Thursday, December 23, 2021

A Final Post

 Good morning.

We did it! The entire New Testament in a year. that is quite a feat!

Thank you all for your dedication and work. It wasn't easy. Thanks for the comments and thoughts that made more do more research and work and that made me, at times, look at things from a different perspective! 

This platform was ok for Bible study, but it would have been great to have some of these discussions in person! I have no idea what the immediate future brings, but I am planning on some in-person Bible study times. Please pay attention to email.

A quick outline:

January- new member classes and orientation

February- maybe one of the minor prophets? Micah? Malachi? Haggai? Habakkuk?

March- Lent- maybe a book study?

May you have a blessed and peaceful Christmas. Cherish the family you can be with. May Christ be with you all.

Pastor Paul

Wednesday, December 22, 2021

Revelation 22

Good morning...our last one together! Can you believe it!?

Yesterday was such a beautiful day! Wonderful sunshine and pleasant temperatures outside. I did lots of church work (finish Blue Christmas, finish Christmas eve, start Sunday after Christmas). I am tired of thinking theology!

The beginning of this chapter is a description of the inside of the New Jerusalem followed by a closing from John in his epilogue.

The first thing John is shown by the angel is the River of Life that flows through the city. Water has always been associated with life and power and redemption. It flows directly from the throne of God- so it has to be good and pure and holy.

The Bible begins with the Tree of Life and it returns here at the end. A huge, beautiful tree that spans the river producing a different fruit each month- so time is measured in heaven. 12 fruits- 12 tribes- 12 apostles. 

The leaves will be used for healing of the nations- but God took away all pain and bad. Another translation for the original Greek "therapein" is health giving- so good health. The English word therapeutic is derived from it. 

And what joy- there will be no cure- no tension between people, no hate, no pain. I can't even begin to imagine what that would be like! We will get to see God- face to face. The Jewish faith believes that a person will die immediately if they see God; that is why God is always hidden in a cloud or fire or behind a veil. Until now- then we will all see God. What does God look like?? Like Satan claimed his people with the mark of "666" on their foreheads, God's people will be recognized and claimed by God as God's name will be on their forehead.

These last closing lines are words from several different "people" (angels, John, etc) so it is hard to distinguish exactly who is saying what. John begins with an admonition from the angel that all this is true- and then Jesus comes in with "I am coming soon!"

Like before. John falls to the ground and begins worshipping the angel but is quickly chastised (again) by the angel! No created being is to be worshipped- only God. We are fellow servants with the angels!

It sounds as if the angel is saying to leaves these words open for people to read. Jesus is coming quickly, so there will be no time to change. Evil people will still do evil, good will still do good.

Again- Jesus with " I am coming quickly" There is quite a sense of urgency! Then the words, "repay according to everyone's works." Not this controversy again! I think the concept is that our faith will guide us to do works- the works don't save us, the faith does. But that faith is evidenced in the works we do??

The "dogs" will remain outside the city. Dogs in the New Testament was a reference by Jews to Gentiles, but (I am hoping) this means dogs as in people who do not believe, the morally impure.

Jesus then echos what the angel says and authenticates the words that John wrote. To the churches. To the people. To all. These words should not be hidden or covered up. Jesus offers words of comfort to come to the water, to drink, to be satisfied. 

Warning if you tamper with the words in Revelation! Not sure if these words are from Jesus or from the angel. In most red-letter editions, these words are on black type, indicating that they are not from Jesus. However, some do have them in red!

John closes with "Amen, come!" The Aramaic word "maranatha" means "Even so, come Lord Jesus!" That is what John is saying here! Grace...grace for all!

What a great year this has been. What a great experience!  I have really enjoyed our discussions and our challenges. I know I have learned so much from doing the research and from reading your comments. I have had my eyes opened some and have solidified my faith. Thank you!

More later!

Pastor Paul

Tuesday, December 21, 2021

Revelation 21

Yikes! Was it cold yesterday! Winter comes back and we are all so used to the weather we have been having that when we get "normal" temperatures- it seems cold! Nice morning now though!

Yesterday was a good day- Bible study, some church work, and then cookies and candy making with Sherri. And some outside time with Finn.

I can't believe we are almost done! It has been a long year but a good one!

And in this chapter- some good news....Finally- all things will be made new!

John sees and talks about a new heaven and a new earth-- a theme that has been the focus of many Hebrew prophets and mentioned quite often in the New Testament. In the original Greek, the word "kaine" is used and translated to "new"; kaine means fresh or new in character rather than new in chronology. It isn't just the next heaven and earth- it is better, it is fresh, it is exciting! Is this a spiritual/ religious newness or it is physically a new creation? Did God create a new earth, or did God refresh the one we are currently on? There are many discussions and controversies about this question! The sea is gone; in Judaic theology, the seas represent evil and is a separation from God- so it would make sense (to the Jewish congregations) that the sea is gone- evil is gone.  

A new Jerusalem comes down from the heavens; the old Jerusalem fell to the Romans, so there "needed" to be a new city. This one is fresh and beautiful; John uses the imagery of a beautiful bride getting ready for her wedding. The most beautiful thing anyone will see is their life partner coming to them down the aisle at their wedding. 

The home of God (the tabernacle in some translations) is now with people. There is no separation between God and people; God and people reside in the same place. God's purpose and goal has come to fruition- God and people dwelling together. The new Jerusalem is distinguished by what it does not have- tears, pain, mourning, death. 

God, the One sitting on the throne, then makes a declarative and authoritative statement, "I am making all things new!" John must have been so excited or astonished or in awe that he wasn't writing as God reminds him- "write this down!"

Completion. A to Z (alpha to omega), beginning to end- everything is now complete. We all know the life qualities of water; we all know the need for water. God states that the water of life is available to those that want. Do some people not want? I guess, because the lake that burns with fire and sulfur is also "offered" to people!

An angel from the plagues comes and takes John to "see the Lamb's wife". The Lamb's wife is Jerusalem- the new Jerusalem. John describes the beauty of the new Jerusalem- shining with the glory of God; the twelve gates with the names of the twelve tribes of Israel- so all Jews are included. The foundations had the names of the twelve apostles- the foundation of the Christian church is the apostles- so all Christians are included.

