Good morning....bright shining sun and the threat of snow this afternoon and evening! Spring in upstate NY! It is going to be a good day!
Yesterday's chapter was tough to read- sin and bad- ugh! Not a fan of reading how bad I am! Today's chapter comes to us in a different light- the idea that we have a new and wonderful life available to us!
Right out of the gate, Paul says those of us who are in Christ are not guilty (v 1)! But that's a big word- in! If we are one with Jesus, we cannot be condemned. God didn't condemn Jesus and so will not, cannot, condemn us...if we have Christ as our head, our leader, our master. Do we? Being in Christ shows that there is a mystical, spiritual connection between Christ and humanity- if we accept that connection. If we are in Christ, we are bound by the law of the Spirit (v 2), and that law brings life-- rather than "the laws" which brought sin and death. We are freed from the dominion and power of death-- if we are in Christ. The laws can tell us much- guide us, teach us, tell us about God's character, but t has no strength or power over us; only Christ and the Spirit have the power over us- if we are in Christ (v 3). The law could not defeat sin, it only detected sin and allowed us to be guilty; Jesus defeated sin and that destroyed the sin in us, through his death on the cross (v 3). God sent Jesus to earth; Jesus had to identify with those that were bound by the law; Jesus had to know us to save us. Jesus wasn't sin, but he identified with it. Because of Jesus, our life is now marked by obedience to the Holy Spirit (v 4).
When we are obedient to the Spirit, we are good; when we are obedient to the flesh- we are sinful (v 5). When we walk in the Spirit, we change our course and see goodness and compassion and love and justice; when we walk in the flesh, we see hate and bad, and sin and injustice. It is a mind set that we have to focus on; once our head is in the game- our body will follow. If our mind is on "fleshly desires" then our body will follow- no matter how much we want to be good. Want and desire comes from our head- and we need to get that in the game if we are to follow Christ. Getting our head in the game, having the mind-set of a Christian, comes from study, discussion, prayer, conversation with others of the same mind set.
The Holy Spirit (v 9) comes upon each one of us as we are born again (or at our baptism, to bring up a point from yesterday); we then have a higher power already available to us- we just need to harness that power and not be weak and fall to the desires of the flesh. If you call yourself a Christian, then you have the Spirit in you-- you can;t be a Christian and not be full of the Holy Spirit (v 10). The difficult part of that is recognizing the work of the Holy Spirit in us. We are so full of other feelings that we look beyond and over the fullness we have from the Holy Spirit. I know I am guilty of that!
Our obligation, our debt, is to live in the Spirit (vv 12-13).Sin does nothing for us, Christ did something for, we don't owe sin anything, we owe everything we are to Christ. Paul constantly reminds us that following the flesh brings death; following Christ brings us life. We have the choice to make.
As we follow the Spirit and become fully ingrained in following the Spirit and being in Christ- then we are the sons and daughters of God (vv 14- 17). Just because we read the Bible, just because we attend worship, just because we take communion- doesn't make us a child of God. What makes us a child of God is being lead and controlled by the Spirit. Are we lead by the Spirit or lead by the flesh? When we are living in the Spirit, when we are children of God, then we can cry out Abba! Father! Imma! Mother! We can build that relationship with God as a child builds a relationship with their parents. We can relate to God as Jesus related to God; we can have a connection with God as Jesus had a connection with God. If we are children of God, then we are heirs to God's kingdom (v 17). In Luke 18:18, the rich young ruler asked, "What must I do to inherit eternal life?" We can't "do" anything- we can "be" something though!
Paul now (vv 18) takes a look at human suffering (keeping in mind the suffering and pain he has gone through). Paul knows that the future is so much brighter than what we are going through now; the pain and suffering that we struggle with is nothing compared to the greatness of what is yet to come. The image of the excitement (v 19) is something to cherished...all that God has created is excited for the day we are all united together! Imagine- creation and God being excited! As excited as a woman about to give birth (v 22). I remember the excitement I had when Joseph was born- now imagine that excitement in all of God's creation! Yikes!! However, there is also pain in that magical moment. Excruciating pain, and we all are going through those birth pains as we live out our lives. We must persevere through those pains (as a woman in labor has to push through), and with that brings endurance to continue in the hope of something better.
Even in our moments of weakness, when we say we can't do this anymore, God knows our desires (vv 26- 27). God's work is an enduring promise and God will use all things for good and to see God's kingdom come to fruition (v 28). Though we must face trial and sufferings now (go back to v 18), God will capitalize on them for our good and the advancement of God's dominion. The ones God love have always been in God's mind-- even before our birth, even before creation (v 29). We were created to be like Christ, to be in Christ, to be in the Spirit. God's plan has always been- foreknown, predestined, called, justified, and glorified (v 30). God has always been and will always continue to be, part of our lives. It is God's nature to care about God's children. We are all chosen, we are all a product of God's good works in humanity, we are destined to do good.
"If God is for us, what can be against us?" (v 31), seems very different from the first few chapters of this book. In those chapters, it seemed like God was against us! However, God has gone through great lengths to save us from God's wrath. God has done what God can do (through Jesus and the Holy Spirit) to save us from sin and death (v 32) and we have been found "not guilty" by the highest judge, God (v 33- 34).
Paul then goes in to one of his most quoted passages (v 35- 39)-- "What can separate us form the love of God/Christ?" Nothing. God loves us so much. I tend to forget that sometimes; I tend to look the other way; I tend to not believe those statements that Paul gives us. I need to remember God's love is always present and always unconditional. Nothing good or nothing bad can come between us and God. If that is true, then we are united with God. Hard to believe at times though! Be present with each of us, God.
This is a good stopping point for the weekend. The first eight chapters were about humanity's need for God; the next few chapters take a hard look at Israel and the Jews- How did they miss Jesus as the Messiah? What does it say about God? What does it say about Israel? What does it say about us today?
Have a great weekend and I look forward to chatting with you all again on Monday.
Pastor Paul