Friday, June 18, 2021

Matthew 4

 Good morning. I hope you all had a good day yesterday and are expecting a good day today too! I am having some friends from school come over for dinner to celebrate the end of the school year. It will be fun to see them- but some yard work has to happen first!!

This morning we read about Jesus' temptation in the desert and the beginning of his ministry as he selects some disciples. These are all familiar stories for us- so let's see what we usually don't see in them!

After Jesus identifies with the sinners through the ritual of baptism, he again identifies with us as he ventures to the desert to be tempted. It is interesting that it was the Spirit that led Jesus to temptation (v 1)! The Spirit does not tempt us, but may lead us to places where we will be tempted- not to prove something to God, but to prove to us we have strength. The devil is the one that tempts Jesus- and us. 

Jesus, after fasting for 40 days and nights (v 2), was very weak- physically and probably emotionally. He was most vulnerable at that point. When are we most vulnerable to temptation? 40 days is a significant Biblical number and comes up often, especially in the Hebrew scriptures. 

Matthew writes (v 3), "The devil came..." (some translations say, "When the tempter came...). The point is not if the devil will come to tempt- the idea is that the devil will come! The devil suggests that Jesus use His divine power to create food for  himself (v 3). Jesus could have simply ignored the devil, but he verbally responded with text from Deuteronomy 8:3, "The words of God are more filling than bread." Jesus uses scripture to fight the devil. He was well versed in the Hebrew scriptures. Do we respond verbally to the temptations we face? Can we respond using Scripture?

In the next temptation, we can see that the devil can quote Scripture too (v 6) using Psalm 91:11-12! Just because someone quotes Scripture doesn't mean they are good people! Jesus fires back with a quote from Deuteronomy, "It also says, don't test God!" Jesus doesn't mention testing himself- he brings up God! Do we test God? 

In the final temptation, the devil tempts Jesus to bypass the cross (v 8).  It is interesting the words the devil use saying (v 9), "I will give you all these..." Does that mean that the devil currently owns them or have power over them? Does the devil have control over things (us) in our current world? Jesus shoos the devil away using words from Deuteronomy 6. Is that all we have to do to shoo away temptation? The angels come and take care of Jesus. Do they do the same for us when we shoo away the devil?

Jesus hears that John the Baptist has been arrested. (Spoiler alert...John was arrested by Herod and is eventually beheaded at the request of his daughter-in-law, Salome, and her mother, Herodias. Mark 6:14+). John was in Galilee when this arrest happened, so Jesus returned there (v 12) to continue spreading John's message and to begin his public ministry. Evil may silence one voice, but it cannot silence a movement. The area o Galilee is about the size of Connecticut and had a population of about 3 million people, many Gentiles, but a significant number of Jews. Jesus made his home base in Capernaum (v 13); he was kicked out of Nazareth (Luke 4:16-30). In addition, this is the area where Matthew and Peter lived! The move to this town is not told in the other Gospels, but it is common in those gospels that Capernaum is the home base for Jesus' Galilean ministry. Matthew brings up a prophecy from Isaiah 9:1-2 (v 15-16) to "confirm" this move.

Jesus takes up John's message (v 17) using the same words as John. Thus begins Jesus' preaching and teaching ministry. John started the message- Jesus continued and went further. 

Jesus sees Simon (Peter) and Andrew working at fishing (vv 18-20) and calls them to active ministry. They immediately followed. God calls people when they are active at work, rather than sitting being idle. The calling from Jesus would be "typical" of a rabbi; rabbis often had disciples that followed them and that were taught by the rabbi. Simon and Andrew left behind things to follow Jesus. What do we leave behind when we follow Jesus?

Matthew gives us fast paced synopsis of Jesus' first ministry opportunities (vv 23-25). Matthew shows us Jesus' teaching/ preaching skills and his power/authority over disease and illness...and even the demons. People started to talk and wonder about Jesus and he began to get a following. Did they follow to see if he was real or to know more about God? There were many instances of prophets and people that came before Jesus that proclaimed things like Jesus. Is this guy for real? Is this guy for real?

In the next chapter, we follow Jesus with more teaching and preaching and Matthew's rendition of the Beatitudes. 

Have a great weekend and enjoy the time with God!