One artist's image of the New Jerusalem

If we follow the dimensions of the city (it is the shape of a square): 1500 miles (it is about 1100 miles between Binghamton and Orlando FL- FYI). If we calculated the square footage- it would approximate the size of the moon! A cubit is the distance from longest fingertip to your elbow (about 18 inches); the wall was 144 cubits (which would equal about 216 feet tall)! Made of jasper, gold, sapphire...all precious stones- showing glory and holiness.

New Jerusalem
(Ryan Jeremy Leaver)

Shockingly, there is no temple! The temple is where God lived, and if God is present and resides with the people- then there doesn't need to be a temple! Another way to look at it- the entire city is the temple of God- since that is where God is now presently living! And if God is present, there doesn't need to be moon or sun since God's glory and brightness with shine enough! The people that remain on earth will be present with God and there will no longer be any evil or hate or fear. Only goodness!

This is good news my friends! Very good news!

The beautiful imagery continues tomorrow- our final chapter of the New Testament!

Have a great rest of the day. Tonight at 7PM Blue Christmas time at Little Meadows.

Pastor Paul

Sunday, December 19, 2021

Revelation 20

 Good morning. I hope you all had a good weekend. What a strange weather weekend it much rain (again) on Saturday followed by so much wind and cold on Sunday! I guess winter is here for a while!

We are close to the end of Revelation. There has been so much destruction and death and disaster. We have seen some glimpses of the triumph of good. And there is more to come. This morning we read about Satan being bound for 1000 years and his doom...good will win,

The angel that comes from heaven is not named, so we are unsure of who it is, but their task is to condemn Satan to a pit for 1000 years. Satan may be restrained- but what about his armies/ angels? Can we assume they are restrained too? Satan is chained in a bottomless pit. For a thousand years. Then what? Has the thousand years come? Where is Satan now? There are many commentaries about this "millennium", but we are still unsure exactly what John meant and where Satan is. What is the message for us? Is the thousand years literal or not? John says after the 1000 years, "he must be let out for a little while." Is that now?

Casting Satan to the Bottomless Pit
A World without Satan: What Will It Be Like? — Revelation 20:2-3 | Prayer A to Z (

John then sees thrones- are these the same thrones of the 24 elders he has seen several times? These saints will reign for the same 1000 years that Satan is in prison. John also sees those that were martyred for Jesus. They survived- even if they didn't survive in earthly life. Christ is faithful to those that stood up for Christ...even to the end. They were resurrected, just as Christ was. 

I am troubled by the next verse. These martyrs are blessed in this first resurrection, but the "rest of the dead" did not come to life until later and were not blessed (vv 5-6). Why are not all the dead blessed?

After the 1000 years of Satan being in chains, he is released! Will there be another rebellion against God? Sounds like there may be some more battles to come?! Gog and Magog are enemies of Israel in Ezekial (38-39). This may be a symbolic reference to more troubles. Happily (?) fire reigns down from heaven and they are defeated- there is no real fight as it seems to be over before it has begun. Satan looses and is thrown into the fiery pits of hell. This is the last we see of Satan...thankfully!

John then sees a white throne with Jesus seated upon it; people are trying to escape this final judgement...but there is no escaping. "The books" are opened; the Book of Life was opened. The dead were judged by their works- what? I though it was more than works?! Didn't Paul preach/ teach about faith? Is it really works that we are judged on? Or is it more of looking at our relationship with God?

Death and Hades give up the dead. Death- the result of sin; Hades- the result of death is gone and those that were there are judged by the book. If they "pass" they are given salvation; if they fail- they are condemned to the second death- eternal life with Satan. 

This is a tough chapter. There are some disturbing images and thoughts. Where are we? Where am I? Where are the people I love? There are still so many questions. But, as I have said many times, we cannot over analyze Revelation or we lose the meaning of the story.  

Two more chapters- and they are both full of goodness and newness. 

Have a great rest of the day.

Pastor Paul

Friday, December 17, 2021

Revelation 19

 Wow! What a beautiful day we had yesterday?! I cannot believe the warmth and sunshine! Sherri had the day off so after I got some church work done, we harvested the tree. We took the top 8 feet of a 20-foot tree in our back field. It will be going up Saturday. Christmas is coming! Sherri and I are planning a day in Corning today- but will (hopefully) be back in time for the Christmas Party at Little Meadows!!

Finally, we get some good visions from John! Babylon, both the spiritual and commercial cities are destroyed. John hears a great multitude praising God. In Revelation 7:9-14 we saved a great multitude from the Tribulation; maybe these are the same "great multitude"?

"Hallelujah" is sung several times in this chapter. It is the Hebrew word for "Praise the Lord!" Remember, this was shouted to Jesus on his entry to Jerusalem on Palm Sunday. In the last chapter, the "friends" of Babylon mourned her fall; now God's people are praising God and celebrating the fall of Babylon. The great multitude focuses on the great works of judgement God has done for them. 

The multitude continues with the 24 elders and the 4 creatures join in. Loud, enthusiastic, heart-felt, emotional worship from these saved. If only our worship could mimic that?! Just imagine these words and the feeling of relief and love they feel and represent! The excitement! The power!

The "marriage of the Lamb" has come. Jesus has always been with humanity, but this new relationship will be more close- like a marriage between two loving and caring people. In Hebrew scriptures, the bride is represented by Israel; in New Testament scriptures, the church is represented as the bride. In biblical times, the marriage consisted of two events. The betrothal was the first event (think long-term committed engagement) and then finally the wedding- with a big multiday feast (v 9). The wedding is about to happen (so have the last 2000 years been the "engagement" period?). Are we ready for the wedding? How do we make ourselves ready? It is God's work in us that dresses us in the "fine linen, bright and pure" (v 8). We get assurances from the angel (v 9) that these are true words. 

In shock and awe (?), John falls to worship the angel and the angel responds with, "Hey, I am just like you!" Shouldn't John have known worshipping an angel was not the right thing to do? Or did he have a moment of over-excitement? It seems as the angel chastises John (v 10) as a result of this "blunder".

Jesus returns riding a white horse. Horses were modes of transportation for the kings; the white denotes power, purity, and victory. How appropriate that Jesus rode into Jerusalem on a horse, and he rides into the new earth on a horse! 

