Friday, April 30, 2021

Romans 8

 Good morning....bright shining sun and the threat of snow this afternoon and evening! Spring in upstate NY! It is going to be a good day!

Yesterday's chapter was tough to read- sin and bad- ugh! Not a fan of reading how bad I am! Today's chapter comes to us in a different light- the idea that we have a new and wonderful life available to us!

Right out of the gate, Paul says those of us who are in Christ are not guilty (v 1)! But that's a big word- in! If we are one with Jesus, we cannot be condemned. God didn't condemn Jesus and so will not, cannot, condemn us...if we have Christ as our head, our leader, our master. Do we? Being in Christ shows that there is a mystical, spiritual connection between Christ and humanity- if we accept that connection. If we are in Christ, we are bound by the law of the Spirit (v 2), and that law brings life-- rather than "the laws" which brought sin and death. We are freed from the dominion and power of death-- if we are in Christ. The laws can tell us much- guide us, teach us, tell us about God's character, but t has no strength or power over us; only Christ and the Spirit have the power over us- if we are in Christ (v 3). The law could not defeat sin, it only detected sin and allowed us to be guilty; Jesus defeated sin and that destroyed the sin in us, through his death on the cross (v 3). God sent Jesus to earth; Jesus had to identify with those that were bound by the law; Jesus had to know us to save us. Jesus wasn't sin, but he identified with it. Because of Jesus, our life is now marked by obedience to the Holy Spirit (v 4). 

When we are obedient to the Spirit, we are good; when we are obedient to the flesh- we are sinful (v 5). When we walk in the Spirit, we change our course and see goodness and compassion and love and justice; when we walk in the flesh, we see hate and bad, and sin and injustice. It is a mind set that we have to focus on; once our head is in the game- our body will follow. If our mind is on "fleshly desires" then our body will follow- no matter how much we want to be good. Want and desire comes from our head- and we need to get that in the game if we are to follow Christ. Getting our head in the game, having the mind-set of a Christian, comes from study, discussion, prayer, conversation with others of the same mind set. 

The Holy Spirit (v 9) comes upon each one of us as we are born again (or at our baptism, to bring up a point from yesterday); we then have a higher power already available to us- we just need to harness that power and not be weak and fall to the desires of the flesh. If you call yourself a Christian, then you have the Spirit in you-- you can;t be a Christian and not be full of the Holy Spirit (v 10). The difficult part of that is recognizing the work of the Holy Spirit in us. We are so full of other feelings that we look beyond and over the fullness we have from the Holy Spirit. I know I am guilty of that!

Our obligation, our debt, is to live in the Spirit (vv 12-13).Sin does nothing for us, Christ did something for, we don't owe sin anything, we owe everything we are to Christ. Paul constantly reminds us that following the flesh brings death; following Christ brings us life. We have the choice to make. 

As we follow the Spirit and become fully ingrained in following the Spirit and being in Christ- then we are the sons and daughters of God (vv 14- 17). Just because we read the Bible, just because we attend worship, just because we take communion- doesn't make us a child of God. What makes us a child of God is being lead and controlled by the Spirit. Are we lead by the Spirit or lead by the flesh? When we are living in the Spirit, when we are children of God, then we can cry out Abba! Father! Imma! Mother! We can build that relationship with God as a child builds a relationship with their parents. We can relate to God as Jesus related to God; we can have a connection with God as Jesus had a connection with God. If we are children of God, then we are heirs to God's kingdom (v 17). In Luke 18:18, the rich young ruler asked, "What must I do to inherit eternal life?" We can't "do" anything- we can "be" something though!

Paul now (vv 18) takes a look at human suffering (keeping in mind the suffering and pain he has gone through). Paul knows that the future is so much brighter than what we are going through now; the pain and suffering that we struggle with is nothing compared to the greatness of what is yet to come. The image of the excitement (v 19) is something to cherished...all that God has created is excited for the day we are all united together! Imagine- creation and God being excited! As excited as a woman about to give birth (v 22). I remember the excitement I had when Joseph was born- now imagine that excitement in all of God's creation! Yikes!! However, there is also pain in that magical moment. Excruciating pain, and we all are going through those birth pains as we live out our lives. We must persevere through those pains (as a woman in labor has to push through), and with that brings endurance to continue in the hope of something better. 

