Jesus selected his disciples earlier (6:12-16) and they have been following Jesus and witnessing what he could do for a while. It is now their turn. Jesus not only calls them together, but gives them abilities to do ministry (v 1). The selection and going out continues today as God equips those whom God calls. What special gifts do you have to do ministry? They are sent out, taking nothing, to teach and preach. In my education career, we went through so many phases-- from chalkboards with only white chalk, then they "invented" yellow chalk, and then even colored chalk! We eventually had computers and whiteboards and now Zoom. I have always said, I can teach anybody anything if you just give me time with the person. You don't need fancy equipment to teach God's message. How are you doing at teaching?
Herod (vv 7-9) wasn't a man of spiritual interest, so he was probably looking out for competition. Herod beheaded John because of John calling Herod out for what he did with his brother's wife (Matthew 14:1-12). Herod wanted to meet Jesus, but never did until the day of Jesus' crucifixion! Why do you think Jesus "avoided" meeting Herod?
In some translations, the followers of Jesus were called "disciples" in v 1; they are now called apostles in v 10 (my translation calls them apostles in both cases). A disciple is a "learner" while an apostle is "one with authority". While they certainly maintained their disciple status, they had also moved up some in the authority level. Are you more of a disciple or an apostle? As tired and as busy as Jesus is, he welcomed the crowds that followed him (v 11b), speaking volumes of his compassion and attitude for others! Jesus goes on to heal and teach. Eventually, the disciples say that the people should go away since there is no food and it is getting late. Jesus turns and says "You feed them" (v 13). Jesus responds to us the same way, telling us to "feed" them. How are you feeding those that are hungry? In John's account of the feeding of the 5000 (John 6:8-9), the bread and fish came from a young boy; there is no indication here where it came from. In 2 Kings 4:42-44, Elijah fed 100 men with some bread and grains; here Jesus feeds 5000- showing Jesus is greater than Elijah! There were 12 baskets leftover (12 tribes of Israel), telling us that God provides in excess! How has God provided for you?
Who do you say Jesus is (v 18b)? His disciples had been with him for a while so they should "know" the answer, but Peter is really the only one to respond "the right way". Jesus then talks about his suffering, death, and resurrection. Imagine what the disciples were thinking that day! Jesus continues by saying that if you want to follow me, you must give up things! Ultimately taking up our cross daily means that we will "die a glorious death with Jesus" daily. Gaining everything (v 25) is trivial in comparison t what we can gain when we follow Christ-- ultimate salvation and eternal life. Some very heavy material for the disciples to hear. They probably didn't get it, many of us don't always get it!
I love the story of the transfiguration! The comfort for me is that the immediate recognition of Elijah and Moses by Peter, James, and John indicates to me that we will be able to immediately recognize others in heaven- no need for name tags! I wonder why Moses and Elijah were the men in the transfiguration- why not Abraham or David or Daniel or Noah? Moses usually is representative of the law, and Elijah is usually representative of the Prophets. Then God's voice from the clouds come and says "This is my son whom I have chosen. Listen to him!" (v 35) Can you imagine what Peter, James, and John must be feeling right now! Do we listen to Jesus as God commanded?
Immediately after coming down from the mountain, they are faced with crowds again and a request from a dad to heal his demon possessed son-- that the disciples could not do! Two things: Ever have those mountaintop experience days and then are immediately thrown into realty? How does that settle with you!? I know when I go to the Catskills, I get those mountaintop experiences, but then face a 2-hour drive home and all those good feelings slowly fade away! In verse 41, we see a side of Jesus we haven't seen before, frustration! Jesus knows his time on earth is drawing to a close and his disciples still don't have enough faith! Do you think Jesus/God gets frustrated at us with our sometimes lack of faith? How can we grow our faith? The demon seemed to be strong in this boy as we hear that the boy was thrown to the ground and Jesus gave a strong command (v 42). The devil often strikes hard the closer someone gets to Jesus- ever feel that way? I know I certainly do! And after all this, he reminds his disciples (vv 44-45) what his mission really is and that Jesus will suffer and die.
The disciples seem to have a childish argument. I remember a conversation similar to this with one of my daughters. She asked, "Dad, who do you love more, me or my sister?" Ever have that conversation with your kids? Maybe Peter, James, and John thought they were more loved because they went to the mountaintop with Jesus; maybe the other guys were jealous! Jesus turns the tables and says this little child is the greatest. How do you think that made the disciples feel? Is tat the answer they wanted? Does Jesus always give us the answers we want?
"If you aren't for us, you're against us" is a great sub-title for the next section. John seems upset that someone else is doing ministry that isn't part of their group and Jesus basically says, let him if he is doing ministry in the name of God. Do we get like that sometimes? Look at what tat church is doing? How can they be doing that?
Jesus' mercy can be seen in the next section (I don't know if I have ever read or heard this one!). The town (they were Samaritans, usually don't have good relationship with Jews) rejected Jesus and the disciples wanted to destroy the town with fire from heaven (v 54). Jesus' response (my translation), "Hey guys, just leave them alone!" What can we learn from this small passage? Imagine if humans treated others that way! Just because they are different doesn't mean we have to hurt them!
To end (vv 57- 62), Jesus' commentary is that if you want to follow me, ta must be a priority in your life. You cannot do anything else and be successful at following me. Too many things in our life can cause distractions and we end up getting off the path of following. Jesus needs a full commitment from us. What in your life causes you to be distracted? How easy is it to fall off the path?
Today is a great day to stay inside and read! Have a blessed day!
Pastor Paul