The fire in Jesus' eyes represent that Jesus can see us through and through- there is nothing hidden from Jesus. The many (ten) crowns show that Jesus is King of all kings and nations. Usually a king wears just one, so when the King wears many, He is in control of many! One of the last times we saw Jesus, he had a crown of thorns. His robe is dipped or sprinkled with blood, maybe His from the crucifixion, maybe the blood of his enemies? The "sword in his mouth" is symbolic of the power of God's words; Christ conquers by the power of his words.

"The Return of Jesus"
(Todd Thomas)

Another angel "invites" John and the birds of the air to gather for the "great supper". This will be the final battle. he final battle between Satan and Jesus. Jesus, riding in on a white horse, will certainly defeat Satan (all the flesh that the birds will consume). 

This is the final battle of Armageddon. The final battle seems almost anticlimactic! The beast and his armies gathered together to wage war against Jesus, only to be thrown into the lake of fire (the beast) or be killed by the sword (the armies). The lake of fire is also a name for Hell. But I guess what did we expect?!

In the next chapter, an angel comes and binds Satan to hell- but only for 1000 years?!

On that note- have a good weekend! Possible snow tomorrow. It may begin to look like Christmas!

Pastor Paul

Thursday, December 16, 2021

Revelation 18

 Good day yesterday. A few small errands, lectionary, and lunch at McCoys. The food was great, and I highly recommend their lunch menu! Good conversation and lots of chatter outweighed the dark gray rainy day we had!

This chapter announces the fall of Babylon. Is it the same Babylon as in chapter 17- some people say yes, some people say no. Some people say that the chapter 17 Babylon is a "religious" center, some say that the chapter 18 Babylon is a "commercial" center. I don't think it matters and maybe the two are somehow connected. This is a long chapter, but not much to comment on since it all seems quite logical!

The angel coming down is filled with the glory of God as seen in the shining of the angel and the angel announces (twice) that Babylon has fallen. The angel then briefly announces the faults of Babylon (idolatry, pride, greed, drunkenness to name a few!). The second angel comes and calls for the good people to depart from the ruins (see also the story of Lot in Genesis 19).  There are several stories that call people away from unrighteous cities.

One artist's rendition of the Fall

God will give to Babylon exactly what Babylon has given to God (vv 6+). The Hebrew texts frequently reference double paybacks- so God will double the vengeance to Babylon. The angel brings up Babylon's self-indulgence, pride, and avoidance of suffering. The end of Babylon will be quick and powerful because of all the evil there. 

Neighboring kingdoms will see evidence of the destruction (and they are probably just as guilty!). The fire will be so great that neighboring kingdoms will feel the heat. There are a few accounts of the fall of Rome (by fire), that the fire was so intense that it could be felt a few miles away. The merchants (of unnecessary and overly luxurious items) will mourn at the loss of their income. The people that would buy these items are all burned a destroyed anyway!. The ships that used to harbor at Babylon are all mourning at the loss of their port (but they also participated in the lusts of the city).

Rejoice says the angel (v 20). Should we rejoice at the judgement of others that is happening?

The angel then picks up a big millstone (see Matthew 18:6), announcing that this commercial, luxurious, sinful city will fall as quickly as the millstone did to the ocean bottom, There will be desolation- no music, no people, no power structures- nothing. 

Throwing the millstone in the seas
(Thomas Griffin)

The angel ends with an even more "real" reason for the fall of Babylon- the city aided in the shedding of blood of the prophets and martyrs. God is personally offended when God's people are harmed. 

That's it! Babylon is gone. The next chapter begins the praise in heaven and the return of Jesus. We are almost done!

Have a great rest of the day!

Pastor Paul

Wednesday, December 15, 2021

Revelation 17

 Wow! What another beautiful day we were blessed with yesterday! After a great Bible study, I spent most of the day running some errands and getting some last-minute things done. But I did have some time to get outside and (as my mom used to say) "get the stink blown off me"! Today looks like another good one! It is lectionary day for me and then lunch at McCoys! I have never been there, so I am excited! By the way- the sunrise this morning was beautiful!

This morning's sunrise!

Today's reading focuses on Babylon and the "Great Whore of Babylon". Babylon is mentioned about 300 times in the Bible; it is the second most named city after Jerusalem! Babylon was a real city at one time; it is associated with idol worship, lust, greed, and the persecution of God's people. In John's time, Babylon often referred to Rome.

Some backstory to "help" things?! Babylon was a religious city, but their religion was founded on Semiramis, the wife of Nimrod (great grandson of Noah). She claimed to have given birth to a son (Tammuz) without having intercourse who was called the Messiah. He was reportedly killed by a wild beast and then brought back to life a few days later. Story sound familiar?! Ezekial (8:4) protests worship of Tammuz.

Babylon is an international character, as she sits on many waters (v 1). This "woman" is a false religion that will persuade many nations to come to her idolatry. Remember- Rome at this time was a powerful international force that "persuaded" many people to follow their way. A powerful system (religious or otherwise) can make people "drunk" and they will follow them. This is Babylon- the false idol making people think she is the way to follow. 

The angel that John is with (one of the seven that poured out the plagues) takes him to the wilderness and John sees the whore (Babylon) riding the demon beast we met in 13:1- Satan, the Antichrist. She is associating with the Antichrist! Her riding shows that they are intimately associated- she is in control, yet still relies on the power of the beast. If you have ever ridden a horse- you know that feeling. You are in control yet dependent upon the power of the horse. She wears purple and scarlet- colors of royalty and splendor. Roman prostitutes often wore a headband with their name on it; this whore of Babylon had her name on her forehead! She is the embodiment of Satan's world and revels in the fact that people have spilled their blood (the martyrs).

"The Whore of Babylon"
1523, woodcut, Hans Burgkmair

John is amazed (v 6) at the pseudo-religious aspect of delighting in the blood of the martyrs! The angel goes on to explain who the whore is and who the beast is. The seven heads are related to the seven mountains; Rome and the Catholic papacy is identified here. Rome is known as the city of seven hills (mountains). Some see it as the seven kingdoms identified in 17:10. The majority of theologians see Rome and the Catholic church here. The early Roman Catholic Church wanted complete universal control of the world. The angel talks about the seven heads- each head represents a king or empire. The five kings that have fallen may have been the five Roman emperors that predated John or may have been the empires Egypt, Assyria, Babylonia, Meso- Persia, and Greece. One refers to Rome during John's time, and the one to come is the revival of the Roman empire (maybe??). The seventh king is the clearly the beast (Satan).