Even in our moments of weakness, when we say we can't do this anymore, God knows our desires (vv 26- 27).  God's work is an enduring promise and God will use all things for good and to see God's kingdom come to fruition (v 28). Though we must face trial and sufferings now (go back to v 18), God will capitalize on them for our good and the advancement of God's dominion. The ones God love have always been in God's mind-- even before our birth, even before creation (v 29). We were created to be like Christ, to be in Christ, to be in the Spirit. God's plan has always been- foreknown, predestined, called, justified, and glorified (v 30). God has always been and will always continue to be, part of our lives. It is God's nature to care about God's children. We are all chosen, we are all a product of God's good works in humanity, we are destined to do good. 

"If God is for us, what can be against us?" (v 31), seems very different from the first few chapters of this book. In those chapters, it seemed like God was against us! However, God has gone through great lengths to save us from God's wrath. God has done what God can do (through Jesus and the Holy Spirit)  to save us from sin and death (v 32) and we have been found "not guilty" by the highest judge, God (v 33- 34). 

Paul then goes in to one of his most quoted passages (v 35- 39)-- "What can separate us form the love of God/Christ?" Nothing. God loves us so much. I tend to forget that sometimes; I tend to look the other way; I tend to not believe those statements that Paul gives us. I need to remember God's love is always present and always unconditional. Nothing good or nothing bad can come between us and God. If that is true, then we are united with God. Hard to believe at times though! Be present with each of us, God.

This is a good stopping point for the weekend. The first eight chapters were about humanity's need for God; the next few chapters take a hard look at Israel and the Jews- How did they miss Jesus as the Messiah? What does it say about God? What does it say about Israel? What does it say about us today?

Have a great weekend and I look forward to chatting with you all again on Monday.

Pastor Paul


  1. What a deep reading today.
    Paul say our sinful nature leads us to death but letting the Holy Spirit have control leads to life and peace. Being human we all have sinful natures so how do we overcome that . Belief in Jesus and being God's children makes us heirs to God's glory.
    I think prayer and Paul says the Holy Spirit prays with us will help us not to be so sinful if we ask For God's help.
    I Love the last two verses of this chapter. Nothing can separate us from God. Wat q wonderful life and privilege God has given to us thru Jesus Christ.
    Have a wonderful weekend everyone.

    1. Sometimes Paul is very deep and philosophical, sometimes he is an easy read!
      How do we let the Holy Spirit guide us? How do we know if we have the Holy Spirit? Do we know the Holy Spirit? These are all questions I sometimes wrestle with.
      Prayer life is essential- but people sometimes struggle with "the right way" to pray. A big step is just beginning a conversation with God- that's all prayer is!
      The last few verses are something we should all try to remember. Nothing can separate us from God's love. We all know how we love our children...nothing can separate me from the love I have for my think of God! What a good feeling!
      Great comments and really nice seeing you this Sunday in church! Peace!

  2. Again in my opinion it is such a blessing to have faith. We are human and make mistakes and sin but hopefully our faith reminds us this is wrong. The statement we are united in God makes me stop and think. In our Christian religion and faith there are so many different interpretations. I have to say I really disagree with some. I am interested in reading about Israel and why the jews didn't get on board. I do respect different religions.
    Everyone enjoy your weekend. My two daughters and granddaughter are coming for a quick visit and of course I can't wait. Frances Rose wants to see Nanas boo boo!

    1. Faith is a great gift. Faith is tough though- believing in something you can't see real concrete solid evidence of! Some people it comes "easily" for, some, not so much!
      A great study would be a comparative religions class! Let me work on that one! I am definitely not an expert, but can learn enough to discuss!
      It interesting why the Jews didn't believe Jesus was the Messiah. They started out as God's chosen but they ended up straying away. I guess it is similar to why some Gentiles believed and others didn't. I wonder how tough of a "sell" Christianity was? With Paul, it sometimes seems quite difficult!
      I hope you had a great weekend with family! Family is great!
      Thanks for the comments Cindy

  3. While it is snowing in NY, here in the Wild West, it got up to nearly 80 degrees today. This warmth is going to be short lived. We have 50s and 60s coming in the next several days. It's nice to open the house a little, though. It's been a long winter.

    What are the chances of a weekly (or so) discussion on Zoom of this material? Can that happen? I would certainly attend. Tonight's chapter was exceedingly complex and I think it would be beneficial to discuss this among ourselves. I ask to do it through Zoom as I cannot be there with you.

    Thank you, Pastor, for your words above. I had a heck of a time with this chapter, but your comments made everything come in clearly. I think what Paul is saying here is that we are dead in the flesh when we proscribe to sin. However, if we take on the Holy Spirit, we are alive.

