Thursday, October 28, 2021

John 14

 Good morning everyone! What a foggy and eerie morning! I hope you all had a good day yesterday and are planning on having a good one today!

This morning we begin "Jesus' farewell discourse" (chapters 14 through 16). Jesus is talking exclusively to his disciples and explains the significance of His death, so when it happens, the disciples might have a better idea of what to expect. It is a complex address that intertwines the assurance of Jesus' presence, the need for Jesus to return to God, the promise of the Holy Spirit and the central idea of loving all people. 

Even though Jesus knows they will be hurt and troubled and confused, Jesus tells the disciples to "not be troubled." You ever do that to a young child that is crying over something? "Oh, don't be scared" or "You're ok, nothing is going to happen." How did that go? We don't accept comfort too well when we are faced with tough times! Jesus is confident that He will see everyone again- why else would you prepare? I know when we have Sunday family dinner or any expected visitors- we make sure everything is looking good and ready for people; when we aren't expecting guests- we let things go some! The entire focus o this passage is being reunited with Christ and with each other. The confidence of Jesus exudes from the words he uses; Jesus is definitely sure this will happen!

Thomas then asks "the question" (v 5), "But, where are you going? We need to know if we are to meet you there!" Still somewhat stuck on earthly things- Thomas is looking for a specific meeting place! Jesus says He is the way- although his way is to the cross, our way through Him is to God. Jesus comments that the only way to God is through Jesus. Some controversy arises as a result of this...what about the Muslims or the Buddhists or the their way to God the wrong way?

How well do we know Jesus? How well are we at having an intimate relationship with Jesus? Do we then also know God? That's what Phillip was asking (v 8). After all the time we have spent with Jesus, do we really know Jesus? After all the time we have spent with Jesus, do we really know God? The disciples had the advantage of living with Jesus- what about us?

Jesus is expecting his disciples to remain together after all this is over (v 12). In fact, Jesus expects more out of us than he ever did! Sounds impossible right? But, remember after Peter's first sermon (Acts 2), more than 3000 people were converted! More than in Jesus' ministry! We can do great things! CAn we? Do we?

Now a tough part- "If you love me, keep my commandments" (v 15). Remember the last one, "Just love each other!" How are we doing with that? This is a fair measure of our love for Jesus- our love is measured by how well we keep true the words Jesus said. "Just love each other!" 

Jesus will be sending the Holy Spirit, the Advocate, a helper (v 16). Jesus is expressing the Trinity in this statement. God, Jesus, Spirit- all in one. The Holy Spirit, the Helper, is here to empower us and help us live the Christian life. Even with the Holy Spirit residing in us(v 17), Jesus promises to come back (v 18). Jesus tells the disciples that he will be gone shortly (v 19), but the disciples will feel Jesus' presence within them (Holy Spirit). Jesus restates, if you love me, you will keep my commandments (v 23), "Just love each other."

Jesus had no wealth to give his disciples; there was no "estate" for them to have, but we have the Holy Spirit, the presence of Peace (v 27+). This give does not exempt us from trouble, but it does help us get through the trouble. With the Peace given to us through the Holy Spirit, we can get through anything. Right?

Jesus' departure from our world is done willingly. "The ruler of the world" (Satan) is coming, but Jesus willingly will go to the cross with God. And Jesus will come back- He promised!

Imagine hearing these words for the first time. Imagine what the disciples must be feeling right now. Imagine how their minds are racing and their emotions are all over the place. Tough words to hear.

Read these words from John again. Do you get a different feeling?

Pastor Paul


  1. I can only imagine how confused and scared they all were. I won't leave you, I will come back to you. I give you peace, the kind of peace that only I can give. Don't be worried or afraid. Did they really understand what he meant. It's hard to believe they did. I think I would have been very frightened that he was leaving.
    The question...what about the Muslim, Buddhist or Jew? Yesterday while speaking with a friend we were saying how grateful we are for our faith. We also said we don't like that some people condemn those with different beliefs. Divya the young woman I spend time with is Hindu. Her mother always has oil candles burning so one day I asked her if she would explain it to me. I found it very interesting(but don't ask me to repeat it)
    Again I can only imagine what is going through disciples heads.

