Friday, November 5, 2021

John 20

 Well that frost last night will definitely end the growing season! We did have some lettuce in our raised beds and even with windows to cover them they froze! Guess it is back to store bought lettuce. Ugh.

Busy few days for me. Course of study this morning and early afternoon, then wedding rehearsal. Repeat tomorrow with wedding at 3:30. Good Shepherd Fairview on Sunday! I Need to retire!!

Great comments and discussion from yesterday. I enjoy the thoughts and commentary...thanks!

Today we have hope! Today is Easter Sunday! Today is Resurrection Day!!

Jesus was crucified on Friday (or Thursday, depending on the Gospel you read!). HIs body was brought to the tomb of Joseph of Arimathea, sealed with a large stone, and guarded by Roman guards. Generally, guards are not at tombs, the guards were there to prevent anyone from stealing the body and then claiming resurrection. In this account, Mary Magdalene comes to begin final preparations of Jesus' body. Other Gospels have other women show up- all with the intention of preparation for burial (it was the women's task to prepare bodies for burial). There may have been other women present in John's story- but Mary ran back to get the men disciples. The fact that they came ready for preparation means they didn't believe that Jesus would be resurrected! When Mary first saw the empty tomb, she assumed someone stole Jesus' body- and that's why she reported what she did to the other disciples. 

Peter and "the other disciple" (John, being humble didn't mention himself) run to the empty tomb. Did they not believe Mary? Didn't they want to say, "Yah, Jesus said he would be resurrected?!" They had heard life changing news- so they ran!

John arrives first and stoops down to peek in. John clearly saw the grave wrappings and the empty place where Jesus was laid. Something kept John from going in though. What? Respect for the dead? Ceremonial uncleanliness? Fear? Impulsive (characteristic of Peter) and quick to decide, Peter rushes into the tomb. He sees the linen clothes laying there- as if the body had evaporated. The linen was smeared with spices and aloe and would have hardened somewhat in the three days. They would have almost needed to be cut off, yet they didn't look disturbed form where the body was. The headcloth was rolled and folded neatly in a slightly different area from the rest of the wrappings. 

John finally enters. And they both believe. They left- possibly to go back to the upper room?

Mary M stays at the tomb, maybe still not believing in resurrection. She finally stoops down to look into the tomb and sees what Peter and John saw. In addition she sees two angels (Did Peter and John not see them or did they come after Peter and John left?). Mary still believed Jesus' body was stolen as she asks the angels where did they take the body. What prevented her from believing? As she turns to leave, she asks the "gardener" where did they take the body? She didn't recognize Jesus? Why? What prevented her? What prevents us?

When Jesus says her name, she finally recognizes Jesus. Shocked into belief, Mary goes to hug Jesus, but He comments "Do not hold on to me..." Lots of interesting discussion here! Was he really saying don't touch me? Did he not want to be defiled? Did he not want her to be defiled? Was he just a "phantom image" with no body yet? Did he mean he had more work to do so don't detain him? Lots of discussion possible! Mary runs back to the others and tells them what she saw (remember Peter and John probably said something, but they didn't see Jesus).

Later that same day, Jesus appears in the upper room where the disciples were locked away. Imagine the discussions they were having- and then image what they said when Jesus appeared! Did Jesus vaporize and appear? Did Jesus knock at the door? The first words Jesus says are, "Peace be with you" He didn't chastise them for deserting him at the cross; He didn't comment on their lack of faith: He offered peace! We hear John's interpretation of the Great Commission, "As the Father has sent me, so I send you." (v 21). Go, continue the work I began, we have lots to do! And Jesus gives them the Holy Spirit (as promised earlier in his farewell commentary). 

For some reason, Thomas wasn't present. He comes back later and the disciples explain what happened. Obviously there was disbelief. I appreciate Thomas' words- unless I see it myself I will not believe. Some people call him Doubting Thomas- I call him Honest Thomas...unless I see it I find it hard to believe!

Thomas goes on questioning for a week. Finally, Jesus returns and grants Thomas the evidence he needed- nail holes and pierced side. He believes- with the challenge from Jesus- you believe because you saw- what about those that don't see yet believe?! Why do we believe?

John closes this chapter with an odd "disclaimer". Jesus did many more miracles than I could write, but I selected and wrote the ones that would convince you about the Messiahship of Jesus. Sounds like the end of the book- but there is one more chapter!

What a great way to end the week- hope! Enjoy these words to day and see the hope and joy! HAve a good weekend. 