    I have had a trying time over the years in convincing myself that Jesus really walked the earth and died on the cross and was resurrected. There are times that I thought the whole story was bunk. I still struggle with the concept, but, as my wife has told me many times, this is where you have to have faith. I didn't have faith in God and Jesus for many years, but I hope and pray that I have it now. When I look at the world and think of the Universe, I believe that all this didn't happen by itself. When I am uptight about something that I cannot control, I attempt to put it into God's hands. I feel instant calmness when I do this. I know I believe in God and Jesus, but there are times when it is very difficult.

    Paul's words are true in this chapter and I hope that I have comprehended them correctly.

    Cindy, may you have a wonderful weekend with your 2 daughters and your granddaughter. I know she must be very special to you. My daughter-in-law's parents are here for the weekend. We are going to see them and our granddaughters tomorrow night. It will be good to see all of them. Our daughter-in-law, Kristin, is in Kalispell this weekend for a race. Thanks to COVID-19, there are no spectators, so we are all staying put.

    1. We can try a weekly Zoom gathering for people that want. Let me look into the logistics and work on something.
      I agree Jack, this was a tough read! Some of Paul's material is quite "easy" while some is very deep and complex!
      You are correct with this chapter...the essence is that we are given a gift of freedom from sin if we chose to follow Jesus, God and the Holy Spirit dwells in us. Being united in and with Christ gives us the eternal life that we all so much desire.
      Your comment about Jesus being here is an honest one- and is a question of faith. Being a science person, I really struggle with faith and am constantly questioning and doubting things! One of the big questions is resurrection! Imagine a biologist believing in resurrection! Like you, when I look out and really see things, there has to be something bigger than us in control! I know the big bang theory, I know the heterotroph hypothesis and the "origin" of life via the science- that I believe and understand. And like you, I have difficulty handing over control to anyone!
      Some people are gifted with great faith and it comes easily- some people, not so much. I am one of those- not so much people! It is hard, Jack!
      Thanks for your honest comments and discussion.

  4. This chapter has such good thoughts and good news- IF you are Christian and IF you are actively doing good and thinking about it all the time. I always struggle with the "privilege" of some of us. Some people are not brought up to go to church and live a certain way. Some people are mentally ill, live in hopelessness and poverty, are not literate, and on and on. A person once said to me that she can't listen for God's voice because she already hears voices telling her things and she can't stand anymore. Is this extreme? I don't think so. I am thinking about the migrants coming from countries where poverty and persecution leads people illegally to come here only to be persecuted further.
    To me it sounds like Paul is describing an elite club. (I don't mean to be too harsh). How can you be led by the spirit if you don't know what to do? I thought, "wait a minute, anyone can pick up a Bible and read it (if you can read)" but I have to tell you that without background and explanation it's pretty hard to discern, at least for me.
    Don't get me wrong, I love reading "If God is for us who can be against us" and "Nothing can separate us from the love of Christ". If God's love is unconditional and God is always with us, I just want this to be true for everyone.

    1. You start with two big "IF's"! And I agree that not everyone is given the same privileges we are given- life is hard, life is a struggle, life isn't fair. I am so blessed to have had a good home life and I hope that my kids would say the same thing. But you are correct- not everyone has those same advantages that we do. How can we help solve that problem?
      I know someone who struggles with schizophrenia and hears other voices. This person really struggles and tries to be good. This person is medicated and that does help calm the voices- but when life gets upsetting- the voices return. They comment a similar way- it is hard to hear God when I hear so many other voices in my head. Which one is God?
      You make an interesting comment- Christianity does seem like an elite club! There has to be a personal connection between the individual and the Bible/God. Without that connection Christianity doesn't work. And like the Ethiopian said to Phillip- how can I know unless someone teaches me! How can we do the teaching without being condescending? How can we be the instruments God needs to get the message of love out there.
      I do believe God's love is unconditional, and God;s love is available to all- but sometimes not everyone is included in the "all" for many different reasons. How can we work to truly include all in all?
      Really tough questions and hone=st comments today. Thanks Cathy.

  5. I didn't mean to wait until today to read this chapter and respond, but I am glad I did - especially after hearing my Pastor's message this morning. The two together made an impact.

    I love vs. 31 - "If God be for us, who can be against us?" was a quote that A. Lincoln used a lot. I am always impressed by how often A. Lincoln put Bible quotes worked into his speeches. It's too bad that our leaders/politicians can't quote the Bible more today.