    1. Fear was definitely on the minds of the disciples. I can't even begin to imagine how they felt. It is "easy" for us to look at them and ask how they couldn't know- but we have the benefit of the whole story!
      My view is that we all have the same God- just different names for that deity. Of course, we know our way is right, but so do the Jews, the Muslims, the Hindi, etc. Right- don't judge, just do right!
      Thanks Cindy

  2. Jesus starts his last teaching to the disciples after the last Supper. He tells tehem is will be leaving them and that they can't go woth Him but he is going to prepare a place for them and when he is ready he will come back and get them . They are usnsure and jesus tells them I AM the way, the truth and the life. I love these words.. Jesus is the way to God, The truth of who he is and what it means and the promise of life eternal
    I can imagine the disciples confusion about it all as they don't have the 2000 plus years for understanding that we have.. Also Jesus has at this time not been crucified so they don't know about that either.
    If I were there I'm sure i would not have even and inkling of what Jesus was telling them to believe.. He said to obey his commandment to love one another as he has loved us So hard to love our enemies but also we all have certain prejudicies to some extent that probably keeps us from loving others .
    Jesus did promise that he was leaving and Advocate ( the Holy Spirit ) to be with us in his absence alto he is not really absent as the holy Spirit is part the the trinity . He is also leaving Peace of mind to help us through trials etc. Jesus did tell the disciples that he was going to be gone as short while before he came back I am wondering if this meant the 3 days after his death and he was resurrected and here on earth with the disciples before he ascended into heaven? Or is it this time that we are waiting for his return? it has been 200 years but i am remembering that we discussed before the time to God may not be the years as we see them 1 day to God could only be a milisecond?

    1. You are right- we have the advantage of knowing the whole story of the crucifixion and resurrection and what happens to the church after. They don't!
      Does the Peace that Jesus offers always help? Do you think the disciples were comforted?
      The people did remember that Jesus said He would be back- they were expecting very soon!
      Good thoughts Clara

  3. Jesus says in this chapter that (paraphrased) ‘I am in God and God is in me.’ To me, this is a difficult concept to verbalize, but I will give it a try. What I think Jesus is saying is that He is God and God is Him. I can’t say that the two of them are the same (I can’t say “person” because that puts a worldly aspect to it, and Jesus and God are anything but worldly). They are not the same, but one is within the other and vice-versa. I hope this makes some sense as I am really struggling with this concept.

    I have the same question as Clara. When Jesus says he is going away, what did He mean? Was he going away for the three days between His crucifixion and resurrection, or was He speaking about His ascension to Heaven to be on the right hand of God? I suspect it is the latter. That is probably why the disciples expected Him to return after a brief hiatus. Now, it has been over 2000 years, and He still hasn’t returned. As Clara said, the people of the era of the disciples did not have the luxury of knowing that over 2000 years later, Jesus still hasn’t returned. I know in my heart that He will return, and that life will be much different when He does. In fact, life as we know it will come to an end. What do I expect? I don’t have the foggiest idea. I doubt if it will happen in my lifetime, however.

    I am looking forward to Revelations. There, I think I will find some thinking of what it will be like when Jesus returns. I suspect that there will be much misery and hurt when He returns, but this is what I have read. I really have no idea.

  4. Yah, the Trinity is hard to explain/ wrap our heads around!
    When Jesus said He was going away, I think He was referencing both resurrection and post-ascension. After the three days- he did return and the disciples and others knew that, so they knew Jesus made good on the promises.
    It has been 2000+ years- and we are still waiting. Not sure if that is good or bad thing!
    Revelation is an interesting book. I lead a Bible study on it at Park Terrace many years ago!
    Thanks Jack


A Final Post

 Good morning. We did it! The entire New Testament in a year. that is quite a feat! Thank you all for your dedication and work. It wasn'...