Pastor Paul


  1. I know I'm a gramma, and gramma's think their grandchildren are the greatest, but I have to tell you what my little 5 yr old told me today. She told me that Jesus has two names. Jesus and Amen. I asked her why she thought so and she said because when we pray we say, "I love you, God, with Jesus' name, Amen." I thought you might appreciate her wisdom.
    This chapter is so familiar, it's been read to me so many times during Lenten services through the years. It still makes me wonder about some things.
    What exactly are angels, and how does one get to be an angel? At a lot of the important times, like when people entered the tomb, there were angels. Biblical people see them and don't seem to get too upset by their presence. I wonder if they actually had wings? or is this just a way to explain the presence of a messenger.
    The disciples were locked in the upper room because they feared the Jews. Is that because the Jews knew that they were Jesus' friends? Weren't they Jews too? Maybe they were considered rabble rousers?
    Jesus breaths on them ad says "Receive the Holy Spirit." It seems like the holy spirit has been in them forever. Jesus has talked to them over and over about the holy spirit being with them.
    I also wonder why Jesus was so tolerant of Thomas' feeling of doubt. He actually proved to Thomas that what he said was true. It always seemed that Jesus wanted everyone to live by faith, saying that some will believe and some will not and the ones who don't will not be saved. Thomas gets proof and believes after the proof. I agree that Thomas is having honest feeling like many of us would.

    1. Hahahaha!! Out of the mouth of babes! I may use that in worship some day!
      Angels! I lead a Bible study on angels many years ago at Park Terrace. We read many instances that had an angel present. Many times they announce that they are angels but no wings or what we think of as typical! Each time they came it was top deliver a message though.
      The disciples were locked in the upper room because the Jews knew they were close followers of Jesus and they were suspects in the case!
      Good point- they always had the holy spirit- but maybe didn't know it...kind of like us. We don't know it until someone says it
      Another good point- Jesus was tolerant of Thomas! But then Jesus does say blessed are those that believe yet don't see.
      Thanks Cathy!

  2. Pastor, you begin your commentary with an interesting thought. According to every scripture that I have read, Jesus is crucified on Friday and laid to rest the same day. On Sunday morning (which is now Easter), Mary Magdalene goes to the tomb and finds the rock moved away and Jesus is gone. This is the morning of the third day. We read earlier in john about Lazarus, who had been dead for 4 days before Jesus woke him from the dead. There, it said that the spirit stays for three days over a dead man, and then leaves. If Jesus was crucified on Thursday, the third day would been the Sabbath. I doubt if any bodies were prepared for burial on the Sabbath. If Mary had waited until Sunday to prepare the body, that would have made it 4 days and Jesus’s spirit would have left him, making the resurrection impossible. If the crucifixion was indeed on Thursday, wouldn’t it make sense to move it to a day that doesn’t interfere with the Sabbath? Does this make any sense?

    I don’t remember reading that anyone recognized Jesus after the resurrection. They all though He was the gardener. I vaguely remember the meeting in the upper room where Doubting Thomas had to examine Jesus’s wounds before believing it was Him. I am somewhat surprised that Jesus didn’t lecture Thomas about his lack of faith, but, again, this isn’t who Jesus was, especially to one of his disciples.

    I believe the synoptic gospels have only one angel in the tomb where John has two. I remember one of the gospels have the angel dressed as a handsome young man. How would anybody know that this was an angel? I imagine that this is where faith comes in. If Jesus is gone and there are no guards around, then this has to be an angel.

    As for John’s “confession” in verse 30, I think that John is telling us that a lot more happened in Jesus’s life, as was probably contained in the synoptic gospels. John appears to be saying that, although there are more stories and parables in Jesus’s ministry. He has only included the ones that he feels are relevant to telling Jesus’s story to us. I have not read ahead, but it appears that the next chapter talks about the bread and the fish. If this is really that story, then you can forget what I have just written.

    1. You do make sense Jack- and there in lies one of the problems and the discussions that keeps coming up! The three day- four day Spirit thing was something that had to be contended with. Jesus had to be resurrected in 3 days or less. I know it doesn't answer the question- but here we are again!
      Cathy mentioned a similar comment about Jesus' response to Thomas. And you are correct, when Jesus interacts with one disciple He is usually more tolerant than when with the group
      Angels are interesting...I lead a Bible study at Park Terrace and they are all over the place and many times we don't know they are angels unless they say something about it.
      Good points Jack!