The angel then talks about the horns. There are 10. There is no clear idea who the ten are (some think the nations of the European Economic Community). Whoever these ten are, they will ally with Satan, the Beast and wage war on Jesus (the Lamb). The whore comes back wielding power and influence on all of these nations and kings. 

There is a turn of events though. The Whore has helped the beast, but once the beast gets what "he" wants, the Beast will destroy the whore.  Once Satan gains control, Satan will have no need for Babylon and will destroy Babylon. God will use the ten kings (the horns of the beast) to do God's will and destroy Babylon. Will God use an evil group to further God's goal?

The angel concludes by saying "that woman was the great city". Rome was the great city during John's time. Is this story prophesying the fall of Rome? Rome did fall eventually. Food for thought!

Some confusion here in this chapter, but an interesting read! Tomorrow we read more of the fall of Babylon!

Have a great day! Thanks for the hard work. I cannot believe we are almost done!

Pastor Paul

Tuesday, December 14, 2021

Revelation 16

Good morning! What a beautiful sunny day yesterday. I completed some church work here at the house and then was called to my neighbor to help him with a few things. It was good to be out! Today is Bible study at the church and then a day of errands and running around. Lots of little things to do but I imagine it will take all day!!

Spoiler alert- today's readings are quite harsh!

John hears a voice coming from the tabernacle. It must be God's voice since all people were restricted in 15:8. The voice commands the angels to pour out the contents of their bowls upon the earth. Some commentaries (and I would agree that even we) think these are very harsh and so "earth" could be symbolic of: the Roman empire, the common people, the Roamn Catholic clergy, only some parts of the earth, or it could mean the whole thing! God initiates the horrific things that are to happen. Some of these are reminiscent of the plagues upon Egypt (boils, water turned to blood, and darkness of the sun).

The first bowl brings painful sores (boils) to the people marked by the beast ("666"); they were marked first by the beast; they are now marked by God. The sea is next; there was partial contamination (8:8), but now everything dies. The fresh waters are next; they too were partially contaminated (8:10). Such ecological disaster! Humanity cannot survive too much longer- Jesus had better come quickly! The angel songs a song, and approves Gods' punishment- they caused the blood of the martyr's to be spilled- so it is appropriate that they are forced to drink blood!

The sun becomes so hot that people are burned as if by fire; they had the chance to repent- but continued cursing God! Darkness comes to the entire earth (Jesus in Matthew 25:30 describes hell as the outer darkness) as a preview of hell. 

The Euphrates River dries up; for Rome, this was an important river of protection for their city. It was 1800 miles long and between 300 and 1200 yards wide. If the Euphrates dried up- it would have become like a road leading directly to Rome. Invading armies from China, India, Japan could march directly into Rome.

The dragon is watching all this and frogs come from its mouth. Jews considered frogs unclean; Egyptians had a goddess that was a frog! The idea is that these evil spirits (frogs) are coming from the dragon to contaminate the remainder of the world and call together nations to battle God. In the midst of this battle preparation though, we hear "I am coming like a thief in the night"- a warning to be prepared for Jesus' victory. They gather at Armageddon; the "real" battle of Armageddon was fought in Chapter 17.

The final bowl is emptied and God shouts, "It is finished" (words that Jesus said on the cross!). The fall of Babylon, the "great city" (described in chapters 17 and 18) occurs. Hail (up to 100 pounds) falls to destroy the cities of the world. People still do not repent! Will they (we) ever learn?

Again- a short chapter but filled with complete destruction. There are still two more chapters if destruction before goodness. 

Monday, December 13, 2021

Revelation 15

 Good morning group! Hope you all had a great weekend- and what a crazy weekend we had with the wind and the power outages. Others certainly had it worse and our thoughts go to the people of Kentucky and other places that were hit hard with tornadoes. I can't even begin to imagine how that must feel.

My Bible begins with "Then I saw another portent..." A portent (I think I defined this before but needed to look up again for myself!) is a sign or warning that something calamitous is about to happen. Oh no! Not again! Seven angels come with the final plagues of God. After this- God will have completed the work God has to do. The wrath of God will have completed an eternal purpose. This isn't God just blowing off steam and throwing things- this is God working out God's plan. Still doesn't sound like a God of love and peace! More about the angels in a short while.

John also sees a "sea of glass" (possibly meant to reflect the image of God) that had fires on it (to remind us of the fires of judgement). Fires, red in color, may also remind the Hebrew people of the Red Sea and the Exodus from Egypt- a delivery from bondage- the fires represent the delivery from bondage to sin. Those that had conquered the beast- although many were martyrs- they survived and are rewarded with eternal life. The tribulation is still progressing (we have more to go), so these are not the survivors of the tribulation- but those that have faith. These survivors have harps (as did the 24 elders in 5:8); they worship with music. The song they sing is known by two names: the song of Moses and the song of the Lamb. One song that gives us a union between Law (Moses) and Love (Lamb), between the "Old" (Moses) and "New" (Jesus) Covenant. The song praises God's works, ways, worthiness, and worship. These martyrs are focused on God, the pronoun "you" comes up many times in this brief song.

The heavenly tabernacle John sees is based on Exodus 25:8-9; the tabernacle that God instructed Moses to make is based on a plan in heaven. The seven angels that John saw earlier are the same seven he tells us about now- they come directly from the tabernacle, directly from the place of God; they are working on authority from God. Each angel is given a bowl of judgement that will be poured out. They were probably more like saucers than bowls. This style of dish was used in sacrifices as the contents were easily poured out. 

(, "Seven Angels- Seven Plagues")

The coming judgement cannot be stopped as God fills the tabernacle with smoke. The end of the earth as we know it is coming quickly.

The words today were not bad to read, but they are setting up some drastic and horrible plagues for the next chapter. The next few days of reading will be tough, but there is good coming!

Have a good day. Enjoy the time. More tomorrow

Pastor Paul

Friday, December 10, 2021

Revelation 14

Good morning group! Good day yesterday. Sherri worked from home, so it was strange having someone else (other than Finn) in the house with me! Got enough work done to be able to sit out in the woods for a few hours yesterday- didn't see anything- except for two hairy woodpeckers (picture below, not mine) that were moving from tree to tree looking for insects! It was fun watching them!

