Tuesday, December 21, 2021

Revelation 21

Yikes! Was it cold yesterday! Winter comes back and we are all so used to the weather we have been having that when we get "normal" temperatures- it seems cold! Nice morning now though!

Yesterday was a good day- Bible study, some church work, and then cookies and candy making with Sherri. And some outside time with Finn.

I can't believe we are almost done! It has been a long year but a good one!

And in this chapter- some good news....Finally- all things will be made new!

John sees and talks about a new heaven and a new earth-- a theme that has been the focus of many Hebrew prophets and mentioned quite often in the New Testament. In the original Greek, the word "kaine" is used and translated to "new"; kaine means fresh or new in character rather than new in chronology. It isn't just the next heaven and earth- it is better, it is fresh, it is exciting! Is this a spiritual/ religious newness or it is physically a new creation? Did God create a new earth, or did God refresh the one we are currently on? There are many discussions and controversies about this question! The sea is gone; in Judaic theology, the seas represent evil and is a separation from God- so it would make sense (to the Jewish congregations) that the sea is gone- evil is gone.  

A new Jerusalem comes down from the heavens; the old Jerusalem fell to the Romans, so there "needed" to be a new city. This one is fresh and beautiful; John uses the imagery of a beautiful bride getting ready for her wedding. The most beautiful thing anyone will see is their life partner coming to them down the aisle at their wedding. 

The home of God (the tabernacle in some translations) is now with people. There is no separation between God and people; God and people reside in the same place. God's purpose and goal has come to fruition- God and people dwelling together. The new Jerusalem is distinguished by what it does not have- tears, pain, mourning, death. 

God, the One sitting on the throne, then makes a declarative and authoritative statement, "I am making all things new!" John must have been so excited or astonished or in awe that he wasn't writing as God reminds him- "write this down!"

Completion. A to Z (alpha to omega), beginning to end- everything is now complete. We all know the life qualities of water; we all know the need for water. God states that the water of life is available to those that want. Do some people not want? I guess, because the lake that burns with fire and sulfur is also "offered" to people!

An angel from the plagues comes and takes John to "see the Lamb's wife". The Lamb's wife is Jerusalem- the new Jerusalem. John describes the beauty of the new Jerusalem- shining with the glory of God; the twelve gates with the names of the twelve tribes of Israel- so all Jews are included. The foundations had the names of the twelve apostles- the foundation of the Christian church is the apostles- so all Christians are included.

One artist's image of the New Jerusalem

If we follow the dimensions of the city (it is the shape of a square): 1500 miles (it is about 1100 miles between Binghamton and Orlando FL- FYI). If we calculated the square footage- it would approximate the size of the moon! A cubit is the distance from longest fingertip to your elbow (about 18 inches); the wall was 144 cubits (which would equal about 216 feet tall)! Made of jasper, gold, sapphire...all precious stones- showing glory and holiness.

New Jerusalem
(Ryan Jeremy Leaver)

Shockingly, there is no temple! The temple is where God lived, and if God is present and resides with the people- then there doesn't need to be a temple! Another way to look at it- the entire city is the temple of God- since that is where God is now presently living! And if God is present, there doesn't need to be moon or sun since God's glory and brightness with shine enough! The people that remain on earth will be present with God and there will no longer be any evil or hate or fear. Only goodness!

This is good news my friends! Very good news!

The beautiful imagery continues tomorrow- our final chapter of the New Testament!

Have a great rest of the day. Tonight at 7PM Blue Christmas time at Little Meadows.

Pastor Paul


  1. I am excited to be completing the new testament and also a little sad. When I started a year ago I wondered if I would keep up. It has been a faith filled journey for me.
    I think it is an interesting question... Is it a new earth or a refreshed earth. We could sure use a little refreshing. I feel it's so important that we focus on climate change so we can preserve our precious earth. When I am in a beautiful park, beach, lake or woods it does take your breath away and becomes a spiritual moment.
    Thank you for sharing the photos and calculating the dimensions to give us a sense of the size of the city.
    I hope you were able to bring comfort to those in need at your Blue Christmas service.

    1. I agree- our current earth could use some refreshing! There is so much "stuff" that we have put into the earth- on ecological, political and humanity levels that we need a good cleansing!
      I think the Blue Christmas was a success.

  2. A new heaven and earth How wonderful! Tje new Jerusalem is described so precisely with 12 gates etc the 12 meaning the 12 tribes of Israel and the 12 disciples ( again mention ing the 12 disciples not 11 so does this include Judas?) It is hard to imagine a place with no sorrow pain sin etc. It's like a dream that we have all hoped for no war etc aplace where all get along together. there was one place where it said something about no evil will be allowed in the gates even though the gates are not locked, will there be evil outside the gates? Just wondering from this being mentioned? If the devil is in
    hell can there be evil outside the gates??

    1. Yes- even Judas!
      It does seem like a dream- but it will come to fruition some time!
      And will Satan still be on the outside? I think there may always be an evil presence.
      Thanks CLara

  3. The Blues Christmas Service was absolutely beautiful. As you said - focusing on God!

    This was a great Chapter. In my translation vs. 1 immediately says "a new heaven and a new earth, for the first heaven and the first earth passed away...." makes me think it is all new - including the New Jerusalem - after all, Jerusalem was not refreshed, right? I find it interesting - and a little scary - that in vs. 8 as God lists all those that will be burned he lists "liars". Lying is something we take in our stride - "little white lies" are so accepted - but here it is included with murderers and whoremongers, etc. Something to seriously think about. I agree, Clara, the New Jerusalem is definitely described in detail! But John does make a difference between God and the Lamb - which is Jesus, correct? So how does that fit into the trinity? This certainly is a wonderful place that God is promising us.

  4. Right- Jerusalem was rebuilt- so the earth could also!
    Well, small lies are ok- right?! We do talk about "levels" of sin and that small one (like lying) are "less sinful" than murder, etc.
    The Lamb is Jesus yes...and John does talk about the difference. Interesting that the Holy Spirit isn't really mentioned- is it?
    Good comments! Thanks


A Final Post

 Good morning. We did it! The entire New Testament in a year. that is quite a feat! Thank you all for your dedication and work. It wasn'...