  3. Mary M finds the stone rolled away and runs to tell Peter and John why does John refer to himself as the other disciple whom Jesus loved? Jesus loved all the disciples didn't he?? Peter and John run to the tomb but John arrives first and only looks into the tomb Peter comes and goes into the tomb to find the wrapping only with the head wrap folded neatly and places a little away from the other wrappings . why was the head wrap placed away from the rest/John then entered the tomb they saw and then believed the scriptures so they went home. Mary M stays at the tomb probably not believing and thinking that the body was stolen She is crying and then there are two angels present who ask her why she cries " they have taken my Lord away and i don't know here he is" She goes to leave and sees someone else a gardener?? he also asks why she cries and ask him the same thing It is the risen Lord but she doesn't recognize him.. the he calls her by name and she realizes it is Jesus He tells her not to cling to him as he hasn't ascended to heaven yet He tells her to go find the disciples and tell them . My bible says that he is ascending to to the father and to God it sounds as if he ascends at this time I thought he ascended later ?? That evening Jesus appears to the disciples in a locked room How did he get in? the show his wounds and the disciples are filled with joy He tell them to and spread the news.
    He breathes on them and they receive the Holy spirit
    Doubting Thomas was not with the others at this time
    Eight days later (where is Jesus during these eight days) Thomas is with the others and Jesus appears again and Thomas sees the holes in his hands and the wound in his side from the spear and Thomas believes I thought Jesus stayed with the disciples during this time and continued to work with them to ready them for their going out into the world to trach?? John does not tell of this Jesus seems to appear sporadically so where is he in between these appearances?
    A glorious chapter because Jesus is risen but leaves a lot to think and ponderover from the other gospels.. I always thin og the hymn "He Lives" when I read about the resurrection.

    1. John always refers to himself as the disciple whom Jesus loved or the beloved disciple. I'm not sure why John thought he was the favored!
      Right- the ascension isn't for another 40 days...this may be a confusing point for some readers!
      Good question- where was Jesus for those 8 days- we don't have any record of that!
      Great comments and thoughts!

  4. Cathy I love your granddaughters explanation of Jesus having two names.. Children are so wonderful We all need the minds and love that they have.

  5. This is a great chapter - with, really, few differences from the synoptic gospels. Jack notes a few - one the number of angels present. I do note that Mary does not look in the tomb, but immediately assumes the body has been moved. I do understand their confusion on the resurrection, since Lazurus was resurrected and everyone saw him immediately - walking and talking. However, no one saw Jesus, he just "vanished". And since John says - in my translation - the first day of the week - that would be Sunday - one day AFTER the Sabbath - and would be three days if the crucifixion was on Friday - some question on timing. But, of course, the important thing is that He DID rise from the dead - smile.

    Question - my translation in vs. 8 and 9 says "then went in also that other disciple, which came first to the sepulchre, and he saw, and believed. For as yet they knew not the scripture, that he must rise again from the dead." I thought that this was foretold by the prophets in the Hebrew Bible - that He would rise from the dead? Or wasn't this part of it?

    I agree - would I doubt? After it all - after three years with Jesus seeing and hearing it all - would I still? I hope not.

    I totally understand John's "disclaimer" in vs. 30 and 31 - I think he was saying why he didn't say all the miracles and signs because they were already told in the synoptic gospels which were already written - yes?

    This is a much happier chapter! Peace be unto you! How wonderful.

    1. Good point about Jesus v Lazarus resurrection!
      The timing is confusing in these stores. But Like Jack mentioned it had to be in 3 days otherwise the Spirit would be gone!
      It was prophesied that Jesus would be resurrected, but they didn't really understand it [didn't "know" it yet] yet (best answer I can come up with!)
      Doubt is a big issue with all the disciples- and us at times!
      Great thoughts!

  6. Cathy what a great story about your granddaughter. Thank you for sharing.
    No frost here in Florida. I will be sad to see my flowers that were still beautiful when I left home.
    Yes this is a much happier chapter but I still marvel at those in the beginning who believe Jesus rose from dead. Especially if you didn't see him. I also am curious as to why he was thought to be the gardener. Easter day is such a wonderful day. I love the music in church that day, the flowers.

  7. Florida!! Lots of frost here!
    Have a nice vacation!


A Final Post

 Good morning. We did it! The entire New Testament in a year. that is quite a feat! Thank you all for your dedication and work. It wasn'...