Today we begin to see some good and signs that God is active; the beasts will eventually be defeated!

John sees Jesus (the Lamb) with the 144,000 we met back in chapter 7; they are identified by their marks and are Jewish "ministers" who are active during the Tribulation. Satan's followers have their mark ("666") on their foreheads, these people have God's mark on them! Zion is the ancient name for the hills that surround Jerusalem. God's voice booms from the heavens, harps (Rev 5:8, some of the elders had harps) begin playing, and they all sing a new song. Something new and different is coming!

These 144,000 are pure ("virgins") but not necessarily all female. We tend to use the word virgin in description of females, but the Greek "partehnos" can be used for either male or female. The idea is that they were pure and holy; they are Jewish followers and clearly believe in Jesus as they "follow the Lamb wherever He goes".

Another angel comes from the heavens and proclaims the Gospel- and it is to all people (as per Matthew 24- we don't get to decide!). The angel tells the world what to do- fear God, judgement is coming! ANoter angel comes announcing the fall of Babylon (more in chapter 17). This "Babylon" could literally represent the historical city, or Rome, or another political or religious system. Whoever this Babylon is, it spiritually corrupted the world. The third angel comes and announces the fall and torment of the followers of Satan (the full strength of God's wrath and vengeance) - those with the mark of the beast on them. The torment is real and our vision of hell- fire and burning sulfur and smoke. Interesting that the holy angels and Jesus will be there while this is happening. God is present even in hell!

In contrast, those that are the saints will rest continually. What courage and comfort for those that have fought to do good all their life, who have done the best that they can, who have believed. The works of the saints follows them to heaven and they will rest from all their labors. 

Coming out on a cloud is Jesus wearing a crown with a sickle in his hand. The purpose of a sickle is to reap the harvest of wheat or other grasses. Satan had his chance to harvest from the earth- and now it is God's turn. 

After God harvests the good, another angel comes to harvest the bad (I think this is what is going on) as they are crushed in a winepress and their blood flows as high as a horse's bridle!

These last few chapters have been the "Battle of Armageddon" (I think Donna T brought that up in one of her commentaries). This is the ultimate battle between good and evil- and as we see- good does win. 

This was another interesting and strange chapter! Yikes! What a great story though! Good wins!

Have a great weekend and I look forward to reading more! Almost done! I was planning on a small "graduation ceremony" in celebration of our work. Maybe in worship on December 26? Is that possible for all of us to be there (I know Jack may have a hard time! Maybe we can Zoom you in for a while?)

Pastor Paul

Thursday, December 9, 2021

Revelation 13

 Good morning church! Yesterday was a great day for me. Errands (of course, it is Wednesday) to WalMart and then groceries. Neither are too bad at 8:30AM! Then to lectionary group; the discussion was Mary's visit to cousin Elizabeth and Mary's Magnificat in Luke 1:39-56. One of the big questions we had was, "Who is our Elizabeth?" and then in follow-up, "Who are we Elizabeth to?" Some questions to struggle with!

 This morning we are introduced to two new beasts! Yahoo!

John begins with a vision of a beast coming from the sea. To most people, the ocean is a lovely, relaxing, beautiful place- but ancient Jews were terrified of the ocean, the unknown, and tit was filled with beasts! The dragon is standing on the sand of the seashore, but the beast comes up from the ocean. Remember- the dragon is Satan, so this is a new creature; this beast is very similar in looks to the dragon: seven heads, ten horns, and ten diadems. The addition is the blasphemous names on the heads. This creature is really speaking against God. John describes this beast in detail- and all the different animals it is made up of. One artistic interpretation (from Jehovah's Witness, What Is the Seven-Headed Wild Beast of Revelation 13? | Bible Questions ( is shown below.

The description offered by John is very similar to the beast in Daniel 7: the lion represented Babylon, the bear was the Medo-Persian Empire, and the leopard was the Greek Empire. Possibly the beast John sees uses the characteristics of these animals to denote the "power": leopard- catlike vigilance, bear- slow power, lion- authority and ferociousness. Some people see this beast as an overpowerful government system or overpowering culture. Whoever or whatever- the beast assumes the power that the dragon gives it!

One striking description is the mortal head wound that healed- giving even more power and fear to the beast that it could survive a mortal head wound! Possibly a symbolic commentary of the death and resurrection of Jesus?

The beast was allowed to rule for 42 months (three and a half years, 1260 days- we have seen this number before!). The end of the world is supposed to take 7 years. it is not an instantaneous thing; Satan then has power for the first half of this time. The beast will not overcome the saints (those whose names are written in the Book of Life) but will overcome and destroy those that are not in the "Book". The Book of Life (Rev 20:5) has all the names of the people that God will save/ has redeemed. John closes this part of the chapter with "LISTEN TO ME!" Do we listen?

Bored yet? Time for another beast! This one comes from the earth (as opposed to the sea). Physically it is different than the first one (this one looks more like a lamb), but has similar power although it is subordinate to the first (as it requires all people to worship the first beast). This beast seems like a Stanic prophet- guiding people to the first beast and the dragon and performing "signs" (fire raining down from the heavens) so that people will believe.

The beast marks each person under their control so they can "participate" in the economy; if you don't have the "mark" you cannot buy or sell. In ancient Greek and Hebrew, letters were assigned different numerical values. So, can we determine who the beast is if their number is "666"? People through history have done this and point to the papacy, Martin Luther, John Knox, Hitler, Mussolini, Stalin, and a few other world leaders- but these methods are mathematical gymnastics! As an aside- the letters of "Jesus" in Greek add up to 888; 888 could "represent" a holy trinity. So, the beast can't be 777 (7 denotes perfection), then the next lower number is 666. Rather than fussing about who the Antichrist may be- just be good people and believe!

Another strange chapter for us today! But, good news starts tomorrow in Chapter 14. We begin to see images of God's victory and the defeat of the beasts!

I think we should all get together and make a movie of this book! Thoughts?!

Have a good day- it is going to be a sunny one, but cool!

Pastor Paul

Wednesday, December 8, 2021

Revelation 12

 Great day yesterday! Fun Bible study using the book "Faithful" by Adam Hamilton, then home for a few hours of church work, then dinner at Blue Dolphin with my ladies from the church! And of course, Sherri too! We had an ugly sweater "contest" (hard to call it that!); Donna won- barely! 

