Monday, December 6, 2021

Revelation 10

 Good morning! Hope you all had a restful and nice weekend. Weather was definitely favorable! And this week is looking relatively nice too! Wind is crazy strong up here on the hill though! 

Lots of good questions and comments from the last few chapters. It is all so surreal (which is part of the point I guess!). Is this what the end will look like? Not sure if I want to experience this!

We left off with the sixth trumpet (one more to go) and the entirety of what we know is almost all destroyed! This short chapter is an interlude, a rest, to show God's mercy and an opportunity for repentance. We have been taken to the edge and now brought back a little for some thinking time! God is merciful- if we accept.

This angel that comes has a rainbow over its head- remember the symbolism of the rainbow and God's promise. This angel has a "little scroll" but we never find out what is written on it! The stance of the angel (one foot in the seas and one in the ocean) shows that the angel has dominion and control over these two components. The voice of the angel was like that of thunder; God's voice is usually represented as thunder- is this angel a representation of God? John was ready to write but was commanded not to! Many commentaries show their "frustration" at not knowing! What was God telling us? There are just some things that we will never know!

The angel raises his hand declaring an oath that the delay is over and that the last trumpet will sound. The "mystery" of God will be revealed. We don't yet know, but God's servants know! The word "mystery" is used often in our Holy texts for some of the components of God's plan: the conversion of the Jews (Romans 11:25), God's purpose for the church (Ephesians 3:3-11), the Gospel is sometimes called the mystery of Christ (Colossians 4:3). Maybe the mystery refers to the next trumpet and the end of the world?

John then gets some odd instructions. Eat the scroll that the angel has in his hand?! John took the scroll and ate it (see also Ezekiel 3:3-11); eating scrolls (Holy texts) is symbolic of the word of God nourishing us and filling us. If we are to proclaim God's word, it must truly be part of us- and not just be superficial. It had a bitter-sweet taste- like much of God's words for humanity- bitter-sweet, judgment and mercy. 

Whatever was on the scroll, there seems to be something for us all as the angel commands John to prophecy to ALL people- not just the church. The message is for all.

What an odd interlude, but we needed the break from the destruction and terror! The next chapter is a strange sequence of events- but eventually the seventh trumpet is sounded.  Things are going to get bad again! 

Have a good day and stay grounded!

Pastor Paul


  1. It is so hard to imagine watching this and trying to process it all. Although I was speaking to a friend about the covid pandemic today and I said to her if you had told me two years ago that we were entering a pandemic I would have said you are crazy.
    I do believe there is so much good and kindness in this world but this time of year I always have an underlying sadness for those who are struggling. Last night my husband said he never had to worry about being hungry or homeless because he has always had people around him who would help him if he was in need. Everyone is not so lucky.

    1. I agree with what your friend said...there is no way I could imagine the world that we have been in the last few years! No way! It is hard to believe things unless you are part of it.
      And I also agree that there is often an underlying sadness during this time of year. I truly understand that! That is the "purpose" of our Blue Christmas worship time- a time to acknowledge the sadness and blues that many people get.

  2. So much negativity and destruction. Is this what we're waiting for?
    I agree with you Cindy about feeling for people who are struggling. So, so many are - and with Covid imagine how many people have lost loved one just to that. Seems to me that many struggle every year during December just because of there being so much darkness. It's strange to be reading this book at this time of year. Part of the message of Christmas is hope.

    1. The Christmas story is a story of Hope and it is interesting to be reading Revelation now! What a juxtaposition of thoughts! Christmas time isn't always happy and joy and fun- itis hard for some people- thus our Blue Christmas worship time!

  3. At last, a break from the carnage, death and destructions. However, the bad dream continues with the angel that swoops down and plants her feet one on land ant the other in the sea.

    John is instructed to eat the scroll that she brings him. It is sweet like honey in his mouth, but bitter in his stomach. God only knows what all this is supposed to mean. I am a firm believer that there are things that we on earth are not supposed to know. None of us know when we will die, for instance. Only God knows that.

    As far as tomorrow goes, I am having a procedure done on my eyes in the morning to take off the excess skin that is partially covering my eyes. I don’t know how well I will be able to see tomorrow, so if I don’t blog, that will be the reason.

  4. Interludes are nice! And so very true- there are some things we will never know!
    Ugh Good luck with the surgery jack! Keep us updated!


A Final Post

 Good morning. We did it! The entire New Testament in a year. that is quite a feat! Thank you all for your dedication and work. It wasn'...