Wednesday, December 22, 2021

Revelation 22

Good morning...our last one together! Can you believe it!?

Yesterday was such a beautiful day! Wonderful sunshine and pleasant temperatures outside. I did lots of church work (finish Blue Christmas, finish Christmas eve, start Sunday after Christmas). I am tired of thinking theology!

The beginning of this chapter is a description of the inside of the New Jerusalem followed by a closing from John in his epilogue.

The first thing John is shown by the angel is the River of Life that flows through the city. Water has always been associated with life and power and redemption. It flows directly from the throne of God- so it has to be good and pure and holy.

The Bible begins with the Tree of Life and it returns here at the end. A huge, beautiful tree that spans the river producing a different fruit each month- so time is measured in heaven. 12 fruits- 12 tribes- 12 apostles. 

The leaves will be used for healing of the nations- but God took away all pain and bad. Another translation for the original Greek "therapein" is health giving- so good health. The English word therapeutic is derived from it. 

And what joy- there will be no cure- no tension between people, no hate, no pain. I can't even begin to imagine what that would be like! We will get to see God- face to face. The Jewish faith believes that a person will die immediately if they see God; that is why God is always hidden in a cloud or fire or behind a veil. Until now- then we will all see God. What does God look like?? Like Satan claimed his people with the mark of "666" on their foreheads, God's people will be recognized and claimed by God as God's name will be on their forehead.

These last closing lines are words from several different "people" (angels, John, etc) so it is hard to distinguish exactly who is saying what. John begins with an admonition from the angel that all this is true- and then Jesus comes in with "I am coming soon!"

Like before. John falls to the ground and begins worshipping the angel but is quickly chastised (again) by the angel! No created being is to be worshipped- only God. We are fellow servants with the angels!

It sounds as if the angel is saying to leaves these words open for people to read. Jesus is coming quickly, so there will be no time to change. Evil people will still do evil, good will still do good.

Again- Jesus with " I am coming quickly" There is quite a sense of urgency! Then the words, "repay according to everyone's works." Not this controversy again! I think the concept is that our faith will guide us to do works- the works don't save us, the faith does. But that faith is evidenced in the works we do??

The "dogs" will remain outside the city. Dogs in the New Testament was a reference by Jews to Gentiles, but (I am hoping) this means dogs as in people who do not believe, the morally impure.

Jesus then echos what the angel says and authenticates the words that John wrote. To the churches. To the people. To all. These words should not be hidden or covered up. Jesus offers words of comfort to come to the water, to drink, to be satisfied. 

Warning if you tamper with the words in Revelation! Not sure if these words are from Jesus or from the angel. In most red-letter editions, these words are on black type, indicating that they are not from Jesus. However, some do have them in red!

John closes with "Amen, come!" The Aramaic word "maranatha" means "Even so, come Lord Jesus!" That is what John is saying here! Grace...grace for all!

What a great year this has been. What a great experience!  I have really enjoyed our discussions and our challenges. I know I have learned so much from doing the research and from reading your comments. I have had my eyes opened some and have solidified my faith. Thank you!

More later!

Pastor Paul


  1. I can't believe that we have read the entire New Testament and have come to the last page. It really doesn't seem possible. I hope the habit of reading my Bible every day does not stop!

    The reading of the Epilogue was a bit confusing - and I have a Red Letter version! When I first read vs. 7 I was thinking that the "prophecy of this book" referred to the entire Bible. But then realized it meant only the Book of Revelations! My commentary says to refer back to Chapter 1 vs. 3 - one of the seven beatitudes. So I had to look that up (smile) and found there are seven beatitudes listed from Jesus' Sermon on the Mount. Which I have to admit I did not recognize them when I read them. I also didn't know that prophecy is not only foretelling the future (which I knew) but also proclaiming any word from God - whether command, instruction, history or prediction - which I didn't know. So in order for us to be blessed we most hold true - believe? - all that is said? According to his works - my commentary states that Jesus says it in Matthew 16: vs. 17 "and then he shall reward every man according to his works" - as being said by Jesus and then by Paul in Romans 2 vs. 6 "who will render to every man according to his deeds." Maybe referring to Matthew 25 vs. 35-46? Even if you belief but you do not feed the hungry, visit the will be judged by that? Also, does all that mean that judgment comes in levels?