I hope you're ready for some interesting reading! Let your imagination run free with this chapter!

This chapter begins with one of the seven "great signs" (mega semeion) that John tells us about; my Bible uses the word "portent" which is "a sign or warning that something calamitous is about to happen." This doesn't sound good! Chapters 12, 14, and 14 introduce us to the main characters of the Great Tribulation. The first is "the woman" that is symbolic of Israel. Women are usually symbolic of religion and/or religious systems (E.g., the church is referred to as "the bride); some denominations (Roman Catholic) see the woman as Mary. The twelve stars represent the twelve tribes of Israel. The child that is born represents Jesus and the pain the woman has represents the trials and difficulties of Israel under Roman occupation during the time of Jesus' birth.

The second sign is the dragon representing Satan. Satan is ready to devour and destroy Jesus, the child. The dragon is a fierce and powerful beast ready to kill and destroy; it wields great power-- seven heads and ten horns and seven diadems (jeweled crowns symbolizing ruling authority); see also Daniel 7:7-8. The dragon wipes out and brings down 1/3 of the stars from heaven; these are the "angels" that help rule with Satan. The dragon is ready to devour the child (think Herod at Jesus' birth!). 

The child (clearly a reference to Jesus) symbolizes the return of Christ as He will rule all the nations. The child is snatched up by God (for protection); the woman is also protected as she is driven to the wilderness for 1260 days (we have seen that number before!). Some people think the "place prepared by God" is Petras- a rock city south of the Dead Sea.

"The Woman and the Dragon"
(from Sabbath School Net- Seventh Day Adventist)

Spoiler alert...Surprise! War breaks out! Who would have thought of that happening?! Michael and his angels come (some [Seventh Day Adventists, Jehovah's Witnesses, et al.] believe Michael was really Jesus). The battle between good and bad begins (and continues even today!) The two greatest angels know- Satan and Michael- fight in heaven! In our life, this is a spiritual battle, but could it be real? Milton, in Paradise Lost, writes about this (Book VI, 320-334). Evil is defeated and shunned from heaven! Yah God! This is one of the descriptions of the fall of Satan (see also Ezekiel 28:14-16, Job 1:12, Zechariah 3:1, Revelation 20). Satan and his angels (the demons) are thrown to earth; remember 1/3 of the stars were Satan's angels, so 2/3 are still on the side of God!

from Archangel Michael Will Fight Satan During End Times (

A voice (unknown as who this is) announces that Satan is thrown down and humanity is redeemed! Satan can never win against the blood of Christ (blood- emphasizing Jesus' death). If we know and remember God's saving work for us and in us- Satan cannot win. Rejoice heaven- Satan is gone. But woe to earth because that where Satan now reigns! Satan's power is real and strong- but is only temporary (v 12).

The dragon (Satan), now on earth decides to go after the woman. Some see the woman (we talked about her before) as all humanity- as Satan is after all of us; some still see the woman as Israel and then therefore the Jews. Jump to v 17- "the rest of her children" may now represent the Gentiles. Why does Satan desire to attack the woman's children (if referring to Israel)- they are the chosen, they were the lineage of Jesus! The woman sprouts eagle's wings and flies to safety (think about military transport planes carrying people away from war and disaster!) for a long time (times and times and half a time). The dragon is angry and tries to flood the earth- but the earth prevents that. God saves God's people. 

Peter Dennis (Getty Images)
Are There Dragons in the Bible? ( 

Did you like this chapter? More beasts and fighting in the next one!

Hope you have a good day! Today is lectionary, errands, and church work day for me!

Pastor Paul

Tuesday, December 7, 2021

Revelation 11

 Well yesterday was a gray and windy day! Let's see what today brings!!

Our chapter today begins with John measuring the Temple of God. The rod or reed was like a meter stick or yard stick- something uniform to use for measuring a big area. Measuring communicates ownership and protection from someone. In Habakkuk 3:6, he measured the earth as God requested (translation, God owns the earth and will protect). God is in charge! We are not really sure what the "temple" is- is it the church? the earth? There is no temple in heaven (that we know of, yet). There was a temple in Jerusalem but was destroyed by Rome in 70AD. The "outer court" of the temple in Jerusalem was a place for the gentiles to gather- for some reason, this was not measured. "They will trample the holy city for 42 months" is possibly the idea that the antichrist will destroy the city of Jerusalem? The Antichrist is pouring out his fury on the city of Jerusalem?

We are now introduced to two new and unusual characters of Revelation. They are wearing sackcloth (so in repentance), they are prophets, and they are effective in ministry (God gives them power). The amount of time they prophesy (1260 days) is the same amount of time the city will be trampled. Zechariah references olive trees and lampstands (4:2-14) that are empowered by the Holy Spirit. The lampstands had a continual supply of oil from the olive trees; if we are to witness then we need to be continually fed by the Spirit. These prophets seem quite powerful- fire from their mouth, they cause drought, they cause plagues if someone tries to stop them! We don't know what they are testifying or prophesying, but it doesn't seem good if they have these powers!

When their task is complete, the beast (Revelation 9:11) will kill them. We will not be removed from earth until our testimony and witness is complete. Although these prophets are killed in Jerusalem, the city is given three names: Sodom (representing immorality), Egypt (slavery and oppression), the great city (AKA Babylon, the city of the Antichrist). The preaching and prophesying of the two witnesses called for repentance and a change in life- no wonder the people were happy when they were killed! But can you imagine celebrating with dance and parties and exchanging gifts over dead bodies?! The idea- people will never learn!

God resurrects them in 3 1/2 days. Imagine the shock and fear of the people that were celebrating! God called the prophets to heaven and there was a great earthquake that destroyed part of the city of Jerusalem (there can't be too much left!) and 7000 people (the unrepented) were killed.  The others learned (?) and praised God. Did they really? 

We don't know who the witnesses were. Some commentaries say Elijah, some say Enoch, some say Moses. Does it matter? They are calling us to task!