    I am also surprised how much Paul is referring to the "laws" - which I think he is referring to the Jewish laws (all 600+) when in Acts 15 he and the apostles agreed that Gentiles converting to Christianity did not need to follow the laws = Acts 15:10 says "Now therefore why tempt ye God, to put a yoke upon the neck of the disciples, which neither our fathers nor we were able to bear?" (Spoken by Paul) IN other words - why are we asking them (Gentiles) to follow laws that we are not following. And, in Acts, Paul and Peter agree they do not need to be circumcised. However, Paul does circumcise some (ex. Timothy) and now in Romans talks about the laws continually - how one should obey the laws because they outline what is sin and what is not. And yet the letter goes to the people of Rome - a church of mostly Gentiles and some Jews. It's a bit confusing. I do, however, totally understand the point that Paul is trying to make - it just seems like he is talking a lot about the laws that most Gentiles do not even know or ever followed - as Gentiles or as Christians.

    I also didn't realize that, according to Paul, the only way we are children of God is through faith in God's unique Son and being led by God's Spirit. God loves all of us, his creation, but we are not His children without the faith and living our lives by following faith. I didn't realize this. Vs. 14-17.

    Starting with vs. 18 Paul supports what you were saying this morning, Pastor. We WILL face trials and tribulations but it will all be worth it in the end.

    It almost seems like Paul is talking of the Spirit as something separate of God. Vs. 26 says that the Holy Spirit knows how to pray and will intercede for us to God and God knowing our hearts also knows the mind of the Spirit. (vs. 26 and 27) ???

    Vs. 38 and 39 are definitely worth printing and putting on my bathroom mirror.

    Cathy, I do see what you are saying. But in Chapter 2 Paul does say that God will judge people on what they know. If they have not heard, they must follow the "natural" laws - to go against those would be the sin. Natural laws being helping each other, taking care of those sick or poor, respecting parents. Is this correct, Paul? I guess people not knowing or not hearing is my sin - since I am not following the Great Commission given by Jesus. And that is sad. I agree, I do want God's love for everyone and I want everyone to know that love. And I THINK Paul is saying that God does love all his creation, we are just not all his "sons and daughters".

    Cindy, I hope your weekend with your family was wonderful.

    Clara, I can't tell you how wonderful it was to see you today!!!!!

    Jack, did you know that in Israel they know where Peter's mother-in-law lived? And proof that Pontius Pilate lived? Just throwing that out there as back-up! smile But I feel the same way - I have always believed in God/Jesus, but when I live my life as I should, I am so much happier and at peace.

  6. An impact? Like an impacted wisdom tooth? Ha! At least someone listened!
    It would be an interesting study (for lack of better words) to examine the religiosity of our national leaders over time and correlate that to their "track record"' I wonder if we would see any correlations? Keep in mind- the Bible can be used as a weapon too!
    About your comment re: Paul and the law. He was talking about the Judaic laws. Remember- Paul wrote Romans while he was in Corinth in mid 50s; Acts was written by Luke in mid-late 80s. So we have two different authors, two different time periods, two different audiences. In addition- Paul's letter to the Romans was addressed to both Gentiles and Jews (but primarily to the Jews) showing that salvation is available to both "nations" regardless of the laws they follow. The point Paul was trying to make is that the laws are good for showing us the standards that we should have (with respect to goodness and holiness). The Jews would often get hung up on "those Gentiles not having to follow the law" and Paul is saying that they (the Jews) don't have to either.
    The faith that we have allows us to be "adopted" as God's children. Right- God does love everything- but the faith is what matters. We need to have faith in God before God can "fully" accept us.
    The Holy Trinity is hard to discuss and describe. We can think of them as three separate entities- God, Son and Spirit. Sometimes they act "individually" and sometimes they act corporately. We can use the egg analogy or the apple analogy, but the idea is the same...three different yet same components. I agree that in these passages, Paul sees God and the Spirit as separate entities. He also tends to separate God and Son for many discussion too. I thin for Paul, it is probably easier to discuss/describe the tree as separate when talking to a varied audience. People have difficulties imagining the Trinity as One. Interesting side note- in plants- they have a reproductive cycle called "alternation of generations." It is a complex "system" that we don't really see...unless we look at mosses. There are two different "life forms" of mosses that exist (and other plants too- we just don't see them as easily). Gametophytes and sporophytes are the "classes"- they look different but are both mosses. Nature lesson next time I see you!
    I so love the ending of this chapter- but we need to remember it is faith that needs to be in the mix!
    Yes, the natural laws are the laws that all organisms have for the "maintenance" of a stable community- the basic common morals people/ organisms should have. Like you say, Donna- I think many of us fail at the Great Commission because of our lack of interaction and edification of "those people" that don't know.
    Lots to think about and teach about! Thanks for the comments!


A Final Post

 Good morning. We did it! The entire New Testament in a year. that is quite a feat! Thank you all for your dedication and work. It wasn'...