    I have thoroughly enjoyed this Bible Study and learned so much from everyone!

    My thoughts and prayers are with you, Jack.

    Thank you Pastor for all the time you took to bring us this Bible Study and to answer our many questions and comments.

    1. Thanks for all your comments and thoughts that pushed me to do more- in a good way!
      I too hope that my daily reading will continue.

  2. Even as this book ends, things still don't sound really upbeat to me. The idea of Jesus coming again is still a mystery- when, how, what will happen; or could it mean that Jesus has come and has been with us all through time ready to take us home to his father's mansion in our future.
    I can't believe this journey is over. I will surely miss all of you. Thank you for being part of this study and helping me feel closer to God. Thank you, Pastor Paul for all the extra work that you did. May God bless you all.

    1. Some mysteries we may never solve! And that is ok!
      Thanks for all your comments and hard work! I appreciated it.
      There will be more to come!

  3. This seems to start with the beginning talking of Garden of Eden and the beautiful creation that God has for us after Jesus returns. God created both wonderful places and it's more than we can even imagine. so it is the beginning and the end but really is there is to be eternal life the will be no end.
    I am so very glad to have done this reading of the New Testament. I have learned alot and also learned that I don't understand alot also. Some questions still remain to be answered. I do understand that belief in Jesus is the way to eternal life though.
    Thank you. Pastor Paul, for all your time you have spent explaining and answering questions. I hope we can continue to do some sort of study whether it be a book in the Old Testament or whatever.
    Merry Christmas all and may God bless us, everyone.

    1. It does sound like we are back at the Garden of Eden- the place we were supposed to be!
      We will have more Bible study soon!

  4. I am feeling a little emotional with the ending of our bible study. A dear friend and his partner were here for dinner a few nights ago. We had a discussion about Revelation. I was so pleased that I was able to add to the conversation. There have been times while doing the readings that I was confused and even angry but with our discussions I feel I would come away with a better understanding. Pastor Paul I know this was a lot of work for you. Thank you for making it all easier to understand. Donna, Clara, Cathy and Jack it has been a pleasure reading your thoughts and I definitely learned from all of you.
    I hope we are able to get together soon.
    Have a very Merry Christmas...God Bless

    1. A discussion about Revelation?! That would be interesting!
      It was good to do this and am glad that we have all spent time together! I understand your frustrations!
      Thanks for all the comments!

  5. We have spent the last several days with my oldest son (Jeff), his wife (Tricia), my brother (Bob) and his family in Charlotte, NC for the funeral of my brother's youngest son, James Tyler Klapprodt. He obtained an illicit drug form an unknown party, overdosed on it and died. Bob found him last Monday. The toxicology report won't be back for several weeks, but my guess (and it is only a guess) is that fentanyl is involved. It was an awful weekend. We went to the funeral on Saturday. It was nice to see the family and I met some of the children that I had never met. (Some of them are no longer children.) I wish we could have seen them under different circumstances, but it is what it is. The police are investigating and hopefully will catch the guy who sold Tyler the fatal drugs.

    We left last Thursday and arrived home last night. We were both to spent to do any Bible reading, so tonight we read Chapters 18 and 19. We will read until we finish Revelation, probably just before Christmas. I am afraid that I have nothing to blog about tonight on Chapter 22. Since this is the last chapter, I will thank Pastor Paul for his dedication and hard work, and all the participants.

  6. Thank you all for your thoughts and prayers in this difficult time in my life. They have made a tough time a little better.

  7. I am so sorry for the last few days Jack. Death is hard- especially for a younger family member- regardless of the reason. Please know that you and your family are in our prayers.
    We will have more study in the future!
    Thanks for all your questions and comments!


A Final Post

 Good morning. We did it! The entire New Testament in a year. that is quite a feat! Thank you all for your dedication and work. It wasn'...