The seventh trumpet sounds. Heaven erupts in joy and worship. The world kingdom has become the kingdom of God. The elders, who have been silent for most of the time, fall to their knees and worship God for the things that are going to happen...the end is coming close, and God is in control. Nations are angry with God and God is going to bring wrath and judgment to those nations. God is coming to rule. The ark of the covenant is opened and God is revealed to the nations. Meteorological events of hail, thunder, rain and wind ensue.  What is God up to now?!

What a strange but interesting chapter! We next meet a woman, a dragon, and Garbiel himself. More excitement to come!

Pastor Paul

Monday, December 6, 2021

Revelation 10

 Good morning! Hope you all had a restful and nice weekend. Weather was definitely favorable! And this week is looking relatively nice too! Wind is crazy strong up here on the hill though! 

Lots of good questions and comments from the last few chapters. It is all so surreal (which is part of the point I guess!). Is this what the end will look like? Not sure if I want to experience this!

We left off with the sixth trumpet (one more to go) and the entirety of what we know is almost all destroyed! This short chapter is an interlude, a rest, to show God's mercy and an opportunity for repentance. We have been taken to the edge and now brought back a little for some thinking time! God is merciful- if we accept.

This angel that comes has a rainbow over its head- remember the symbolism of the rainbow and God's promise. This angel has a "little scroll" but we never find out what is written on it! The stance of the angel (one foot in the seas and one in the ocean) shows that the angel has dominion and control over these two components. The voice of the angel was like that of thunder; God's voice is usually represented as thunder- is this angel a representation of God? John was ready to write but was commanded not to! Many commentaries show their "frustration" at not knowing! What was God telling us? There are just some things that we will never know!

The angel raises his hand declaring an oath that the delay is over and that the last trumpet will sound. The "mystery" of God will be revealed. We don't yet know, but God's servants know! The word "mystery" is used often in our Holy texts for some of the components of God's plan: the conversion of the Jews (Romans 11:25), God's purpose for the church (Ephesians 3:3-11), the Gospel is sometimes called the mystery of Christ (Colossians 4:3). Maybe the mystery refers to the next trumpet and the end of the world?

John then gets some odd instructions. Eat the scroll that the angel has in his hand?! John took the scroll and ate it (see also Ezekiel 3:3-11); eating scrolls (Holy texts) is symbolic of the word of God nourishing us and filling us. If we are to proclaim God's word, it must truly be part of us- and not just be superficial. It had a bitter-sweet taste- like much of God's words for humanity- bitter-sweet, judgment and mercy. 

Whatever was on the scroll, there seems to be something for us all as the angel commands John to prophecy to ALL people- not just the church. The message is for all.

What an odd interlude, but we needed the break from the destruction and terror! The next chapter is a strange sequence of events- but eventually the seventh trumpet is sounded.  Things are going to get bad again! 

Have a good day and stay grounded!

Pastor Paul

Friday, December 3, 2021

Revelation 9

 What an absolutely beautiful day yesterday! After my morning church work, I got outside and spent some time soaking up sun while Finn and I did some cleaning up and moving things in preparation for winter. I didn't get out hunting- too windy. The last thing I want to do is be sitting in a tree in a windstorm! Hopefully today!

Jesus has opened the last seal on the scroll that let loose seven angels with trumpets; we have seen what four of the angels have produced- and things aren't looking too good! The first four angels and trumpets brought forth ecological destruction: vegetation, seas, fresh water, ecological cycles. Remember- the first four seals brought forth tyranny, war, famine, and death.  The last three seals were focused on heaven: cry of the martyrs, cosmic destruction, and heavenly preparation for the seven trumpets. The last three trumpets will speak of hell; today we read about angels/trumpets five and six. 

As the fifth trumpet is sounded, a "star" falls from the heavens and "he" (so it is a person not a thing) was given the key to hell. Some people believe this "star" was Nero on his fall from power, some say Satan, some even suggest that it was Jesus?! Whoever, God gives this star the key- so this being is fulfilling God's plan under the control of God. The "bottomless pit" could reference "abyssos"- a prison for demons, it could represent hell, it could represent Hades- the pit of the dead. This "star" opens the gates of the pit and locust type organisms come out inflicting terror and pain on the "unmarked" (refer to 7:3) for five months! This is an unescapable judgment from God! Those inflicted would rather die than continue being tormented. John describes the locusts, and they seem quite a strange beast! Locusts have been used often for symbols of God's judgement (remember the Exodus story!). These organisms are like Satan's airships destined for battle. They have a leader- named Abaddon (in Hebrew) which translates to destruction or torment. Not Satan, but maybe a high-ranking official of Satan!

Sharlene R. "Vision #45" (Vision #45  – The Locusts of Revelation 9 – Sharlene R – 444News (

Phew! Done with "one woe", only two more to go! Yahoo! (v 12)

The sixth angel blows the trumpet and from the golden altar near God comes the voice "Release the angels!" The altar is a representation of the people's prayers and is covered with the blood of sacrifices and burned meat. Is the voice our collective prayers? Four angels (not necessarily the same four as before, they may be and probably are, different angels) were released and given power to kill. Remember- the locusts could only torment. The Euphrates River was the boundary of Rome and was a landmark of ancient Babylon- so references to evil empires. The evil angels are released and then following come 200 million horsemen of the apocalypse. A powerful image of horror, destruction, and death of one-third of humanity! Remember- the 1/3 represents God's mercy- God could have destroyed all but chose to destroy only 1/3; in a different view- God saved 2/3!

(from Presbyterian Historical Society)

Even with all that was going on, some people still did not repent (v 20).

Yikes! I think that is enough for today! Glad these are short chapters! I want to say, enjoy the weekend- but with these images, I'm not sure how possible that will be!

Pastor Paul

Thursday, December 2, 2021

Revelation 8

 What a great day yesterday! Errands done quickly! Lectionary was interesting and stimulating! Then home to do some outside work and then sit in a tree for a few hours in the sun! I like days like that! Today is looking grey so far, but who knows! Hoping to get some barn work done and then sit in a tree for a few more hours, but the wind is crazy strong up here now, so that will keep me on the ground!

Great discussion from yesterday! Thanks! I think we have come to the conclusion that the 144,000 were from the tribes of Israel and, like Donna mentioned, they were "the chosen people" (originally). the others in the white robes were the people that were not Jews that accepted Christ. It is all confusing and like I have said a few times, the more we analyze, the more confused we (I) get!

