Monday, November 8, 2021

John 21

 What a great weekend! The beautiful sun and the extra hour! Life is good!!

This final chapter of John has several appearances of Jesus.

The first is to several of the disciples as they are on a fishing excursion. Back to "normal" life; the men weren't sure of what was happening and had to get back to work. Like us, after a death we have to get back to "normal" life. It is interesting that John lists several names of the disciples, then says "and two others" (v 2). Do they represent the vast numbers of faithful followers of Jesus? They were in Galilee (which is where Jesus tells them to go in Matthew). A frustrating night of fishing with no reward, the disciples begin to return to shore and see a figure on the beach. An unexpected vision (as all Jesus' post-resurrection appearances were). This stranger then tells the men to toss the net to the other side. It is morning, they are tired, they have been out all night, they want to get home and get cleaned up- but they do it. Why? They didn't recognize Jesus- it was just a stranger giving them an odd request! Tee net was packed full when they drew it in. The benefits of doing wok with Divine guidance!

John ('the disciple whom Jesus loved" v 7) comments to Peter that it is Jesus! Peter puts on clothing (the men usually took off most of their outer garments when fishing so that they could move more freely; he probably wasn't totally naked but close to it). Maybe Peter was trying to get to shore faster than the boat- devotion to Jesus!

Humble servant Jesus had prepared a fire for making breakfast. Even in his post-resurrection life, Jesus is illustrating the humbleness and servanthood He expects! John writes (v 11) that there were 153 fish- a quite exact number! There are many many thoughts as to why this number was mentioned, but does that matter?! Jesus invites (another attribute of Jesus!) yet there is some uncertainty (v 12) because of the hesitation. Did Jesus look different? Were they still somewhat doubtful?

Jesus then breaks the bread and fish and the lights come on for the disciples. It was as if they were back at their last meal with Jesus and all the memories come back. Food is a big memory maker and many of Jesus' post-resurrection appearances are around food. Intimacy and family involve food. 

After eating, Jesus turns attention to Peter and "restores" Peter. We know this scene and probably have read it many times. The frustration in Peter when Jesus asks him three times "Do you love Me?" The various emphases in how Jesus asks the question. We aren't sure if the other disciples hear the questioning, but how do they feel that Jesus is taking so much time with Peter?

Jesus speaks of Peter's past (and our past)- he went where he wanted, did what he wanted, didn't know God/Jesus, but as he matured and developed, Peter became a disciple and would eventually go to a place that he didn't want to go (Peter would be crucified later in life as a follower of Jesus).

Peter turns and sees John (v 20) and asks, "What about him, will he be crucified too?" (V 21). Jesus' response- does it matter!? (v 22) I asked you to follow me, the discussion was between me and you, not me and John! A rumor began circulating that John would stay alive until Jesus returned. He didn't, but he was the oldest surviving disciples!

John closes this chapter with the statement that he was the unnamed disciple and that these words are true. And there was more done, but just not written down. 

A great ending to the story- there is so much more out there! We begin reading John's letters tomorrow. Maybe written by John author of the Gospels, maybe written by one of his disciples. There are some great words in these three letters.

Have a good day.

Pastor Paul


  1. What a nice day today!
    I was under the impression that Jesus spent the time after his resurrection with the disciples teaching more and getting them ready to go out into the world to spread the good news. Reading john it seems that Jesus only was with the disciples t times and it also seems that they didn't always recognize Him each time. Why was that was His appearance so changed each time that they didn't know him? I love the fishing from the other side of the boat and finally Peter knew Jesus. Again Jesus asked Peter 3 times if he loved Jesus and 3 times Jesus told him tend my sheep. I think this was Jesus telling Peter to go out into the world and teach his word, tending to the sheep (people) that Jesus was no longer here to do. Also Jesus predicted Peter's death by crucifixion except Peter was crucified upside down as he was not good enough to meet his death the same as Jesus.
    Looking forward to reading the epistles of John next

    1. It is hard to say why the disciples didn't recognize Jesus! I assume He looked the same, but maybe they still doubted the resurrection. Jesus was with the disciples after the resurrection, but you are correct- it doesn't seem like often according to John! It seems like there should be more here!
      Nice on the Peter crucifixion- yes, he was upside down!
      Good thoughts

  2. I wonder if Jesus always appears unrecognizable at first so that others, besides the disciples, would not recognize him? I can't imagine that they were the only ones fishing ???? How excited Peter must have been to see Jesus. Did Jesus call him aside to talk to him because of Peter's denial of knowing Jesus? Asking him the questions to make sure he was going to remain faithful and to let Peter know that all was well between them? Making sure that Peter would continue to do Jesus' work even though Peter's ending might not be good? Of all the conversations that Jesus must have had with the disciples at that time, it's interesting that this seems to be the only one that was recorded. Peter must have been a little apprehensive about his death since he asked Jesus - what about John?

    Since John states that everything the Jesus did would take up many many books - I wonder why the three synoptic gospels seem to repeat the same ones instead of different ones?

    I am sad to see the end of the Book. I enjoyed it very much.

    1. It seems like Jesus would want people to know and recognize him! It is puzzling why nobody recognizes him!
      I think Jesus did pull Peter aside because of his denial! Good catch.
      There does seem to be lots missing from the ending of this story! I am surprised, but none of the Gospels really have lots of information!
      You are beginning to open a ball of wax when you ask the question about the synoptic gospels and their stories!!
      The Johanian epistles are good tooo!

  3. This was not the fish story that I thought it was, but it is familiar to me. The story I that I was thinking about is the loaves and fish to serve a throng of people. I don’t remember seeing this parable in John’s gospel. This story is just as familiar, but I don’t remember it taking place after the resurrection. Again, my ignorance of the Bible shows through!

    Why didn’t the disciples know it was Jesus on the shore? One theory of mine is that He was crucified and, since he was dead, the disciples were not looking for Him. This theory falls apart when one remembers that they all saw Jesus, although they at first thought He was a gardener, after the resurrection. They also saw Him in the upper room. There must have been something about Him that was different, but I have no idea what it could have been.

    The encounter with Simon-Peter was interesting. I imagine Simon-Peter wanted to be Jesus’s favorite disciple, but this, obviously, was not the case. I am surprised that Jesus was so sharp with Simon-Peter. This is not how Jesus usually was, but maybe He had to be to get his point home.

    We all know that John died before Jesus’s return. We know this because after nearly 2100 years, Jesus has not yet returned. Some people in the Old Testament lived nearly 1000 years, but I still think that one year in those books was measured by a revolution of the moon around the earth.

    This gospel of John’s was the most interesting of anything I have read so far in this journey. I think that part of what made it so interesting is what wasn’t there, along with what was there.

  4. THere are many stores that John does not include! So many differences between John and the other three!
    The big question for the day is why didn't the disciples know Jesus? No idea- it seems like they should. Like you suggest-- Maybe they still doubt?
    I think Jesus questions Peter because of Peter's denial prior to Jesus' crucifixion. I think Jesus pushed Peter some.
    I really did like John's book. It was nice to read something different!


A Final Post

 Good morning. We did it! The entire New Testament in a year. that is quite a feat! Thank you all for your dedication and work. It wasn'...