by the Jews, and then by the Romans and then crucified. Their system of justice worked a lot faster than ours does today!

    1. You say an important point- Peter and the rest of the people don't have the full story of Jesus! I borrowed a book called "The Bible With and Without Jesus" I haven't started reading it yet, but it looks quite good. Written by Amy Jill Levine is looks at the Jewish perspective of things that we Christians see differently.
      I do wonder about Judas and his feelings!
      Their system is a lot more corrupt that ours too!
      No snow for us in the near forecast, but its coming I assume!!
      Thanks Jack

  6. I just looked at the weather forecast. We may get snow here tomorrow (Thursday) night!


A Final Post

 Good morning. We did it! The entire New Testament in a year. that is quite a feat! Thank you all for your dedication and work. It wasn'...