Friday, December 3, 2021

Revelation 9

 What an absolutely beautiful day yesterday! After my morning church work, I got outside and spent some time soaking up sun while Finn and I did some cleaning up and moving things in preparation for winter. I didn't get out hunting- too windy. The last thing I want to do is be sitting in a tree in a windstorm! Hopefully today!

Jesus has opened the last seal on the scroll that let loose seven angels with trumpets; we have seen what four of the angels have produced- and things aren't looking too good! The first four angels and trumpets brought forth ecological destruction: vegetation, seas, fresh water, ecological cycles. Remember- the first four seals brought forth tyranny, war, famine, and death.  The last three seals were focused on heaven: cry of the martyrs, cosmic destruction, and heavenly preparation for the seven trumpets. The last three trumpets will speak of hell; today we read about angels/trumpets five and six. 

As the fifth trumpet is sounded, a "star" falls from the heavens and "he" (so it is a person not a thing) was given the key to hell. Some people believe this "star" was Nero on his fall from power, some say Satan, some even suggest that it was Jesus?! Whoever, God gives this star the key- so this being is fulfilling God's plan under the control of God. The "bottomless pit" could reference "abyssos"- a prison for demons, it could represent hell, it could represent Hades- the pit of the dead. This "star" opens the gates of the pit and locust type organisms come out inflicting terror and pain on the "unmarked" (refer to 7:3) for five months! This is an unescapable judgment from God! Those inflicted would rather die than continue being tormented. John describes the locusts, and they seem quite a strange beast! Locusts have been used often for symbols of God's judgement (remember the Exodus story!). These organisms are like Satan's airships destined for battle. They have a leader- named Abaddon (in Hebrew) which translates to destruction or torment. Not Satan, but maybe a high-ranking official of Satan!

Sharlene R. "Vision #45" (Vision #45  – The Locusts of Revelation 9 – Sharlene R – 444News (

Phew! Done with "one woe", only two more to go! Yahoo! (v 12)

The sixth angel blows the trumpet and from the golden altar near God comes the voice "Release the angels!" The altar is a representation of the people's prayers and is covered with the blood of sacrifices and burned meat. Is the voice our collective prayers? Four angels (not necessarily the same four as before, they may be and probably are, different angels) were released and given power to kill. Remember- the locusts could only torment. The Euphrates River was the boundary of Rome and was a landmark of ancient Babylon- so references to evil empires. The evil angels are released and then following come 200 million horsemen of the apocalypse. A powerful image of horror, destruction, and death of one-third of humanity! Remember- the 1/3 represents God's mercy- God could have destroyed all but chose to destroy only 1/3; in a different view- God saved 2/3!

(from Presbyterian Historical Society)

Even with all that was going on, some people still did not repent (v 20).

Yikes! I think that is enough for today! Glad these are short chapters! I want to say, enjoy the weekend- but with these images, I'm not sure how possible that will be!

Pastor Paul


  1. A star falls and the key to the pit is opened. and I believe this is where all the demons of hell are. From this fiery blast come locust like locust we have never heard of or imagined. They are not like locust we know as they do not destroy vegetation but torment humans for 5 months so bad, they you wish to die but you can't. Only God's children are exempt from this plague. I can't imagine being tormented for 5 months and still not even being able to die. Now we are ready for the 6th trumpet and more demonic beings are let loose upon the earth they have been waiting to be released They have a huge army and are set loose to destroy 1/3 of mankind . I think that previously we read that 1/4 of mankind was destroyed when the fourth seal was opened so now over 1/2 of mankind has been destroyed. Still people will not repent and continue with their sinful ways. What does it take for us to not understand that we need to repent and follow God? it seems we never learn. Just seeing this I would think people would be trembling and afraid I know it frightens me just to read this.

    1. Yah- if people could only see and imagine what the end times may be like- it may change them? You think?
      It is quite a scene! I don't know if i ever want to experience this!

  2. So many terribly bad things are happening to people. Many people die but still people do not feel the fear and do not repent of their sins. I think the same thing would happen today. Look that the plague that we're dealing with now. And yet how many people will not be vaccinated- even knowing that having most of the world vaccinated would stop the virus from mutating. So many are more worried about their personal freedoms instead of the greater good. Did you see the riots in Belgium today over Covid restrictions? How do we get everyone to see things the same way? The answer is that we can't. Maybe more people should read Revelation 6.

    1. Good point Cathy- we are in one of these plagues and still people deny!
      I am confused as to why people respond the way they do to things! We are naturally not an altruistic animal- we do what benefits us, at the expense of others and usually do not regard the well being of others (generally). Those that are altruistic are "unusual"!
      If more people read and heard about this Revelation- would they change?

  3. Cathy, I agree with what you say about the COVID vaccine. Everybody should have it so we can get rid of this monster once and for all. Perhaps if our leaders would come out with a well thought out and persuasive argument for this, rather than the “thou shalt, or else” that so many of them are preaching, maybe we would make some progress. Maybe they are doing this. but their error lies in the delivery. All I hear is the threat. (I have both of my shots plus the booster.)

    Trumpets 5 and 6 are released, and guess what, more destruction and killing but now, torture. With trumpet number 5, locust like creatures are released and torture mankind for up to 5 months, which, I guess, is the life span of the insect. People are subjected to this torture, and they cannot escape it, not even through death.

    Next comes trumpet number 6 and he releases north of 200 million horsemen who kill off 1/3 of humanity. Here is the 1/3 again. This means that 2/3 survive.

    Again, there is a chapter filled with death and destruction and now something new – torture. After reading this chapter, Rhea asked if e author was taking hallucinogens (LSD, etc.). As for me, I do not understand symbolism if that is what this is. To me, it is death, destruction, and torture. Maybe, through some convoluted thinking, God is being good, but it seems to me that God is saying to mankind: Mend your ways, sinner, or else.

    Next is the seventh (and last, thankfully) trumpet. I wonder what kind of mayhem he will release.

    1. We do need a unified front- and we don't have that!
      And that is exactly what God is trying to say- turn around! Will do? Do we?
      And there is so much more to come!

  4. This is certainly a God we are not familiar with; nor the angels we think of. I guess it is true - angels are definitely the messengers of God because they are certainly delivering God's message here. But the symbolism, though lost on us, I am thinking means something very specific to the Jewish tribes. In my translation it says the star is probably an angel.

    So the people who have the seal (is this the seal of protection from the plagues of Egypt?) are protected but yet will suffer for 5 months? So these are only the Jews?

    It also seems to be very specific as to "time" - which was invented by humans so I am thinking this will all happen according to God's time (and maybe not 5 specific months?).

    A lot to read and comprehend.

  5. You bring a good question- but I think it is all people at this time not just the Jews? I may be (and probably am) wrong! But that is my take on it.
    And right- God's time- but John had to put some perspective in there.
    Good thoughts


A Final Post

 Good morning. We did it! The entire New Testament in a year. that is quite a feat! Thank you all for your dedication and work. It wasn'...