Thursday, December 2, 2021

Revelation 8

 What a great day yesterday! Errands done quickly! Lectionary was interesting and stimulating! Then home to do some outside work and then sit in a tree for a few hours in the sun! I like days like that! Today is looking grey so far, but who knows! Hoping to get some barn work done and then sit in a tree for a few more hours, but the wind is crazy strong up here now, so that will keep me on the ground!

Great discussion from yesterday! Thanks! I think we have come to the conclusion that the 144,000 were from the tribes of Israel and, like Donna mentioned, they were "the chosen people" (originally). the others in the white robes were the people that were not Jews that accepted Christ. It is all confusing and like I have said a few times, the more we analyze, the more confused we (I) get!

To recap the last few days: six seals of the scroll have been removed with all the consequences; we saw the 144,000 and the great multitude from every nation. This morning, the Lamb (Jesus) opens the seventh seal and there is complete quiet in heaven for half an hour. At the end of the last chapter there was praising and singing- now nothing. Complete silence. I'm not sure about heaven, but I know thirty minutes of silence here is frightening and uncomfortable! Is heaven and earth breathing? Are the angels and people praying in silence? Is this the "calm before the storm"?

The angels that surround God's throne were given trumpets. In ancient Israel, the trumpets were sounded at the beginning of war; it was a call to battle! Another angel burned incense; incense and prayer are intimately associated with each other. The concept is that just as incense is pleasing and rises up to the air, so do our prayers rise up to God. SO here, before anything happens, a great number of prayers (there was lots of incense in the censer) are lifted up to God. It is interesting that the fires of these prayers are thrown back to earth! It is as if the prayers that have been prayed are finally coming to fruition. This sets off the angels blowing their trumpets; we don't know if these happened sequentially or simultaneously- but does it matter?

The first trumpet produced a hail and firestorm on earth. The author says there was blood- was it mixed in or as a result? Does it matter? One-third of the trees and grass are burned up. The second trumpet results in something being thrown into the ocean and the ocean turning into blood with destruction of a third of the creatures and ships. What does the mountain represent? Was it really blood? What does the sea represent- was it the Mediterranean Sea? Does it matter? The third trumpet brings forth a huge comet from the sky (some theologians say the comet represented Atilla the Hun or Genseric destroying Rome, or even Arius corrupting the Christian doctrine). Again, does it matter? Wormwood is a bitter plant, so symbolic of the bitterness and sadness of the people? Rivers and waters destroyed- again in the same proportion- one-third. The last angel in this chapter blows their trumpet and complete darkness takes control of a larger portion of the day than it should! The darkness symbolic of the terror to come. An eagle (symbolic of vengeance, often associated with Rome "swooping down" to destroy Jerusalem in 70AD) soars through the skies warning of the next three angels. Things are not looking too good here! Interesting side note- the Greek word for angel and eagle are very similar- so this may have been the angel actually flying through the air.

In these first four events, God attacks our "comforts"- food, water, daily rhythms, light. We also see God's mercy- only one-third of something was destroyed. For now, God spares more than God smites!

Tough to read, but also interesting! Have "fun" with this today!

Pastor Paul


  1. Alas jesus opens the seventh seal and all is quiet for 1/2 hour I wonder what john was thinking at this point as previously there had been noise, singing and praising God by many manyy voices. now he sees 7 angels who have trumpets. Fist another angel comes with incense and eventually throws the fire from it and there is thunder earthquakes etc, now there is noise if I had been John I would have been shaking in my boots. then the first 4 angels blow their trumpets and it seem 1/3 of the earth, sea, rivers and streams are all destroyed the last taking the day and night in part. I wonder why God chose to take only 1/3? Lastly an eagle flies midheaven and say woe unto those thar dwell on the earth as the last three trumpets will sound and I fear what comes next will not be at all good What is John thinking at this time? Is he frightened? Can we overcome this part of the future if this is to happen ? Is there some way God will let the believers not go thru this devestation?

    1. Hmmm...good question- what was John thinking in the silence?!
      The 1/3 "shows" God's mercy- God could have destroyed everything- but only partly destroyed. God is good.
      I think the believers were represented by the "great multitude" in 7:9. I think the believers are exempted from this- I hope!
      Good questions and thoughts!

  2. The seven seals, the seven angels, the seven trumpets and now the seven plagues! And only 1/3 of all destroyed. So the previous seals represented all the ways we are to be judged and the last seal represents all the ways nonbelievers will be destroyed? Knowing this how can we not be active in planting the seeds to nonbelievers!

  3. These are certainly frightening images. Makes you wonder if we humans are endangering our own food, water, light and making the earth uninhabitable.
    Donna talks about being "worried" about non-believers but we have to remember that this book is only relevant to Christians and most of the world is not Christian. Hmmm. Makes you think- it's only speaking to us. Are Christians somehow called to save our planet?

    1. Many commentaries talked about how we are destroying the world and making it uninhabitable- are we fulfilling God's apocalypse!
      Many faiths have an ecological stewardship idea to them- so saving the planet is up to all of us!
      Good thoughts!

  4. I am sorry to have missed yesterday. We are having our living room ceiling scrapped and the entire room painted before having new carpet installed next week. We were preparing for it and forgot about Bible study. My apologies.

    There is a lot happening in this chapter, but I don’t know how to say what is going on.

    Why is one third of the earth and the heavens is destroyed in the aftermath of the angels’ activities? It seems strange that the antics of the first two angels result in blood on the sea and the earth, but the third and fourth angel, one falling out of the heavens like a blazing star and the other striking heavenly bodies so that one third of them turned dark. What is the significance of one third? I have to assume that the remaining three angels will be heard from in the next chapter.

    John must be shaking in his boots by now. I imagine that I would have passed out from fear by the time I reached this far. There is so much destruction. In one of the sidebars in my Bible, it says: “Jesus told his disciples that they should expect difficulties and troubles in this world.” Is this book supposed to be a bad dream? A nightmare? It sure seems like it. I know most of my dreams are detached from reality. This book, up to this point, anyway, also seems to be detached from reality.

    1. New paint and new carpeting- yahoo!
      the 1/3 represents God's mercy- God could have destroyed everything- but only 1/3 was destroyed. Another way to look at it- God saved 2/3 of the earth!
      There are troubles- and Jesus did warn of these- but did they (we) listen and understand?
      This is definitely a real "dream" and foreshadowing of what is to come. Definitely- at this point- not yet reality!
      Good thoughts

  5. Wow this is a short but powerful chapter. It starts out with angles and trumpets and excuse me for saying...then all hell breaks loose.
    It seems we have so many warnings for bad behavior yet we don't pay attention.
    I am so concerned for our earth and the future of it for all. I am also so sad and worried about the future for our beautiful grandchildren. I cry every time I see those faces of the the three students killed in Michigan. We cannot agree on sensible gun laws or get people to wear a mask because it's my right and you are not going to tell me what to do. How did that become more important than a child's life.

  6. These chapters are short- and that is good! It would be difficult to read so much at one time!
    Right- -we don't listen, do we?!
    We have done so much damage to earth and its people that I am not sure if we can recover. I worry also about grandkids and the future.
    Life is a mess right now, but we need to see the hope and peace that is out there in the small pockets and nurture that hope.
    Good thoughts!


A Final Post

 Good morning. We did it! The entire New Testament in a year. that is quite a feat! Thank you all for your dedication and work. It wasn'...