Wednesday, December 1, 2021

Revelation 7

 Good morning. Hope you all had a good day yesterday. My day started with a great Bible study and then got better as Sherri and I did some Christmas shopping! We had fun and it was nice to try to get into the Christmas spirit. Christmas is tough for me and yesterday was good.  Today is lectionary and errands!! Wahoo! I lead and exciting life!!!

The last "event" to happen was the opening of the sixth seal that resulted in cosmic destruction.  John next sees four angels (representing the four compass points- so symbolically covering the entire world). The winds (God's destructive powers as referenced in the Hebrew scriptures) are being held back so the world is "safe" for now. 

Another angel comes out with another "seal" that will be used to mark the foreheads of the servants of God; this seal will protect them from destruction. In ancient Roman times, kings, emperors and high-status people would "mark" their property with a seal (think of cattle being branded in the wild west!). God is marking the "servants of God" with this seal. We don't know what the seal looks like. In Ezekiel 9 there is reference to a seal being used with the Hebrew letter "tau" that looks like a small t (a cross?).

144,000 people are "sealed; 12,000 from each of the 12 tribes of Israel. He is where it gets confusing! Israel (originally named Jacob, Abraham's grandson). Israel (Jacob) had 12 kids: Reuban, Simeon, Levi, Judah, Zebulun, Issachar, Dan, Gad, Asher, Naphtali, Benjamin, and Joseph. Joseph's two sons, Ephraim and Manasseh, were eventually "adopted" into the tribes (Genesis 48). As we look through the list in Revelation though, we notice Dan isn't mentioned; there is some though that the tribe of Dan produced the Antichrist (Daniel 11:37, Jeremiah 8:16); the tribe of Dan also introduced idolatry to the nation of Israel (Genesis 49:17, Judges 18:30)- so they were excluded! Also, note that Ephriam is not mentioned- but the tribe of Joseph is; Joseph represents both Ephriam and Manasseh, and since Manasseh is mentioned by name, Ephriam is assumed to be under Joseph; Ephriam was also associated with idolatry! Family relationships are tough!!

The Jehovah's Witnesses believe they are the chosen 144,000 that will be saved; their denomination is well over that number now, so only 144,000 of the group will be saved (the remainder of the group will not be!). There is much that can be discussed about this number, but it is based on 12 x 12 = 144 (twelve tribes, twelve disciples) meaning the entire "church".

John turns to see a great diversity of others; the great commission (Matthew 24:14) has been fulfilled! Heaven will be filled with many different people- different "races", tribes, ethnicities languages, etc... White robes symbolic of purity and priestly service; palm branches reminder from Jesus' entry to Jerusalem. All voices join together in worship and praise and thankfulness for salvation- that comes from God.

Image taken from The Chronology of Revelation 7 | Precepts (

One of the elders questions John about who these people are. It was important for John to know more about the group. The elder responds with, "These are the ones who have made it!" My Bible says the "great ordeal", other translations say "great tribulation". The elder uses an interesting contrast "made white in the blood"; we usually don't think of things getting cleaned or turning white by blood- but it was the blood of Christ that makes this purity happen. The redeemed have direct access to God as they are at the throne- no intermediates, no barriers, no blocking- open and continual access! The Lamb will shepherd- an ironic (? maybe not the best word choice) twist of words- lambs don't shepherd; shepherds shepherd lambs! I love the closing line- "God will wipe away every tear." I think of my mom wiping my tears away when I was a kid; I think of wiping away Jospeh's tears when he falls and gets a "boo-boo". God will have that tender care for us when we are present with God at the throne! There will be tears in heaven- but God will be there to care for us. 

This was a great mind image chapter! The next chapter, opening the seventh seal, will leave us with some great images- but they will be scary and strange!

Enjoy the day!

Pastor Paul


  1. I am confused by the group's discussed.
    There are the 144,000. Marked on the forhead...
    Then the crowd of every race whom I believe wore the white robes. Are these two separate groups.
    I also find it interesting that in previous chapters God seems so angry and here it says he will wipe all years from their eyes.I am reading these chapters twice as well as you comments pastor Paul. I always find what you share with us is helpful.

    1. Good question- my interpretation (after I looked over the words again) is that they are two separate groups. The 144,000 are the tribes of Israel, the ones in robes are a separate group.
      God does seem very angry and powerful. Reminds me of some of the Hebrew Bible stories! Not sure if I am a fan of this God!
      It is a confusing and stimulating book at the same time!

  2. I don't quite understand there were the 144,000 from the tribes of Israel then it seems there are multitudes there from all reaches of the earth praising God I am a little lost in this chapter?

    1. Right-
      two groups of "people"
      the 144,000 from the tribes of Israel, then the other people from all nations
      It is easy to get lost- and like I have said a few times, the more we analyze this book, the more easily we can get lost!

  3. My Bible comments that 144000 represents completeness-all God's followers will be brought safely to him.
    I think the ones in the white robes are people who have suffered and been saved by Jesus' blood. Those who have earned God's protection. "He who sits on the throne will spread his tent over them." Then they are protected and even their tears a wiped away.

    1. I can see how the 144,000 are "complete"; I see it as 12 tribes and 12 disciples meaning all people. Good point!
      And good point on the "others" in robes. I like that take on it!

  4. I read with great interest Chapters 6 and 7. In my commentary in my Bible it says that the white horse with the rider with a bow could be Christ, antichrist or the spirit of conquest and that the "thought" is that he is the spirit of conquest. I read a book written by Black Elk a holy Man of the Oglala Sioux as told to John G. Neihardt - in the book Black Elk has a vision that is very similar to the horses in Revelations and what will happen the earth. It was written in the 1930s. Very interesting.

    I believe in Chapter 7 that the 144,000 of the actual Jewish tribes are listed first because they are considered to be the "chosen peoples". Then come the others, who are also blessed because they come through the tribulations. Just as Jesus had the disciples tell the Jewish people first about Him and then go to the Gentiles. Does that make sense?

    In Matthew 25 it says that we are to feed the hungry, tend to the sick, visit those in jail, etc. And we are all familiar with those passages - but sometimes we don't read further to where Jesus is to have said (vs. 46) that those who do NOT do this ".....shall go away into everlasting punishment but the righteous into life eternal." I am thinking that all through the gospels it warns us of the end if we do not live (or live to the best of our abilities) the life that God/Jesus tells us to. If I am alive during this time - I hope to be in the many that are taken by the Lamb to the living waters and God "shall wipe away all the tears" from my eyes.

    I wonder if this includes only those that are living but also those who have already died? Will all the living and the dead go through revelations? Or just the living? And if it is the living and the dead, that sortof proves that we do not go to heaven right away since we are called before the throne and THEN taken to the living waters.

    You are so right, Pastor, more and more questions!

  5. You bring up a good point Donna. Many religions have "horsemen" in their faith's apocalypse. And many faiths have complete destruction of the earth at the end!
    Ahhhh...good point. He tribes of Israel are listed first because they were the chosen people- I didn't look at it that way, but I see that now! Good
    Yes, the image here with the people is the "righteous coming to everlasting life" Good comparison with the Gospels!
    In several theology classes I have taken, the dead will be resurrected to eternal life first, then the living- but who knows?!
    Thanks Donna!


A Final Post

 Good morning. We did it! The entire New Testament in a year. that is quite a feat! Thank you all for your dedication and work. It wasn'...