Pastor Paul


  1. Jesus temptation was great 40 days of fast and very weak Usually we are tempted in a day or so without even fasting one day. My bible says that after Jesus told Satan to leave and after he left that hte angels came and cared for Jesus I don't remember hearing this before
    Now Matthew goes straight Jesus ministry after he heard of John the Baptist's arrest but it does not mention what happens to John Matthew does say that Jesus preached to Repent of sins as john had said also. Jesus then chooses 4 disciples Who immediately follow him Did These disciples know of Jesus and what he preached? Why would they immediately follow Jesus without knowing about him and what he was preaching.. Matthew is vague on this issue even tho we know from other texts . Then Matthew goes into Jesus TEACHING, PREACHING and HEALING This is what Jesus ministry comprised of plus all the parables which was a form of his teaching, I think?? It will be interesting to see what Matthew next says of Jesus ministry.

    Have a good weekend everyone enjoy the nice days>

    1. Good point Clara- we are tempted (probably) daily- but we don't fast! Weakness from food is an overwhelming weakness. Like you point out- the angels cared for Jesus after the time in the desert. What does that mean for us?
      Matthew doesn't give us information about John...we hear about it in Mark 6:14-29
      Good question- did the disciples know Jesus' mission? They probably knew about him as they grew up in the same area- but did they know what he stood for?
      Matthew has some good stories with a very different view on things.
      Good comments CLara. Thanks

  2. The tempter waits until Jesus is very "stressed" by being extremely hungry and tired but of course, Jesus prevails and angels come and take care of him. This idea really speaks to me because its very hard to make good decisions or to not be swayed in some way when I am stressed. Just because of my personality, I think, I tend to be stressed quite a bit. (I have to say that the idea of angels coming to take care of me sounds pretty nice!). Luckily, I can pray and ask for guidance, or that my mind be calmed, or just that I make a good decision.
    It seems like after John the Baptists death, Jesus' ministry is in full swing. Jesus makes disciples of many even though they do not know that he is who he is. I still wonder why he wasn't been visible during the his earlier life. Wouldn't it have been easier for people to identify with his ministry if he had been? So much to think about.
    It has turned into a very warm Sunday. I have been picking strawberries but can only do it for a short time. The heat gets to me. Hope you all have a good Father's Day.

    1. Cathy, I so agree - being ministered by angels does sound quite wonderful!

    2. We are most easily tempted when we are stressed angels care for us as we are going through those temptations?
      Right- Jesus jumps into ministry with both feet when he hears about John!
      I assume Jesus was active in his earlier years- just we have no record. There are some non-cannonical texts that talk about his childhood- good reading. I am sure the people knew of Jesus, but they certainly didn't understand or know his theology and mission.
      Good thoughts Cathy! Thanks

  3. I am beginning to love Matthew's way of doing the gospel. It's like bullets that you can easily remember!! It is odd that the devil does lead Jesus into the wilderness to be tempted. But the Spirit must know that this is part of what Jesus needs to experience to enhance his teaching. Sort of like someone giving marriage advice but not having been married. Isn't that the truth - it is easy to fall to temptation when life is not going well!! And it makes sense that the 'devil' would know the Scriptures - he was a fallen angel! I know that Jesus picked his disciples before turning water into wine, but I thought that was the beginning of his ministry? And I also thought that Andrew and Philip met Jesus when he was baptized at the Jordan and began to follow him immediately ?? And Andrew brought Simon/Peter to Jesus?? Vs. 23 says that Jesus, along with healing, preached the kingdom in the synagogues. So he was able to preach in the synagogues??

    Hope your dinner went well and your weekend wasn't tooooo quiet!!!

    1. Matthew is more of the short bullet type stories!
      The Holy Spirit took Jesus to be tempted...and the devil had a great time with it. Similar to the story of Job where God allows Satan to "play" with Job, as long as he doesn't kill him. Does God/Holy Spirit lead us to temptations? your questions about the disciples are showing the the gospel accounts are all slightly different! Hmmm!!
      Each author says slightly different things to look at slightly different points of Jesus' ministry. We get an almost full picture when we read all four gospels (but especially the three synoptic gospels).
      Re: preaching in the synagogues- he was treated as a rabbi/teacher, so he had "privilege" Tradition says if there is a travelling teacher/rabbi/ important person coming through town- they are allowed to preach.
      Great dinner with friends an busy weekend!!
      Thanks for the comments Donna


A Final Post

 Good morning. We did it! The entire New Testament in a year. that is quite a feat! Thank you all for your dedication and work. It wasn'...