Tuesday, November 30, 2021

Revelation 6

 Good morning again! Yesterday was quite grey and snowy in the morning so I was able to stay in and get some work done. But afternoon was nice and sunny- and out for a walk with Finn!

I like all the discussion of the last chapter. Revelation is hard and there are so many symbols and inferences that we make. It is best read straight through, which I will definitely do a few times after we are done!

Sherri is off today, so once we get some of our work done, it is Christmas shopping day! Yahoo.

Chapter 6 deals with the seals that were on the scroll. It is commonly thought that the scroll details the culmination of history and that the things that the scrolls reveal must happen before the end of the world. The idea is that this chapter tells what must happen before the end begins! And it is strange!

The Lamb (Jesus) has the scroll and is the only one worthy to open the seals. Each seal has a living creature that announces its opening; we have no idea who or what these creatures are or even what they look like. After each of the first four seals are broken, a horseman comes riding out- each with a different color and different "event" that must happen. Seals five and six are about the martyrs and the cosmic destruction that will happen. The seventh seal is opened in chapter 8.

First seal- white horse; one would assume Jesus since white equals good, however this is a Satan-like being who imitates Christ. As we read more, we will see that this is clearly not Jesus as the results are not Jesus-like! This ruler will come to conquer (not a Jesus word!). A "leader" that will draw people away from God and have control over them!

Second seal- red horse; Interesting that the rider didn't cause war but took peace! Peace is a God given gift to this world. Human nature is aggression and power over another; peace is a non-natural state for us; if peace is taken, we would revert to our "animal" lives. Think of the millions of lives that have been lost to war in the last 100 years or so!

Third seal- black horse; The scale symbolizes the need to ration food as it will likely be in short supply. The prices called out by the voice are about 12 times the "normal" price of the wheat and barley (inflation!). During this famine, life will be reduced to is most basic provisions. However, the wealthy will still have their oil and wine. Think of the economic disparity in today's world. 

Fourth seal- pale horse; The rider's name is Death. This can't be good! It is symbolic of the world-wide death that will happen from the first three "riders": dictatorship, war, famine.

It is interesting in all these that the word "given" is in each section. God gives these horsemen their control; God is still in control as God gives the powers. 

Fifth seal- the blood of the martyrs; All those that had been martyred are under the altar. Symbolic that their life was a sacrificial offering to God- their death was not in vain and was acceptable and good for God. These lost souls cried out for vengeance!

Sixth seal- cosmic destruction. Many times in the scriptures, the coming of the Messiah is accompanied by huge and catastrophic natural events. Everyone from the greatest to the least hid in fear of the judgement of God.

We can get into a big discussion- are these happening now? Will they happen soon? Later we will read about the trumpets and the bowls (each with some quite dramatic events)- do they happen sequentially or in combination with each other? Remember, I said before, the more we read into these things the more is lost in seeing and hearing the words!

Have a great day.

Pastor Paul


  1. Now Jesus open the seals on the scroll the first four have horsemen riding on different colore horses I think these are the four the "four horsemen of the Apocalypse" thrsrs judgements I believe are representation of what must happen before the final judgement I sm guessing the first is the antichrist? and he is convincing the people to go against Christ. The second being on a red horse must be blood and war the third on a black horse talks of costs of food etc so famine and i think of the black death and black plague so pestilence
    The fourth horse is pale green representing Death and the Grave and they were given authority over sword( war) famine and pestilence to destroy1/4 of the earth Does this mean they had authority over the 2nd and 3rd horsemen?
    The fifth seal are martered souls who suffered for their belief in God and tho thy asked fortheir souls to be avenged they were given white robes and told to wait a little longer as there were more to be like them
    the sixth seal is even more frightening as all the inhabitants of the earth are afraid and hiwant to hide temselves from the great earthquake the sky rolling up and the stars falling from heaven I guess this will be the day of the final judgement? Not something we really want to think about I am afraid.

    1. These are the "four horsemen of the apocalypse"!
      It is quite an unusual sight isn't it!!

  2. As six seals are opened, something horrific happens with each seal. The first is the antichrist, but is it really? God is supposed to be in control of the entire proceedings. It seems at first that the first horseman is the antichrist from the verbiage in the chapter. However, since the whole thing is run by God, can it really be the antichrist? My first thought is no. What is it then? I don’t have a clue.

    The identities of the second, third and fourth horsemen is somewhat straight-forward. I first thought that the fifth one was a good guy, but I guess I am mistaken. Per your words, pastor, “… the blood of the martyrs” and “… their life was a sacrificial offering to God.”

    The sixth seal is really bad – cosmic destruction – lightning, earthquakes, fire, floods, and all the bad that God can cast on us. Some of this has already happened here on earth, but I don’t believe it has happened with the severity that is described here.

    Why is all this happening? I thought we have a benevolent God. The God in these chapters seems to have a score to settle. I understand all that has happened up until now. What I don’t understand is why God seems so angry at us in this chapter. Maybe we deserve it. If so, we have been given no indication of it in the previous books of the New Testament. Is the something in the Old Testament that gives us a clue?

    I can’t wait to see what the seventh seal unleashes on us!

  3. I agree with your last comment- the God represented here seems to have a score to settle. I am uncomfortable with these horse-men and the destruction. However, as good Christians (?) we will be spared all of this eventually...hope!
    Revelation is a book of fear- but also of hope. Keep that in mind!
    The seventh seal is quite soul shattering!


A Final Post

 Good morning. We did it! The entire New Testament in a year. that is quite a feat! Thank you all for your dedication and work. It wasn'...