To recap the last few days: six seals of the scroll have been removed with all the consequences; we saw the 144,000 and the great multitude from every nation. This morning, the Lamb (Jesus) opens the seventh seal and there is complete quiet in heaven for half an hour. At the end of the last chapter there was praising and singing- now nothing. Complete silence. I'm not sure about heaven, but I know thirty minutes of silence here is frightening and uncomfortable! Is heaven and earth breathing? Are the angels and people praying in silence? Is this the "calm before the storm"?

The angels that surround God's throne were given trumpets. In ancient Israel, the trumpets were sounded at the beginning of war; it was a call to battle! Another angel burned incense; incense and prayer are intimately associated with each other. The concept is that just as incense is pleasing and rises up to the air, so do our prayers rise up to God. SO here, before anything happens, a great number of prayers (there was lots of incense in the censer) are lifted up to God. It is interesting that the fires of these prayers are thrown back to earth! It is as if the prayers that have been prayed are finally coming to fruition. This sets off the angels blowing their trumpets; we don't know if these happened sequentially or simultaneously- but does it matter?

The first trumpet produced a hail and firestorm on earth. The author says there was blood- was it mixed in or as a result? Does it matter? One-third of the trees and grass are burned up. The second trumpet results in something being thrown into the ocean and the ocean turning into blood with destruction of a third of the creatures and ships. What does the mountain represent? Was it really blood? What does the sea represent- was it the Mediterranean Sea? Does it matter? The third trumpet brings forth a huge comet from the sky (some theologians say the comet represented Atilla the Hun or Genseric destroying Rome, or even Arius corrupting the Christian doctrine). Again, does it matter? Wormwood is a bitter plant, so symbolic of the bitterness and sadness of the people? Rivers and waters destroyed- again in the same proportion- one-third. The last angel in this chapter blows their trumpet and complete darkness takes control of a larger portion of the day than it should! The darkness symbolic of the terror to come. An eagle (symbolic of vengeance, often associated with Rome "swooping down" to destroy Jerusalem in 70AD) soars through the skies warning of the next three angels. Things are not looking too good here! Interesting side note- the Greek word for angel and eagle are very similar- so this may have been the angel actually flying through the air.

In these first four events, God attacks our "comforts"- food, water, daily rhythms, light. We also see God's mercy- only one-third of something was destroyed. For now, God spares more than God smites!

Tough to read, but also interesting! Have "fun" with this today!

Pastor Paul

Wednesday, December 1, 2021

Revelation 7

 Good morning. Hope you all had a good day yesterday. My day started with a great Bible study and then got better as Sherri and I did some Christmas shopping! We had fun and it was nice to try to get into the Christmas spirit. Christmas is tough for me and yesterday was good.  Today is lectionary and errands!! Wahoo! I lead and exciting life!!!

The last "event" to happen was the opening of the sixth seal that resulted in cosmic destruction.  John next sees four angels (representing the four compass points- so symbolically covering the entire world). The winds (God's destructive powers as referenced in the Hebrew scriptures) are being held back so the world is "safe" for now. 

Another angel comes out with another "seal" that will be used to mark the foreheads of the servants of God; this seal will protect them from destruction. In ancient Roman times, kings, emperors and high-status people would "mark" their property with a seal (think of cattle being branded in the wild west!). God is marking the "servants of God" with this seal. We don't know what the seal looks like. In Ezekiel 9 there is reference to a seal being used with the Hebrew letter "tau" that looks like a small t (a cross?).

144,000 people are "sealed; 12,000 from each of the 12 tribes of Israel. He is where it gets confusing! Israel (originally named Jacob, Abraham's grandson). Israel (Jacob) had 12 kids: Reuban, Simeon, Levi, Judah, Zebulun, Issachar, Dan, Gad, Asher, Naphtali, Benjamin, and Joseph. Joseph's two sons, Ephraim and Manasseh, were eventually "adopted" into the tribes (Genesis 48). As we look through the list in Revelation though, we notice Dan isn't mentioned; there is some though that the tribe of Dan produced the Antichrist (Daniel 11:37, Jeremiah 8:16); the tribe of Dan also introduced idolatry to the nation of Israel (Genesis 49:17, Judges 18:30)- so they were excluded! Also, note that Ephriam is not mentioned- but the tribe of Joseph is; Joseph represents both Ephriam and Manasseh, and since Manasseh is mentioned by name, Ephriam is assumed to be under Joseph; Ephriam was also associated with idolatry! Family relationships are tough!!

The Jehovah's Witnesses believe they are the chosen 144,000 that will be saved; their denomination is well over that number now, so only 144,000 of the group will be saved (the remainder of the group will not be!). There is much that can be discussed about this number, but it is based on 12 x 12 = 144 (twelve tribes, twelve disciples) meaning the entire "church".

John turns to see a great diversity of others; the great commission (Matthew 24:14) has been fulfilled! Heaven will be filled with many different people- different "races", tribes, ethnicities languages, etc... White robes symbolic of purity and priestly service; palm branches reminder from Jesus' entry to Jerusalem. All voices join together in worship and praise and thankfulness for salvation- that comes from God.

Image taken from The Chronology of Revelation 7 | Precepts (

One of the elders questions John about who these people are. It was important for John to know more about the group. The elder responds with, "These are the ones who have made it!" My Bible says the "great ordeal", other translations say "great tribulation". The elder uses an interesting contrast "made white in the blood"; we usually don't think of things getting cleaned or turning white by blood- but it was the blood of Christ that makes this purity happen. The redeemed have direct access to God as they are at the throne- no intermediates, no barriers, no blocking- open and continual access! The Lamb will shepherd- an ironic (? maybe not the best word choice) twist of words- lambs don't shepherd; shepherds shepherd lambs! I love the closing line- "God will wipe away every tear." I think of my mom wiping my tears away when I was a kid; I think of wiping away Jospeh's tears when he falls and gets a "boo-boo". God will have that tender care for us when we are present with God at the throne! There will be tears in heaven- but God will be there to care for us. 

This was a great mind image chapter! The next chapter, opening the seventh seal, will leave us with some great images- but they will be scary and strange!

Enjoy the day!

Pastor Paul

A Final Post

 Good morning. We did it! The entire New Testament in a year. that is quite a feat! Thank you all for your dedication and work. It wasn'...