Tuesday, December 22, 2020

Luke 21

 Good Morning- sorry I dropped the ball yesterday. I was busy finishing the Blue Christmas worship then went outside to do more snow removal! But I am back and ready today!

Chapters 21 is happening on Tuesday/ Wednesday of Passion week. The first story a  really important message...the value of what we give is determined by the spirit of our giving! When I reference giving or gifts here, I am referring to monetary or works. Often times people think the church is only interested in the amount of money you give, and clearly all the other "stuff" is just as important! The rich man gave out of abundance but the widow gave out of poverty. Do we give out of what we have or do we give out of what we don't have? for many- time is that valuable gift== we don't have much extra time, but we may give it to the church! For the woman, her gift was sacrificial- giving away something of great value to her. Jesus' gift of death on the cross was sacrificial- of great value to both himself and us. 

Jesus' conversation about the Temple (vv 5-7) begin with Jesus basically saying that the Temple has become more important than God. Those that rebuilt the Temple spent a multitude of resources to adorn the Temple with gold and marble and rare jewels...not exactly what God needs for God's home! The Temple will be destroyed but God will still have a home in each of us! What temples do we have in our life that prevent us from fully seeing and being in relationship with God? Jesus warns of false prophets (vv 8-19) that will come saying they are the Messiah. In fact, for many years after the death and resurrection of Christ hundreds have declared they are the Messiah. I think of some of our "recent" false prophets and then wonder how could people follow them? People are looking for something to have faith in and they want something greater. I can understand how someone may get caught up in this, but it is knowing God and knowing what God's promises are that helps us stay away form the false prophets. What or who may be some of the false prophets you have followed? Knowing those false prophets may give us an opportunity to teach and witness about God and what God offers (V 13)!

Jesus continues to talk about the destruction of Jerusalem and I think back to Luke 19:41- 44 where he weeps before coming to the city. One can really sense his passion and compassion for the city and the people...and also God's message!

The events that Jesus describe in vv 25- 28 remind me of many of the Revelation stories (chapters 6, 8-9, 15-18). There will be signs- Jesus had said many times. We are all good at reading signs; when the apple trees bloom in spring , we know it will be a good crop in the fall; when we see a beautiful red sunrise (like we did last Wednesday morning) we know we are in for a storm ("Red sky at night, sailors delight; red sky in morning, sailors take warning!) Will we be able to really know these signs of the second coming of Christ?!

We may not be able to always interpret the signs, so Jesus warns us (again) to be vigilant and be ready (vv 34- 36). There are so many "worldly things" (v 34) that draw our attention away from God. What might some of those things be?

The closing two verses (37- 38) really warm my heart. Even with Jesus' impending betrayal, "trial" and death, Jesus still takes time to teach people-- but also takes time to himself to pray. Does our prayer life suffer when we get too busy or concerned about other things?

Have a great day!

Pastor Paul


  1. What temples do we have that keep us from fully seeing and being with relationship with God? The longer I think about this question the longer my list gets! Work that consumes our thoughts, dealing with families, worries! Worrying when we should be praying ( I’m a huge worrier), there is just so much. Last night I went outside to try to see the Christmas star but it was just too cloudy. That’s how I think of my thinking sometimes. I know how I want things to be or how I think they should be wbut sometimes other things get in the way. I can’t see my way through to what I should do. Instead of praying for guidance I go over and over things. I know I need to accept that “it is what it is”. I need to pray for God to help me let go of my anxiety and move along.

    1. Cathy, I gt what you're saying...worry should be my middle name! And I worry especially about things I definitely cannot control-- like the rain that is coming. It is going to happen no matter how anxious I get! our star comment is spot on...we sometimes seek, but don't see anything! Great thoughts and may you find peace, Cathy!

  2. Luke 21 is like a “Hail Mary” in football - that last outrageous pass hoping for a touchdown before the end of the game. Jesus is getting in his final lessons - I think he is hoping to reach and convince as many people as possible before the end of his life comes - knowing that it is soon!! I hope that your service last night went well. I would have come but with my total change of plans with this PA thing, I was not able to attend. I think the way you interpret the lesson of the widow’s offering is very important - especially when I hear people say the only thing church wants is your money - tithing is your time, energy, presence and money! The church does need it all. I think sometimes churches and church organizations get caught up with “write them a check” which is great - but what they really need is help. I think that churches, especially the more modern churches, have gotten away from adorning themselves with expensive statues, paintings, etc. Although I feel that it is important for a church to look nice and inviting - that’s not where most of the money should go! It’s easy to spot a false prophet looking back in history, but looking around us today - not as easy. One person you may think is a false prophet 10 other people will give reasons why they are not and vice versa. As well as the antichrist. And I think this goes as well for the “signs” - the signs mentioned here have happened countless times during history. I think the parable about being on watch because we do not know when God will come again is probably more to what I think. I hope I don’t follow a false prophet - but I have gotten caught up in making what shouldn’t be important - important! Jesus prays to God a lot - and makes it a point to go off by himself to pray. Lots of things make my prayer life suffer - including my thoughts straying as I try to concentrate. I am very bad at it!!

    1. Great thoughts- I especially like your "just write a check" comment. People think we are all about the money, that's one big reason I don't do offerings during special worship times (Easter, Christmas eve, etc) I just want people to come and begin building a relationship with Christ. Churches do spend money looking good when it could be used for ministry! Great ideas Donna!

  3. When reading this chapter it reminds me of what my husband told me of when he was a young boy in the 1930's His family was Catholic and when in mass one Sunday the priest pointed out my husbands parents and told everyone the amount they gave the church and that hey weren't tithing .
    His father worked at Ej and had 5 children and and elderly mother also to support they gave what they could afford .. of course they were very embarrassed by the priest pointed them out in front of the congregation . This set my husband against the church and he spoke of this many times to me years later. I think tithing means giving what you can monetary but the are other ways of giving such as volunteering your time and assistance.
    I think there are signs now as is the past that Jesus spoke of to watch for that will happen before his return
    Wars rumours of was Diseases(what's happening now) poverty etc it goes on now as it did in biblical times. We need to be ready and sometimes with the business "live happens" we need help with being ready. I certainly know I do.

    1. Ugh...what a way to welcome people to church! I have no idea who gives what amounts and I don't want/need to know! In some churches, the pastor knows all of that-- I have no desire to know that! Peace, Clara

  4. I’m so sorry that that Priest did that. It’s so hurtful.

  5. Right now our temple is our home life, because of the covid 19. Were concerned about safety. Christmas is about gifts, party's and family get together and to be safe. Hopefully we well be a where. Things that are happening throughout the world now could be signs. Yes when I get busy my prayer life suffer. But doing these studies I am much better.

  6. I am glad you are enjoying this style of study RoseMarie!


A Final Post

 Good morning. We did it! The entire New Testament in a year. that is quite a feat! Thank you all for your dedication and work. It wasn'...